The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 898

In the room, Tang Lian woke up first. As soon as she moved, she heard the sound of water. At this time, she found that she was sitting in a big bath bucket filled with clean water, and the water was still warm.

It\'s not a dream. It\'s true.

Tang Lian was ecstatic and stretched out her hands. Not only did the iron chain disappear, but also the calluses on her wrists were gone. Her skin was smooth, white and tender, as if she had returned to twenty years ago.

Isn\'t this still a dream?

"Feifei! Niang!" Tang Lian subconsciously shouted, but then she was startled by her voice and touched her throat. The tingling dryness disappeared and her chest was not stuffy.

It\'s a dream. It must be a dream. Hehe, the dream is quite true. How good would it be if the dream could go on and never wake up?

"A Lian... A Lian..." a murmur like a dream attracted Tang Lian\'s eyes. At this time, she found that there was a bath bucket behind her. A man who haunted her, like her, sat in the bath bucket and fell asleep.

Tang Lian\'s tears immediately came down. She dreamed of a man countless times, but today is the most real. He was as outstanding as twenty years ago. Tang Lian stretched out her hand to touch his face, but she dared not touch him, for fear that he would disappear as soon as she touched him.

"Brother Yu, brother Yu!"

In Tang Lian\'s excited whisper, Song Yu slowly opened his eyes. When he saw the woman who had been suffering for more than 20 years, he stood up and wanted to cross the bath bucket. However, because he was too anxious, he fell to the ground and even knocked over the bath bucket.

"Ah Lian, is it really you?" Song Yu came forward excitedly and hugged Tang Lian tightly. The temperature on her body and the smooth and tender skin within reach gave him a kind of unreal feeling.

"I\'m not dreaming, am I? Lian, pinch me."

As soon as Song Yu\'s voice fell, Tang Lian took the initiative to kiss him on his lips, stroked his cheek, and asked in a trembling voice, "brother Yu, I hurt you. Do you hate me?"

"Nonsense, we are husband and wife, so we should share weal and woe." Song Yu held her hand tightly for fear that she would disappear. He looked at her without blinking and said, "for you, even if I die, I will never regret. Ah Lian, I love you!"

"Brother Yu!"

Moved to tears, Tang Lian, like twenty years ago, took the initiative to kiss his lips. Two couples in their forties, like newlyweds separated for a few days, couldn\'t wait to roll to bed.

When it was over, they lay side by side in bed, listening to each other\'s breathing, and their hands were still tightly held.

At this moment, they still have an unreal feeling. Which is the dream now or in the past?

"Benedictine Benedictine!"

Tang Feifei knocked at the door: "Dad, mom, are you awake? I sent you some food. Is it convenient to go in?"

"Wait... Wait a minute!" Tang Lian sat up in panic and looked around. She found two sets of clothes on the table beside the bed. She quickly grabbed the clothes, handed the men\'s money to Song Yu, and quickly put the women\'s money on her body.

Tang Feifei pushed the door and entered. Facing her parents who were not well dressed, she was not shy at all. She naturally put down the tray. She used to help her mother fix the hook of the bra, help her zip up the back of the dress, and take a rubber band from her hair. She helped her tie up her scattered hair in a bun and tie it behind her head with a rubber band.

Although she is wearing Tang Feifei\'s clothes, her mother and daughter are about the same height, even the cup is almost the same, so she fits very well. If the bun at the back of her head didn\'t make her look more mature, it was believed that she was Tang Feifei\'s sister.

Tang Feifei didn\'t speak. After finishing her mother\'s clothes, she turned around and helped her father fasten his shirt buttons. She squatted down and tidy up his trouser legs. Even the zipper in front of him helped him pull up without any pinch or embarrassment.

Later, she picked up the suit on one side. Song Yu was flattered. He quickly stretched out his hand and put on the suit at the mercy of his daughter. The couple didn\'t speak, but their eyes kept falling on Tang Feifei. No one was willing to move away, for fear that she would disappear in the blink of an eye.

After helping her parents put on their shoes, Tang Feifei stepped back two steps, opened her arms, smiled in tears and said, "Dad, mom, I\'ll take you home."

Tang Lian couldn\'t help it anymore. She cried and hugged her daughter. Song Yu was still a little nervous. But under Tang Feifei\'s gaze, his eyes were wet. She opened her arms and hugged the two most important women in her life.

The man who was thrown into the snake cave without a drop of tears cried like a child at this moment.

It\'s not a dream. It\'s all true.

Finally free!

They were free, but someone fell into the pit.

Chu fan lay in bed, tossing and turning, and couldn\'t sleep. He couldn\'t understand why he became king Miao in a muddle? What a coincidence. But the facts are all there. He can\'t even rely on it, because in his bones, there is also the blood of Miao people.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open with a squeak. Chu fan suddenly sat up and whispered, "who?"

"Ah!" it was a girl who came in, as if she was startled and exclaimed.

Chu fan heard it and saw it clearly. He secretly touched the girl who slipped into his room. It was Ziyan. Suddenly, he was a little helpless: "Ziyan, why did you come to me if you don\'t sleep?"

Ziyan was a little nervous. He held his clothes in his hands and said, "Avatar, i... I\'m afraid alone."

Indeed, let her be a girl and rest in this strange environment. How can she sleep? Especially after so many events today, she has been strong after so long.

Chu fan sighed and waved to her, "come here!"

Ziyan was overjoyed and hurried over, but she didn\'t have Chu fan\'s eyesight. She tripped over the stool and fell down with a cry of surprise. Seeing that she was about to make close contact with the ground, a strong arm suddenly hugged her and she stopped.

"Be careful, as for that hurry?" Chu fan joked.

Ziyan blushed like blood, lowered his head and didn\'t dare to see Chu fan. He whispered, "brother avatar, can you... Can you let me go?"

"Ah? Oh!" Chu fan quickly helped Ziyan up, retracted his hand like an electric shock, and said with a dry smile, "I\'m sorry, I really didn\'t mean it."

It was as if my friend had deliberately touched her chest. But she\'s going to lie on the ground. If I don\'t hold her like this, should I watch her fall?

"Avatar, you don\'t have to say sorry. No matter what you do to me, you should. I like it all!" Ziyan said, hurriedly jumped into bed, grabbed the quilt to cover himself, and turned his back to Chu fan, as if he didn\'t dare to see anyone.

It\'s really hard for her to be a big girl and say such shameful words. However, in her heart, she has regarded Chu fan as her man. Since she is a man, don\'t touch it twice. Even if she does something else, she is willing to do it.

Besides, she\'s ready to come to Chu fan\'s room so late.

If at ordinary times, Chu fan may really can\'t help it, but he\'s full of messy things now. How can he still be in the mood to have sex with her?

Seeing Ziyan lying down in bed, Chu fan simply sat on the ground and took a cigarette, but he didn\'t light it. To tell the truth, he has no interest in this king of Miao, but who makes him a descendant of the king of Miao? Even the great wizard predicted that he was the future king of Miao. Is there any delay in this matter?

He can take people away, but in that case, he can\'t cross the barrier in his heart. After all, he is indeed a descendant of the Miao king. He has the responsibility to let the people in Miao live a happy life.

But how?

"Avatar, why don\'t you go to bed?" Ziyan sat up and saw Chu fan with a cigarette in his mouth. He immediately took out a sickle and lit it and sent it to him. "Smoke, I don\'t mind."

Chu fan was not polite. He lit the cigarette, took a deep breath, slowly spit out the green smoke, and asked, "Ziyan, is the king of Miao really so important to you?"

Ziyan simply got out of bed, sat side by side with Chu fan and said, "of course, the Miao king is important. He is the leader of our Miao region, just like a parent. According to his father, when the old Miao king was still alive, the people in Miao region were very rich. The stockaded villages were like brothers, humble and helpful to each other."

"But since the death of the Miao king, the big and small affairs of Miao Jiang have been handed over to the big wizard and several elders, but the big wizard is arrogant and domineering because of his special status, and becomes more and more cruel and inhumane because he keeps ghost Jiao. How can Miao Jiang still be as friendly as before under his leadership?"

Ziyan said, "take yingyue stronghold as an example. Because of a good field, we have fought with the nearby Lianhua stronghold for decades, and more than a dozen people have died. If there is king Miao, he will preside over justice and solve the matter peacefully, rather than let the two strongholds fight."

No wonder they tried to be the king of the Miao by themselves. The situation was so tense.

"Is there such bloodshed in other strongholds?"

"Yes, and there are not a few." Ziyan said firmly. "As far as I know, almost every year, people bleed and get hurt because of disputes between the stockaded villages, and some even get killed alive."

"In addition, the medical conditions in miaojiang are not good, especially when pregnant women have children. Once it is difficult to give birth, not only the children can\'t be saved, but also the lives of adults can\'t be guaranteed. Less than one tenth of twins like my sister and I can survive, and half of them can\'t even survive."

Speaking of this, Ziyan held Chu fan\'s hand, looked at Chu fan with tears in his eyes, and choked: "brother avatar, you just stay. The people in miaojiang really need you."

Chu fan wiped the tears from her face, looked at her seriously and said, "if I stay, the woman who will become the queen will be Tang Feifei; if I leave Miao Jiang, I will take you with me."

"You choose whether to let me stay or let me take you away?"

PS: Thank you for the red envelope reward of "17k book friend 38n4vbsd"!