The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 883

As soon as Chu fan walked out with Tang Feifei on his back, he saw iron egg stop. Chu fan couldn\'t help asking curiously, "why did you stop? I\'m fine. It\'s OK to carry her for how long."

"Brother, the horse I led is for sister Feifei." iron egg said strangely. Looking at his smiling face, he seemed to be looking at a Damascus monkey.

"Wipe, didn\'t you say earlier?" Chu Fanton came out of anger and shouted to Tang Feifei on his back, "hurry down and ride a horse!"

Tang Feifei smiled down from his back and said, "you took the initiative to carry me. It\'s hard for me to be generous. Hee hee!"

Dead girl, you knew it long ago, but you deliberately didn\'t tell me and took me as a horse. Hum, you rode me today, and it\'s my turn to ride you in the evening. Gaga, gaga!

Tang Feifei was scalded by Chu fan\'s bad smiling eyes. He didn\'t have to guess what he was thinking. He couldn\'t help spitting at him. He quickly came to the pony, grabbed the saddle, stepped on the stirrup, and rode up. Very neat!

Iron egg was a little surprised. I didn\'t see that such a charming young lady can ride a horse? He\'s very agile.

"Aunt Tang, you can ride a horse, too. You still have a long way to go."

"I don\'t need to. Go a little further."

Although Tang qiner is old, she has a good foundation of Kung Fu. Naturally, this mountain road is nothing to talk about. Although the pony carried Tang Feifei, it was not slow at all. It could still keep up with several people and move forward step by step.

The four walked for several hours at a time. Even if they rode, Tang Feifei was too tired. He couldn\'t help asking again, "iron egg, how long do you have to walk? I\'m hungry!"

"Soon, hey hey!"

"Fast, fast, you\'ve said it 800 times, but when are you going to go?"

Iron egg smiled and pointed to the front: "after this mountain, we can rest and eat."

Tang Feifei was immediately happy and hurriedly drove the pony to speed up. But as the saying goes, if you look at the mountain and see that the mountain is not high, you have to go around if you want to turn it over. This circle will go down for almost another hour. Tang Feifei is almost hungry.

"Water, give me some water to drink. I\'m so thirsty." Tang Feifei said dryly.

Chu fan just handed over the water bag and heard the iron egg say, "bear it again. There is a river in front. Drinking water is sweet. Make sure you want to drink after drinking."

"There is really a river, listen." Chu fan listened, and there was a faint sound of water.

Now, Tang Feifei came to her senses. She hurried to get off her horse and ran at full speed through the woods. Sure enough, she saw a small river with clear drinking water. She could see fish swimming around.

Tang Feifei jumped down from his horse, hesitated by the river and asked, "can I drink this water?"

"Of course, we can drink. The river can grow. In the days to come, almost all the water we drink is from the river." iron egg came forward, squatted down on a green stone by the river, washed his hands, picked up the water and put it to his mouth, and even drank a few mouthfuls.

Chu fan doesn\'t pay so much attention. He used to drink this kind of mountain spring water in the mountains. It\'s very clear and sweet. But he just squatted down and was ready to talk to someone. He found that two short legged horses followed him and drank upstream of him.

Especially, you two will find a place.

Chu fan had no choice but to get up, take a few steps forward, bend over and drink a few mouthfuls. The taste is really good. It\'s much better than the mountain spring water sold. Even drank a few mouthfuls, washed his face, then untied the water bag hanging on his body, poured out the warm water inside, refilled it, and handed it to Tang Feifei.

"Drink it. It\'s filtered by nature to ensure beauty."

Seeing that they all drank, Tang Feifei took a tentative drink. It was clear and sweet. It was really good to drink. Moreover, she was really thirsty. She had no scruples and drank a third of it with a water bag.

On the other side, iron egg had taken down the package on the horse\'s back, took out an iron pot from it, picked up some stones by the river, built a recommended stove, put the pot on it, poured in a whole bag of water, picked up some dry firewood, and soon started the fire.

The red flame, the licking bottom of the pot, and the water in it soon made a Zillah sound. At this time, iron egg took out a piece of dried meat and a knife, and quickly cut the meat into the pot one by one. Soon, a strong smell of meat came from the pot.

Then, iron egg took out a handful of wild vegetables from a small basket on horseback, cleaned them by the river, and then threw them into the pot. Suddenly, the meat smell changed, becoming more fragrant and more appetizing.

"Iron egg, you also brought this wild vegetable from home?" Tang Feifei asked curiously.

Before the iron egg spoke, Chu fan didn\'t have a good way: "this wild vegetable was picked by someone else\'s iron egg on the road. It\'s not like you. It\'s no use just looking for squirrels and birds."

"You\'re useful. You don\'t do anything?" Tang Feifei glared at him angrily. Unfortunately, she was disappointed. Chu fan magically took out a food bag from behind, which contained some fresh mushrooms.

Now, even the iron egg couldn\'t help but wonder: "brother, have you lived in the mountains? I understand very well. These mushrooms are difficult to meet. When did you pick them?"

"Ha ha, I picked some when I saw them on the road." Chu fan took the mushrooms and went to the river to wash them. He took out a small pot and set it on fire. In addition, he took out some bittern and a picnic mat, spread them on the flat ground by the river, arranged everything, and looked straight at the iron eggs.

Where did you get all these things?

"Brother, are you a magician? Are these... True?"

"Don\'t you know if you taste it?" Chu fan grabbed two tea eggs and threw them. The iron egg quickly reached out to catch it, peeled the shell and threw it into his mouth, nodding again and again, "really, it tastes good, but I didn\'t see you bring anything?"

Chu fan smiled mysteriously: "I brought more than these things, enough for us to eat for ten days and a half months."

Before long, the mushrooms were cooked. Chu fan was not afraid of heat. He directly reached out to take the mushrooms out of the boiling water, washed them again with water, and then threw them into the meat soup pot. Suddenly, a delicious smell came to Tang Feifei\'s nose, which made Tang Feifei swallow her saliva.

"OK, you can eat." iron egg took out four stainless steel water ladles, scooped them directly into the soup and handed them to Tang Feifei. "Sister Feifei, you have a taste of salty first."

"Just... Just use this?" Tang Feifei was a little embarrassed. It\'s good to use a basin or a ladle. Isn\'t it too rough?

Chu fan didn\'t think so. He scooped a ladle and handed it to Tang qin\'er. Then he handed a ladle to iron egg and said, "don\'t you understand? The broth is too hot and there is no table. How can you take it? The ladle is different. It\'s not hot and it\'s convenient to drink."

"Brother, you know so much." iron egg thumbed up. If he didn\'t know that Chu fan came from outside, he thought Chu fan was from the stockade. I feel that Chu fan knows more about Dashan than he does.

Chu fan broke the dough cake from the iron egg, threw it into the soup and said casually: "In fact, I grew up in the mountains. I followed my father to hunt in the mountains when I was eight years old, and I went into the mountains with my brother when I was ten years old. Although I didn\'t walk so far, it\'s common to live in the mountains for three or five days. At that time, I didn\'t have such conditions. I just baked a few sweet potatoes. If I could bake a pheasant, it would be the new year."

Seeing that Tang Feifei was still in a daze, Chu fan handed Tang Feifei the pastry broth he had made and continued: "when I was on the construction site, I used a water ladle, but it was not stainless steel, but plastic, cheap, only two yuan each. At that time, I was also curious and asked my co-workers why not use a basin? Later I learned that it was not hot and convenient to use this thing!"

When it is hot, it is soft and soft, but when it is cold, it is as hard as a discus, and people with good teeth can\'t bite. But one advantage of this kind of cake is that it lasts a long time and won\'t get moldy, but when you eat it, you must soak it in hot soup.

Chu fan had eaten like this before, so iron egg thought he was from the mountains. Otherwise, how could he know everything?

While they were eating, they listened to Chu fan\'s story about the past. Unconsciously, Tang Feifei ate a lot and felt that it tasted good. It was iron eggs. He ate some of Chu fan\'s Stewed and tea eggs and drank some wine.

The woods are covered with grass. The two ponies have had enough to eat and drink. They lie down in the shade of the tree and are tired after walking so far.

After dinner, Tiedan rushed to wash the things, reinstall them, and several people went on the road again. This time, Tang Feifei didn\'t ride a horse. They were faster. They walked for several hours at a time. It was almost dark, and finally came to a village.

"This is the lunar dock. My sister-in-law\'s home is here." tie egg was very excited and took his horse to stride forward.

Silly boy, your sister-in-law\'s home is here. What are you excited about?

The sound of horses\' hoofs soon attracted the attention of the villagers in the stockade. Several tough men came up, looked carefully, and immediately smiled with relief: "who was I then? It turned out to be an iron egg. Hahaha, I came to pick up your daughter-in-law?"

"Fast... Fast. Hey, hey!" iron egg led the horse and walked into the village with a giggle.

When Tang Feifei in the back appeared in the sight of the people, the laughter of the people suddenly stopped. They stared at her one by one, as if they had seen a fairy.

"Hello, my name is Tang Feifei. Excuse me." Tang Feifei nodded politely and said hello.

Finally, several big men woke up and hurriedly said, "Hello, my name is Wu lang."

"My name is Wu Bo."

"My name is..."


A heavy cough startled the guys who scrambled to introduce themselves and hurried back. At this time, an old man with white beard living on a crutch came over with the help of a girl.