The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 887

"Are you going to Fenghuang stronghold?" Ziyan told Chu fan\'s purpose. Seeing that Chu fan didn\'t refute, he hesitated and said, "it\'s very close to Fenghuang stronghold, but it will take at least two days to climb over several mountains. If you want to go, I can take you there."

"Would it be too much trouble for you?" Chu fan was a little afraid of the bold Miao girl. She was still very shy when she didn\'t wear clothes before, but now she was not so shy when she put on clothes. She stared at him with big eyes. She was shy and pretty. The fool could see that she was very fond of Chu fan.

Ziyan said with a smile, "no trouble. You saved our sister. We don\'t know how to thank you. It\'s also right to help you lead the way. Oh, by the way, my name is Ziyan. I don\'t know your name yet."

"I... my name is Chu fan and I\'m from outside." the four big girls stared at me. Rao is Chu fan\'s thick skin and can\'t bear it. Especially before, I saw other people\'s white flowers. Now I feel like I\'m caught peeping.

These girls, why is there such a big gap between wearing clothes and not wearing clothes? Who can stare at people?

"Hee hee, little brother, my name is Ziman, and I\'m Ziyan\'s sister." the little girl was so weird that she held sister\'s arm and didn\'t know what she said in her ear, which made Ziyan blush and couldn\'t help scratching in her armpit.

Hua Ying and LAN Zhi also came to say hello to Chu fan. The four girls crowded together and chirped to Chu fan, as if they were making fun of Ziyan. The girl blushed and scratched the itching of several women. The women immediately laughed and forgot the danger just now.

It\'s nice to be young!

Chu fan sighed in his heart. He felt that he was standing with them. He seemed to be getting older. Why didn\'t he have any vitality? In terms of age, they are seventeen or eighteen, and they are twenty-five or six.

After laughing for a while, Ziyan was pushed out and came to Chu fan. He said shyly, "brother avatar, your clothes are wet. Come home with me to change clothes and have a night\'s rest. I\'ll take you to Fenghuang stronghold tomorrow morning?"

Chu fan looked down, his body was wet, and the water wet the ground under his feet. He can do his best to dry his clothes, but he doesn\'t want to expose himself too much for fear of scaring several girls. Besides, he can\'t sleep. He can\'t let Ziyan follow him at night, can he?

At that moment, Chu fan stuffed the night pearl into Ziyan, saying that it was her reward for leading the way, but Ziyan obviously wanted to be crooked. He held the night pearl tightly in his arms with both hands, and ran towards the path between the woods with blushing cheeks.

Several women giggled and left Chu fan behind, chattering and laughing constantly. Chu fan followed several women, but he didn\'t feel lonely. He felt like he was a few years younger with them.

Think about it carefully. Chu fan understands the reason. He is not old, but what he has experienced in the past two years is more thrilling and exciting than others\' life experience. It\'s not too much to say that his experience is richer than an old man.

Money, status and beauty are all he needs, but the nine Yin Jue pulse is like a sharp blade hanging over his head, so that he can always remind himself that he can\'t relax. In fact, if there is no terminal disease, it is also good for them to live in the mountain village carefree. At least they don\'t know what sorrow is. They can be happy every day and live a simple and happy life.

For a moment, Chu fan wanted to live in miaojiang for a long time. The air in this place is fresh. What he eats, lives and uses are pure green and pollution-free things. It\'s also good to live in seclusion in this place.

Soon, Chu fan followed several women into a village. After entering the village, Huaying and Lanzhi bid farewell to each other and went home. Ziyan and Ziman sisters took Chu fan straight to a thatched cottage.

On the steps at the door of the thatched cottage, a man was smoking slowly with a cigarette bag in his mouth.

"Daddy!" Ziyan came forward and shouted. Before the introduction, the middle-aged man suddenly stood up. He was more than one meter tall. In the dark, a pair of bright eyes fell on Chu fan like cold electricity.

"Who is he?" Gu Feng asked coldly.

Ziman hurriedly said, "Dad, we met little brother in yingyue lake. If it weren\'t for him, my sister and I wouldn\'t be back."

"You went to yingyue lake to take a bath again?" Gu Feng was furious. "How many times have I warned you? You are not allowed to take a bath in yingyue lake. Why are you disobedient? What happened?"

"I... we met the big pearl and wanted to catch it. As a result... We drowned." Ziman was timid and subconsciously hid behind Chu fan.

Ziyan quickly stopped his father and said, "Dad, we met a monster. If avatar hadn\'t appeared in time to save me, I would have been eaten by the monster now. There are also my sister, Jacaranda, and Lanzhi. If they weren\'t eaten by the monster, they would have drowned."

Gu Feng was surprised: "what are you talking about? Strange... Monster? Is it a big guy with wings like a lizard?"

"Dad, have you seen that monster?" this time, Ziyan was surprised, because what Dad said was the same as the monster she saw. If he hadn\'t seen it with his own eyes, how could he know so clearly?

Gu Feng pulled his daughter aside and strode to Chu fan. He looked at him carefully by the weak moonlight and didn\'t dare to believe: "you... Beat the monster away?"

"Daddy, avatar is very powerful." Ziyan quickly blocked Chu fan and said anxiously, "at that time, he fell from the air and kicked the monster into the water with one foot. Then he stood on the water with a big golden sword. He was so frightened that the monster shouted and turned his head and ran away."

"Big golden sword? Where is it?" Gu Feng asked. Chu fan didn\'t have any big sword. He was wet and looked like an unlucky man who fell into the river.

Chu fan patted Ziyan on the shoulder and said faintly, "Ziyan, I still don\'t bother you. You just point out the direction and tell me which way to go."

"No, we Miao people. What we say is like splashed water, which is not recycled." Ziyan gritted his teeth and said, "wait for me, I\'ll bring something and I\'ll send you there."

"Wait!" Gu Feng stopped his angry daughter and asked, "where are you going?"

"Don\'t worry!" don\'t turn your head when Ziyan is wronged.

Chu fan saved your two daughters. If you don\'t thank him, how can you question others? It\'s rude.

Ziman also pouted and said angrily, "little brother is going to Fenghuang stronghold. When he got lost, he just ran into us to take a bath and saved us. In order to thank him, sister wants to take him to Fenghuang stronghold. It\'s so simple, but why don\'t you believe it? Little brother is really a good man!"

"Are you going to Fenghuang stronghold?" Gu Feng looked at Chu fan up and down, frowned and said, "you\'re not from miaojiang. What are you doing in Fenghuang stronghold at night?"

Before Chu fan could answer, Ziyan stamped angrily: "Dad, how can you keep asking like this? Someone saved your two daughters."

"Forget it, I\'d better find it by myself." Chu fan can see that Gu Feng doesn\'t welcome him. In that case, why are you pestling here? If no one leads the way, can\'t I find Fenghuang stronghold?

"Ziyan, Ziman, you should pay more attention to safety in the future. I\'ll go first." Chu fan turned and left, but he was grabbed by Ziman around him and firmly hugged his arm.

"I won\'t let you go." Ziman cried anxiously, unaware that his small chest was pressed on Chu fan\'s arm and cried, "little brother, don\'t be angry, OK? Dad doesn\'t mean any harm."

"Avatar, I won\'t stop you if you want to go, but you must take me." Ziyan stubbornly walked forward and said, "I promised you that I would send you to Fenghuang stronghold. If you go now, don\'t I become a dishonest person?"


Gu Feng was helpless. He waved his hand and said, "stay. I\'ll take you to Fenghuang village early tomorrow morning."

Before Chu fan refused, Ziman had happily pulled Chu fan towards the hut.

The thatched cottage is very simple. There are only two bedrooms, one of which is where Gu Feng lives with his daughter-in-law, and the other is the boudoir of Ziyan and Ziman sisters. Chu fan was taken directly to their room by the two sisters. In addition to two single bamboo beds, there was only an old dressing table and two camphor cabinets with copper corners.

Ziyan cleans up her bed quickly, spreads the bedding, and looks at her back. Chu fan has a warm feeling. It seems that she is a virtuous little daughter-in-law, making a bed for her husband. Even the folds on the sheets have to be smoothed by hand.

"Little brother, the bath water is ready. Go take a bath first." Ziman came in and said hello. Chu fan hurried out with him. If he stayed in the house with Ziyan again, he really didn\'t know if he would do anything.

No way, who let me see other people\'s white flowers before? Now as soon as they close their eyes, their naked figures sway around in front of them.

It\'s over. I\'m going to lose sleep tonight.

The bathroom is outside, just like the toilet. It is only one and a half meters square. It is still a half cut door. When people stand inside, they can see it above their chest. It\'s also very simple. There\'s only a big wooden bucket. It\'s full of water. It\'s still cold.

Ziman sent Chu fan in, turned his back and said shyly, "little brother, take off your clothes and put them on the door panel. I\'ll wash them for you."

Chu fan was taking off his clothes and was stunned: "you washed it for me. What shall I wear for a while?"

"Hehe, elder sister went to get you daddy\'s clothes. You wear them tonight. When the clothes dry tomorrow, you can change them back."

"Hoo, scare me." Chu fan quickly took off his clothes and stepped into the barrel. Don\'t say, the water was cool, and immediately dissipated the dry heat on his body. Before he could speak, Ziman had grabbed Chu fan\'s wet clothes and trotted away. At this time, Chu fan remembered that his underpants were also inside.

Let a little girl wash her underpants? Wipe, what\'s this called?