The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 880

"Are you Du Feng\'s son?" Chu fan couldn\'t help asking.

It was a coincidence that Du Feng had just left for more than two hours when he met his son again. Looking at his son\'s arrogance, Du Feng\'s old boy must not be a good thing.

Wipe, brother, he almost cheated me.

The short young man glared: "the name of the director is also what you call? While we du Shao are in a good mood, put down this woman and go away, otherwise we will catch you and lock you up for a few years."

Chu fan was angry and happy: "if you say it\'s off, you think the public security bureau is opened by your family?"

"Yes, the public security bureau is still run by our family." Du shaoniu coaxed. "My father is the director. Who dares not to give him face? Don\'t talk about making your daughter-in-law. Even if I put you in prison, it\'s my word. If you know what\'s going on, get out, or... ER!"

Du Shao\'s face changed before he finished, because there was a black muzzle in front of him, and the gun was in the man\'s hand.

Grass, what\'s going on? Why do you still have a gun when you run into someone on the street? Special, this guy can\'t be a knife and gun, can he?

"Brother, brother, don\'t... don\'t be impulsive. Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings." Du Shao stammered. As for his attendants, his legs were soft with fear. It\'s OK to let them eat, drink and have fun and bully ordinary people. If they really run into horizontal and deadly people, they are better than anyone.

Chu fan was speechless: "you are really Du Feng\'s own son. You even speak in the same tone as the old guy. Take out the phone and call your father immediately."

And this good thing? It\'s not ironic, is it?

Du Shao is a little confused. He really doesn\'t understand whether this call should be made or not.

"I asked you to call, you don\'t understand?" Chu fan shouted.

"Right away, right away." Du Shao was frightened. He hurriedly took out his mobile phone, called it tremblingly, and said with a cry, "Dad, Dad, come and save me. I\'m pointed at my head with a gun... At the door of the barbecue shop on Huaxing Road, come quickly. You won\'t see your son me later."

Hung up the phone, Du Shao looked at Chu fan uneasily: "that..."

"You shut up and squat." Chu fan angrily scolded and interrupted Du Shao\'s words. The muzzle of the gun swung, frightening him to run on the road teeth and squat down with his ears.

His attendants didn\'t dare to neglect. They ran in a similar way. They squatted in a row, all holding their ears with their hands, not to mention how depressed they were.

Du Shao was planning. When he saw how Dad should explain, he heard Chu fan\'s voice behind him: "governor Hao, I have to trouble you..."

Du Shao\'s eyes were dark and he almost fainted. God, he was calling governor hao? If it\'s true, isn\'t it over? What should I do? What should I do?

He only thought about himself, but he didn\'t think about what would happen to his father. Once Du Feng steps down, his aura as the chief\'s son will disappear. At that time, he will change from a arrogant dandy to a small figure trampled on by others.

Du Feng came quickly. Chu fan\'s phone hasn\'t been put down yet. Du Feng arrived in the police car. As soon as he got off the bus, he saw Chu fan. His legs were soft and almost stuck on the ground.

Haunted, why did you meet him again?

"Dad, Dad, please save me." Du Shao called out excitedly when his father came.

It\'s good if Dad comes. There\'s no injustice with dad. Hum, I\'ll catch the boy later, and then I have to toss his horse to death.

Seeing Du Feng stride towards himself, Du Shao is still very moved. He can see the intimacy and estrangement at the critical moment. This is definitely his father, such as fake change. But just as he stood up and prepared to give his father a hug, he was greeted by a big ear scraper, which almost took out his big teeth.

"Pa!" the slap was crisp and loud, which made Du Shao feel confused. It seemed that he had been beaten for the first time. It hurt so much.


Du Shao just cried out. Du Feng raised his foot and kicked him in the stomach and directly kicked his son. If his police hadn\'t stopped him in time, he would have taken out the gun.

"You... You wait for me." Du Feng pointed to his useless son on the ground and strangled his heart. You can\'t accomplish anything more than defeat. You\'re killing your father.

"Director Du, it\'s a little late to think of educating his son now?" Chu fan\'s voice came from one side.

From what his son did today, we can see that this is definitely a big dandy who bullies men and women, and Du Shao did more than that.

This is a collision with Chu fan. If someone else, the couple\'s life will be ruined. The men were put in prison and the women were ruined by these guys who are even more hateful than hooligans. However, there is no place to reason.

In the final analysis, Du Feng\'s connivance to his son is just a mistake, which makes all the credit accumulated by Du Feng over the years go to naught. He is not a qualified director, let alone a qualified father.

"General Chu, i..."

Du Feng\'s forehead was sweating. He was about to explain, but Chu fan interrupted: "you don\'t have to explain anything. If I hadn\'t brought a gun just now, your daughter-in-law would have been robbed by your son and sent me to prison. Hehe, he said that the police station was opened by your family."

It\'s over. It\'s over this time.

If we could go back 20 years ago, Du Feng would shoot his son against the wall. He would rather not be a black sheep than be killed by him. Now, it\'s no use explaining anything. It\'s like he was cramped and fell down softly.

"Director, director, what\'s the matter with you?" the policeman around hurriedly held Du Feng and hurriedly said, "come on, call an ambulance. The director fainted."

At this time, a black Audi car stopped on the roadside. Before the car stopped steadily, a middle-aged man opened the door and jumped out of the car. Because of his worry, he stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

The young man who came down from the co pilot hurried forward to hold him and said with concern, "county magistrate Deng, please slow down."

It\'s burning. Can you slow down?

County Magistrate Deng shook off the Secretary\'s hand, went straight to Chu fan and took the initiative to stretch out his hands: "general Chu, I\'m really sorry to have wronged you."

"You are..."

The Secretary hurriedly said, "this is county magistrate Deng of Xilin County."

Chu fan shook the hand of county magistrate Deng: "Hello, county magistrate Deng. In fact, it\'s nothing for me to be wronged, but if the people of Xilin County are wronged, but there\'s no place to redress their grievances, it\'s not a small matter."

County Magistrate Deng\'s forehead was sweating. Not to mention the energy of the general Chu in front of him, just a reprimand on the phone was enough to make him tremble. The mayor said that governor Hao would come to Xilin County tomorrow to investigate. At that time, officials from the province and the city would be present.

If it is normal, county magistrate Deng is eager for them to come and investigate. As long as the leaders are arranged, they may move their positions and be transferred to the city. But now, it\'s clear that the investigation is to pick on the thorn. If one is bad, he, the county magistrate, has to fall into it.

"What general Chu said is that I will deal with it seriously."

"County magistrate Deng, I\'m giving you trouble."

"No trouble, no trouble, I have to thank you. If it weren\'t for you, I really didn\'t know that Du Feng\'s son was so lawless." county magistrate Deng sighed, "it\'s also my fault that I focused on construction and the welfare of the people, but only ignored the supervision of the cadres\' families. When governor Hao and mayor Zhou arrive tomorrow, I will make a profound review..."

Chu fan was too lazy to listen to his official voice. He waved his hand and said, "OK, I\'ve reported the matter. As for how to deal with it, you see what to do. Bye!"

"General Chu, where do you live? Let me ask the driver to drive you there?"

"No, I\'ll take a taxi." Chu fan waved at the roadside. A passing taxi stopped. Chu fan first sent Tang Feifei on his shoulder to the car, waved to county magistrate Deng, got into the car and walked away.

When Chu fan is gone, county magistrate Deng still looks at Chu fan\'s leaving back. The secretary comes over and whispers beside him: "county magistrate, the people in the police station are still waiting for your instructions."

"Take them all away and interrogate them all night." county magistrate Deng waved impatiently, "no matter who\'s the child, you can\'t be severely punished. Also, call the director of the petition office to me."


The secretary just took out his mobile phone and was ready to call. County magistrate Deng immediately said, "forget it, inform everyone in the leading group and go to the county government for a meeting immediately..."

Because of the arrival of Chu fan, a huge anti-corruption storm blew up in Xilin County and even Baise City. Of course, Chu fan didn\'t know all this. He got into a mess, patted his ass and left. He returned to the hotel and directly took Tang Feifei back to his room.

Drunk Tang Feifei fell asleep in the car and was carried upstairs by Chu fan. But after entering the hotel room, Chu fan stripped her and took her into the bathroom. Soon, under the urging of his magic palm, Tang Feifei\'s alcohol evaporated rapidly, and then stimulated by the water flow, he suddenly woke up.

"Ah, big villain, what are you doing?" Tang Feifei hurriedly protected her chest, but her coquettish appearance was more like a little sheep blocked in the corner by a big gray wolf, which immediately made Chu fan beast - angry.

"Hey hey, lonely men and women, not dressed yet. What can you do?" Chu fan, with a bad smile, stepped forward two steps. Tang Feifei said bitterly, "grandma is next door. If I don\'t come back all night, she will know."

"What are you afraid of? We are aboveboard and not afraid of her knowing." before Tang Feifei could speak again, Chu fan stuffed the bath towel into her hand and turned around, "rub my back first, and then put you back."


"When did I lie to you?"

Pure Tang Feifei really believed it. She was relieved and began to rub her back for Chu fan. But before long, Chu fan grabbed the bath towel and wanted to rub her back. As soon as she came and went, there was a sound of \'Pa Pa Pa Pa\' in the bathroom, and the woman couldn\'t help whispering