The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 886

Yingyue lake is a deep lake under Huzui waterfall in the depths of 100000 mountains in miaojiang. The pool has a wide area and is the source of several small rivers. This place is different from other places. I don\'t know why. There is no thick fog over yingyue lake at night. You can see the stars and moon in the sky. The moon is reflected in the water, so it has the beautiful name of yingyue lake.

Yingyue dock is a village near yingyue lake, which is also named after yingyue lake. Youdao is a person from one side of the land and water. The girl of yingyue stronghold is the most beautiful of the eighteen strongholds and thirty-six strongholds in miaojiang. People say that it is because they have drunk the water of yingyue Lake since childhood, so they have white, tender and delicate skin, pretty face and good figure.

At this time, several beautiful young girls were taking a bath in yingyue lake. After a day\'s drying, the temperature is just right. It\'s neither cold nor hot. It\'s best to take a bath.

Because it is dark and the visibility is not high, even if someone really peeps, he is not afraid. Moreover, when they take a bath, mechanisms are arranged around them. If anyone dares to peep, he will be unable to eat.

Several girls chattered and frolicked in the water. Unaware of the darkness, a dark figure was staring at them.

"OK, OK, stop making trouble." a plump and graceful girl shivered and couldn\'t help hugging her shoulders. "It\'s a little cold. We should go back."

"Ziyan, look, what\'s that?" a girl suddenly exclaimed. Several women looked in the direction of her fingers and saw the center of the pool. Suddenly, a bright light rushed into the sky, as if there were some treasure.

The girl named Ziyan seemed to have a strong opinion. When she saw this scene, she was not surprised. Instead, she calmly grabbed the girl around her and said, "it\'s a little strange. Hurry ashore and get dressed."

"Can there be anything strange?" a girl said excitedly. "I heard that some old people said that there was an old clam with beads in yingyue lake. On the night of the full moon, the old clam would open the clam shell, expose the pearls inside and absorb the moonlight. This is a baby. Isn\'t it a pity to miss it?"

"I\'ve heard of it, too. It must be a big pearl."

"What are you doing? Hurry to catch the big pearl. After a while, the old clam ran away. If you want to find it again, you can\'t find it."

Ziyan grabbed this, but another girl plunged into the water and soon lost her figure. In a daze, the girl caught by her also shook off her hand and swam towards the luminous position with a smile.

"Come back soon..." Ziyan shouted anxiously, but who else on the water? She was anxious and angry. She was about to follow her and drag them back. At this time, a cold wind blew and made her shiver. Subconsciously, she looked back and saw a ferocious monster behind her.

The monster is two meters tall, with a slender neck, strong limbs and a pair of wings on its back. It looks like a big lizard with wings. The distance was so close that Ziyan could see the saw teeth and tusks in its open mouth. Its saliva dripped from the corners of its mouth and fell into the tan water. It even gave a "hiss" and emitted a stream of white smoke.

"Ah!" Ziyan screamed with fear, and this sound also made the monster open its big mouth, roar, suddenly open its big mouth and jump at her.

Ziyan\'s soul was scared away. He held his head in both hands and closed his eyes tightly. Suddenly, there was an angry cry in his ear: "evil animal, how dare you hurt people? Aren\'t you afraid of being struck by thunder?"



What\'s that noise?

Ziyan subconsciously opened his eyes and saw more people before. He stepped on the water with his feet and held a golden giant sword in his hand. When Ziyan opened his eyes, the monster came out of the water, flapped his wings, flew into the air again, and gave an angry roar. However, he didn\'t dare to attack rashly, but just confronted the man in front of him.

Did he defeat the monster? He saved me?

Although he couldn\'t see his face, Ziyan felt that he was the most handsome and brave man in the world.

Chu fan made two turns in the air and didn\'t find Fenghuang mountain. Instead, he was attracted by the milli light over the pool. He happened to see a monster trying to eat people. How can he do this? He didn\'t even think about it, so he fell from the air and kicked the monster out in front of the purple smoke.

"Roar!" the monster responded with an angry roar.

Chu fan didn\'t have a good way: "what are you calling for? Come here quickly, or I\'ll beat you all over the ground today."

The monster was enraged and suddenly rushed over. Chu fan threw down the dragon soul sword, raised his fist, prepared to cut it hard and subdue it. Unexpectedly, this guy was a thief. He shot falsely and quickly raised it to the sky, and soon disappeared.

If Chu fan caught up at this time, he would catch up, but at this time, the moon on the water suddenly disappeared, but none of the girls came up.

Something\'s wrong, something\'s wrong.

Ziyan also noticed that something was wrong. He forgot that he was wearing nothing. He cried loudly: "Hua Ying, Zi man, LAN Zhi, come out..."

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll go down and have a look." Chu fan comforted. A fierce son plunged down and disappeared. Ziyan stood in the water, nervous and afraid, and dared not move.

After a while, the water burst open with a bang. Chu fan ran out of the water with two naked girls, stepped on the water for a while, came to the shore, put the two women down, and shouted to Ziyan, "what are you doing? Come and save people."

"Oh!" Ziyan came back and hurried to the shore.

As she got closer to the shore, her figure gradually broke away from the water and was exposed to the air. But Chu fan didn\'t even have time to see it now. After putting down the two women, he turned and plunged into the water again.

Ziyan still knows something about saving people. As long as they spit out the water in their stomach and resume breathing, people will be fine. If at ordinary times, she would certainly wake them up in the most gentle way, but now, the two good sisters in front of her are drowning and fainting. How can she have time to save them one by one?

Without any hesitation, she directly hit the lower abdomen of Hua Ying. The bulging abdomen of Hua Ying was hit hard. Suddenly, she opened her mouth and spewed out a mouthful of water. People also coughed violently and woke up.

"Come on, get down and spit water." Ziyan helped her turn over and hit Lanzhi\'s lower abdomen with another punch. Similarly, Lanzhi also spit water, coughed loudly and woke up. Ziyan helped her kneel on the ground and spit for several times.

At this time, Chu fan ran out of the water again and held a girl in his arms. As soon as he put her down, purple smoke covered her lower abdomen and punched her. But there was clear water flowing out of the girl\'s mouth, but she didn\'t wake up.

"Ziman, Ziman, wake up." Ziyan cried anxiously and hit the girl\'s stomach continuously, but the girl still didn\'t respond.

"Don\'t fight. If you don\'t wake up, you\'ll kill you first." Chu fan stopped Ziyan and ordered, "hold on!"

Ziyan holds Ziman\'s shoulders. Chu fan comes to Ziman\'s back and claps her back.


Ziman suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a big saliva. He sprayed purple smoke all over his face, but the man also coughed and woke up.

"Ziman, you finally woke up... Woo woo, you scared me to death..."

"Cough!" Chu fan coughed and asked, "are there only four of you? Is there anyone else?"

"No, no, just the four of us. Ah!"

Ziyan saw that Chu fan avoided his eyes, subconsciously looked down and screamed. His hands hurriedly protected his chest and knelt down on the ground. The white face is as red as maple leaves in autumn. It\'s very beautiful.

"Well, I didn\'t see anything." Chu fan hurriedly said, "put on your clothes first. I\'ll go down and find out the culprit."

"Puff!" Chu Fan said, plunged into the water and disappeared.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ziyan hurriedly took over several people\'s clothes, whether they were weak or not, and urged them to wear clothes for fear that they would be seen if they were slow.

Don\'t think about it, they were all picked up by Chu fan. Don\'t say to look, they touched it.

I don\'t know if it\'s a coincidence. Just after they were dressed neatly, Chu fan finally showed his head from the water, and then walked ashore step by step. The four girls blushed and looked at Chu fan shyly. Their eyes were like seeing a little lover.

The four girls were as like as two peas, but the beautiful ones were purple and purple, and the two girls were twins. However, Chu fan recognized Ziyan at a glance and thought her chest was the largest of the four women, at least the D cup, while her sister Ziman was smaller and should be the B cup.

Maybe this is the only difference between the two sisters.

"Here, this is the Pearl you are looking for." Chu fan spread his hand and put a pearl the size of a longan in his palm. The Pearl was silvery white and gave out a cold light, which immediately attracted the sight of the four women.

In fact, there is one thing Chu fan didn\'t say. At the bottom of the pond, there is a monster - xuangui, and this pearl is dedicated by the xuangui who has a life of thousands of years.

At the bottom of the pond, Chu fan talked with xuangui for a while, otherwise he would come in the morning. From xuangui\'s mouth, he learned that the monster attacking several girls was a fierce beast alien - Double winged ghost Jiao. It was not only powerful, but also very cruel and aggressive.

It knows that every time the black turtle has a full moon, it will spit out internal alchemy to absorb the moonlight. Therefore, it has been eyeing the Black Turtle\'s internal alchemy. Today, I wanted to fight with xuangui again. As a result, I met four women taking a bath.

Double winged ghost Jiao likes to suck the blood of a girl. How can he miss such a good opportunity? But it didn\'t expect to meet Chu fan and was scared away.

All this, Xuan GUI saw in his eyes. Before Chu fan could speak, he took the initiative to send a precious night pearl and asked Chu fan to let him live. After living for so many years, it can feel that Chu fan is a great threat to it, and its greatest ability is defense. Its attack power is really not very good.

"As long as you tell me where Phoenix Mountain is, I\'ll give you this big pearl. How about it?" Chu fan shook the big pearl and said with a smile.