The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 876

"I can\'t wait for a moment." Tang Feifei took Chu fan\'s arm and begged, "husband, take me to fly over now. I want to see my mother right away."

Chu fan doesn\'t care, but he can only fly with one person. If Tang Feifei goes, Tang qiner will stay here.

Before he could speak, Tang qiner denied it first: "no, miaojiang is not an ordinary place. Without perfect preparation, going is tantamount to death."


"Feifei, grandma knows you\'re worried about your mother, but she\'s been waiting for so many years. It\'s not bad for one or two days." Tang qiner comforted, "listen to grandma, have a good sleep today, prepare some necessities tomorrow, and then we\'ll start again. This time, with Chu fan, we\'ll be able to save your parents."

"All right." Tang Feifei can only compromise.

See what the two women mean, they are going to sleep in a room. Chu fan naturally can\'t stay, so he has to get up and go back to his room to have a rest. But not long after he returned to his room, Chu Jingxian and his wife came.

"Aunt, uncle, you haven\'t rested yet?" Chu fan smiled a little unnaturally and hurriedly invited them to sit down, pouring tea and taking fruit.

Chu Jingxian waved her hand: "don\'t be busy. Sit down and I\'ll ask you something."

It\'s a knife. I can\'t hide.

Chu fan\'s heart was horizontal. He sat down opposite them and said with a smile, "aunt, what do you want to ask?"

"What are you doing yourself? Do you still need me to say?" Tang Jinlong glared at him. Smelly boy, I didn\'t take care of it at one glance. You even brought disaster to my daughter. Otherwise, knowing that he could not beat him, Tang Jinlong would have started to smoke him.

Although song Qinghe is his adopted daughter, the couple have no children. They treat song Qinghe like their own daughter. Don\'t say it was an accident. Even if song Qinghe really found a boyfriend, Tang Jinlong won\'t be comfortable.

Don\'t you all say that your daughter was my father\'s little lover in her last life? Whose little lover was robbed by others? Can you not be angry? But that man is Chu fan. He is also Tang Jinlong\'s wife and nephew. In terms of blood relationship, Chu fan is much closer than song Qinghe.

What\'s this called!

Before Chu fan could speak, Chu Jingxian was unwilling: "what are you shouting? I think you have a loud voice? Qinghe himself said that it was an accident. Chu fan is still a victim."

Chu fan almost threw herself into Chu Jingxian\'s arms and cried. It\'s better for her aunt. Her mother is not so biased.

Although Tang Jinlong was five or six outside, he was short in front of Chu Jingxian. In those days, he was just a poor boy without money and power. Chu Jingxian followed him wholeheartedly regardless of the advice of her family and friends.

With the help of the financial resources and relations of the Chu family, Tang Jinlong came to this day step by step. It can be said that without Chu Jingxian, he could not even create a black knife killer organization, not to mention the current scenery, the rank of chief of staff and quasi major general of the military region.

All this is thanks to Chu fan.

To tell the truth, he is actually very grateful to Chu fan, but gratitude belongs to gratitude. He won\'t thank Chu fan for his daughter\'s happiness. Unfortunately, they did things first, which made him angry and almost spit blood.

Chu Jingxian doesn\'t care about that. In her eyes, her nephew is her own son, with meat on the palm and back of her hand. Besides, I can say my nephew, others can\'t!

"Xiao Fan, you too. You\'re such a big man. Why don\'t you have any concentration?" Chu Jingxian turned her head, stared at Chu fan angrily and complained, "what should I do now?"

Chu Fan said bitterly, "aunt, tell me, I\'ll listen to you."

Anyway, it\'s done. I really can\'t. I took song Qinghe to the hospital and mended the film. Can you two still eat me? But in front of his aunt, Chu fan still tried to pretend to admit his mistake. He was a big filial son.

Sure enough, Chu fan\'s attitude satisfied Chu Jingxian, and his face eased a lot. He said reluctantly, "you can\'t blame it all. You\'re a young man of your age. You\'re vigorous and green lotus is so beautiful. Impulse is inevitable."

"So is Qinghe. Even if you are her cousin, you can\'t be too casual. If you can avoid you when changing clothes, maybe you won\'t be impulsive and this won\'t happen."

"What? I\'m impulsive?"

Chu fan finally heard something wrong: "you mean, I lost control of my mood and gave the green lotus... To that or something?"

"Nonsense, it\'s not you. Is it my daughter\'s initiative?" Tang Jinlong clenched his fist and stared at him. If the smelly boy dared to argue again, even if he knew he couldn\'t beat him, he would have a fight with him.

It\'s not a thing anymore.

Chu fan is in a hurry. It is obviously song Qinghe who took the initiative. How can he bite back? No, I have to make it clear to her

"What are you going to do?" Chu Jingxian grabbed Chu fan and said angrily, "you want to run? Sit down. You are not allowed to go anywhere unless you make it clear today."

"Aunt, I am wronged." Chu fan is about to cry. Song Qinghe, you dead girl, can pit your dead brother.

Chu Jingxian pressed Chu fan\'s shoulder and asked him to sit back on the sofa. She didn\'t have a good way: "are you still wronged? I\'ll ask you something. Have you had a relationship with Qinghe?"

This is the truth. Chu fan nodded subconsciously.

"Then you have to be responsible." Chu Jingxian didn\'t give Chu fan a chance to speak at all, and waved her hand to interrupt him. "Well, it\'s a good day tomorrow. I\'ll call all our relatives and friends of the Chu family to witness. You and Qinghe will make an engagement first, and then choose an auspicious day to marry you."


Chu Fanteng stood up again: "get engaged tomorrow? No, I\'m going away tomorrow..."

"Heaven and earth are big, and marriage is not important." Chu Jingxian is completely like a mother, and she is not discussing it with Chu fan at all. "I asked your parents about it, and they said, everything is arranged by me. If you dare to slip away, I\'ll jump down from this upstairs."

Chu fan wants to cry without tears. How can he look for life and death? Aunt, I really have something important to do tomorrow. Saving people is like fighting a fire. Unfortunately, Chu Jingxian didn\'t give him a chance to explain at all. She put down a cruel word and got up and left in a high spirit.

That style really has the momentum of a strong woman. No wonder it can clean up big people like Tang Jinlong.


"Smelly boy!" Tang Jinlong grabbed Chu fan\'s skirt and said fiercely, "if Qing He didn\'t let me fight with you, I would beat you up today. Listen to me. If you dare to flee, I\'ll jump from the building with your aunt. Hum!"

Chu fan\'s forehead is sweating. This is the threat of red fruit. It\'s awesome!

The couple gave an ultimatum and left in a clear mood, but Chu fan\'s mood was extremely poor, and he didn\'t feel sleepy at all. What should I do? Do you want to tell Tang Feifei that the day of going to miaojiang will be postponed for another day? But saving people is like putting out a fire. How can you afford to delay?

But I really want to sneak to miaojiang with Tang Feifei. What if Chu Jingxian and his wife really jump off a building? Didn\'t you become a sinner through the ages?


Chu fan was in a dilemma when the door was suddenly knocked. Chu fan was stunned. Who would come at this time? Is it Tang Feifei? Chu fan hurried to open the door. As soon as he was about to speak, he saw song Qinghe wearing a set of gouache pajamas with a brightly colored fruit plate in his hand.

"How is it you?" Chu fan reached out to take the fruit tray, said \'thank you\' lukewarm and ready to close the door.

Song Qinghe hurriedly blocked the door and reluctantly said with a smile, "why, don\'t you invite me in?"

"It\'s too late. Men and women are different." Chu fan asked, "do you have anything else to do?"

Chu fan\'s indifferent attitude made song Qinghe heartache. He couldn\'t help falling tears, covered his mouth, shook his head, turned and ran back.

Seeing this scene, Chu fan was soft hearted. When she thought about it carefully, she couldn\'t blame it all. Could she tell her parents that she took the initiative? Does she still have face to see people?

For women, face is more important than anything, but it is undeniable that men take advantage of this kind of thing, while women lose too many things.

Alas, this is all debt!

Chu fan sighed helplessly, took the fruit tray and went out again. He came to the door of song Qinghe\'s room and looked at it with perspective eyes. Sure enough, the girl was lying on the bed with her shoulders twitching. It was obvious that she was crying sadly.

In Chu fan\'s impression, song Qinghe is a very powerful woman. Whether it is competing with Su Yuan for the demolition and reconstruction project of shanty towns, or using an iron fist to encroach on the gangster forces of the Dou family, it is very sharp, rapid and overwhelming.

If it hadn\'t been for Chu fan, the current Dou family would have ceased to exist, and what did song Qinghe rely on? How many people were there in the original black knife killer organization? But she can borrow the "potential" of the big owls from other provinces to drive the tiger and swallow the wolf, and then sit and reap the benefits.

Chu fan really didn\'t expect that such a strong and cruel woman would cry? She won\'t really fall in love with brother, will she?

When he was thinking, the door on the side suddenly opened. Chu fan didn\'t care to take a look, so he hurried to push the door into the house. Looking through the door, Tang Feifei came to his door and knocked. Seeing no response, he turned and went downstairs.

Chu fan breathed a sigh of relief, but then he was stunned. What are you afraid of? It\'s like being a thief. I just apologize to song Qinghe, that\'s all.

"What are you doing here?" Song Qinghe sat up, held a quilt, red eyes, pouted and said angrily.

Chu fan smiled awkwardly and shook the fruit plate in his hand: "too much. I can\'t finish eating. I just think of something to discuss with you."

"Is it an engagement?" Song Qinghe said mockingly. "Don\'t worry, I won\'t pester you. I\'ll go and tell my parents in a moment that I\'m cheap and shameless to seduce you. I deserve no one. I... I\'m a shameless woman. Wuwuwuwuwuwu!"

PS: Thank you for the red envelope reward support of "Wu Shen Yan Bing"!