The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 870

"Lose money!"

"Hit someone and want to go?"

Several people hullabaloo surrounded Chu fan. Some picked up small Mazars and others picked up wine bottles. They were vicious, as if they were going to eat people. In particular, the one with a blooming head and a bloody face added a bit of ferocity.

Chu fan didn\'t like these guys at all, and the guy who was beaten deserved it. This is Chu fan here. If she were a single girl, she might be bullied by them.

However, song Qinghe also made a mistake. Who let her drink with others? But why does she drink so much wine? In the final analysis, it\'s still because of the relationship between confused and Chu fan, and Chu fan still has some regrets.

Therefore, Chu fan still feels guilty about song Qinghe. As for the guys around him, he can\'t talk about guilt, but he should lose some money if he beat someone.

"Come on, how much do you want?" Chu fan took out his wallet and took out all the cash in it. There was a thick stack, at least more than 10000. He handed it over. "Should these be enough?"

Seeing Chu fan take out the money, the guys raised by several people slowly put it down. More than 10000 is a lot. How much is more?

The beaten guy took the money, turned it over in his hand, frowned and said, "just a little money? Where are the beggars?"

This greatly surprised several people. They all looked at him and said to themselves that you are not satisfied? It doesn\'t cost 100 yuan to go to the clinic to bandage the small wound on your head. How much more do you want?

Chu fan also frowned: "too little? You pay me back and I\'ll take you to the hospital. Even if you live to death, I\'ll reimburse all the expenses. How about it?"

"Just medical expenses? I don\'t have to work, find a girlfriend, honor the elderly and raise children in the future?" the guy who broke the head said plausibly, "at least 500000. Otherwise, you let me come on your head, and I don\'t want a penny. What do you think?"

"My grass, are you crazy?" a guy quickly pulled him aside and whispered, "no, more than 10000. You knock him on a wine bottle? Silly?"

"Shut up!" the guy who broke his head whispered in his ear. "When I put him down, not only the money in his pocket is ours, but also the girl."

The man was stunned and said, "but... This nature has changed..."

"What\'s the nature? If you\'re afraid, go now and no one will stop you." the guy who broke his head was impatient. He pushed aside the man and walked over, pointed at Chu fan with a wine bottle and said loudly, "choose two roads by yourself."

Chu fan tightened song Qinghe in his arms and stretched out his hand: "return the money to me and I\'ll let you fight."

"This is your choice." the guy who broke his head waited for him to say this. He stepped forward with an arrow, swung the wine bottle, and hit Chu fan\'s head.


The beer bottle bloomed on Chu fan\'s forehead, and Chu fan just protected song Qinghe\'s head with his hand and stood there without moving his hair. This scene shocked everyone. Is it a head or a stone pier? It\'s too hard.

Chu fan took advantage of the man\'s stupor, grabbed his money from the man\'s hand, put it in his pocket and said faintly, "now, we\'re even. Bye!"

The guy who broke his head looked at his empty hands. The wine bottle was broken and his money was gone, but his head still hurt.

"Stop! Brothers, let\'s go together." when the guy who broke his head saw Chu fan go away, he was worried. He picked up two bottles of beer again, said hello and rushed up first.

The other people looked at each other, picked up the guy, and then rushed over, but as soon as they ran out a few steps, the guy whose head was broken flew back, struggled on the ground for a few times, and didn\'t get up.

Several kinds of guys were raised. Just about to pass, Chu fan suddenly flew up and kicked off the thick green tree at the mouth of the bowl on the roadside. They were so frightened that the guys suddenly stopped their steps and carried the wine bottles behind them for fear of being seen by Chu fan.

"Dare to come again, this tree is your example." Chu fan glared at several people, took song Qinghe to the car, put her in the car, fastened her seat belt, turned back to the cab, started the car and left.

After teaching several people a lesson, Chu fan was in a much better mood, but when he saw the drunken song Qinghe, the co pilot, he had a headache again. If you send her back, talk nonsense and don\'t let everything out?

Chu fan is not afraid of being blamed, but he is afraid of being forced by his aunt to marry song Qinghe. He doesn\'t hate song Qinghe, but the relationship between Song Qinghe and Li Qingcheng is overwhelming. His relationship with Li Qingcheng has been determined. How can he explain to Li Qingcheng if he marries song Qinghe again?

The more you think about it, the more headache you get. Chu fan simply finds a hotel and stays first.

Finally, song Qinghe went upstairs, took off her shoes and covered her with a quilt. Chu fan was ready to leave, but at this time, song Qinghe suddenly got up and threw up as soon as he turned over.

There was no waste at all. It was all sprayed on Chu fan. He smoked him and almost vomited out. He rushed into the bathroom, took off his clothes, threw them into the washing machine, took a quick shower, and then came out with a bath towel. He smelled the smell in the room. It was so heavy that people wanted to vomit. Chu fan hurried to open the windows, then held his breath and cleaned up the dirt by the bed.

Song Qinghe vomited for a while and finally fell asleep, but her clothes and sheets were covered with vomited dirt. Chu fan really can\'t bear to let her sleep like this.

"I owe you in my last life."

Chu fan sighed and went to help her take off her clothes, but at the moment when her pants were taken off, Chu fan\'s eyes were fixed on her little inside. The snow-white pants were dyed red by blood.

Can\'t it be such a coincidence? Aunt?

Chu fan reluctantly shook his head and pulled down her pants. Anyway, that kind of relationship has happened, and there is nothing to avoid. Then there was the sheet. After pulling it down, she covered her with a quilt, took a pile of dirty clothes, went into the bathroom and stuffed things into the washing machine.

But when he was putting water in the washing machine, Chu fan suddenly thought of a problem. He quickly took out all his hands and feet, found his underwear from the washing machine, and looked carefully. It was indeed stained with blood.

If song Qinghe is a great aunt, she must have wing protection angels, but there is no protection in her pants. This proves that she didn\'t come to my aunt, but

Chu fan stood in front of the washing machine, holding a pair of underpants. He didn\'t know what it was like. Accidentally, I picked the girl\'s corolla of song Qinghe. What can I do as if nothing had happened? Is that too cruel to her?

Oh, headache!

After tossing around all day, Chu fan was tired and sleepy. He took the bed quilt, lay on the sofa and soon fell asleep. When he woke up, it was early morning. Chu fan opened his eyes and saw that he had more people in his arms, curled up like a kitten, impressively song Qinghe.

What\'s the situation? Chu fan looked carefully. The bed was empty. The quilt was opened and thrown aside, but when did she get up and drill into her arms?

It is undeniable that song Qinghe is still very beautiful and has a great figure. The big one and the big one feel great. But at this time, Chu fan didn\'t want to be mistaken by her for sleeping with her.

But when he carefully took out his arm and was ready to get up, song Qinghe suddenly turned around and arched Chu fan off the ground.

With the a "plop", Chu fan was thrown to grin. Song Qinghe suddenly woke up and turned around. He happened to see Chu fan lying on the ground with the her face red, but he didn\'t move his eyes. He couldn\'t help laughing.

"Still laughing!"

Chu fan quickly grabbed the quilt to cover himself and said angrily, "explain in advance that the sofa is mine. You went to bed in the middle of the night. You took the initiative to climb up."

"I know."

Song Qinghe blinked her big eyes and suddenly made a move that made Chu fan stunned. She unexpectedly opened the other half of the quilt, jumped onto Chu fan, lowered her head and kissed his lips.

In this kind of thing, the man\'s resistance is really vulnerable. Chu fan constantly reminds himself that he can\'t go wrong any more. But when song Qinghe holds him, he can\'t say a word of his refusal. As soon as his eyes are closed, he is at his mercy.

Do what you like!

Song Qinghe first came in a storm, but after all, she first tasted the taste and soon lost the battle. At this time, Chu fan just rose, how can she give up halfway? Immediately, there was another rainstorm and gale.

After this scene, song Qinghe felt that he had become a pool of mud and couldn\'t even move his little finger. However, this feeling is so cool that it seems to fly.

At this time, the phone rang. Chu fan reluctantly got up and went to answer the phone. Song Qinghe, at the moment Chu fan left, felt a burst of emptiness, as if he had lost his soul. His good mood disappeared at once.

Forced to get up from the ground, song Qinghe helped the wall into the bathroom and took a hot bath. When the water washed on her, she felt like Chu fan\'s hand stroking her.

She closed her eyes and imagined what had just happened. She was interested again. Just then, a pair of big hands wrapped around her waist from behind, and a fiery and bulky body pasted on her back.

The familiar feeling and smell made song Qinghe soft and turned around with his shoulder. But when she closed her eyes and raised her head slightly to welcome a kiss, she was slapped on her hips.

"Ah!" Song Qinghe gave a painful cry and gave Chu fan a look.

Chu fan rubbed her hip with a smile: "it\'s getting late. They\'re waiting for us to go back."


Song Qinghe exclaimed, "I almost forgot. Godfather is still in Tangmen. Get dressed quickly and go to Tangmen."

While she was busy getting dressed, Chu fan leaned against the door frame and asked with a smile, "did you think about what to say after going back?"