The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 872

The voice came from behind. Chu fan subconsciously turned his head, but immediately stared at the two women who walked into the hall like a ghost.

The first woman was ominous. She looked like she was in her thirties. Her skin was white, tender and smooth, but her hair was more than half white, and there were several shallow crow\'s feet at the corners of her eyes. As like as two peas, Tang Feifei was shocked by the fact that the woman she was holding was actually the same as the two women.

If you dye Tang Feifei\'s hair white and draw a few crow\'s feet, even if she and the old woman are twins, some people believe that they are so similar.

Tang Feifei... Tang qiner

Chu fan suddenly woke up. Aren\'t they mother and daughter? It\'s a lot of fun.

"See the sect leader!" Tang Haochuan took the lead and bowed to the old woman who came in. A large group of people shouted neatly as if they had been rehearsed. And Tang qiner held her head high and took Tang Feifei to the high platform. With a wave of her sleeve robe, she sat down firmly in the chair. Full of style!

Tang Feifei stood on her side and looked at Chu fan with tangled eyes, but he didn\'t dare to say a word. Seeing this scene, Chu fan\'s heart sank. It seems that things are a little bad.

"Feifei, who is this eldest sister? She looks so much like you that she can\'t be your sister?" Chu Fan said with a smile.

Tang Feifei was almost scared to death, asshole. When is it? Are you kidding? Still sister, what do you look at? This is my grandmother.

Tang qiner\'s eyes were like electricity. He glanced at Chu fan coldly, frowned slightly and said, "are you Chu fan?"

"That\'s right, that\'s right." Chu Fan said with a smile, "what do you call this eldest sister? Feifei, why don\'t you introduce it."

Tang Feifei glanced at her grandmother secretly. Seeing that she didn\'t seem angry, she hurriedly said, "don\'t shout. This is my grandmother, the Tang qiner you\'re looking for."

"What? Grandma?" Chu fan shook his head and said, "no, it\'s too different."

Tang qiner raised her eyebrows and asked, "don\'t Feifei and I look alike?"

"No, no, no, grandma, you misunderstood." Chu fan hurriedly said, "you and Feifei stand together. They are just a pair of sisters. Who dares to say you are different? And I mean, you are too young to look like Grandma."

"Glib!" Tang qiner finally smiled as the iceberg thawed on her face.

Although Chu fan\'s words made Tang Feifei blush, I have to say that thick skinned people are really likable. The first level was passed carelessly.

"You came to Tangmen to propose marriage to me?" Tang qiner took Tang Feifei\'s hand and said faintly, "I\'m such a baby granddaughter. You can\'t marry her without my nod."

Chu fan nodded again and again: "that\'s that. You\'re an elder. If you can\'t be satisfied, Feifei won\'t be happy even if she follows me. However, I have another thing to do today, about my uncle Tang Jinlong..."

"Tang Jinlong has been killed by me." Tang qiner coldly interrupted Chu fan\'s words. Suddenly, Chu Jingxian, standing behind Chu fan, blacked out and fainted directly.

Song Qinghe quickly hugged the godmother and cried: "Mom, mom, what\'s the matter with you, mom, wake up..."

Now Chu fan couldn\'t laugh. He took out a pill and put it into Chu Jingxian\'s mouth. He whispered, "green lotus, take your aunt out first. Uncle, you can go out too."

"Yes!" Tang Xiaodao is now completely a military style. Without hesitation, he picked up Chu Jingxian and strode out.

Timberley was still a little worried: "boy, although my uncle is old, he has never lost a fight."

"Don\'t worry, uncle. If I can\'t hold on, I\'ll ask you to go with me."

"Don\'t be impulsive!" timberley patted Chufan on the shoulder, turned and walked out.

After the arrangement, Chu fan raised his head, met Tang qiner\'s cold eyes and said faintly, "old lady, in Feifei\'s face, I call you grandma, but your style really has no place to be respected."

"Are you talking to me?" Tang qiner\'s face became colder, stared at Chu fan without blinking, and said coldly, "don\'t you want to marry Feifei?"

"Feifei is my woman. No one can change it, but I won\'t embarrass her, so I won\'t do it to you."

Chu fan then turned to Tang Haochuan and said faintly, "take me to find Tang Jinlong."

His voice was not loud, but there was a momentum of not being angry and self threatening, which made Tang Haochuan\'s face look bright. He felt that Chu fan\'s cultivation was unfathomable and stronger than last time.

Pervert, how did he practice? Did you eat chemical fertilizer?

"Brother Chu fan, you are embarrassing me." Tang Haochuan said with a bitter smile, "if you kill me without the order of the sect leader, I dare not take you."

"Well, I\'m not difficult for you. Where\'s Downing? Call him out."

Tang Haochuan\'s face changed greatly: "how did Tang Ning provoke you?"

"Provoke me?" Chu Fan said angrily. "Yesterday afternoon, he kidnapped my cousin song Qinghe. If I hadn\'t gone in time, he would have cooked the raw rice."

"It\'s... it\'s impossible. Ning\'er has been in Tangmen. How can he go down the mountain to kidnap song Qinghe..."

"Do you mean that I recognize the wrong person, or do you think I\'m making trouble out of nothing?"

Before Tang Haochuan could answer, Chu fan looked up at Tang qiner, who was sitting high on the stage, and said loudly, "Tang clan leader, your Tang clan disciples kidnapped my cousin with an evil intention. Do you have to explain this to me?"

Tang qiner\'s face was as heavy as water. He waved his hand and shouted, "come on, bring downing up and confront him face to face."

"There\'s another one named Tang Lin. they kidnapped my cousin yesterday." Chu fanleng snorted, "the white Toyota bully I brought today is their crime tool. If you still want evidence, I\'ll ask someone to get the surveillance video immediately to see if these two scum took my cousin?"

Tang Haochuan and others have believed 80% of what Chu Fan said. With Chu fan\'s identity and status, they can\'t find such an excuse. But now he has the handle. I\'m afraid it\'s hard to do well.

Soon, the two disciples who went to find downing came back empty handed and respectfully said, "tell the headmaster, I\'ve searched all over the sect, but I can\'t find downing."

Then, the other two disciples brought Tang Lin. as soon as they entered the door, Tang Lin fell on his knees and cried, "it\'s none of my business. It\'s all Downing\'s idea..."

"Shut up!"

Tang qiner\'s face was livid with anger. In her opinion, it\'s not a big deal for the disciples to catch a woman to marry in the hall, but the problem is that the disciples didn\'t even dare to show their face and ran away directly. But before the confrontation in court, he knelt down, or knelt down towards Chu fan and put things down.

In those days, the Tang clan was so powerful that experts in Tianjing cultivation emerged one after another. When wandering the Jianghu, they were all Niubi figures who swayed their arms and dared not provoke anyone. But now, generation by generation is not as good as generation, and her face as the sect leader has been lost.

"Grandma!" Tang Feifei gently tugged Tang qiner\'s sleeve, his eyes full of prayers.

She is the most uncomfortable one. On one side, she is the closest relative and on the other side, she is the favorite man. They have a conflict. Tang Feifei is caught in the middle. She is in a dilemma and has to worry to death.

"Shut up!" Tang qiner shook off Tang Feifei, looked up coldly and proudly, and hummed, "if you want to kill or cut, you\'re welcome. Hum!"

Tang Lin almost peed in his pants, but at the same time, he also felt cold about the new sect leader\'s indifference. He turned to hug Tang Haochuan\'s thigh and cried, "sect leader, I\'m really forced. You have to save me."

"Don\'t scream. I\'m not the sect leader now." Tang Haochuan was a little nervous and said in his heart, isn\'t this smelly boy trying to hurt me?

Tang Lin jumped up, pointed to Tang qin\'er and said loudly, "what kind of sect leader is she? She\'s an elder of the Tang clan because of her high Kung Fu? She can\'t even protect the disciples of the Tang clan. What qualifications do you have to be a sect leader?"

"Damn it!" Tang qin\'er shook his hand violently, a little cold light flew out, and ran straight to Tang Lin\'s eyebrows as fast as lightning.

No one expected that Tang qiner would suddenly attack his disciples. Even Tang Lin didn\'t expect that Tang qiner would be so cruel and cruel. At this critical juncture, Chu fan suddenly clapped a silver needle in front of Tang Lin\'s face and immediately changed direction and flew out sideways.

With a sniff, the silver needle pierced into the log post, leaving only a small pinhole. If this stabs Tang Lin, he must not survive.

Tang qiner\'s move made Tang Haochuan and others frown and regret it. Let Tang qin\'er be the sect leader. I\'m afraid it will destroy Tang clan.

"Chu fan, don\'t you want me to explain to you? Why stop me?" Tang Qin asked coldly.

Chu fan didn\'t have a good way: "will you be the sect leader? Do you think killing Tang Lin is an explanation for me?"

Tang qiner said angrily, "what else do you want?"

"It\'s not what I want, but there\'s something wrong with your treatment." Chu fan patted Tang Lin and said, "if I want to kill, I did it yesterday. Why come to the door today? Even my bitter Lord knows that I have to forgive others. But you are the leader of the sect. If you say kill, kill. The Tang clan disciple is not raised by his father and mother?"

These words made Tang Lin cry with gratitude and burst into tears. He\'s bent! One side is the young leader of Tang clan. Dare Tang Lin listen to his orders? But now something\'s wrong and I\'m angry with him. Am I a stepmother?

Without waiting for Tang qiner to speak, Chu fan continued: "the most important thing is that the mastermind is Tang Ning. You don\'t send someone to catch him back as soon as possible, but you only operate on Tang Lin. do you want to protect Tang Ning and let him run away?"

"Chu fan is right."

"Indeed, the practice of the sect leader is inappropriate."

"No matter what, you can\'t just kill."

"Yes, kill Tang Lin today. If any of us make a small mistake tomorrow, will we even kill us?"

Chu fan smiled knowingly. What he wanted was this effect. Don\'t you want to be the leader? Now, none of the Tang clan disciples support you. Do you still have the face to sit down on the sect leader\'s chair?