The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 900

Chu fancai didn\'t bother to argue with them, and he was really hungry. Smelling it, he found the restaurant and found that Tang qiner was the only one sitting there eating. It can be seen that wu long worked hard for this breakfast. There were a variety of delicious food on the table.

"Grandma, why don\'t you sleep a little longer?" Chu fan sat directly opposite Tang qin\'er, stretched out his hand and grabbed the miscellaneous grain flour steamed bread.

Tang qiner stretched out his chopsticks, knocked on the back of his hand, frowned and said, "have you washed your hands?"

"Go now!" Chu fan immediately stood up with a smile as soon as he sat down, and went outside to wash his face.

Last night, Ziyan went to sleep in his room. It must not be hidden from the wise old lady. To tell the truth, Chu fan was really guilty in front of her, but fortunately, Tang qiner just stared at him and didn\'t give him a look.

This is a good sign!

After washing, Chu fan returned to the table, reached for a steamed bun, sat down on the bench and asked casually, "where\'s Feifei? Haven\'t you got up yet?"

"Feifei was in her parents\' room last night. The three of them talked all night." Tang qiner glanced at Chu fan, "Xiao Fan, thank you!"

"Hey, it\'s all a family. Thank you." Chu fan belongs to the one who gives some sunshine. Seeing Tang qiner\'s mood is very good, he quickly raised his ass and sat next to her, whispering, "grandma, you help me advise. Do you think I\'m the leader or not?"

"Do you really want my advice?"

"Of course, you eat more salt than I do. You must be right to listen to your advice."

Tang qiner shook his head and said, "I can only tell you my idea, but I can\'t guarantee whether it\'s right or wrong. You have to judge it yourself."

"I know that, grandma," you said


Tang qin\'er sighed and said, "if my mother hadn\'t eloped with others, there wouldn\'t have been these things later. Of course, we can\'t say that my mother was wrong. After all, everyone has the right to pursue their own happiness. But at that time, she did make a big mistake."

"But from my personal point of view, they are right. When I was young, I even wanted to avenge them and kill all the people who killed my parents. I didn\'t expect that it would involve my daughter and son-in-law."

Tang qiner glanced at Chu fan and said, "if it weren\'t for you, Feifei might not be able to escape bad luck. This is life. Our mother and daughter have been going around for decades. Finally, we still have to marry to your Chu family and become your Chu family\'s daughter-in-law. This is the cycle of cause and effect!"

"So, my suggestion is that if it\'s yours, no one can take it away; if it\'s not yours, you can\'t take it if you want. Let it be!"

Chu fan frowned: "then the hatred of your parents, your daughter and son-in-law is so settled?"

"The dead are gone, and the living are reborn. What\'s not satisfied?" Tang qiner pointed to the food on the table and said earnestly, "you can\'t be too greedy."

"Cough!" Chu fan gave a dry cough and hurriedly put a corn cake in Tang qiner\'s mouth. "Grandma, try this. It tastes very good. You can\'t eat it outside."

"I\'m full. Take your time." Tang qiner glanced at him, got up and went out.

The old lady didn\'t forget to knock before she left. Didn\'t I just sleep with Ziyan and do nothing else? Why are you greedy? However, what she said does have some truth. She has enough mess outside. If she takes over the mess in miaojiang, she won\'t have to kill her brother?

But is it too irresponsible to just walk away?

Just as he had just picked up the soup bowl and had a drink, two people suddenly appeared in front of him, which scared him to spray out a mouthful of soup. He coughed and said, "first wife, why are you here?"

"Wow! Brother fan, you know I\'m coming, and you specially prepared so many delicious food for me?" Song Wen sat down, grabbed the corn cake and ate it. Her stomach is connected to a bottomless pit, and she doesn\'t feel full after eating eight meals a day.

No wonder the chest is so big that it can eat too much!

Su Yuan took out a paper towel, handed it to Chu fan and said faintly, "why, can\'t I come?"

"I don\'t mean that, I mean..."

"Well, I\'m worried about you." Su Yuan sat down next to me and said, "Grandpa called me last night. I said you were in miaojiang, so he had to come. I thought, I\'d better let you know about it first. You see, do you want the old man to come?"

Chu fan wiped the corners of his mouth, pondered for a moment, shook his head and said, "don\'t let him come here first. When I handle the things here, I\'ll go back and explain them to him in detail."

"I think you\'d better go back and tell the old man about things here first. Otherwise, he must die in a hurry at home."

Chu fan was helpless at the thought of Grandpa\'s violent temper. He knew he wouldn\'t call him. But in that case, who did not ask him? Forget it, just go back. If you make it clear, it won\'t worry him.

"Well, I\'ll go back now. Will you stay here and wait for me or go back with me?" Chu fan stood up and asked.

Suyuan also stood up and said, "I won\'t go back with you. Wenwen said, Feifei\'s parents have found it? I just went to visit. There is a little girl named Ziyan. Don\'t you please come out and let me see?"

"Cough, well, wait until I come back. I\'ll go first." Chu Fan said, pulling up Song Wen who ate happily, and both disappeared in her dissatisfaction and protest.

Chu family, old man chuyang is walking back and forth in the living room. Sitting on the sofa next to song Qinghe, he couldn\'t help but advise: "Grandpa, don\'t turn around. Sister Su Yuan has gone to find the heartless one. Anyway, they will definitely come back. Just wait patiently for the news."

"I know, but I can\'t calm down." Chu Yang paused for a moment and turned to go on. But just then, Chu fan came back.

"I\'m so tired." Song Wen complained loudly. Seeing song Qinghe, she said excitedly, "sister Qinghe, I have delicious food here. Would you like to try it? It\'s brought back by Miao Jiang. We can\'t buy it here."

Song Qinghe hurriedly stood up without waiting to ask. Chu Yang had caught Chu fan and hurriedly said, "you smelly boy, how did you run to Miao Jiang? Tell me, how did you know your grandfather\'s name?"

"Grandpa, do you know grandpa\'s life experience?" Chu fan asked.

Chu Yang was stunned and said, "well, your great grandfather really didn\'t say it. I only know that my hometown is miaojiang, and I don\'t know anything else."

"Did grandpa leave any photos or portraits?"

Chu Yang just took Chu fan to sit down. When he heard what he said, he immediately stood up and said in surprise, "I forgot if you didn\'t say it. Your great grandfather really left a picture of a young woman in Miao clothes. I\'ll find it for you now."

On the other side, Song Wen has chewed a corn flour cake. There are two coarse grain buns in the fruit plate on the tea table. She didn\'t forget to bring some when she left. Although it\'s not worth a few money, it\'s much more precious in her eyes than steamed stuffed buns and dumplings.

There\'s nowhere to buy money!

Song Qinghe came to Chu fan and asked in a low voice, "what happened? Grandpa called me up in the middle of the night and asked me to contact you. I couldn\'t get through to you, so I had to call sister Su Yuan. She contacted Wen Wen and found you."

"Don\'t mention it!" Chu fan sat down, drank a large glass of water first, and simply said his experience in Miao Jiang. Don\'t say he doesn\'t believe it. Even song Qinghe feels incredible. Someone can predict that Chu fan will be king of Miao decades ago? And left a picture of him.

This is too mysterious! If she heard this from other people, she wouldn\'t believe it. However, seeing Chu fan\'s various magical abilities, she was not surprised at this great prophecy.

"Then what are you going to do?" Song Qinghe asked excitedly, "stay in miaojiang and be the king of miaojiang? Or put oil on the soles of your feet and walk away?"

"I don\'t know. Come back and discuss with grandpa and listen to his opinions."

Just then, Chu Yang hurried down the stairs excitedly. Behind him, there was a charming middle-aged woman. She was wearing a white coat and a white nurse\'s hat on her head.

"Sir, please slow down." the middle-aged woman chased after her and didn\'t forget to give her an advice.

Chu Yang didn\'t seem to hear it. He held a long wooden box under his armpit and a photo album in his arms. He excitedly came to Chu fan: "come and have a look. This is what your grandfather left."

Chu fan didn\'t hurry to see the portrait in the box, but looked at the middle-aged woman with great interest and said with a smile, "Grandpa, who is this aunt?"

"Smelly boy, what do you think?" Chu Yang glared at him and didn\'t have a good way. "Jinqiu is the nurse I invited."

"Hello, my name is Shangguan Jinqiu, the nurse of old Chu." the middle-aged woman came over, took out a certificate and handed it to Chu fan, "this is my nurse certificate. You can also call old Li to verify it."

Chu Fanzhen was startled by her certificate. Good guy, she still has a military position. Her position is not low. She even reached the rank of lieutenant colonel. Although it\'s just a medical staff weaving, it\'s also a soldier of zhengbajing.

Looking at the resume behind her, there are only two people who have cared for her, but one of them is the current No. 1 chief Li Lao, and the other is Xia Lao, who has died for many years, that is, Xia Yanran\'s grandfather.

But what Chu fan doesn\'t understand is how can she come to Chongqing to be a nurse for his grandfather chuyang? You know, chuyang is no longer a soldier and is not qualified to enjoy her level of professional care.