The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 895

"Break the army, take the great wizard and open the way in front of him." Chu fan ordered.

A black dragon suddenly appeared in the dragon soul sword. The black dragon hovered in the air for a few weeks and fell quickly. With a "bang", the sand flew away and rolled up the dust in the sky. When the dust and smoke dispersed, the black dragon disappeared and was replaced by a resolute young man in black.

Black Dragon - break the army!

The dragon clan is the king of monsters. A few poisonous snakes can scare them to death with a cough. How dare you come and provoke them? With him, it\'s more effective than realgar powder.

As for Wu Long, when the cold and fierce eyes of the army came, he was so frightened that he turned around and ran away, leaving wu long alone.

"You have a lot of courage." Wu Long smiled coldly, revealing a pale sharp tooth. "Aren\'t you afraid I\'ll eat you? I\'m much more fierce than that ghost Jiao. It eats people, and I\'m not picky about food."

Wu Long almost cried. If it weren\'t for the cramps in his legs and stomach, do you think I wouldn\'t run?

Chu fan frowned: "stop talking nonsense and go quickly."

"Ha ha ha, I\'m teasing you." the broken army patted wu long on the shoulder, laughed, picked up the big wizard\'s leg and dragged him forward.

There was no obstacle along the way. They soon came to a cave in the center of snake valley. It is said to be a grotto. In fact, it is like a well. It is about two meters in diameter. It is dark. I don\'t know how deep it is. There is a fishy smell in it, just like dead fish and rotten corpses mixed together. That smell makes people want to vomit.

"Is this what you call the snake cave?" Chu fan asked with a frown, covering his mouth and nose.

Wu Long nodded repeatedly: "no, that\'s right. This is the snake cave. Because there are all kinds of poisonous snakes living in it, the great wizard often asks people to throw all kinds of animals or people who make mistakes into it to feed poisonous snakes, so it will have this fishy smell and rotten smell."

"Can people still live here? Fuming has been smoked to death."

Wu Long said anxiously, "really, Song Yu is still alive. People in Fenghuang stronghold can often hear the sound of low musical instruments. Occasionally, a man can also hear poetry and singing. Who else can be here besides Song Yu?"

"Yes... Yes..." Tang Lian anxiously grabbed her daughter Tang Feifei\'s hand and pointed to the cave. She anxiously wanted to express her ideas, but she spoke too hard and could only send out a yes, but Song Yu\'s name could not be said anyway.

"Mom, don\'t worry. I\'ll go down and pick up my father." Tang Feifei wiped the tears on her mother\'s cheeks and was about to go over, but Chu fan stopped her. "You\'d better stay up with your aunt. I\'ll take care of this dirty and tired work."

Tang Feifei hugged Chu fan and kissed him on the cheek: "be careful."

"Don\'t worry, a small snake cave can still embarrass me?" Chu fan turned and waved to the army, "brother, come here."

The army immediately retreated two steps vigilantly: "come on, I won\'t go down."

"I didn\'t let you go down, but I asked you to come and help me see how deep the hole is." Chu fan squatted there and stared again and again, thinking that he would kick him down when the army came.

Hum, being a pet should have pet consciousness.

Chu fan is thinking about it. The army is really coming, but before Chu fan gets up, he kicks him on the ass. Chu fan yells and scolds and plunges his head down.

"Break the army, you bastard black dragon, dare to Yin me. When I go up, I have to take your tendons and peel your skin... Oh, paralyzed, dare to bite my ass?"

The breaking army squatted in front of the snake cave and was as happy as a flower: "man, just the fancy intestines in your stomach, you still want to pit me? Next life... Shit!"

Zheng Mei, who broke the army, was kicked in the ass, and the one who followed him also fell.

Ziyan clapped his hands and hummed, "you are the one in the pit."

"Who, dead girl, wait for me..." the breaking army yelled inside. Ziyan grabbed two stones and threw them down.

I can\'t afford to meet such a tough little girl!

To Chu fan\'s surprise, the bottom of the snake cave is like a big belly bottle. It is very spacious, with a height of five or six meters, but a diameter of more than ten meters. Originally, the bottom was covered with dense poisonous snakes. When Chu fan fell, he was bitten by a poisonous snake on his ass. but after the army broke down, all the poisonous snakes escaped like a frightened bird, and there was no one.

"Ha ha, I knew you wouldn\'t let me take risks alone." Chu fan laughed and hugged the broken army\'s shoulder, but was thrown away by the broken army\'s impolite hand. He didn\'t have a good way, "don\'t be narcissistic. If your woman hadn\'t kicked me, I would come down with you?"

"Deserved it!"

"Shit, believe it or not, I\'ll go up now?"

"Don\'t introduce, I\'m afraid you can do it?" Chu fan hurriedly pulled the broken army and said with a smile, "this place still depends on you. Let\'s go. Our brothers go and return early."

"I\'ve had bad luck in my life to know you." the broken army walked angrily into the cave.

There is also a deep cave on one side of the snake cave. If Song Yu is still alive, he must be deep in the cave. Chu fan did not go far, but he heard the faint sound of a low musical instrument playing an old song - the beauty of spring.

"We are remembering, recalling that winter, revealing the vitality of spring on the top of the mountain in winter. Our story, saying that spring, the good time in spring, remains in our hearts..."

I don\'t know what instrument it is, but the melody is low and sad. People feel sour and want to cry.

Chu fan quickened his pace, followed the sound, and soon came to the end of the cave. He saw a man wearing snake skin and long curly hair covering his face, sitting on a green stone slab, holding a white bone stick in his hand. Like a flute, he was lowering his head and blowing hard.

"Uncle Song Yu!" Chu fan stepped forward excitedly. "I\'ll save you."

"Don\'t come here!" Song Yu suddenly stopped looking, "you recognize the wrong person. I\'m not Song Yu. Song Yu died long ago."

"Who are you?"

"Me? I... I forgot my name myself."

The breaking army suddenly came to Chu fan\'s ear and whispered, "his legs are gone."

Chu fan\'s pupils contract. Song Yu sits there. His body is empty. How can he have legs?

"Uncle, where are your legs?"

"Legs? Long gone." Song Yu slowly turned around, lifted up his long hair covering his face, and revealed an ugly face full of pits and scars, which almost frightened Chu fan.

Song Yu said with self mockery, "is it a shock to you? How can I see people when I look like this? I\'m going to die after all. It\'s better to leave her a perfect image."

Chu fan breathed a sigh of relief: "uncle, just because of this little thing, you even lost your wife and daughter?"

"Daughter? You said I... I have a daughter?" Song Yu was excited. "What you said is true? I really have a daughter? How old is she? Is she as beautiful as her mother?"

"You want to know? It\'s very simple. Follow me up and you\'ll see her with your own eyes soon."

"No, I can\'t see it. I can\'t let her see me." Song Yu quickly lowered her hair and covered her face.

The broken army said, "that\'s your own daughter. You really don\'t want to see her?"

Song Yu was excited. He wanted to see his daughter, but he was afraid that his appearance would scare her, and he was even more afraid to leave an ugly impression in his daughter\'s heart that could never be erased.

"Uncle, in fact, it\'s very simple. If you cover your face with a piece of cloth, she won\'t see you?" Chu fan offered advice and said with a smile, "when you see your daughter, you\'ll have no regrets even if you die, right?"

"Yes, yes!" Song Yulian hurriedly said, "come on, give me a cloth and send me up to have a look at her."

Chu fan reaches out his hand to tear off a piece of the broken army\'s clothes and makes the broken army jump with heartache. I can\'t buy clothes with money. Why don\'t you tear your own clothes?

Soon, Chu fan helped Song Yu cover his face, carried him behind his back and returned the same way. On the way back, I learned that Song Yu broke his legs when he was thrown down that year.

Then, the broken leg was bitten by a poisonous snake and poisoned. In order to survive, he broke his leg with a stone, opened the way with the broken leg and climbed to the innermost part.

Here is the hotbed of snakes. Snake eggs are everywhere in the cracks of the wall, so he is not short of food; Many of these cracks lead directly to the outside, so the air flow in the cave can be maintained. Although it is still dirty, it can ensure his smooth breathing.

Whenever it rains, rain will flow in from the gap. In order to store water, he dug a shallow pit below, but there are too many poisonous snakes here. The rain caught the snake\'s saliva, so he was poisoned.

At first, pustules grew on his face. After the pustules were broken, the meat on his face also rotted. Finally, although he survived, his face was completely destroyed.

But anyway, he survived. Chu fan admired his tenacious perseverance. Ordinary people would rather commit suicide than live in such a place.

Chu fan knew that Tang Lian was the driving force to support him to live. If Tang Lian was thrown into the snake cave like him, they might have both died and committed suicide.

"Whoosh!" Chu fan ran up from the bottom of the cave with Song Yu on his back. When he saw Song Yu on his back, Tang Lian couldn\'t help jumping over, but before she could get close, she was stopped by the breaking army that followed him.

"Don\'t go over there. He\'s full of poison. He\'ll die if he meets it." the broken army said in a deep voice.

Chu fan put the broken army on the ground, pulled Tang Feifei in front of him and said, "see? This is your daughter. Her name is Tang Feifei and she is my wife. Hey hey, your son-in-law, am I very handsome?"

"Dad!" Tang Feifei flopped and knelt on the ground, crying.

Although she didn\'t know that her father\'s face was destroyed, she could see his legs, no!