The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 881

The next morning, Tang Feifei slipped out of Chu fan\'s room and was about to knock on the opposite guest room door. The door opened first, and Tang qiner appeared at the door.


Tang Feifei smiled and said, "are you awake? I came back too late last night. I\'m afraid I\'ll wake you up, so..."

"Make it up, keep making it up!" Tang qiner stared at her angrily and poked her forehead. "You will be sold by that smelly boy sooner or later."

"He can\'t bear it." Tang Feifei pouted and took grandma\'s arm. Before she scolded, she quickly said coquettishly, "grandma, I\'m hungry. Let\'s go and have something to eat first?"

Tang qiner said to Chu fan\'s room, "don\'t call him?"

"No matter him, it\'s better to starve him." Tang Feifei said, but she was thinking, what can I bring him back later?

Opposite the hotel is a breakfast shop. As soon as the two women sat down, Tang Feifei received a call from Chu fan, told him the location, and quickly ordered a piece of shredded pork noodles with snow vegetables and two drawers of steamed stuffed buns for him.

Before the shredded meat noodles were brought up, Chu fan had already come up in a rage. He took a sip of a bowl of millet porridge in front of Tang Feifei, grabbed the steamed stuffed bun and ate it, just like the reincarnation of a hungry ghost.

"Boss, can you fry some eggs?" Chu fan asked vaguely with steamed stuffed bun in his mouth.

The boss was busy on the noodle table. When he heard the speech, he was embarrassed and said, "brother, I\'m really sorry. I\'m too busy. I can\'t spare the pot. However, there are tea eggs here. They are just boiled. They taste better than fried eggs. How about some?"

"OK, ten."

Tang qiner was angry when he saw him. He can eat too much. If he can work, he can sleep all day in the car yesterday. Don\'t you have to sleep all day today? She wanted to say something about Chu fan, but Tang Feifei sent the peeled tea eggs to Chu fan\'s mouth and forgot that her grandmother was sitting next to her.

Alas, the water poured by the married girl, who still has my grandmother in her eyes?

Chu fan\'s eyes are sharp. At a glance, he can see that Tang qiner is jealous. He quickly winks at Tang Feifei. Tang Feifei is stunned. He looks at Chu fan\'s eyes and suddenly understands. He quickly peels a tea egg for grandma and puts it in her atherosclerotic bowl.

"Grandma, you eat too."

"Hum, finally think of me?" Tang qin\'er\'s face became better and ate slowly.

Chu fan ate breakfast for ten people alone. When he left, he packed the pot of tea eggs and took them away. There were 70 or 80 eggs, not 100. When I went back to pick up the car, I saw two cars parked outside the hotel. County magistrate Deng and the Secretary I saw last night were waiting patiently.

"County magistrate Deng, are you..." Chu fan asked mistily with a bag of tea eggs.

County Magistrate Deng was studying whether to enter the hotel. Unexpectedly, Chu fan came up from behind. County Magistrate Deng quickly came over and shook hands with him, smiled and said, "general Chu, I\'ve come to report to you."

"Stop!" Chu fan quickly waved his hand. "I\'m not your leader. What do you report to me? Besides, I\'m just passing by and left right away."

"Let\'s go now?" county magistrate Deng was stunned. Seeing that Chu fan really wanted to go, he hurried to catch up, "general Chu, you rarely come here. How can we let Xilin County Government express it."

A man in his fifties stepped forward quickly and took the initiative to stretch out his hands: "Hello, general Chu. I\'m Xu Guoliang, Secretary of the county Party committee of Xilin County. Before coming, governor Hao specially instructed you to stay anyway. Governor Hao and others will arrive at noon. It\'s not too late for you to meet governor Hao and go again."

Chu Fan said positively, "to tell you the truth, I have a special task this time. Saving people is like fighting a fire. I can\'t afford to delay. Well, I\'ll call governor Hao later. When I come back, I\'ll come to complain. But today, I really don\'t have time."

No wonder I came to this place. I had a task. It\'s also the misfortune of master Du Feng. Why did you two hit the muzzle of the gun?

After greeting for a while, Chu fan finally got rid of the two enthusiastic county leaders and got on the car with tea eggs. On the bus, the Secretary of county magistrate Deng stuffed a lot of fruits and local specialties. It can be seen that county magistrate Deng was very intentional and prepared.

At more than eight o\'clock, Chu fan finally left Xilin County and got on the highway again. This time, his destination is Heishan Town, a small town at the southernmost end of Guangxi. Further on, there will be no roads, all mountains, and the Miao village where the moon worship sect is located is in the depths of the 100000 mountains.

Today, Chu fan was in good shape. He drove for several hours. At more than three o\'clock in the afternoon, he finally arrived in Heishan town. The town is actually not much bigger than the village, but there are only a few more small buildings. The streets are still gravel roads. Once the car passes, it rolls up the yellow sand all over the sky, just like the old county in the 1980s.

However, although the town is small, the facilities are quite complete. On both sides of cross street, there is a postal savings office, a town government office building, a state-owned guest house and a farmers\' market. In addition, they are all small shops. They collect medicinal materials, sell fruits, buy miscellaneous agricultural products, sell rice flour, grain and oil, and also open personal small hotels.

"Grandma, let\'s live here today." Chu fan stopped in front of the state-owned guest house. It should be safer to live here. Of course, he is not afraid of people, but afraid of losing his car in the middle of the night. Trouble!

Before Chu fan got off, Tang qin\'er suddenly said, "continue to drive forward and turn right at the intersection in front."

It seems that she knows it very well. In that case, listen to her.

Chu fan pushed the door open, but since Tang qiner spoke, Chu fan had to close the door and continue to drive forward. According to Tang qiner\'s instructions, he turned seven and eight and stopped in front of a farmer\'s yard.

"Grandma, is this a hotel?" Tang Feifei looked out of the window curiously, but it didn\'t look like a hotel.

Tang qiner jumped out of the car and said faintly, "I know this family. If you put the car in their house, it will be fine. Let\'s go!"

When Chu fan and Tang Feifei jumped out of the car, Tang qiner had opened the gate and strode in. Just after walking a few steps, several people came out of the room. The first one was an old man with dark skin and wrinkled face. He looked at it carefully and said in surprise: "is it Miss Tang? You haven\'t come for some years. Come on, please come inside."

"Lao Wu, your bones are still so strong. It seems that you have had a good time these years." Tang qiner walked over with a smile and looked familiar with the old man.

The old man smiled bitterly and said, "you are still the same as you used to be, but I have become a bad old man... Eh, these two are..."

Tang qiner pointed to Chu fan and said, "my granddaughter Feifei and my granddaughter\'s son-in-law Chu fan. This time, I\'m going to take them to worship the moon, but it\'s a little late now. Do you have any vacancies in your house? If not, let\'s go to the hotel..."

"Yes, there are still several vacant rooms. Even if not, I have to make room for you in the cowshed." Lao Wu was very enthusiastic and hurriedly said, "don\'t stand outside. Please come inside. Hey, this family is poor and can\'t compare with your city. As long as you don\'t dislike it, you can live as long as you want."

"Old Wu, my car..." Chu fan embarrassed and pointed out.

As soon as old man Wu patted his forehead, he quickly waved his hand and said, "second, go and open the door and let the guests drive in and directly drive into the warehouse."

The young man who has been standing behind old man Wu looks eighteen or nine years old. He is as black as his father, but he is very strong. He is about one meter seven, but he weighs at least 150 or 60 kilograms. The neck and head are almost thick on one side, with long arms and short legs.

"Brother, please drive in and I\'ll open the gate for you." the young man smiled with a simple and honest smile. He ran very fast with short legs. It\'s not too much to describe him as walking fast. He came to the gate in a few steps and opened both sides of the gate.

Chu fan got on the bus again, fell back and slowly drove into the yard. At this time, the young man had run ahead, opened the warehouse door on the east side, cleaned up the mess inside, made a large space, and waved Chu fan to drive in.

Not to mention, although old man Wu\'s family is only a farmer, the family conditions should be good. There are three main houses, a warehouse in the East and a horse pen in the west, with two red and brown ponies tied inside.

This kind of horse is a specialty of Miao area. It is not good at running, but it has great endurance, especially on mountain roads. In this place, all good cars are in vain. This pony is the main means of transportation.

Chu fan parked the car. The young man didn\'t know where to find a bundle of tarpaulin. He covered the car quickly. Before Chu fan started, he was busy. He clapped his hands and locked the warehouse door.

"Brother, have a cigarette." Chu fan took out a cigarette, handed it over and said with a smile, "my name is Chu fan. What\'s your name?"

"My name is iron egg." the young man quickly glanced at the main room. Seeing that no one was paying attention, he quickly picked up the cigarette, put it under his nose and smelled it. He was still a little reluctant to smoke.

Seeing this, Chu fan simply stuffed him with a box of cigarettes that had just been unpacked: "smoke, I still have it if I don\'t smoke."

"I\'ll smoke later." iron egg put the cigarette in again, carefully stuffed it into his pocket and whispered, "don\'t let my father know. He won\'t let me smoke."

"Why?" Chu fan asked curiously.

Iron egg was embarrassed to scratch his head: "my father said that if you smoke too much, it\'s easy to have no children."

Chu fan\'s hand shook and the smoke almost fell to the ground. He didn\'t dare to buy a channel: "how old are you this year? Have a daughter-in-law?"

"I\'m seventeen this year," iron egg said proudly. "In our place, children as old as me can make soy sauce."

I\'ll go. It\'s too early to get married. Will you get married on the 14th and 5th?