The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 893

"Here we are. This is Fenghuang stronghold."

Ziyan pulled Chu fan behind a big tree outside the stockade, pointed to the temple on the hillside and said, "that\'s the temple of moon worship, which honors our ancestors of the Miao people. The saint you\'re looking for is imprisoned in the temple."

Before Chu fan could speak, a crow\'s shrill cry suddenly came from the tree. In the silent village, it sounded like a big radio horn.

It\'s frustrating to meet a crow before you act!

Chu fan picked up a small stone, bent his fingers and bounced out. With a slap, the stone accurately hit the branch where the crow stood. He was so surprised that it fluttered and flew up, but hovered over Chu fan\'s head and shouted louder.

"I wipe, the damn bird is looking for death." Chu fan was angry and was about to kill the annoying guy. Ziyan\'s face changed greatly. He grabbed Chu fan\'s arm and hurriedly said, "come on, run, we have been exposed."

"What?" Chu fan also wanted to ask clearly. He saw that in the originally quiet and peaceful stockade, countless strong men holding broadswords, bows and arrows suddenly poured out, and the target was their hidden position.

Chu fan is depressed. Just because of a crow, do you have such a big reaction?

"This is the crow guard specially domesticated by the moon worship sect. Once an outsider breaks in, the crow will call a warning." Ziyan explains in a hurry and pulls Chu fan to turn around and run away.

However, the crow on the top of the head chased the two people and circled over their heads. If it goes on like this, even if Chu fan runs home, this thing will follow him all the way.

Chu fan ran a few steps with Ziyan before he calmed down. Why did brother run? What if it\'s found? I\'m not a thief. I\'m here to steal?

Thinking of this, Chu fan stopped, took out the dragon soul giant sword and jumped up with Ziyan. Whoosh, the dragon soul sword took Chu fan and wiped the crow\'s body. It screamed and fell on the tree, dropping several black feathers.

In the blink of an eye, Chu fan and his disciples came to the temple and were about to enter. A roar came from the temple. Then, the two winged ghost Jiao they saw last night rushed out of the temple and blocked Chu fan\'s way with open teeth and claws, but it obviously recognized Chu fan. It was just a false voice and didn\'t dare to come forward to find abuse.

It is a monster. Its intelligence has been opened. Its IQ is no lower than that of people. Can anyone who can kick it off with one foot be easy to provoke?

"Evil animal, do you really want to die?" Chu fan stared, and the dragon soul sword suspended on his head suddenly gave a dragon sing, and the golden light burst, which scared the two winged ghost Jiao to fly out and run away!

"Hum, I\'ll clean you up slowly when I have time." Chu fan grabbed the fallen dragon soul sword, put it on the steps at the gate of the temple, and turned into the temple with purple smoke.

The people who chased out of the stockade heard the roar of the sacred animals protecting the temple and ran back one by one, but when they came close, they found that only a big sword was inserted on the steps.

"This is... Is the dragon soul holy sword?" a middle-aged man shouted incredulously.

"It seems that it is really a dragon soul holy sword."

"As like as two peas in the hands of the ancestors."

"Can\'t it be imitation?"

A burly young man strode up the steps, stretched out his hands and wanted to pull out the dragon soul sword, but the sword seemed to grow on the steps. He let his sucking strength come out and couldn\'t shake it.

"Get out of the way, let me come." a tall fat man came forward, spit in the palm of his hand, squatted down, held the handle of his sword in both hands, and shouted angrily, "get up... Ah..."

His face turned red, but the dragon soul sword still couldn\'t be pulled out.

At this time, a group of people came quickly. When they saw it, they quickly made way for them to come to the temple.

"Patriarch, Dragon... Dragon soul holy sword." the middle-aged man pointed to the dragon soul sword on the steps and said excitedly.

The patriarch Wu Long\'s eyes lit up and said in surprise, "it\'s really the dragon soul holy sword? Who found it?"

"Patriarch, we didn\'t find it, but... It was brought by a man and a woman."

"I know that girl. It seems to be Ziyan, the daughter of Gufeng in yingyue stronghold."

All the people spoke in all directions. Wu Long stared and angrily said, "where are the people?"

Now, no one dared to say anything, but they all stretched out their fingers and pointed to the entrance of the temple. It goes without saying that people have gone in.

Wu Long\'s face changed greatly and asked, "what about the sacred animal protecting the temple? Why didn\'t he come out and stop them?"

"Clan leader, that boy is so powerful that he scared away the sacred beast protecting the temple with a stare."

"Yes, that boy flew over us with the dragon soul sword. We watched him insert the dragon soul sword on the steps, but so many of us were stunned that we couldn\'t pull it out."

It seems that this is a bad comer.

Wu Long\'s face changed, pondered for a moment, waved decisively and said, "go and invite the great wizard right away, come on!"

The area of the temple is not large, only about 200 square meters, but it is nearly six meters high. It is made of black strip stones. It looks mysterious and depressing.

Chu fan walked into the temple with purple smoke and found that the walls around the temple were inlaid with bronze beast lamps. He didn\'t know what lamp oil was used, but there was a faint smell of sandalwood.

On the altar directly in front, there is a huge bronze statue. The bronze statue is a tall, burly and majestic general, wearing armor and holding a golden sword in his hand.

If it is not as like as two peas, it is a real dragon soul sword. This discovery suddenly aroused his great interest in the temple. Who is this man?

"Crash! Crash!"

A harsh chain sound came. Chu fan subconsciously turned his head and saw that in the corner, a woman wearing a long white shirt and hair, like a female ghost, hobbled over.

Her hands and feet were locked by thick chains. According to Chu fan\'s visual observation, these two chains alone weighed at least 30 kilograms. They were too thick, just like a child\'s arms.

But her hands and feet were chained, and she even held a rag in her hand, as if Chu fan didn\'t exist. She walked in front of them and wiped the road they had stepped on again.

"She is the saint you are looking for." Ziman bit his lips and whispered in Chu fan\'s ear.

She was so poor that in her memory, the poor Saint had been like this when she first came to the temple to worship. I don\'t know how she survived all these years.

Chu fan unkempt that although as like as two peas in the hair, Chu can see her appearance through the gap between her hair. It looks just like Tang Qin son, but she is much older than Tang Qin, and her hair is all white.

Just as the patriarch Wu Long took people into the temple, the dragon soul sword inserted outside the door suddenly flew in and fell into Chu fan\'s hand. Wu long watched Chu fan swing a sword with a "clang", and the chains on the saint\'s hands and feet were cut off and fell to the ground.

"I\'m sorry I\'m late." Chu fan sobbed with wet eyes.

It\'s terrible that she was imprisoned in this way for more than 20 years. How did she get through all these years? What do you have to eat? Where do you live? Chu fan saw that there was no bed or bedding here. It was a miracle that she could still live.

Tang Lian slowly raised her head and looked at the strange young man. She didn\'t know who he was or why he wanted to save her. She wanted to ask, but she hadn\'t spoken for twenty years. She couldn\'t speak.


Chu fan threw down the dragon soul sword, came forward, grabbed her thin hands and said excitedly, "my name is Chu fan. It\'s your son-in-law, your mother and your daughter. They\'re all coming. They\'re on the way. They\'ll be there soon."

As soon as the voice fell, Song Wen arrived with Tang Feifei.

As soon as she saw Tang Lian, Tang Feifei\'s tears couldn\'t stop, but Song Wen took a bad breath, grabbed a roast chicken and ate it.

Chu fan grabbed the roast chicken and scolded in a low voice, "I know to eat. Go and pick up Feifei\'s grandmother."

"Give me the roast chicken first."

"Don\'t talk nonsense. When it\'s over, I\'ll give you ten roast chickens."

"That\'s what you said. I want ten roast pheasants."

"I see. I\'ll go up the mountain and catch it myself, and then bake it for you, okay?"

"It\'s almost the same." Song Wen smiled and turned and disappeared without a trace.

This scene frightened Wu Long and others who came in. Who are these people? Why come and go without a trace?

On the other side, Tang Feifei finally couldn\'t help it. She screamed her mother, threw herself into Tang Lian\'s arms and burst into tears. And Tang Lian, at the moment she saw Tang Feifei, her eyes didn\'t leave, and she didn\'t even dare to blink. She was afraid that Tang Feifei would disappear in the blink of an eye.

Until she hugged Tang Feifei, she was convinced that it was not a dream, but true.

"Female... Daughter..." Tang Lian\'s voice is hoarse and her pronunciation is not clear, just like a mute trying to learn pronunciation.

A good man was tortured like this. These hard hearted guys have to kill them.

Chu fan stooped to pick up the dragon soul sword, pointed to Wu Long and others opposite, and angrily said, "who imprisoned my mother-in-law? Say!"

"Well... Stop your anger, young Xia. It\'s a matter..." Wu Long was startled and even his explanation became incoherent.

Just at this time, a thin old man in black robe and holding a wooden staff came in. Behind him, he was followed by the two winged ghost Jiao with open teeth and claws. Needless to ask, this must be the great wizard of the moon worship sect.

"Who are you? Dare to come to worship the moon god?" the great wizard\'s eyes were sinister. His eyes fell on the dragon soul sword in Chu fan\'s hands. His eyes suddenly became wild. "It\'s really the dragon soul holy sword. Leave the sword and you can roll."