The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 885

"Dad!" Evian screamed and was about to rush up, but Chu fan stopped him.

Chu fan comforted, "don\'t be afraid. If you have a brother here, dad will be fine."

"Evian, don\'t be nervous. Chu fan\'s medical skills are very good." Tang Feifei also hurried over, grabbed the six gods, cried and comforted Evian.

Tang qin\'er was closer. When zabu\'s father fell down, she helped him. After listening to Chu fan\'s words, she couldn\'t help but be stunned and said, "do you still know medical skills?"

"I don\'t quite understand, but there should be no problem saving people." Chu fan stooped to pick up the comatose old zabu father and comforted, "you don\'t have to worry. Wait for me outside for a while. He will be fine soon."

"Daddy!" Evian cried and ran after him. He was stopped by Tiedan and Tang Feifei at the door and persuaded. He didn\'t go in again, but refused to go. He stood at the door and waited, crying so that his eyes were swollen.

After about ten minutes, Chu fan opened the door and came out. Evian hurriedly said, "how\'s dad?"

"Alas!" Chu fan sighed.

Evian\'s body shook and almost fainted. It\'s over, it\'s over. Dad must have left. Woo woo!

"It\'s a pity that the food is cold because of Miss Evian\'s skill." Chu fan shook his head and sighed, strode over, picked up his glass and drank it. Tut Tut, the wine tastes really good.

Tang qiner was stunned. What exactly does this mean? Anyone here? Is it cured or sent away?

Only Tang Feifei knew Chu fan. He looked at him angrily and comforted him: "don\'t cry, Evian. Your brother fan teases you. My father is well."

"Ah?" Evian\'s cry stopped. Before he could ask clearly, the door opened again, and a tall, thick browed and big eyed middle-aged man appeared at the door. Seeing him, Evian covered his mouth in horror and almost screamed.

The iron egg seemed to see a ghost. His eyes almost fell to the ground. He rubbed his eyes hard and stared at it again. Yes, it\'s not an illusion. It\'s true, but... How can it be?

"Zha... Zha Bu?" Tang qiner stood up in disbelief. The middle-aged man in front of her was Zha Bu more than 20 years ago. However, how could he be so young at once? He\'s still like a man who\'s fine. Has he recovered from his illness?

"Daddy?" Evian called out in a tentative voice.

Zabu glared at her angrily: "why, don\'t you even know your father?"

"Yes, but you..." Evian pointed to zabu and looked up and down. It was incredible. It was like a dream. How did he become young all of a sudden?

"Don\'t worry, go and heat up the dishes again. I\'m going to get drunk with your aunt Tang and brother Chu fan today." zabu laughed, patted Evian on the shoulder and strode towards the table.

At this time, Tang qiner finally calmed down and said in surprise, "Congratulations, brother zabu. You look younger than me now."

"In my heart, you will always be so young and beautiful." zabu took a glass of wine, solemnly handed it to Tang qiner and said in a trembling voice, "qiner, God has given me another 20 years. Do you have the heart to let me wait for you all my life?"

Suddenly, Tang qiner\'s face turned red, but she didn\'t resent zabu\'s performance. People are not plants, who can be ruthless? For her, zabu has been waiting for the old man with white beard for forty years. How many forty years are there in his life?

I remember that when she first came to miaojiang, she was still pregnant. At that time, she knew zabu and Lao Wu. For more than ten years, she came to visit her mother almost every year to worship her mother.

The last time, her daughter was captured by Baiyue sect, that is, the year Tang Feifei was born. Since then, Tang qiner has never been to miaojiang, because she was afraid of revealing her whereabouts. She was found by Baiyue sect and then captured Tang Feifei.

But she never thought that zabu had a deep love for her. He hadn\'t seen her for more than 20 years. He was stunned that he hadn\'t married all his life. Before, zabu was an old man in his twilight years. Tang qiner had no other ideas. He just felt guilty and delayed his whole life.

Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, Zab was 20 years younger and looked only in his early 40s. His almost dead heart was rejuvenated and ready to move again.

"Zabu, we are all old." Tang qiner avoided zabu\'s hot eyes, and Gu Jing\'s heart beat violently.

What\'s the matter with yourself?

Before zabu could speak, Tang Feifei sat down beside her grandmother with a smile, hugged her arm and said, "grandma, you\'re not old at all. If you dye your hair black, it\'s believed that you\'re my mother."

"Go, pure nonsense!" Tang qin\'er glared at her angrily. What kind of child, even Grandma teased, no big or small.

Chu fan put down his glass and said with a smile, "what else do you dye? Grandma, if you want to be young, I can help you get it now to ensure that you become as young as Feifei. It\'s said that you are believed by both sisters."

"I... can I?" Tang qiner was moved. She didn\'t say she wanted to marry zabu, but a simple woman\'s love of beauty. Which woman doesn\'t want to be young and beautiful forever?

Chu Fan said with a smile, "grandma, before you decide to get married, I promise to let you get married. Hey hey!"

"Fuck off!" Tang qiner gouged him out. The bastard became more and more presumptuous. How old am I and still married? But at the sight of the persistent and burning zabu, her heart softened again.

"Zabu, I\'ve always regarded you as my brother and never thought about that." Tang qiner sighed and said, "besides, I\'ve been used to living alone for so many years. Isn\'t it good for us to be brothers and sisters?"

"OK, brothers and sisters are brothers and sisters." zabu smiled freely, "but you must promise me not to disappear again. You will come here every year. I... I miss you!"

Tang qiner\'s eyes turned red and nodded again and again: "well, when I have nothing to do in the future, I\'ll settle down here with you. In fact, I like the environment here in miaojiang, with beautiful mountains and water, no air pollution, and simple and kind people."

"OK, that\'s settled." zabu stuffed the wine into Tang qiner, picked up a glass of wine and touched her. They smiled at each other and drank together.

Although Tang qiner didn\'t promise to marry zabu, she was willing to stay for him, which made zabu very satisfied. Physical and psychological changes made him very happy today. A jar of thick wine cream mixed at least more than ten kilograms of mellow wine, and half of it went into his stomach. Finally, he got drunk and lay on the table.

Iron eggs were also drunk. They drank two bowls of this product, but the wine was too strong. They left the table early and went to bed. Yiyun is very busy. Just settled the iron egg, my father is drunk again. Fortunately, Chu fan can help. Otherwise, these two old men, she is a weak woman. She is not sure what she is like.

Chu fan didn\'t drink less, but his drinking capacity was not comparable to zabu, and he didn\'t do anything at all. However, he didn\'t have a chance today. Tang Feifei was pulled back to his room to have a rest by Tang qiner and left him alone outside.

Before he finished smoking a cigarette, Evian wiped the sweat on his forehead and came over: "brother Chu fan, I\'ve made the bed for you. Have a rest early."

"I\'m not sleepy. Stay a little longer. It\'s cool outside." Chu fan pointed to the small bench opposite and said, "sit down. I\'ll ask you something."

Evian sat down in doubt and asked, "brother Chu fan, what do you want to ask?"

"Do you know moon worship?" Chu fan asked.

Evian nodded and said, "we Miao people are almost all believers of moon worship. The blessing Festival on the third day of the first month is held in Fenghuang village, where moon worship is located, and we all have to participate."

Chu fan nodded and asked, "do you know how far Phoenix stronghold is from here?"

"Er..." Evian thought for a moment and said, "usually, we walk together for at least seven or eight days. If we ride a fast horse, it will take two or three days to arrive."

"General orientation, do you know?"

Evian stood up, looked to the South and stretched out his hand to the Southeast: "it should be in that direction. Fenghuang mountain is the highest mountain among the 100000 mountains in miaojiang. It\'s like a flying phoenix. It\'s easy to find."

"Thank you, Miss Evian." Chu fan took out another cigarette and said, "go back and have a rest first, and I\'ll smoke another cigarette."

"Well, OK," said Evian, "brother Chu fan, your room is on the east side. You live in the same room with my father. Don\'t go wrong."

Chu Fan said with a smile, "don\'t worry, I won\'t run to your room. Ha ha ha!"

Evian blushed and hurried back.

The little girl is only sixteen or seventeen years old. When did she meet such a cheeky guy as Chu fan? If it was Tang Feifei, he would certainly fork his waist and reply to him fiercely. He hurried to my mother\'s room and cut him.

Chu fan smoked slowly. When a cigarette was finished, he added some forage to the horse and peed at the root of the wall. Then he took out the dragon soul giant sword, stepped on it and galloped away in the direction indicated by Evian.

It\'s seven or eight days to go. Chu fan doesn\'t have that spare time. If he can find it, he might as well rescue the people first and save Tang Feifei and his wife to take risks. For others, it takes seven or eight days to walk, but for Chu fan, he is afraid of flying too far with a flick of his fingers. Therefore, he has to deliberately slow down and observe the terrain all the time.

But when he flew up high, he found that there was thick fog over the mountains and forests, and it was dark below, and he couldn\'t see anything. There are many peaks, but I don\'t see a peak like a Phoenix.

Where is the worship of the moon?