The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 879

This is the of both the police and the robbers. Now even a large number of police have been sent out.

The diners in the hot pot city regret it. How can they believe Chu fan\'s words? This guy has a gun in his hand. In case he\'s a robber, don\'t you want to be a hostage?

Woo woo woo, I\'m just eating a hot pot. Why do I spread this kind of thing?

"I came in alone without any weapons." after a pause for a few seconds, Du Feng\'s voice came again, "I came in?"

"Come in if you want to come in, and the door is unlocked?" Chu Fan said angrily.

Before long, a tall middle-aged policeman came in with his hands raised. The scene in front of him stunned him. How is it different from what he thought? Shouldn\'t the robber hide behind the hostage and point a gun at the hostage\'s head?

Looking around the hall, there were at least 20 diners. Although they were a little frightened, they were not threatened. Looking at them one by one, he was stunned and didn\'t find out who the robber was.

"I\'m coming!" said Du Feng.

"I see you."

Chu fan didn\'t put down his chopsticks and waved to Du Feng: "here, come here!"

Finally, Du Feng saw the pistol on Chu fan\'s desk. Good guy, it was a large caliber desert eagle. This thing is definitely not something that ordinary people can play with. It has too much recoil.

Look at his feet, there are several guns. These guns look familiar. They are the guns uniformly distributed by their public security bureau. Needless to ask, they must be those wastes.

But is the robber too arrogant?

Du Feng\'s mind turned. If he pulled out the gun at this time, he was 50% sure to kill the robber before he fired. But it\'s also possible to be shot dead by someone else before you shoot yourself.

Bet or not? If you win the bet, you will get promoted and get rich, but if you lose the bet, you will lose your life.

Just when he hesitated, he threw a red book in front of him. He didn\'t react quickly and had to be hit in the face by the red book.

Officer card?

Du Feng quickly opened the certificate and only looked at it. His hand trembled and the certificate almost fell to the ground. The rank of lieutenant general is too high. But then he realized that this thing was fake. How could there be such a young lieutenant general? Isn\'t that bullshit?

"See clearly? If you don\'t believe it, you can call the above number to check the authenticity." Chu fan snorted coldly, turned his head and continued to eat.

It\'s so special. The meat is hard and white. It\'s a pot of good little fat mutton.

Just as Du Feng was about to verify the authenticity of his certificate, there was a riot outside. As soon as he turned back, he saw a group of heavily armed soldiers rush in, directly holding a slight rush and pointing the muzzle of the gun at him.

Pedal pedal!

A leading officer strode in, looked left and right for a few eyes, saw Chu fan, immediately stepped forward, stood at attention, saluted, and said loudly, "major Qin Shuo of Yunnan Military Region has been ordered to protect the safety of the chief. Please give instructions!"

Chu fan pointed to Du Feng: "tell him who I am."

Don\'t tell, Du Feng has seen clearly. Chu fan, commander of Yecheng military region, is a lieutenant general.

Special, how can it be this evil star? Well, how did he come to this small place in Xilin County? Pit father!

"Chief, it\'s all a misunderstanding, misunderstanding!" Du Feng sweated on his forehead, quickly returned his certificate with both hands and said with a smiling face, "I\'ll let people withdraw..."

"Wait a minute!"

Chu fan sneered in his heart. Since he jumped out, he still wanted to shrink back? What\'s so cheap?

"Before I came to Xilin County, when I was refuelling in the high-speed service area, I really met several robbers. But I didn\'t expect that as soon as I sat down to eat, people from your public security bureau came. Without saying a word, they would handcuff me and say that I was a robber."

Chu fan snorted coldly, "I doubt now that these policemen and robbers are a gang, and you, the director, had better be clean under your ass, otherwise none of you can run."

"General Chu, listen to me. I really don\'t know about it. I..." Du Feng was worried. He really didn\'t know about it, but he really wanted to investigate. Who dares to ensure that his ass is clean? It\'s all right. I found out.

Chu fan interrupted impolitely: "do you know, it has nothing to do with me. I have informed the provincial government. If you want to keep the black hat, you should eradicate these social tumors as soon as possible to prove your ability. Otherwise, I don\'t mind asking my soldiers to help you, but at that time, do you think you still have the face to sit down in this seat?"

Du Feng\'s face turned pale. He immediately stood at attention and said loudly, "please rest assured, I will root out these robbers and give you a satisfactory answer."

"Wrong!" Chu fan shook his finger. "It\'s not for me, but for the people in Xilin and a sunny day for passers-by."

"Good!" the diners in the hall couldn\'t help clapping their hands, which immediately attracted a burst of thunderous applause.

Nowadays, there are few people who really work for the people.

Without waiting for Chu fan\'s orders, Du Feng couldn\'t wait to turn around and run back. He gave an order to take away those guys who worked for the tiger. I believe that the robber gang will be arrested soon.

The police are gone, and we can\'t let these soldiers go in vain. Chu fan asks the waiter to prepare another table immediately to reward the soldiers who came to protect him all night. Chu fan is still curious. This man came too soon.

After inquiry, they learned that Qin Shuo was stationed outside Xilin County at the junction of Yunnan and Guangxi, ready to encircle and suppress a drug trafficking gang. Unexpectedly, before they started, they received orders from their superiors to come as soon as possible to protect the head\'s personal safety.

"Robbers, drug gangs..."

Chu fan frowned: "it\'s too coincidental. Won\'t it be the same group?"

As soon as Qin Shuo sat down, he stood up again: "chief, we won\'t eat any food. Since you\'re all right, we\'ll finish the task first."

"Well, the task is important." Chu fan took out his wallet, took out all the money in it and patted it in Qin Shuo\'s palm. Before he refused, he said seriously, "take it. This is my personal intention, but you should remember that you can\'t take your brothers out to have a big meal until you finish the task. When you have a chance, I\'ll invite them to drink again."

Tang Feifei wiped her mouth and said with a smile, "take it. This is your leader\'s order."


As soon as he heard the order, Qin Shuo immediately put the money away, saluted, led the soldiers and turned away. But looking at the eyes of those people around him, Chu fan immediately lost any interest. He threw down his chopsticks, put away his gun and asked, "are you eating well? When you\'re eating well, check out quickly, and we\'ll go back and have a rest."

Look at this, don\'t want to stop eating. Tang Feifei had no choice but to take out her wallet and check out at the front desk. There\'s no way. Chu fan gives Qin Shuo all his money and has no cash on him.

After paying the bill, the three quickly left. However, when they returned to the door of the hotel, Tang Feifei took Chu fan\'s arm and wanted to go out to buy something. Tang qiner told them a few words, took the room card and went upstairs to have a rest.

"What are you going to do if you don\'t go back to bed?" said Chu fanxin. Don\'t you think there are enough things to provoke?

Tang Feifei gave him a blank look and said, "I didn\'t mean to say that because you weren\'t full. What? You\'re not hungry? If you\'re not hungry, let\'s go back..."

"Don\'t, don\'t!" Chu fan smiled. "It\'s still the big star\'s wife who loves me. Tonight we... Hey hey!"

"Hum, don\'t even think about it." Tang Feifei shook Chu fan\'s arm and ran away with a giggle. Looking back and smiling, Chu fan was hard at that time.

This woman is different from the girl. It\'s so provocative!

This time, they went a little far. They ate some barbecue and drank some beer at a barbecue stand. As a result, the simple Tang Feifei gradually fell into the trap designed by Chu fan - drinking a little too much.

"I\'m not leaving... I\'m not drunk..."

Tang Feifei\'s face was red, her eyes were drunk and confused, and her little red mouth made Chu fan\'s heart itch. It is said that warm, full and think about what desire, on the premise that there must be a beautiful woman around.

It\'s my husband and wife. Why are you polite? It\'s business to go back to bed quickly.

But when Chu fan was holding Tang Feifei and preparing to go back, his way was stopped by several people. Looking at those boys dyed yellow hair and pierced earrings, I knew that they were not good birds. They had to stick a note on their forehead saying, \'I\'m a hooligan\'.

"Brother, it\'s not a good habit to eat alone." a young man who looked less than 20 laughed. "Why don\'t you let your brothers have fun, too? What\'s that saying?"

"It\'s better to be happy alone than to be happy with others!" a short young man interposed.

"Yes, yes, that\'s it." the young man patted the short young man on the shoulder. "Dongzi\'s literary talent is high and his mouth is full of chapters. Hahaha, unlike Lao Tzu, his export is dirty."

"Du Shao, this little girl looks a little familiar, like the big star... Er, Tang Feifei, yes, it\'s Tang Feifei, too much." a attendant frowned and smiled, "get this girl into bed, like a big star."

Du Shao looked at it carefully and his eyes lit up: "it\'s really like, hahaha, today I\'m so lucky that I let my brothers meet a big star. Don\'t care if she\'s Tang Feifei, I\'ll think she\'s... Wipe, what are you waiting for and drive?"

"OK!" a little brother ran to drive, but no one asked Chu fan for advice. Give Chu fan depressed. How can you meet such a person who is not afraid of death wherever you go?


Chu fan coughed uncontrollably to prove his sense of existence and said, "brothers, this woman is my wife."

Du Shaoyi glared: "your wife? Where did it say? Take out the marriage certificate. If you don\'t have a marriage certificate, you\'ll die. I tell you, this girl belongs to me today."

"Are you too lawless?" Chu fan took out his cell phone. "I want to call the police!"

"Ha ha ha..."

At the mention of the alarm, the boys were not afraid, but laughed loudly as if they had heard a joke. In particular, the short young man smiled and burst into tears. He reluctantly held back his smile, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, pointed to Du Shao and said, "do you know who Du Shao is? You call the police to catch him, the son of the director of the Public Security Bureau? You report it and see who the police are coming to catch?"