The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 871

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t give you trouble." Song Qinghe laughed at herself, but when she was turned around, her tears fell down, her shoulders twitched, but she bit her lips and didn\'t let herself make any sound.

At this time, Chu fan came and grabbed her shoulder, asked her to turn around, gently wiped away the tears on her face, and said with a smile: "silly girl, you give yourself to me without reservation. Can I pretend that nothing has happened? Or in your heart, brother is an irresponsible and responsible person?"

Song Qinghe raised his head and asked with tearful eyes, "then tell me, how do you explain when you go back?"

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll propose to my aunt. If she doesn\'t agree, I\'ll kneel down and hold her thigh."

"Puff Chi!" Song Qinghe burst into tears and smiled, hugged Chu fan, pasted it on his generous chest, and said faintly, "in fact, I don\'t want much, as long as you have me in your heart."

Chu Fan said with a bad smile, "it\'s not just you in your heart, but me in your stomach."

"What do you mean?" Song Qinghe looked up blankly. She didn\'t know why. Until she found Chu fan\'s bad smile, she woke up. Her cheeks were crimson and gave him a hard white look, "it\'s not serious!"

They tossed about all morning. Isn\'t her stomach full of the seeds planted by Chu fan?

"Oh, you forgot to mention it. Hurry downstairs to the drugstore." Song Qinghe was anxious and took Chu fan downstairs. They bought Yuting from a nearby drugstore. After eating in the car, they hurried back to Chu\'s house.

Far away, they saw two people standing at the door of Chu\'s house, impressively Tang Feifei and Chu Jingxian. Seeing that the car stopped nearby, the two people focused on the car. When they saw Chu fan and song Qinghe get off the car, Chu Jingxian\'s tears couldn\'t help falling down.

"Green lotus!" Chu Jingxian burst into tears and couldn\'t speak.

Song Qinghe hurried forward to hold the godmother, smiled and comforted, "Mom, I\'m fine, and I made a suit of happy clothes back. Look, how nice I look in this suit?"

"Well, it looks good. My daughter looks good in everything." Chu Jingxian wiped her tears and hurriedly asked, "did that bastard Tang Ning bully you? And what\'s the matter with your clothes?"

"It\'s getting late. Let\'s get on the bus first. I\'ll tell you slowly on the way."

"Go and have a peace with you first."

Chu Jingxian took her daughter into the door, but Chu fan was stopped by Tang Feifei. Her small hand pinched under his ribs and pouted: "it\'s a disaster to a good family girl again."

"Cough, don\'t talk nonsense. Qinghe and I are very pure cousins." Chu fan himself is a little guilty. He has no blood relationship with song Qinghe. What kind of cousins is he in his life? Moreover, he has developed other people\'s saline alkali land into fertile land. At a glance, people with a clear eye can see that song Qinghe is very different from before.

Girls and young women are very different in their walking posture, their eyes and so on. Chu Jingxian worried about her daughter and didn\'t find it normal, but Chu fan and song Qinghe didn\'t return overnight. Can Tang Feifei doubt it?

Now, she just cheated Chu fan, but his reaction completely betrayed him.

Tang Feifei was angry and bitter. He couldn\'t help but pinch him twice: "have you married her?"

"No, this is absolutely not." Chu fan smiled and hugged Tang Feifei\'s waist. Tang Feifei struggled and followed him.

Chu fan accompanied the smiling face. As he walked to the yard, he simply said what had happened. To sum up, song Qinghe was caught, suffocated and drunk. As a result, there was an accident.

"I will wear as like as two peas in red," Tang Feifei said.

"Buy, let\'s buy one that is 100 or 1000 times more beautiful than her one... No, I have to find a fashion designer to design a unique one for my big star wife to ensure that you can marry to the Chu family."

Under the attack of his rhetoric, this article was finally exposed. Tang Feifei smiled on his face, took his arm, and then entered the door. In fact, she\'s not jealous, but because she\'s worried about Chu fan, she didn\'t sleep well all night, but he\'s so merry outside. Who can\'t be angry?

Besides, Tang Feifei knew that there were many women around Chu fan. If she was jealous, she would have died of acid. From the moment Chu fan was identified, she had been psychologically prepared. She was not the first and certainly not the last.

When he got home, chuyang couldn\'t help scolding them. He didn\'t go home at night. Don\'t you know that his family cares? But it was getting late. He was also worried that his son-in-law Tang Jinlong had something to do. After a few words of advice, he waved to Chu fan to set out as soon as possible and bring Tang Jinlong back.

Chu fan came out without even drinking hot tea. Tang Xiaodao drove another Land Rover from Chu\'s garage. The co driver sat Tang Yinhu and behind him sat Chu fan\'s uncle, Teng Bailey.

The internal injury was completely healed. Teng Boli\'s cultivation even jumped two levels in a short time. Now it is a perfect cultivation in the later stage of Tianjing, which is not inferior to Tang Jue, the old sect leader of Tang clan.

Just go. The old man has a good intention. It\'s bad to refuse. In fact, Chu fan knew that many people were watching the excitement, and he was the only one who really helped.

This life!

In the other car, Chu fan drove. The co driver sat Tang Feifei, followed by Chu Jingxian and song Qinghe\'s mother and daughter. Along the way, song Qinghe started talking about what had happened since he received a phone call from Downing. Until this morning, he picked up and said everything he could say.

But Chu Jingxian has managed the company for so many years. Is it so easy to fool? Before, I ignored many problems because I was worried about my daughter. Now I calm down and feel something wrong. Moreover, many of song Qinghe\'s words are vague and can\'t even justify themselves.

This girl, what happened with Chu fan?

In front of Chu fan and Tang Feifei, Chu Jingxian can\'t ask. She can only pretend to be confused. It\'s over. But she made up her mind that when she went back, she must ask clearly.

It doesn\'t matter, headache!

Before 12 noon, Chu fan and his party came to the huge archway at the foot of Daba Mountain. As soon as the car stopped, two Tang clan disciples jumped out of the dark and said politely, "the sect leader knows that you are coming. Let\'s wait here for a long time. Please!"

"What about Tang Lin? Why didn\'t he guard the mountain gate?" Chu fan asked casually.

A disciple said casually, "Tang Lin had a stomachache today. He ran to the toilet eight times at night. Now he can\'t even get up. How can he guard the mountain gate?"

Chu fan knew that Tang Lin was afraid to see Chu fan, so he came up with such an idea and avoided it. I believe Chu fan doesn\'t have time to take care of his small role.

If nothing had happened between Chu fan and song Qinghe, Chu fan might be too lazy to talk to him, but now it\'s different. Chu fan can\'t spare Tang Lin\'s accomplice and Downing\'s mastermind.

Today, I have to turn Tangmen upside down.

All the way, they walked for nearly an hour. Chu fan was ok, but Chu Jingxian\'s body was a little unbearable. However, in order to see her husband as soon as possible, she climbed to the top of the mountain and came to Tang family castle.

Suddenly, Tang Feifei grabbed Chu fan and leaned to listen: "listen, there\'s a piano."

"Yes?" Chu fan listened carefully. It seemed that there was a faint sound of the piano and said with a smile, "if there was, there would be. Tangmen is an ancient sect. It\'s very common to play the piano, write and splash ink."

"But I always feel that the sound of the piano is familiar." Tang Feifei frowned and followed Chu fan into the Tang family castle.

After entering the city, the sound of the piano became clearer and clearer. Tang Feifei\'s face became dignified and said, "go first. I\'ll go to see the player."

"Hey, be careful." Chu fan shouted. Tang Feifei ran away as if he hadn\'t heard him.

When she left, song Qinghe was happy and quickly hugged his arm. She had been greedy for this position for a long time.

"Cousin, you will decide for me later and teach that bastard downing a lesson." Song Qinghe shook Chu fan\'s arm coyly.

"Cough, don\'t worry. One who bullies you can\'t run away." Chu fan pulled his arm and said helplessly, "can you pay attention to the influence? My aunt is watching."


Song Qinghe quickly released Chu fan and turned to hold Chu Jingxian\'s arm. If you still don\'t understand at this time, Chu Jingxian has lived in vain for so many years. She can\'t help but stretch out her finger and poke her forehead with a helpless sigh.

Silly girl, Chu fan is a fire pit. Why did you jump in? Alas!

In the hall, the people of the Tang clan have long known that Chu fan and others have been waiting for him for a long time. What makes Chu fan feel abnormal is that the people of the Tang clan seem to be very arrogant, just like beating chicken blood.

What\'s going on? Aren\'t they afraid that my brother will tear down the hall?

"Hahaha, brother Chu fan, you\'re all right." Tang Haochuan, who had met once, took the lead in welcoming him with a smile on his face. He didn\'t feel nervous when someone came to the door.

Since the last incident, he has become the leader of Tang clan. But now, the leader on the stage is empty, but he is standing under the stage. Chu fan doesn\'t think that he can let the head of a sect meet him personally. There must be a problem here.

"Tang clan leader is polite." Chu fan smiled and arched his hands. "I heard that the old sect leader was injured. I don\'t know how his condition is?"

"My father just got caught in the wind and cold. It\'s no big deal. He let brother Chu fan worry about him."

Two people chatted a few words. Song Qinghe couldn\'t help but say loudly, "where\'s my godfather? What have you done to him?"

"Don\'t worry, brother Jinlong is safe." Tang Haochuan smiled and comforted, but turned his head, his face became serious and whispered, "but the situation is not very optimistic. If you want to take brother Jinlong, you have to get the consent of our Tangmen leader."

"Sect leader? Aren\'t you the leader of Tang clan?" Chu fan rolled his eyes and told me what?

Tang Haochuan said with a bitter smile, "I\'m not the sect leader anymore."

"Who is the sect leader? Please come out and meet him."

Suddenly, a cold female voice came: "it\'s me!"