The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 884

"Brother Chu fan, this is the zabu patriarch of the falling moon dock."

Iron egg led the horse forward, took a small bag from the package on the horse\'s back, and handed it to him with both hands: "father zabu, this is the broken tobacco that my father asked me to bring you."

"Cough!" the old man covered his mouth with his fist, coughed a few times and nodded. The girl next to him hurried forward two steps and picked up the small bag. At close range, she and iron egg\'s eyes met, and immediately ran back with scarlet cheeks like a frightened lark.

Chu fan looks at this and that. This man and woman are flirting. There\'s something wrong.

This silly boy is too real. Why don\'t you bring some gifts to your little lover? When you have a chance, I must teach you well. Can you marry a daughter-in-law like this?

"These are..." father zabu tried to open his eyes and wanted to see several people behind iron egg. Unfortunately, it was too dark and his eyes were not very good. He couldn\'t see clearly.

Without waiting for the introduction of iron egg, Tang qiner came forward and said with a faint smile: "brother zabu, do you still know me?"

"You are..." zabu craned his neck and looked carefully. Suddenly, he was surprised. "Are you sister Qin? Is it really you?"

"It\'s me. I\'ve come to see you." Tang qiner took two steps forward and held father zabu\'s trembling hands. His hands were thin and rough, just like the dried bark of an old tree. Looking at his wrinkled old face and the gray beard under his jaw, Tang qiner\'s eyes were wet. "Brother zabu, I haven\'t seen you for a few years. You\'re much older."

Zab said with a bitter smile, "how many years? We haven\'t seen each other for nearly 20 years? I thought I\'d never see you in my life. Unexpectedly, I\'d see you again before I die. Sister, where have you been over the years? Why don\'t you come back and see me. Ah?"

"I\'m sorry!" Tang qiner couldn\'t help crying, and father zabu couldn\'t help crying. The two people, who were 150 years old together, almost hugged each other and cried bitterly.

Chu fan whispered to himself that the old man was probably a good friend of his grandmother. Otherwise, how could he be so excited?

"What do you think?" Tang Feifei couldn\'t help but poke him. He gave him a bad look. He must have never thought of a good thing. If grandma saw him, he had to smoke you.

"Grandpa, let\'s go back and talk about it?" the girl said crisply. Then he glanced at Tiedan, who hurriedly said, "sister Evian is right. We haven\'t eaten yet."

"Yes, let\'s go home." father zabu held Tang qiner\'s hand tightly and said nothing, for fear that she would disappear out of thin air. Looking at their nagging words in front of them, Chu fan feels more and more that their relationship is not simple.

To Chu fan\'s surprise, father zabu was the patriarch, but the place he could live was not very good. He was just a small three room thatched house. The window was still pasted with window paper, and the paint on the window lattice was lost, revealing the rotten wooden frame.

It can be seen that the old house has been for at least decades. Maybe it\'s older than the old man.

When she got home, the girl Evian was busy, boiling water, cooking, picking vegetables and cutting meat. Here, iron egg giggled all the time, making Miss Evian too ashamed to lift her head.

"Smelly boy, still giggling!"

Chu fan patted iron egg on his shoulder and gave him something. Iron egg was stunned. When he spread his hand, he saw a green leaf in his palm. When he looked carefully, he knew that it was a jade leaf carved from a piece of jade. Even the vein was clearly visible. It was really very beautiful.

"What are you doing?" Chu fan pushed him and urged, "go quickly and give this thing to miss Evian. When you come back, she will certainly be willing to marry you."

"This... This is too expensive, I can\'t take it." iron egg was very excited, but he closed his eyes and stuffed things into Chu fan for fear that he would regret opening his eyes.

I don\'t see. The boy is quite straight.

"Take it. I have plenty of these things at home. If you like, I\'ll give you a full set of rings, earrings, bracelets and necklaces when you get married..."

"Stop!" iron egg breathed quickly and held the emerald leaf tightly in his hand. "This one is enough. I\'m afraid I won\'t be happy with too much."

Although he is from the mountains, he still knows the value of this thing. Usually, this kind of jade jewelry is handed down by the older generation, which is equivalent to the existence of family heirloom. This piece of jade leaf alone is enough to top all betrothal gifts.

Chu fan patted him on the shoulder: "you call me big brother. I\'ll take you as my brother. What\'s the difference between brothers? Go and speak out your heart boldly."

"Can you do it?"

"Wipe, you really have ink." Chu fan kicked the iron egg in the past.

Iron egg left. Tang Feifei sat over and whispered, "you and iron egg are sneaky. What are you talking about?"

"Hey, hey, let\'s watch a good play. This silly boy has proposed." Chu fan lights a cigarette and looks at iron egg\'s back with a bad smile.

Tang Feifei was stunned and said, "propose? You... Did you encourage it? You, how can you do this? In case, in case Evian doesn\'t agree, don\'t you hurt the iron egg?"

"Don\'t worry, since I dare to encourage, I must be sure." Chu fan took Tang Feifei\'s shoulder and whispered, "don\'t you find that when Miss Evian looks at the iron egg, her face will turn red. She looks shy and timid, which is very similar to you once."

"You mean, when I used to see you, I did the same?"

"That\'s right!"

"Don\'t stink. I was deceived by your sweet words and the appearance of gold and jade." Tang Feifei pouted and hummed, "if I had known you were such a bad guy, I wouldn\'t like you."

"Wipe, you mean, say I\'m a loser? I\'m your husband without you..."

Not far away, father zabu held a dry cigarette bag in his mouth, looked at the playful Chu fan and said with emotion: "it\'s nice to be young, but it\'s a pity, it\'s a pity. Alas!"

Others must not understand the headless sentence, but Tang qiner knew it clearly. At the beginning, when she first came to miaojiang, she knew zabu. Zabu fell in love with her at a glance, but there was old man Wu around her, and he and old man Wu were still close as brothers.

Because of this concern, zabu buried his feelings deeply in his heart until Tang qiner left. He blessed Tang qiner and old man Wu in his heart, but as a result, Tang qiner didn\'t choose anyone, but left miaojiang. No one knew where she had gone.

The two men waited hard for many years. Old man Wu couldn\'t bear the persuasion of his family. He married and had children. He completely forgot Tang qiner, but zabu never married. Evian was his adopted daughter.

Now, father zabu sees two pairs of young people, as if he saw himself and Tang qiner again. He regrets it. If he could go back to the past, he would be desperate to express his feelings to Tang qiner. Even if he was rejected, he would not leave regret.

Unfortunately, time will not go backwards, and there is no way to make up for what you miss.

"Brother zabu, I\'m sorry for you." Tang qiner lowered her head bitterly. She also regretted that when she was young, she was too impulsive and grumpy. If she had more patience and tolerance, her life might be different now.

If Tang Zhong didn\'t leave in anger when he got married, he might not die so early. He may not only have one daughter and one granddaughter. Even with the background of Tangmen, his daughter may not be captured by people who worship the moon.

If her daughter is not captured by Baiyue cult, she will not know zabu\'s father and old man Wu. They will not wait so many years because of her that zabu\'s father has not married all his life.

"I don\'t blame you, really." father zabu knocked the extinguished cigarette bag pot on the sole of his shoes and sighed, "if I do it again, I will still be the same as now. It\'s all life and no one can change it."

Evian came over: "Daddy, aunt Tang, the food is ready. Come and have a meal."

"OK, eat, eat." zabu tucked the cigarette bag pot into his waist and stood up from his childhood horse, but he felt his brain buzzing and his body shaking, and almost fell to the ground.

Tang qiner hurriedly held him and asked with concern, "brother zabu, are you okay?"

"It\'s all right, it\'s the old problem." father zabu waved his hand and walked to the table with a smile.

The table is placed in the yard. A 40 watt bulb at the door can also illuminate wine and vegetables. After several people sat down, father zabu ordered Evian to take out the old wine he had hidden for many years and pour it to several people.

This wine has been used for years. The liquor is a little sticky. When the mud seal is opened, you can smell a mellow smell. If you are not good at drinking, you can get drunk just by smelling it.

"Old man, you can\'t drink this wine like this. You have to blend it." Chu fan stopped zabu\'s father from drinking and ordered iron egg to take some clear spring water.

The wine has been hoarded for so many years, and the water is almost volatilized. The rest is wine cream with higher alcohol concentration. If you drink it directly, it can burn people\'s stomach. It\'s too strong!

Chu fan carefully blended for a while and tried several times before filling a bowl for zabu\'s father again. He smiled and said, "zabu\'s father, how about you try the blended wine?"

Father zabu picked up the bowl, took a sip from his neck and drank the wine. Evian and Tang qiner wanted to stop it, but they slowed down.

"Dad, you can\'t drink like this," said Evian anxiously. Dad is old and his physique is much worse than before. He usually only drinks a little, but today he drinks so much all at once. His body will not be able to bear it.

Zabu\'s father was in a good state and said with a smile, "don\'t worry. Today, my father is happy. One more bowl, one more bowl, and I promise not to drink more."

"Brother zabu, you\'re in poor health. You\'d better not drink it." Tang qiner advised.

"It\'s all right. Don\'t you know my drinking capacity?" he said. Father zabu went to get the wine jar, but he just stood up, his body suddenly shook and fell down