The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 897

"Avango, as like as two peas in this portrait," said purple smoke excitedly, "look, the style of the clothes he wears is exactly the same as the one on you, as if it were painted in your way."

"How could this be possible?" Chu fan still couldn\'t figure out who had such a great skill. He drew his own appearance and sealed it in a box decades ago. How did he know? Is there really any big prophecy?

Wu Long picked up the wooden box on the ground, took out a yellow cloth from it and handed it to Chu fan respectfully: "leader, here is a letter left by the great wizard. Please have a look."

"Letter?" Chu fan hurriedly grabbed the cloth and silk, and saw that it had written some small block letters with vermilion. The handwriting was very delicate, as if it was made by a woman. Chu fan asked casually, "is the great wizard male or female?"

"Male." Wu Long answered without thinking about it, but the words came out and he hurriedly said, "female, female."

Chu fan stared: "is it a man or a woman?"

"Female." Wu Long\'s forehead was sweating. "The great wizards you threw into the snake cave are men. The last generation of great wizards are women. They are mother and son."

"The profession of the great wizard is still hereditary?" Chu fan shook his head. No wonder the great wizard will be arrogant, domineering and lawless. It turned out to be a second generation of officials. I don\'t know. Did his dead mother calculate that her only son was thrown into the snake cave by me to feed the snake?

Chu fan then set his eyes on the handwriting. After reading the words above, his face became more and more strange. He admired the great wizard he had never met. He was too accurate.

What is written on the cloth and silk is in classical Chinese, but Chu fan can still understand it in combination with himself. To sum up, there are four things: Chu fan saved four girls in yingyue lake, and one of the twin sisters is his wife; Cut off the chains of the imprisoned saint with the holy sword; When he went down to the snake cave, he carried out a miserable man with broken legs; Broke her son\'s leg and threw him into the snake cave.

Chu fan began to doubt that the portrait and cloth and silk were made by Wu Long, but the cloth and silk turned yellow. It was obvious that they had been written for some years, and the handwriting didn\'t seem to be new. But Chu fan couldn\'t figure it out. Could the great wizard see what happened decades later through prophecy?

In order to determine the authenticity, he opened the recall ability of the perspective eye and didn\'t want to let him see it. It was a woman wearing a black robe and a black veil on her face. She sat on the ground, dipped a brush in cinnabar, sat at her desk and wrote small words on a snow-white cloth.

She seemed to feel that Chu fan was looking at him. She turned back and looked at him, untied her veil and showed her true face. She smiled at Chu fan, who didn\'t exist at all. She was really a beautiful woman. She smiled and loved her country and city.

Chu fan\'s breathing was urgent. This woman was so powerful, but how did she know I would look at her with the pupil of time? Weird, weird.

"Wu long, do you have a portrait of a great wizard?"

"Yes, yes!" wu long promised and ordered people to bring the portrait of the great wizard quickly.

Before long, someone ran over with a scroll and handed it to the patriarch. Wu Long quickly untied the ribbon on the scroll, respectfully handed it to Chu fan and said, "this portrait was drawn by the great wizard himself against the mirror and has been placed on the altar in the temple."

"Open it!"


As like as two peas exactly alike, Wu Long saw the scroll again, and Chu fan looked at her again. The characters in the picture were exactly the same as the women she saw. Black clothes and black gauze, though she could not see her face, Chu fan remembered her eyes and the eyes of the woman she saw with the pupil of time. It seems to say that you can\'t escape. God is destined to let you be the king of Miao and the leader of the sect. It\'s no use for you to escape... Hum, who asked you to kill my son? This is retribution!

Chu fan wants to cry without tears. There are so many people in the world. Why did you choose me?

Looking at the dark crowd opposite, the older teeth of them were about to fall out, and the younger ones were still sucking in their mother\'s arms, but even so, no one spoke out and looked at Chu fan with reverent and fanatical eyes.

They waited too long for this day. The religious leader is the God in the eyes of the Miao people, who can bring them plenty of food and clothing, happiness and health. Especially when Chu fan arrived, he eradicated the perverse and cold-blooded great wizard, killed the human eating two winged ghost Jiao, and eliminated a great harm for Miao Jiang. Who is not happy that Chu fan has made such a great contribution? Who doesn\'t want to support him as the leader?

"Please bring out the holy sword," Wu Long saluted respectfully.

Are there any other options? But Chu fan always has the feeling of catching up with ducks on the shelf. Do I have to be the leader of the church according to the prophecy of the great wizard? If I don\'t do it, I\'ll go right away. Who can stop me?

But in the face of so many expectant eyes, Chu fanleng was unable to say no. he sighed helplessly. As soon as Chu fan waved his hand, the dragon soul sword suddenly rose into the sky, rotating rapidly in the air for a few weeks like a golden dragon, and stopped quietly on Chu fan\'s head.

"See the leader!"

More than two thousand people in the opposite suddenly knelt down and cried. Several old people were so excited that they took Chu fan by surprise and hurriedly called the people up. Isn\'t this my birthday?

Finally, Wu Long persuaded all the people to stand up. When Chu fan was wondering how to explain, Wu Long said excitedly, "master, please tell us a few words."

"OK, I\'ll just say a few words."

Chu fan jumped onto the dragon soul sword and made himself stand higher, but his move immediately made people more excited. Many people knelt down again and worshipped.

After a while, Chu fan finally calmed down again. He sincerely said, "thank you for your love for me, but I really can\'t be your leader. My home is outside. Like you, I have parents, relatives, friends, wife and children..."

"Sect leader!" Wu Long took the lead in kneeling down and sobbed, "sect leader, you can\'t go. If you go, our Miao area will become a plate of loose sand again. There will be endless fighting among the strongholds, and many innocent people will die every year. Can you bear to watch our brothers kill each other?"

"Master, we\'ve been waiting for you for decades. Now you\'re finally back. You can\'t leave us alone."

"Master, miaojiang is your home. Your roots are here."

The elder excitedly presented a book with a dark red cover and said, "listen to Wu Long, your name is Chu fan, and the Chu surname is the royal family in Miao. This is the genealogy that the previous leader asked me to keep. Please have a look."

Shit, it\'s getting more and more suspense. Why are you still a king, man?

Chu fan quickly took the book, opened it and looked at it. To be exact, this is a genealogy of the Chu family. Every 50 years, there will be a leader. Chu fan roughly calculated that this genealogy has been handed down for more than 1300 years since the day when the moon worship religion was founded.

Chu fan in front just glanced at it roughly and turned it directly to the end. The next page recorded that the leader of the sect, Chu Tianshu, should be about 100 years old.

"Chu Tianshu, why don\'t you have children?" Chu fan asked, pointing to the name of Chu Tianshu.

The elder smiled bitterly and said, "in those years, if the saint hadn\'t betrayed and fled from Miao, she would be Chu Tianshu\'s wife. Because of this, it was a great blow to Chu Tianshu, and he himself was weak and soon fell ill. But even if he took a wife in order to delay his offspring, he couldn\'t leave any offspring."

Chu fan calculates that the defected saint is Tang qiner\'s mother. Tang qiner is more than 70 years old this year. It\'s normal that her mother should be about 90 years old, ten or eight years different from Chu Tianshu.

But just because my brother\'s surname is Chu, he is the descendant of King Miao?

Although Chu fan didn\'t say it, the elder saw his mind, stretched out his hand, clicked on the genealogy, and said, "Chu Tianshu also has a younger brother who left miaojiang because of the saint, and his whereabouts are still unknown."


Chu fan quickly stared. Sure enough, there was another person\'s name Chu Yuheng next to Chu Tianshu.

Who is Chu Yuheng? No, it\'s just

"You... You wait first, i... I\'ll call to ask." Chu fan doesn\'t speak quickly. He feels a military satellite phone from Najie and calls his grandfather Chu Yang.

Although it\'s already midnight, Chu fan can\'t calm down for a moment without asking about such a big thing.

The phone rang a few times and finally answered. It was a woman\'s voice: "Hello, who are you?"

"Who are you?" Chu fan was stunned and looked at the number carefully. Yes, it was the phone number left by grandpa, but how could a woman answer the phone in the middle of the night?

"I\'m Chu fan. Where\'s my grandfather?"

"Ah!" the woman exclaimed on the phone and hurriedly said, "yes... It\'s Chu Shao. I... I\'m the old man\'s... Nurse... The old man woke up. I\'ll call him now."

Soon, Chu Yang\'s old voice came out on the phone: "is it Xiao Fan? What\'s the matter with calling so late?"

"Grandpa, what\'s my grandpa\'s name?"

Chu Yang said curiously, "why did you suddenly think of asking this?"

Chu Fan said anxiously, "tell me first, isn\'t grandpa Chu Yuheng?"

"How do you know?" Chu Yang was surprised and asked, "even your father doesn\'t know about it. Who did you listen to?"

It\'s over. It\'s true. I\'m really a descendant of King Miao. But what a coincidence!

When Chu Yang asked for the third time, Chu fan took a deep breath and said, "Grandpa, don\'t ask. I\'ll explain to you slowly when I go back and go to bed early."

The phone was hung up. Chuyang was so angry that he almost smashed his mobile phone. You little bastard woke me up in the middle of the night and said half of what you said. Did you let me go to bed early? I sleep on your grandmother\'s legs