The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 882

In fact, Tiedan is not married yet, but she is engaged. Her daughter-in-law is a girl in a stockade nearby. She can get married at any time when she has enough money for the bride price and is ready for the wedding room.

After inquiry, it was learned that the iron eggs family was originally a farmer in the stockade, but old man Wu had a lively mind and became a second dealer early. Go to nearby villages, buy all kinds of mountain goods and herbs, and then transport them to the city. There is no worry that they can\'t be sold at all.

Only in recent years did old man Wu stop when he was too old to run. However, his wealth was not cut off. His eldest son took over, continued to buy mountain goods, and then sent them to the designated sales points in big cities.

Everyone was talking first. Suddenly there was a trumpet outside. Iron egg quickly stood up and said, "my brother is back."

With that, Tiedan ran out in a hurry. Soon, the door opened, a silver gray pickup truck came in and pulled over. Then, two young men and women, both in their twenties and sixes, jumped out of the car and dressed very fashionable, which was different from the people in this town.

After entering the house, the man\'s eyes fell on Tang qiner, immediately showed a professional smile and said enthusiastically, "aunt Tang, when did you arrive?"

"I\'ve just arrived, too." Tang qiner\'s eyes fell on the woman beside him and said with a smile, "haven\'t seen him for several years. Junkai is married? Your daughter-in-law is very beautiful. Which village?"

The woman said with a big smile, "Hello, aunt Tang. My name is aster. I\'m from the falling moon dock."

"The moon landing dock is a good place," Tang qiner said with emotion. "When I went there, the patriarch specially called the villagers in the stockade and held a bonfire banquet, singing and dancing. Now when I think back, it seems like yesterday."

Aster was surprised and said, "I\'m the daughter of the patriarch. I remember when you said it. You gave me a pair of Tremella ornaments back then."

Tang qiner looked at her carefully and suddenly woke up: "are you the little girl with a sheep\'s horn braid?"

"Well, it\'s me."

"How many years have passed in a flash? At that time, you seemed to be only seven or eight years old. Now you are more than twenty?"

"Twenty two."

Chu fan stood up with a box of cigarettes in his hand and handed one over: "my name is Chu fan. Excuse me."

Junkai quickly took the cigarette, took out the lighter, lit it for Chu fan first, and then himself to show his respect. After taking a sip, Junkai said with a smile, "aunt Tang saved my father\'s life. Let alone live for a few days, it\'s no problem to live here for a long time."

At this time, Tang Feifei, who had been facing his back, turned around, nodded slightly and said with a smile, "Hello, my name is Tang Feifei."

Suddenly, the smoke from Junkai\'s mouth fell down and the whole person was stunned. Beautiful, so beautiful, just like a fairy from the sky. Although Tang qiner is also very beautiful, she is old after all, but Tang Feifei is like a blooming flower, at a time of fragrance, let alone him. Even Chu fan will be absent-minded for a moment when he sees her for the first time.

How can you be a big star if you are not beautiful and have no temperament?

Aster pinched her husband\'s back vaguely. Junkai regained his consciousness and hurriedly said, "the food is ready. Let\'s go and have dinner. This way, please!"

With a faint smile, Tang Feifei naturally took Chu fan\'s arm and walked towards the living room. By doing so, she was obviously telling the couple that she already had a man.

Sure enough, Junkai looked gloomy. Although he knew that there was no possibility between himself and Tang Feifei, who didn\'t fantasize about having such a beautiful woman? Especially married men want more than they did when they were not married.

Shiwan secretly breathed a sigh of relief and glared at the man in the back. Junkai knew he was wrong and hurriedly said, "I\'ll get the wine."

In this house, the living room is still quite spacious. Because guests came, he set the table in the living room and put a large table. In such a short time, old man Wu\'s wife even made more than a dozen dishes and almost filled the table. All kinds of mountain delicacies smell delicious. Even Tang Feifei moved his index finger and couldn\'t help swallowing a mouthful of water.

What a feast!

It\'s hard to be gracious. Old man Wu has a good way of persuading wine. Even Tang qiner couldn\'t help drinking more cups. Chu fan drank more than a kilogram of wine alone, but he didn\'t change his face. Instead, he drank more than three old men Wu.

In the evening, aster invited Tang Feifei and his wife to her room to have a rest. As for Junkai, he slept in his father\'s room. Anyway, it was an earth Kang, which was spacious enough.

Chufan followed Tiedan to a small bedroom opposite the kitchen. There was a single bed in it. He asked Chufan to sleep on the bed, but he pulled a straw mat and covered the floor with a blanket. He soon fell asleep.

Old man Wu got married relatively late and didn\'t get married until he was in his early 40s. He said he was delayed because of poor family conditions, but Chu fan thought that nine times out of ten he had been waiting for Tang qiner for so many years.

A fair lady, a gentleman. Tang qiner at that time was not inferior to Tang Feifei now. Which man can be indifferent to her? However, old man Wu was infatuated with her for so many years.

And his two sons have very different personalities. Although the contact time is not long, Chu fan hasn\'t seen anyone. In a few words, he can see a person\'s temper.

Wu Junkai, the eldest brother, is a little thin. Although he is enthusiastic, he shows a merchant\'s philistine and smiles very falsely. Moreover, he has some crazy thoughts about Tang Feifei. Although it is obscure, he can\'t hide it from Chu fan\'s eyes. He tried to get Chu fan drunk, but he drank himself too much.

Chu fan doesn\'t pay much attention to such people. Who makes his big star wife too attractive? Besides, if you stay one night and leave tomorrow morning, you can\'t be angry with him.

The second iron egg is a simple and honest man. He is not as eloquent as his eldest brother, but he has great insight. He pours wine and dishes with great enthusiasm. At the beginning, he didn\'t dare to look at Tang Feifei, but after a few drinks, he let go, but his eyes at Tang Feifei were very clear, like seeing his own sister, without any distractions.

Maybe in his eyes, his daughter-in-law who hasn\'t passed the door is a fairy, more beautiful than Tang Feifei. This is beauty in the eye of the beholder.

The next morning, Chu fan was awakened by the collision of pots and pans. When he sat up, he found that iron egg had gone out at some time. As soon as he got dressed, Tiedan opened the door and looked. Seeing that he got up, he immediately grinned and said, "brother, are you awake? I\'ll prepare shampoo for you and have breakfast soon."

Chu fan has the feeling of returning to the mountain village. When he is in his hometown, he also goes to bed early and gets up early, because there is no TV, no computer, no mobile phone. Why don\'t he go to bed?

In the morning, Lao Wu\'s daughter-in-law and aster baked a pot of noodles. They were very delicious. Even Tang Feifei, who didn\'t eat much in the morning, ate two and drank a bowl of mushroom soup. After breakfast, it was less than eight o\'clock, but Lao Wu had fed the two horses fodder, put on the saddle, bridle and bridle, and put two big pockets on the horse\'s back. They were full of money, and I didn\'t know what they contained.

"I\'m old, and my legs are not as good as before." old man Wu patted the pony\'s forehead and said, "this time, let iron egg take you. He\'s been there several times. He\'s familiar with the road and won\'t go wrong."

Tang qiner refused and said, "Lao Wu, don\'t bother. I\'ve been there several times and can\'t get lost."

"It\'s all right. Anyway, iron egg is idle at home. When he comes back, he can collect some mountain goods." old man Wu can\'t refuse. He turned to his son iron egg and told him, "be careful and don\'t make any mistakes, okay?"

"Don\'t worry, Dad, I didn\'t go to the mountain once or twice? I promise to send aunt Tang safely and then send them back safely." iron egg patted his strong chest and banged, as if to prove to people that he was resistant to beating.

Then, Tang qiner said goodbye to the old Wu family, took Chu fan with them, followed iron egg and headed for the mountain.

Chu fan whispered, "isn\'t it not good for us to spend the night for nothing? Otherwise, I\'ll go to the savings office in the town to get some money and send it to father Wu?"

"Wait for you? The cauliflower is cold." Tang Feifei glanced at him and whispered, "when I get up, I\'ll put my money under my pillow. I\'ll see it when aster cleans up the house."

"How much did you leave?"

"Not much, exactly two thousand dollars."

Two thousand yuan is nothing to Chu fan, but for Wu\'s family, it\'s equivalent to their family\'s income for ten days. But feelings can\'t be measured by money. If you were in a big city, you wouldn\'t be able to eat 20000 yuan for that table of food last night alone.

Walking is a boring and helpless thing. At the beginning, Tang Feifei was still in high interest. She pointed out like sightseeing. Occasionally, she took out her mobile phone and asked Chu fan to take some photos, which was easy and freehand. She didn\'t worry about her parents\' anxiety and tension before.

I\'ve been waiting for so many years. It\'s not bad for one or two days. Besides, with Chu fan, what else to worry about? Therefore, Tang Feifei has completely put down and regarded this operation as a trip.

But after a long time, she felt boring. Moreover, she couldn\'t lift her legs after walking more than ten miles in one breath. This still has the power of the demon king to enhance her physique, otherwise, she can\'t even walk two miles.

"Iron egg, how long do we have to walk?" Tang Feifei asked breathlessly in the back.

Iron egg was still the same as usual. He didn\'t even sweat on his forehead. He looked back and said with a smile: "where is this? If we follow the current speed, we will have to walk for at least ten days."

"Ten days?" Tang Feifei stumbled and almost got stuck on the ground. Is it too far? If I knew this, I let Chu fan fly over with me.

"I\'ll carry you on my back." Chu fan bends down. Tang Feifei is not polite. He lies on his back and doesn\'t wait to speak. Chu fan knows what she wants to say, "I asked grandma. There is miasma all year round in the depths of 100000 mountains. It is difficult to find the address of the moon worship sect from above. Moreover, once it falls on a strange boundary, it may not be able to tell the direction, so it is even more difficult to find the place."