The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 894

"What, what?"

Chu fan can\'t believe his ears. The old guy wants to leave his dragon soul sword and let himself roll? Where did he get confidence? With the ghost Jiao behind him?

"Do you want my sword?" Chu fan asked uncertain. Unexpectedly, this sentence angered the great wizard.

"What\'s your sword? It\'s the holy thing of our moon worship cult - the dragon soul holy sword. It\'s an artifact used by our ancestors of the Miao people. Can you touch it?" the great wizard waved impatiently. "For your sake of bringing the holy sword back, I can let you go, but you can\'t take this woman away."

I\'ve seen crazy, but it\'s the first time I\'ve seen crazy like him. The whole mallet!

Chu fan carried the dragon soul sword on his shoulder and glanced at him: "it seems that you imprisoned her here? I don\'t know what mistake she made. Do you want to torture her like this?"

"She is the illegitimate daughter of the holy woman in the church and should be punished like this." the great wizard shouted angrily.

"Oh!" Chu fan pulled Tang Feifei over and said with a smile, "she is Tang Lian\'s illegitimate daughter. Can she be punished here instead of her mother?"

Now, people finally see that this is a young version of Tang Lianna. It\'s so beautiful.

The great wizard was even more excited: "great, the saint finally appeared..."

"Hey, did Tang Lian leave?" Chu fan interrupted the great wizard.

The great wizard smiled darkly and said, "leave? No problem. I will personally send her to her man if he is still alive. Jie!"

Tang Feifei\'s body shook and trembled, "you... You killed him?"

"Kill?" the great wizard shook his head and said with a smile, "I never kill, but that man defiled the saint. According to the religious rules, he had to bear the punishment of ten thousand snakes eating bones. Therefore, I threw him into the snake cave, but he was lucky to survive in the snake cave. I don\'t know whether he is still alive now."

Tang Feifei was so dark that he almost fainted. Snake cave is not a good place to listen to this name. Can people come out alive when they go in?

"Don\'t worry, I\'m here." Chu fan patted Tang Feifei on the shoulder. Tang Feifei immediately leaned against him and sobbed in a low voice. Although she had been prepared before coming, she couldn\'t help crying when she learned the bad news.

Sad for the injustice suffered by their parents and cry for their incomplete life. She wondered why all the unfairness fell on her family. None of the four generations was happy.

Chu fan comforted a few words, his eyes fell on the great wizard and said with a light smile: "I\'m sorry, Feifei is my daughter-in-law, and she has already conceived my child in her stomach. Are you going to send me to some snake cave, too?"

"What?" the big wizard\'s face suddenly became ferocious and terrible, "you... You also defiled the saint?"

"Shit saint, she\'s my wife."

The great wizard roared angrily, "come on, kill him for me. I\'ll feed the poisonous snakes in the snake cave with his blood and flesh. I\'ll let his bones be eaten by the poisonous snakes forever. I\'ll let him live forever."

He shouted for a long time. He was stunned that no one dared to go there. The great wizard looked back and gnashed his teeth and scolded: "he\'s alone, a group of waste. What\'s terrible? Ghost Jiao, kill him for me."

When he got his order, the ghost Jiao roared and fiercely rushed towards Chu fan, but before it came to Chu fan, Chu fan\'s eyes were sharp, and the dragon soul sword in his hand chopped down like lightning.

Ghost Jiao couldn\'t dodge. He was directly split in two by the sword. Before he could even scream, he sprinkled a bloody rain all over the sky and fell down from the air. His intestines and stomach flowed all over the ground. It was really a river of blood.

In addition to being shocked, wu long and others clapped their hands secretly. This vicious ghost Jiao should have been killed long ago. Unfortunately, no one can kill it. Unexpectedly, the evil and invincible ghost Jiao was slaughtered by an outsider. It\'s really gratifying to remove a great harm for Miao Jiang.

The great wizard was stunned. How could it be that such a powerful ghost Jiao was killed by the boy in front of him with a sword? Oh, by the way, it must be because of the dragon soul sword. If I can get the dragon soul sword, I must leave more than him.

"The dragon soul sword is mine, it is mine." the great wizard fanatically stared at the dragon soul sword dripping blood in Chu fan\'s hand, suddenly took a black gourd from his waist and said with a grim smile, "boy, you forced me to die."

With that, the great wizard pulled out the plug on the mouth of the gourd and immediately flew a black cloud from inside. The black cloud sent out a slight buzzing sound like a fly and roared towards Chu fan.

"Be careful, it\'s a heart eating Gu." clan leader Wu Long shouted behind.

Ziyan pushed Chu fan away and said in a loud voice, "brother avatar, run..."

Chu fan was almost pushed and speechless. Is brother so bad? What else can a broken heart devouring Gu do to me? You underestimate my strength.

Seeing that the black cloud was about to devour the purple smoke, Chu fan bent his fingers and popped up a flame. The flame fell in the middle of the black cloud as if it had ignited gasoline. It soared, quickly turned into a big fireball and swallowed the whole black cloud.

What makes people feel incredible is that the fireball is white. Instead of feeling hot, it gives people a cold feeling, especially the purple smoke. Almost all her hair touched the fire, but she was stunned to make her shiver.

"Great wizard, do you really want my sword? OK, I\'ll help you." Chu fan threw the dragon soul sword in front of the great wizard. The original dull great wizard was immediately excited. He grabbed the dragon soul sword and laughed wildly, almost crying.

"Dragon soul sword, I finally found you. You are mine. Ha ha... Ah!" the dragon soul sword he held in his hand suddenly trembled violently. The great wizard was afraid of it running away and held it in his arms with both hands, but he didn\'t want the dragon soul sword to fly, and the great wizard flew out with it, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"See the leader!" Wu Long suddenly knelt down on one knee.

Before Chu fan calmed down, several people behind him quickly knelt down on one knee and shouted in unison: "see the leader."

"Wait!" Chu fan quickly waved his hand, "what do you mean? I\'m not your leader."

Wu Long said excitedly, "the dragon soul sword is the holy thing of the moon worship sect. The person it chooses is not only the leader of our moon worship sect, but also our Miao king."

Just because of a sword, I became the leader of the sect and the king of Miao? That\'s far fetched.

Before wu long could speak again, Chu fan waved his hand and interrupted: "stop, I said for the last time, I\'m not your leader or the king of Miao. I came to Miao Jiang to save my mother-in-law. I\'ll leave immediately after saving people."

Speaking of this, Chu fan\'s eyes were fierce: "who dares to stop, ghost Jiao is his example. Get out of the way!"

"Leader, listen to me. If I\'m finished and you want to go, I won\'t stop." wu long stood up quickly and ordered anxiously, "hurry, please invite some elders and ask the elder to bring the collected prophecy treasure box."

"Yes!" a young man ran out quickly.

Seeing that Chu fan was impatient, wu long had an idea and hurriedly said, "master, in fact, Song Yu is still alive."

"Song Yu?" Chu fan didn\'t slow down for a moment. "Who is Song Yu?"

Tang Feifei quickly wiped away her tears and said, "Song Yu is my father. You say... He\'s still alive? But just now the great wizard said he had..."

"Yes, Song Yu was indeed thrown into the snake cave, but he survived." Wu Longlian hurriedly said, "well, I\'ll take you there now. With the power of the leader, I will be able to save Song Yu from the snake cave."

"Lead the way!"

Tang Feifei held her mother, but Tang Lian\'s feet were deformed and her walking was very unstable. Chu fan simply bent down and carried her out of the temple where she had been imprisoned for more than 20 years.

Fortunately, it was late at this time, otherwise, she would not be able to adapt to the strong light outside.

The party walked very fast, but it took more than half an hour to reach a valley in the back mountain.

"Leader, this is snake valley. There are all kinds of poisonous snakes living in it. Few people can go in except the great wizard. It was he who strongly advocated throwing Song Yu into the snake cave." Wu Long said quickly.

Chu fan snorted coldly, "the great wizard is the mastermind, and you are the accomplices. If my father-in-law is still alive, everything is easy to say, otherwise, I\'ll throw you all in and bury him."

What else can Wu long do except smile bitterly?

Yes, it was really advocated by the great wizard, but none of them objected. But who would have thought that Song Yu would have such a strong son-in-law 20 years later?

Alas, the cycle of justice, retribution!

"Leader, this is realgar, which can drive away snakes." Wu Long took out a bag of light yellow powder and told, "you follow me closely. Don\'t stay."

With that, he picked up a long branch, wrapped the cloth wrapped with realgar powder around the tip of the branch, and then went into snake valley with courage.

It is worthy of being snake valley. Just after entering the valley for less than ten meters, a poisonous snake quickly swam in the grass. Wu Long immediately stopped it with a branch. The poisonous snake smelled realgar and immediately curled up and didn\'t move.

Wu Long picked up the poisonous snake with a branch, threw it out from a distance, and then continued on the road. At the beginning, poisonous snakes appeared one by one, but after walking more than 50 meters, the speed of poisonous snakes suddenly increased, almost flocking from all directions.

Wu Long\'s face was sweating. He also did it according to the way of the great wizard, but why are there so many poisonous snakes today?

Seeing that they were about to be besieged by poisonous snakes, a golden light flashed in the air, and the dragon soul sword flew back with the great wizard and suspended in front of the people.


A dragon chant came from the dragon soul sword. Those poisonous snakes seemed to see the nemesis. They turned around and left in a hurry and ran away in the blink of an eye.

With a "plop", the great wizard loosened his hand and fell from the dragon soul sword, as if he had lost his soul, and his pants were soaked.