The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 869

In the dark, on a secluded country road, a white Toyota overlord stopped by the road, and the body shook violently

If someone sees this, he must think someone in the car is doing something shocking, but in fact, song Qinghe fiercely jumped on Chu fan and pinched him by the neck to strangle him.

Chu fan naturally can\'t stand being pinched, but the space in the car is narrow. He doesn\'t dare to make big moves for fear of hurting song Qinghe. Just when he resisted, he didn\'t know what he met. The seat back suddenly fell down, and Chu fan and song Qinghe fell down together.

How could it be so coincidence that song Qinghe was torn apart by Chu fan at the moment he fell, and she was so straight on Chu fan\'s face. The fullness of her chest seemed to be deliberately sent to Chu fan\'s mouth, blocking his mouth and nose, and almost choked him in one breath.

Chu fan was silly. Although the car was dark, he also knew with his eyes closed that what was sent to his mouth. He could swear that he really didn\'t mean it. It was completely instinctive and stirred it with the tip of his tongue.


Song Qinghe screamed like an electric shock, suddenly sat up, protected his chest with both hands, blushed like blood, and didn\'t know what to do. No matter how bold and unrestrained she is, she is also a big girl. Being provoked in this place is almost the same as being forked.

"Cough!" Chu fan coughed and said, "well, I\'ll take you to eat. Just in time, I\'m a little hungry."

Aren\'t you hungry, or can you take a bite on someone\'s big white steamed bread?

Song Qinghe calmed down and was about to go down from Chu fan, but her hands were on her chest, and the weight of her body naturally fell on her hips. As soon as she moved, something happened.

Originally, Chu fan was still trying to restrain the expansion somewhere, but she could not control her reaction and suddenly tilted up. They didn\'t wear much. Song Qing felt it when he was in a hurry. He loosened his hand and held the handle next to the door. He thought of it in a panic. But at this time, Chu fan also sat up and saw a pair of dazzling headlights in front of him. He was dazzled and confused


Song Qinghe gave a dull hum, but this time she didn\'t avoid it. She just trembled violently. She dared to hold Chu fan\'s head, try to hold her chest out, bite her lips and don\'t let herself cry.

I don\'t know how long later, song Qinghe gave a depressed cry of pain. Chu fan suddenly woke up as if he had been knocked by someone. But at this time, he found that his belt was untied, song Qinghe\'s pants faded to the bend of his legs and rode on him

How did this happen? Why are you so confused that you have to deal with her?

Chu fan smoked his nose and suddenly smelled a musk. His eyes fell on the perfume bottle in front of the car. This thing was made of pure musk, and musk had a stimulating effect.

Cursive Downing, you\'ve hurt me.

According to the survey and statistics, 90% of men regret after they have been derailed. Chu fan is no exception. He was very exciting and cool before, but after that strength, he began to worry about the aftermath.

Alas! It\'s all impulse!

Song Qinghe also calmed down. She was also a little ashamed, because she clearly remembered that she took off Chu fan\'s pants on her own initiative, or she straightened them with her hands, and then something happened later.

How did this happen? Is it true that you are a slut in your bones? Yes, I like Chu fan a little, but the development speed is too fast. It feels like a dream.

By the moonlight outside the window, song Qinghe happened to see Chu fan\'s regretful expression. He suddenly became stiff and looked gloomy. He turned back to the co pilot and quickly sorted out his clothes and trousers. He said faintly, "don\'t worry, I won\'t pester you. It\'s just an accident. When you get home, don\'t mention it again. Just think nothing has happened."

"Qinghe, I..."

"Stop talking, I\'m sleepy."

Wipe, I was hungry just now. I was sleepy again after a while. Chu fan was speechless for a while, arranged his clothes, started his car and drove towards the city. This time, neither of them spoke on the road. The car drove very fast. In about half an hour, the car had entered the urban area.

Chu fan opened the window to make himself more sober, and let the cold night wind blow away the dirty air in the car. But before long, a strong smell of barbecue came. Chu fan slowed down, looked around, turned the steering wheel, turned into a street on the right, found a spacious place and stopped the car.

"Get out of the car and go back after supper." Chu fan jumped out of the car and strode towards the shed beside the road.

Song Qinghe wanted to drive away, but when he started the car, he found that the car key had been taken away by Chu fan.


Song Qinghe cursed and opened the door to get off. Suddenly, a telephone rang, startling her. It\'s Chu fan\'s cell phone. It\'s Tang Feifei.

She looked at it and answered: "Hey, I\'m song Qinghe... Uh huh, I\'m fine. I\'ll eat outside with my cousin and go back in a minute... Bye!"

Hang up the phone. Like a thief, she quickly closes the door, quickly comes to Chu fan and hands over her mobile phone.

"Who called?" Chu fan asked casually, grabbed a meat kebab and handed it over.

Song Qinghe didn\'t dare to look at Chu fan. He sat down opposite him, bowed his head and said, "it\'s Tang Feifei. She asked you when to go back."

"Oh, eat quickly. Order what you want." Chu fan didn\'t care and began to concentrate on eliminating the meat kebab in front of him.

Song Qinghe ate two mouthfuls and felt dull. He turned his head and said loudly, "boss, let\'s have a dozen beers."

"OK!" the boss quickly brought a dozen iced beer and put a bottle opener on the small table. "You two take it easy. Just ask if you need anything."

"No need for the time being, thank you!" Song Qinghe grabbed a bottle of beer and opened it. Without asking Chu fan, he blew it directly into his mouth. At one breath, most of the beer went down without changing his face.

Chu fan frowned: "drink slowly. The wine is too cold and bad for your health."

"Don\'t worry about it." Song Qinghe angrily grabbed the wine bottle again and drank the remaining half bottle of wine with his neck up.

Chu fan shakes his head, no longer cares about her, and takes a big bite of meat. There must be a way to the front of the mountain. Fill your stomach first.

Suddenly, a man stood up on the table next to him, came over with a bottle of beer and said with a smile: "Miss, good wine capacity, have a drink together?"

"Just drink, who\'s afraid?" Song Qinghe stood up, grabbed the beer and touched the bottle in the man\'s hand. They both raised their necks and drank another bottle at the same time. Moreover, she drank nearly twice as fast as the man.

As we all know, there is a big difference between blowing on a bottle and drinking in a cup. Because the bottle mouth is small, it can\'t slow down at all. It\'s all about sucking out beer with one effort. This requires not only a good amount of wine, but also the ability to use this energy. Great. I drink faster than I pour.


The crowd applauded, and the man looking for song Qinghe to drink was willing to bow down and slipped back. But soon, another one stood up and wanted to share wine with song Qinghe. Song Qinghe did not refuse anyone. In the blink of an eye, a bottle of wine was drunk again, not slower than the previous one.

As soon as I came and went, I drank up a dozen beers. Without song Qinghe talking, someone asked the boss to serve wine and continue drinking, as if he had to compare song Qinghe.

And Chu fan, just like the air, no one looked at him. On the contrary, song Qinghe surrounded several people and took turns to share wine with her. But the wolf eyes kept scanning song Qinghe. Red fruit was greedy.

Unfortunately, song Qinghe has drunk more than a dozen bottles of beer, and his mind is noisy. How can he find these? Especially when she was drinking on her back, her chest was full and almost burst into happy clothes, because she didn\'t wear underwear. The two points in front of her chest were clearly visible.

Who is not greedy for such a beautiful girl who is so punctual and bold? Naturally, these guys had a bad intention to fight with her. After she got drunk, they picked her up and landed on the ground.

Finally, after drinking the 14th bottle of beer, song Qinghe stumbled and almost fell to the ground. A man standing next to her immediately stepped forward to help him, but before he met song Qinghe, he was stumbled by a man and almost stuck on the table.

"Drink well? Drink well and go home with me." Chu fan hugged song Qinghe\'s waist and was ready to take her away, but the men quit.

"Brother, it\'s not good to eat alone?"

"Yes, it took us a lot of effort to get her drunk. Have you agreed to take her away?"

"Let go of that girl!"

Chu fan disdained a few guys with wine bottles and vertical eyebrows: "she\'s my wife."

"Hahaha, she\'s your wife, and I\'m still her husband."

The man seemed to hear a big joke. Just when it was funny, song Qinghe suddenly swung the wine bottle and hit him hard on the head. The wine bottle broke and the man\'s forehead was bleeding. Several people who were still teasing were silly.

"You deserve it too?" Song Qinghe stared at the man drunk, put his arms around Chu fan\'s neck and said sweetly, "husband, let\'s open a room. I want to sleep with you."

"Speak well." Chu fan blushed a little. Usually she doesn\'t. This wine has changed the whole person.

Song qinghorton cried: "husband, I\'m wrong. It\'s all my fault. I\'ll listen to you in the future. When you want it, I\'ll give it to you, both before and after..."

Chu fan listens to a waterfall sweat. What is it with? He dared not let song Qinghe go on, otherwise he could not tell what nonsense to say. But he wanted to leave with song Qinghe, but someone quit.

"Want to go?" the guy with blood on his head stopped him and said with gnashing teeth, "beat my head like this. Do you want to go away?"