The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 868

"Green lotus... Burp, when we enter the bridal chamber, we... Burp, we are husband and wife..."

Downing opened the door and came in drunk with a hiccup, but the scene in front of him suddenly made him half drunk and his eyes were red.

His goddess and wife rolled on the bed with other men. Just as he was stunned, a big red quilt was thrown out and just covered his head.

"Adultery husband and wife, I\'ll kill you dog men and women." downing was angry and had lost his mind. He darted up and suddenly opened the quilt. He saw that the man pressed on Song Qinghe\'s snow-white body was still an acquaintance. He wanted to kill Chu fan in his dream.

Downing raised his palm and said, "Chu... Chu fan? How is it you?"

"Why, can\'t you?"

Chu fan is still pressing on Song Qinghe. This time, he can\'t get up without song Qinghe holding him. Because song Qinghe didn\'t wear anything on her upper body. It all depended on Chu fan to hide her shame.

Downing is extremely sad and angry. Why is he everywhere? He picked up a ready-made bridal chamber that I had worked hard to decorate. Woo woo woo, Jin Ke mu, water Ke fire, you beat me so much.

He wanted to slap Chu fan to death, but he knew in his heart that ten of them were not Chu fan\'s opponents, and it was asking for trouble to start with him. Today\'s thing is completely planted. He doesn\'t dare to expect anything to happen with song Qinghe, as long as he can retreat.

"OK, of course." the Downing also woke up, quickly put down his hand and reluctantly said with a smile, "how about the bridal chamber arranged for you, buddy? What do you think are the shortcomings? I\'ll let someone tell you about it."

Be flexible and flexible. That\'s a big husband. Hum, after today, I\'ll settle this account with you slowly. As for song Qinghe, I\'ll sleep with her sooner or later. Bitch!

Chu fan grabbed the quilt and covered song Qinghe. He finally got away. He turned over from the bed and slapped Tang Ning. Tang Ning almost vomited blood. He is also the young leader of Tang clan. Dare you hit me?

"Why? Shouldn\'t you?" Chu fan lit a cigarette for himself, took a sip, sprayed the cigarette on Downing\'s face, and sneered, "this bridal chamber is prepared for me? Do you think I\'m a fool?"

Tang Ning stood up from the ground, gnashing his teeth and said, "don\'t be too proud of Chu. You can protect song Qinghe, and you can also protect her godfather? I\'m not afraid to tell you that Tang Jinlong is doomed this time. No one can save him except me."

"Oh? So Tang qiner has to listen to you?" Chu fan sneered.

Tang Ning was proud: "Tang qiner won\'t listen to me, but she still has some friendship with my grandfather, and my grandfather only has a grandson like me. If I say a few good words for Tang Jinlong, I believe Tang qiner will also give some face."

Because Chu fan slapped him, half of his face swelled up, but he still had to look proud and let Chu fan see speechless. I really don\'t understand. Where does he get confidence?

He is not short of five elements. He is born short of smoke!


Chu fan slapped him again. Downing turned around and fell to the ground with a "plop", and the other half of his face swelled rapidly, looking quite symmetrical.

"Go back and tell your grandpa that I\'ll personally pick up my uncle tomorrow." Chu fan pointed to Downing with a cigarette and said in a cold voice, "if my uncle Tang Jinlong loses a hair, I\'ll tear down a house in your Tang clan, and what\'s going on today. If your grandpa doesn\'t give me an explanation, I\'ll do it myself and castrate - you idiot."

Downing was really scared and said in a trembling voice, "you... Dare you?"

"I dare not?" Chu fan glared and tried to do it. Downing shouted with fear, stumbled up and ran out.


Chu fan threw away his cigarette butts and stared at Song Qinghe on the bed, "do you still want to sleep here?"

"Cousin, people haven\'t dressed yet." Song Qinghe held on to the quilt in shame, as if he was afraid of being seen by Chu fan.

Chu fan wants to hit the door frame. Who dragged himself to bed just now? Who took off the wedding clothes on his own initiative? Why weren\'t you shy then? Now it\'s late to install a lady!

"Love to wear it or not, I\'ll go." Chu fan turned to open the door and left.

Now, song Qinghe was in a hurry. He quickly opened the quilt, jumped out of bed and shouted, "cousin, wait for me..."

This girl is still very talented. Chu fan glances at her inadvertently and runs faster. Don\'t throw it in your hand. But he didn\'t go far, so he stopped Tang Lin who wanted to drive away in the yard.

"Leave the car key and go away!" Chu fan waved impatiently.

Chu fan doesn\'t bother to fight for the tiger. However, if he doesn\'t trouble them today, he doesn\'t mean to let them go. They will feel better when they arrive at Tangmen.

Tang Lin said with a bitter smile: "Chu Shao, I\'m a follower..."

"Don\'t talk nonsense. Do you want to eat two big pot stickers like downing?"

"No, no, I\'ll go now. I\'ll go now." Tang Lin was frightened. He didn\'t dare to say more and ran away.

Old Liu, the head of the household, wanted to come over and say a few words, but he saw Chu fan kick the tail of the car. Toyota, which was originally facing north, made a 180 degree turn in place. The front of the car turned around and turned its head to the south.

Lao Liu, his son, daughter-in-law and others were shocked. Is this guy still human? You kick the car and turn around. If you kick someone, you can\'t kick someone to death?

Originally, he wanted to keep the car by relying on the old and selling the old. After all, the car was brought by Tang Shao, and the opportunity to flatter should not be missed. But now it seems that it\'s better to flatter less. Otherwise, if you flatter the horse\'s hoof, you will be kicked to death by the horse.

"Let\'s go!" Lao Liu waved to his son and daughter-in-law to hurry back to the house. Such people can\'t even provoke Tang Shao, and we can\'t even provoke him.

But Chu fan shouted at this time, "stop, who, open the door."

"Ah, ah!" Lao Liu quickly bumped past, opened the door left and right, and stood aside with a smile. He didn\'t know that Chu fan was a guest from their family.

At this time, song Qinghe ran out of the house in his red suit and got into the car directly, afraid that Chu fan would leave her behind. Chu fan didn\'t say anything. He started the car. Toyota was like a fierce tiger and roared out.

"Cousin, do you think I look good in this red dress?" Song Qinghe winked charmingly. Unfortunately, Chu fan did not squint and drove the car fast.

Song Qinghe gave him a white look and rubbed his lower abdomen: "I\'m hungry!"

Chu fan still ignored it and drove his car as if song Qinghe didn\'t exist.

"Stop, if you don\'t stop, I\'ll jump?" Song Qinghe shouted.

Seeing that Chu fan still ignored her, song Qinghe was angry and really went to open the door. Chu fan was startled. He quickly locked the door and angrily said, "can you stop making trouble?"

"Woo woo!"

Song Qinghe suddenly cried sadly and upset Chu fan. He had no choice but to compromise and said, "OK, I\'ll invite you to dinner. Is this the head office? But there\'s no place to eat in the wilderness? You can bear it again. When you get to the city, you can eat whatever you want."

After crying for a while, song Qinghe\'s mood gradually stabilized. He took the paper towel handed by Chu fan, wiped the corners of his eyes, and said mockingly, "do you think I\'m a woman who doesn\'t love myself?"

"Also, what good woman could kiss a man and let him touch it?" as soon as she said it, song Qinghe\'s tears fell down again and sobbed, "I\'m cheap. No one wants to send it to the door. I\'m shameless to strip myself... Sobbing!"

How can I feel guilty about this? But I came to save her. Why did I make a mistake?

Chu fan put on the brake and stopped the car on the roadside. He said helplessly, "Qing He, I understand your mind, but you don\'t understand my situation. Why do you jump in?"

"I don\'t care." Song Qinghe suddenly raised his head, looked at Chu fan with tearful eyes and said in a trembling voice, "in fact, when I was in Guangyuan City, I liked you a little, but at that time, we were enemies, and I warned myself many times that it was impossible between us. We can make people, and you became my cousin."

"Do you know what I\'ve been doing since you left last time? You may not believe it. I\'m busy dating." Song Qinghe said sarcastically, "I want to marry myself out as soon as possible so that I may forget you, but I\'ve seen so many men, and none of them can move me."

"If godfather is not in danger, I may not call you yet, because I want to forget you and all my memories about you. If I were not caught here by downing and saw you in a desperate situation, I would never be so cheap as to take the initiative to send myself to you."

"But why did you come to me? Just let me be bullied by that bastard downing. In this way, maybe Godfather can come back safely without your help."

Chu fan felt more guilty: "you are my cousin. You were taken away by downing. How can I sit idly by? It\'s also my fault. I shouldn\'t joke with you like that..."

"By the way, it\'s all your fault!"

He didn\'t mention it. Song Qinghe almost forgot that when he woke up, Chu fan, an asshole, rode on her. Otherwise, can he slap him angrily, hug him excitedly, kiss and touch him?

"You said you would wake me up if you saved me. Why did you tease me?" Song Qinghe was so angry that tears flowed and hit Chu fan on the chest. "People were scared to death. You teased people. They were so happy that they couldn\'t help kissing you, but you pushed an inch and touched me."

Chu fan grabbed her wrist and said in a daze, "what did you say? I touched you? You grabbed my hand and put it on your chest, okay?"

"You say you didn\'t touch it?"

"Touch it!"

"Responsible or not?"

"Not negative!"

"I... I\'ll fight with you." Song Qinghe gritted his teeth and rushed up

PS: Thank you for your red envelope reward support of "pen and ink spring and autumn 088805369"!