The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 875

"Benedictine Benedictine!"

Chu fan knocked on the door. He didn\'t wait to open the door. He pushed the door in directly.

"Feifei!" Chu fan pulled Tang Feifei over, put his hands on her shoulders and said in a deep voice, "remember, no matter who, can\'t separate us, okay?"

"I know, but..." Tang Feifei sobbed and cried, as if she had really encountered something difficult.

Chu fan held her in her arms, looked at Tang qiner and said in a deep voice, "Feifei and I really love each other. Why can\'t you help us? I know I\'m not dedicated enough, but I promise I\'ll make her happy, happy and happy all her life. I..."

"All right!" Tang qiner waved his hand and interrupted Chu fan. "It\'s no use telling me these. Who won\'t say sweet words? If you want to marry my granddaughter, you have to show some sincerity."

"Sincerity? You said it earlier." Chu fan was relieved and said with a smile, "I thought it was a big deal. Isn\'t it sincerity? You can make a price. How much is sincerity? Cough, don\'t want less. Feifei is priceless in my heart."

Tang qiner was so angry and happy that he saw Chu fan for the first time. He smelled of copper and died shameless. Can money buy love?

Tang qiner shook her head and sighed, "Feifei was brought up by me. Although she never said it, I know very well that she also wants to be picked up by her parents like other children. On holidays, she can be accompanied by her parents to play in amusement parks, zoos and other places."

"When she grew up, Feifei was very happy when she came back from school every day. In fact, I knew everything that happened to her at school. Including her being bullied by her classmates and crying alone on the roof, but I always pretended that I didn\'t know anything, because I could help her for a while, but I couldn\'t help her for a lifetime. She had to go down the road of life."

In Chu fan\'s mind, such a picture emerged. A little girl was surrounded by a group of classmates, saying that she was a wild child without parents and a tall fat boy would push her to the ground. Watching her cry, then a group of children ran away with a smile, leaving her alone, hiding in a dark corner and crying secretly. When she got home, she had to pretend to smile as if nothing had happened.

This is just a small fragment of her life experience. There must be many more excesses than this. Chu fan is heartbroken at the thought that she has suffered so many grievances for so many years. She hugs Tang Feifei in her arms more tightly, gently rubs her hair with her cheek and whispers: "In the future, I will always accompany you. No matter what difficulties I encounter, I will always accompany you."

Tang Feifei was so moved that she burst into tears. She held Chu fan\'s skirt tightly with both hands, for fear that Chu fan would disappear if she let go. Outsiders only saw her bright and famous side, but who knows how much she suffered and suffered from growing up?

A child without parents, no matter how much money she makes and how great achievements she has made, her life is not complete. Fortunately, she met Chu fan. At least, she found a shoulder to rely on, a harbor to park, and a man to accompany her all the time.

As long as he loves me and dotes on me, it\'s enough!

"In fact, Feifei\'s parents are still alive." Tang qiner suddenly sighed, "for so many years, I\'ve been avoiding for fear of being found by them. Unexpectedly, they still found Feifei."

Chu fan was stunned: "why do you want to avoid? Can Feifei\'s parents still harm her?"

"Feifei\'s parents won\'t hurt her, but the problem is that her parents are also trapped and can\'t protect themselves. Alas!" Tang qiner shook her head and sighed, her eyes red and tears looming.

After Chu fan\'s questioning, Tang qiner finally told the truth. It turned out that Tang qiner\'s mother was a Miao native or a saint of the Miao moon worship sect.

The worship of the moon sect is an ancient religious sect with a longer history than the Tang clan. Its members are all Miao people. They are good at using poison, poison, controlling beasts and other side sects. They are very powerful.

The saints of the moon worship sect are the purest, most beautiful and most qualified girls in Miao. They were trained from childhood. A saint is born every 20 years. The girl selected as a saint can no longer live with her family. She should live in the temple, clean the temple and pray for the people every day.

Saints can also get married, but before they get married, saints must cover their faces with white gauze and can\'t let outsiders see her true face. Until she reaches the age of 18, she will marry the leader of moon worship. At that time, she can lift her veil and leave the temple. At the same time, new saints will appear to take over the work of saints.

After thousands of years, the worship of the moon has never made any mistakes, but there was an accident in Tang qiner\'s mother\'s generation. She fell in love with an outsider. He was a famous doctor who got lost collecting herbs in the mountain and was bitten by a poisonous snake. On his deathbed, he was bumped by the saint and placed him in a remote cave. He secretly delivered food to him every day, and the doctor was gentle Conversation and profound knowledge deeply attracted the saint. Finally, on a dark night, they eloped and escaped.

The saint was abducted, which was a great humiliation of the moon worship religion. Soon, the young and middle-aged people in the whole Miao area went out to look for the saint\'s whereabouts, but it was three years later when they found the saint.

The doctor was killed on the spot, and the saint was tied back. After wenpo\'s examination, she learned that the saint had given birth, but she suffered a lot, but she just didn\'t tell the whereabouts of the child.

In fact, before that, the child had been sent to Tang Jinlong\'s grandfather\'s house, which is now Tang qiner. Her father and Tang Jinlong\'s grandfather are close friends. The couple are afraid of being found by the people who worship the moon. Therefore, the child was raised by Tang Jinlong\'s grandfather when he was born, so as not to affect the child.

Tang Jinlong\'s grandfather never mentioned this to anyone. He regarded Tang qiner as his own and raised him with his sons Tang Zhong and Tang Jue. He was named Tang qiner. He was very pleased that Tang Zhong and Tang qiner naturally came together as childhood sweethearts, but unexpectedly, Tang Zhong\'s maid Tang Yue intercepted their Hu on the way, which annoyed Tang qiner. Regardless of anyone\'s persuasion, they resolutely left the Tang clan.

Originally, Mr. Tang was ill. He was very angry about this and died soon. On his deathbed, he left a letter telling Tang Jue that no one could touch the letter unless Tang qiner was found. In addition, he drove Tang Zhong out of the inner door.

Unexpectedly, on the third day after father Tang\'s death, Tang qiner secretly came back. During the worship, he found this letter and learned his life experience from the letter. As a result, Tang qiner gave up his readily available happiness, left Tangmen again, went to Miao Jiang to find his mother and avenge his father.

By virtue of her superb martial arts, she really found her mother, but at that time, the former Saint had been tortured to be as thin as a firewood. She wanted to take her mother away. At this time, she was found. Her mother didn\'t want to drag Tang qiner down, so she resolutely hit the wall and killed herself. Tang qiner was able to escape.

However, her identity was also leaked. Like her mother, she was chased by the whole miaojiang again.

In the process of escape, Tang qiner gave birth to a daughter named Tang Lian, and fostered her in the countryside. He dared to go back to see his daughter only during the Spring Festival. At the same time, she passed on what she had learned all her life to Tang Lian. She didn\'t ask how great she was, but to protect herself.

But Tang Lian inherited her mother\'s beauty and wisdom. When she was young, she became the most beautiful woman in shiliba village. For this reason, she caused a lot of trouble and even killed people. No way, Tang qiner had to take her daughter to the city. She felt that after so many years, people who worship the moon should give up.

In those days, mother and daughter really had a very comfortable and comfortable life. Tang Lian, relying on her strength, found a job as a music teacher. It was not a problem to support mother and daughter. Moreover, she also made a boyfriend, and he was also a doctor.

At that time, Tang qiner vaguely felt that things had turned around and seemed to turn back. Several times, she wanted to ask her daughter Tang lian to leave with herself and live in a different place. She could see that Tang Lian and her boyfriend were very happy. She couldn\'t say that.

Maybe I\'m too sensitive?

But on the day Tang Lian and her boyfriend got married, the people of moon worship came and took both the husband and wife away. Tang qiner narrowly escaped and tracked all the way to miaojiang, but this time, the moon worship sect was heavily guarded, and she couldn\'t get in at all.

This consumption is a year. Tang qiner\'s hard wait is not in vain. Her daughter Tang Lian was pregnant when she was arrested and is going to have a baby now. Taking advantage of this opportunity, she knocked out a steady woman who hurried to deliver the baby. She disguised herself as a steady woman to deliver the baby to her daughter and mixed in.

Originally, Tang qiner came to save her daughter, but now she has a small one. She has no choice but to give up her daughter, hold her newborn child, escape from miaojiang and remain anonymous. And the child she took away was Tang Feifei.

"Chu fan, you are the only one who can save Feifei\'s parents." Tang qiner wiped her tears and said, "I only have such a daughter. She has suffered for 20 years, and my granddaughter has suffered for more than 20 years. I......"

Chu Fan said positively, "you don\'t have to say. I promise you that no matter how much you pay, I will save your daughter, son-in-law, my father-in-law and mother-in-law. Otherwise, how can I have the face to marry Feifei?"

"I\'ll go with you," Tang Feifei said firmly.

Chu fan wiped away the tears on her face and said with a smile, "of course you are a daughter. Don\'t worry. Brother Jiming will take you to Miao Jiang in a big way. God will stop killing God and Buddha will stop killing Buddha!"