The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 877

"Qing He, what are you doing?"

Chu fan hurried forward, sat down by the bed, wiped away the tears on her face and said helplessly, "in fact, I don\'t want to be engaged to you, just..."

"What are you talking about?" Song Qinghe immediately raised his head and said excitedly, "you... Are you really willing to marry me?"

"Who doesn\'t want to marry a beautiful woman like you? Besides, we have cooked the raw rice. No matter who is right or wrong, I will be responsible for you."

Chu fan was a little embarrassed and said, "it\'s just that I have a very important thing to do tomorrow. I\'m going to Miao Jiang. Saving people is like fighting a fire. I can\'t afford to delay."

"Well... We\'ll get engaged when you come back from miaojiang?"

"No problem!" Chu fan agreed, "but aunt and uncle..."

Song Qinghe immediately patted his chest and said excitedly, "give it to me. I\'ll tell them that if they don\'t agree, I\'ll jump from upstairs."

Chu fan was scared out of a cold sweat. His feelings are inherited. How can he jump from a building. However, song Qinghe is right to say. Hey, Chu fan is afraid of Chu Jingxian and his wife, but Chu Jingxian and his wife are afraid of song Qinghe, and song Qinghe is afraid of Chu fan.

This whole stick, tiger, chicken. Gaga!

"Cough, well, my aunt is a very reasonable person. Please tell her that she will promise." Chu fan gets up. "I\'ll go back first."

"I\'ll see you off."

Song Qinghe takes Chu fan to the door and can\'t wait to find Chu Jingxian and his wife. Chu fan got rid of a heart disease and was in a good mood. He hummed a little song, closed the door, took off himself first, and then went to the bathroom.

While he was washing, there was a knock on the door. Chu fan hurriedly grabbed the bath towel and went to open the door. He saw song Qinghe standing at the door with the previous fruit tray. He looked at him shyly and squeezed in without saying a word.

What\'s going on?

Chu fan was confused and was about to close the door when he saw Tang Feifei staring at him angrily at the door. Chu fan was scared into a cold sweat. How could he feel caught cheating?

"Come on, come on!" Chu fan waved to Tang Feifei, but Tang Feifei gave him a back of his head and closed the door heavily.

Chu fan eats a snuff and closes the door bitterly, but sees song Qinghe running to bed and turning on the TV. He is covered with a quilt and holding a remote control. There was a fruit tray in front of her and a glass of water on the cabinet next to her.

What are you doing?

"Cough, Qinghe, you... You..."

"There\'s a new ghost film. It\'s always scary. You can watch it with me for a while?" Song Qinghe lifted the quilt. "Come in quickly. This ghost film has been highly evaluated on the Internet. It\'s terrible!"

Wipe, horror, are you still watching?

Chu fan understood that she was a drunk man, not a drunk, but if she was kicked out, she wouldn\'t have to cry all night? Forget it, I\'ll eat some losses. Even if I\'m pinched to pieces by the big star\'s wife tomorrow, I\'ll admit it!

The TV sound was not too loud or too small. Song Qinghe naturally leaned against the head of the bed, forked a piece of fruit with the fruit, and took a bite. He suddenly remembered Chu fan and hurriedly sent the rest to his mouth.

Chu fan, like a wooden stake, opened his mouth dully, chewed wax and ate tastelessly. He probably didn\'t even know what fruit he was eating or what he was thinking.

What can I think? Instead of you, sit next to a beautiful woman who only wears pajamas and doesn\'t even wear underwear. It\'s strange that she can resist chaos.

This is forcing me to make mistakes!

At the beginning, Chu fan was really confused in his mind, but when he focused on TV, slowly, he was really attracted by the film plot and forgot that there was a big beauty around him.

Who directed it? The female ghost is too beautiful, but she dies miserably

Song Qinghe focused his attention on Chu fan. Seeing that he was indifferent, he couldn\'t help hating in his heart. Isn\'t miss Ben as attractive as the female ghost in the film?

Just then, the film came to a horror plot. Song Qinghe finally caught the opportunity, screamed and plunged into Chu fan\'s arms. Her delicate body rustled and trembled, as if she was really frightened.

"Don\'t be afraid, don\'t be afraid, it\'s just a movie." Chu fan patted her on the shoulder, smiled and comforted. Besides, I didn\'t look at her much.

Song Qinghe has an impulse to smash the TV. It\'s just a broken movie. Is it so attractive? I don\'t watch the attractive beauty around me, but I keep my eyes on the movie. Is it sick?

be ill?

Song Qinghe suddenly came up with an idea. Su Shou went all the way down Chu fan\'s chest, suddenly grabbed Chu fan\'s angry murder weapon, and couldn\'t help laughing with satisfaction. Install, continue to install, this thing can\'t deceive people.

Chu Fan said with a bitter smile, "Qinghe, this is at home. It\'s not good to be known."

Song Qinghe licked his lips and asked, "are you afraid?"

"I\'m a big man. What\'s to be afraid of? The key is you..."

"I\'m not afraid either." Song Qinghe rushed up and boldly kissed Chu fan\'s lips, but his hand was not idle for a moment. This kind of thing is natural and instinctive. It\'s like pouring a bucket of oil on dry firewood and throwing a lit match, which immediately makes them breathe quickly and out of control.

More than half an hour passed quickly. Chu fan patted song Qinghe, who was tired of patting him, and whispered, "it\'s getting late. Go back quickly."

"I don\'t." Song Qinghe hugged Chu fan tightly and begged, "let me sleep here all night. I\'ll go back as soon as dawn. I\'m sure no one will find out. OK?"

"Sleep well and don\'t touch it."

"How do you touch me?"


At midnight, Chu fan was sleepy. He felt song Qinghe climb up again. He couldn\'t help but say sleepily, "what else do you want to do if you don\'t sleep?"

"I can\'t sleep." Song Qinghe lay down in Chu fan\'s ear and whispered, "cousin, let\'s do it again?"

In the early morning, Chu fan felt that he had just fallen asleep. A delicate and smooth hand held him again, stirred him for a while, and was awakened again. It was not until something came downstairs that song Qinghe slipped back to his room with a crimson face.

It is estimated that she will not get up all day, but Chu fan wants to cry without tears. This night, I was tossed four or five times. Who can stand it? The key is, man, I have to drive today. I haven\'t slept all night. I have to drive to sleep?

Finally confused for a while, Tang Feifei came in, directly pinched his nose and woke him up.

"Wife, I\'m sleepy. Please do me a favor and let me sleep a little longer." Chu fan turned over and fell asleep again with the quilt.

Tang Feifei\'s face turned red. The guy didn\'t wear underpants. He didn\'t say it. His big farts - stocks were exposed, and he didn\'t feel bad - ashamed. Looking at the sheets, there are mottled water marks everywhere. You don\'t have to ask. The war between the two must have been very fierce last night.

"Get up and hurry on the road after breakfast. You have to buy a lot of necessities." Tang Feifei won\'t give him a chance to rest. He just pulled Chu fan up, helped him put on his clothes and dragged him downstairs.

In the downstairs restaurant, chuyang and others have already eaten. Seeing Chu fan downstairs, chuyang is very happy to greet him and personally clip him a big steamed stuffed bun. Pass him a bowl of millet porridge. In his words, this is a serious breakfast, anti hunger and nutritious!

Chu Jingxian personally peeled two eggs for Chu fan and asked him about going to miaojiang. She didn\'t complain about him anymore. She just told him to be more careful and come home to book the marriage at the first time after coming back.

Chu fan was submissive and vaguely promised to come down. He just buried himself in eating. No matter who said anything, he just hummed and promised. As for engagement, let\'s delay it first. It\'s a day.

There were two people on the table who were not so friendly to Chu fan. One was Tang Jinlong and the other was Tang qiner. Tang qiner and Tang Feifei live opposite Chu fan. Tang Jinlong and Chu Jingxian live next door to Chu fan. With their cultivation, they can\'t hear what happened in Chu fan\'s room last night.

"Smelly boy, if you dare to make my daughter suffer a little injustice, I have to work hard with you." Tang Jinlong glared at Chu fan and warned him with his eyes. He didn\'t care whether Chu fan could understand it or not.

On the other side, Tang qin\'er glanced at Chu fan coldly, gave him both eggs in front of him, and said with meaning: "what you eat makes up what you eat, you eat more, it\'s very hard."

Chu fan almost choked on an egg. The old lady is so poisonous that she can make up for what she eats. My friend needs to eat more eggs. Do you have to grow a string of eggs below?

Seeing the strange atmosphere at the table, Chu Yang coughed and said, "Xiao Fan, you\'re going to miaojiang? It\'s a remote place with mountain roads and few people. You have to be more careful and prepare more things to be prepared."

"Don\'t worry, I\'ve been to places worse than miaojiang, and I\'ll be fine." Chu fan ate the steamed stuffed bun, wiped his hands and stood up. "Take your time and I\'ll go out and buy something."

"I\'ll go with you." Tang Feifei quickly stood up and followed Chu fan out.

It was still early, but Chu fan and his wife were driving. They really found an outdoor goods store that had just opened. They almost filled the car with all the things they could use.

Then, they went to the supermarket and bought a lot of vacuum packaged cooked food, instant noodles, spices and so on. Anyway, they have a ring to eat and use, which can be loaded. After all the things to be prepared were ready, it was more than 9 a.m. when Chu fan returned to Chu\'s house, they found that Chu Yang had prepared a Hummer SUV for him and two barrels of oil in the spare box.

"Drive this car. It has a high chassis, high climbing performance and strong endurance." Chu Yang said. "Before entering the mountain, you must prepare enough oil, otherwise you can only cart it back."

Chu fan gave a thumbs up: "the veteran will go out, one on top of the other. With this car, I can drive to the top of the mountain. Let\'s go!"

"Bon Voyage!"