The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 896


Song Wen finally arrived with Tang qiner.

"I\'m so tired. It\'s so hard to find this place. I almost ran abroad." Song Wen took a big leaf and fanned it in her chest like a fan. She also deliberately pulled open her skirt. It seems that the cool wind can better blow in and make herself cooler.

In this regard, Chu fan just thought he didn\'t see it, but the army broke up with a smile. He just wanted to look at it, but his foot was severely stepped on. It hurt so much that he jumped with his feet in his arms and tears were coming down.

Why are girls so violent now? It\'s me. I\'m breaking the army.

"Don\'t think you\'re a black dragon, I won\'t step on you. Believe it or not, I\'ll call your sister crape myrtle?" Song Wen forked her waist and stared fiercely at the army, with a posture of scolding him for 3000 rounds.

In this regard, the broken army hid behind Chu fan. Good men don\'t fight with women, especially a little girl like her. However, it\'s better to stay away.

"Lian\'er!" Tang qiner\'s voice trembled, and her tears spilled out of her eyes, blurring her vision. She stretched out her hands and wanted to touch her daughter, but she was afraid of meeting the mirror and water moon, and disappeared at the touch.

"Mom!" Tang Lian let out a heart rending cry, suddenly stepped forward two steps, flopped down on her knees, hugged her thigh and cried bitterly.

Tang Lian is even more tearful. She squats down and picks up her daughter. The mother and daughter hug their heads and cry bitterly, which makes everyone present sad.

On the other side, Tang Feifei finally stopped crying and reached out to unlock the black cloth on Song Yu\'s face, but he struggled to avoid it and shouted, "don\'t touch me. I\'m poisonous. If I touch you, I\'ll be poisoned."

"But you are my father," cried Tang Feifei. "You let me see you. I want to know what you look like. Even if you become ugly, I won\'t dislike you. Because you are my father."

Song Yu couldn\'t help choking: "I\'m satisfied to see your mother and daughter alive. Good daughter, take good care of your mother for me. You want to know what your father looks like and ask your mother to draw for you. She must remember what I looked like when I was young. My father was much more handsome than your boyfriend at that time."

"Wipe, believe it or not, I\'ll throw you back?" Chu fan couldn\'t help rolling his eyes. "Do you chat like this? No wonder you don\'t even have a friend."

Song Yu didn\'t care, but Tang Feifei was worried. He glared at Chu fan, pouted and said, "my father is more handsome than you."

"Yes, uncle is much more handsome than me, all right?" Chu fan is completely speechless. She married her daughter-in-law and forgot her mother. She\'s good. With her father, she doesn\'t even want a man.

At this time, Tang qiner\'s mother and daughter finally stopped crying, turned around, came to Tang Feifei, looked at Song Yu on the ground, lost her legs and covered with black cloth on her face. You don\'t have to ask about his appearance. His face must have been destroyed.

"Yu\'er, don\'t you have anything to say when you see me?" Tang qin\'er asked in a trembling voice.

"Mom, you\'ve suffered for so many years." Song Yu struggled to get up and knocked Tang qiner\'s head three times, and his forehead was bleeding. Before Tang qiner reached out for help, he immediately moved back and rubbed a few steps, "don\'t touch me. I\'m poisonous. I\'ll poison you, too."

Tang qiner hurriedly said, "it\'s all right. Feifei\'s son-in-law is very capable. He will certainly make you better. Don\'t think too much."

"No," Song Yu said with a bitter smile, "Mom, I can\'t be filial in front of you in my life. If I have the next life, I\'ll still be your son-in-law. Ah Lian and Feifei, please."

With that, he didn\'t give people a chance to respond, so he turned and rushed to the cave entrance of the snake cave. This move frightened Tang Feifei. Tang Lian immediately blacked out and fainted. Thanks to Ziyan, she held her in time and didn\'t fall down.

Tang qiner stepped forward with an arrow, but she was still slow. She saw that Song Yu was about to fall. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew. Song Yu had been knocked unconscious by Chu fan and placed on the other side of the cave.

Seeing here, Tang qiner and Tang Feifei were relieved.

"Chu fan, the poison on him..." Tang qin\'er asked nervously. If Song Yu can\'t recover completely, he will still have the idea of dying. In that case, even if Tang Lian saves her, she will die depressed.

Tang Feifei even more nervously grabbed Chu fan\'s arm. At the thought of her father who had just met, she wanted to commit suicide in order not to let her see his ugly side, so her tears couldn\'t stop flowing down.


"Don\'t worry, his poison is not a problem, and it\'s not difficult to restore his appearance, but his legs..." Chu fan looked embarrassed.

Tang qin\'er hurriedly said, "his legs are broken. Naturally, he can\'t recover. It\'s good to let him recover his appearance and relieve the snake venom."

"In fact, I can make his legs grow again, but the price is a little big." Chu fan hugs Tang Feifei\'s waist and laughs, "but who makes him the father of my big star wife? If I don\'t shed some blood, how can I prove my sincerity."

Tang Feifei asked excitedly, "can you really make my father\'s legs grow again? You don\'t mean to make me happy?"

"Can you make fun of this? Don\'t worry. When they wake up, I promise they will feel like a dream." Chu fan patted his chest and made Tang Feifei happy and moved. He couldn\'t help hugging Chu fan and gave him a hot kiss.

"Cough!" the army broke into a cough, interrupted the intimacy between the two men, pointed to the big wizard with a black nose and a swollen face, and said, "what about this old man?"

Chu fan\'s eyes cooled down: "since he likes poisonous snakes, let him be with poisonous snakes, and let him know how my father-in-law came over so many years."

"I see." the breaking army came forward and kicked the great wizard\'s leg, which made him wake up with a sore throat, but then the breaking army kicked again, and the great wizard\'s other leg was broken.

Many times of severe pain made the great wizard faint again, but the army didn\'t bear it at all. He bent down, grabbed the great wizard\'s hair, shook his hand and threw him down from the mouth of the snake cave. As for whether he can survive, it depends on his own nature.

Then, led by Wu Long, the party quickly returned to Fenghuang village and settled Tang Lian and Song Yu at his home. Chu fan was busy in the middle of the night before he finally came out of the room.

"How about my parents..." Tang Feifei asked nervously.

Chu fan wiped the sweat on his forehead and said with relief: "fortunately, they have been all right."

"Thank you, thank you." Tang Feifei sobbed and cried. She was so happy. From now on, she will also have parents.

Chu fan rubbed her head and said with a smile, "silly girl, why are you polite to me? They are your parents, aren\'t they my parents? Unless you don\'t want to marry me."

"Don\'t think about it. I\'ll depend on you in my life." Tang Feifei broke into tears, wiped away her tears, pointed to the room and asked, "I... can I go in and see them?"

"You\'d better not go in first. Later, you prepare two buckets of bath water. When they wake up and take a good bath, everything before will pass."

"Well, I see."

Wu Long came over and said respectfully, "leader, several elders have been waiting for a long time. Look... Do you want to meet them first?"

"Do you have anything to eat?"

"Yes, the food is already ready. I\'ll have it delivered."

"No, I\'ll go with you. By the way, what\'s the matter with your prophecy?"

Tang qiner and others stayed here. Naturally, someone brought food, but Ziyan followed Chu fan. Along the way, she felt more and more that Chu fan was ridiculously strong, and now she became the leader of the church for no reason.

She was more and more excited and nervous. If Chu fan was really the leader, would he stay in miaojiang in the future? Even if he can\'t stay in miaojiang all the time, how can he come several times a year? If all this is true, will he marry me?

Chu fan followed wu long. As soon as he walked out of the door, he was startled by the outside scene. There were too many people. It was dark. It was estimated that the whole Phoenix stronghold came, men, women, young and old, with a total of one or two thousand people.

What are you doing?

"Leader, please show me the dragon soul sword." Wu Long said respectfully.

"Don\'t talk nonsense. First explain the Lao Shizi\'s prophecy clearly. What\'s going on?" Chu fan glared at him and hummed, "if I find you lying to me, I will break your limbs and throw you into the snake cave to feed the snake like a great wizard."

Wu Long was sweating and hurriedly said, "don\'t dare to deceive the leader. This prophecy was left by the great wizard of the previous generation. He gave his life for this prophecy. Before his death, he sealed the prophecy in a box and left a word."

"What do you say?"

"He said: the holy sword is now, the leader stands, the Miao border is prosperous, and the people are blessed." Wu Long took the camphor box from the elder and handed it to Chu fan. "The leader, this is left by the great wizard of the previous generation. No one knows what\'s in it. He left his last words before his death. Only the dragon soul holy sword appears can it be opened."

Chu fan looked at the camphor wood box carefully and found that there was nothing strange about it, not even carved. It was just an ordinary wooden box. However, two seals were pasted on it, which read "the leader personally enlightens".

There won\'t be any mechanism here, will there?

Chu fan didn\'t hurry to open it, but looked at it with perspective eyes. At this look, he was stunned. There was a portrait in it, and the people in the portrait were seven or eight points similar to him.

This... How is this possible?

Chu fan cut the seal with his fingernails, quickly took out the picture scroll inside, and hurriedly said, "come on, help me take it."

Ziyan took the scroll with both hands and unfolded it. When she saw the person in the portrait, she couldn\'t help but scream and shake her hands. The scroll almost fell to the ground.

"Ziyan, is this... The person in this painting me?"