The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 867

Seeing Chu fan, Chu Yang was so excited that he stumbled at his feet and almost got stuck on the ground.

Chu fan hurried forward with an arrow, held the old man, smiled bitterly and said, "Grandpa, I really can\'t afford your way of greeting."

"Rolling calf, do you think I\'m going to kowtow to you?" Chu Yang was so angry that he raised his hand and rewarded Chu fan with a shudder, pointed to the door and said loudly, "Qinghe has been kidnapped."

"What?" Chu fan covered his head and said in surprise, "Qinghe just called me. How could he be kidnapped in a twinkling of an eye? Knife, I saw you running back in a panic just now. Is it because..."

"That\'s right!" Tang Xiaodao said quickly. "As soon as I caught up with him, I saw that Qinghe was taken away by downing. I couldn\'t catch up, so I had to go back and inform him first. At this time, you\'ll come."

Chu fan remembered that when he stopped, there was indeed a car in front of him that had just left. Was that the car that took song Qinghe? Wipe, brother, one minute faster... No, even more than ten seconds faster, it must have stopped people.

"Grandpa, don\'t worry. I\'ll get the green lotus back now. Just wait for me at home. It\'s okay." Chu fan comforted and asked Tang Feifei to stay and help take care of Grandpa. He ran after Tang Ning in the direction of leaving.

The speed was faster than that of a car, which made Chu Yang and others stunned. I haven\'t seen you for a while. It seems that this smelly boy\'s cultivation has improved a lot.

"Grandpa, it\'s windy outside. Let\'s go in." Tang Feifei skillfully came forward and held Chu Yang\'s arm.

Until then, Chu Yang found that the girl in front of him was not the one around Chu fan last time. However, this girl is more beautiful and quiet. Well, Chu fan has a good eye. This girl will certainly have children in the future.

"Let\'s go. With Chu fan here, Qinghe will be fine." Chu Yang waved his hand, called several people back, turned his head and asked, "girl, what\'s your name? How old are you this year? What\'s your job..."

This is checking your account!

Chu fan\'s ability to recall the perspective eye is better than any tracker. He chased it all the way to a small village at the foot of Daba Mountain.

This family should be the richest man in the village. It not only has a large courtyard, but also has a more beautiful house than others. It is made of red brick, color steel roof and water heater. It can be seen that the living standard of this family should not be low.

In the spacious yard, there are all kinds of agricultural machines and tools, rotary cultivators and planters. In the semi open garage on one side, there is also an agricultural tricycle covered with tarpaulin, which is well maintained.

Just in front of the garage, there was a Toyota bully parked. Chu fan recognized it at a glance and took song Qinghe away. Since the car is here, people can\'t run. Chu fan lights himself a cigarette first and takes a breath. He has run for dozens of miles all the way. Other people are already tired into a dog.

"Tang Shao, the food is ready. Let\'s have something to eat first." the head of the household, Lao Liu, bowed and smiled pleasantly.

Lao Liu seems to be in his forties. His eyes are active and have great insight. Otherwise, how can he become a village director? He can become the village director and live such a rich life, but it all depends on the Tang Shao in front of him. That is his reborn parents. Let alone a meal, Tang Shao wants to sleep with his daughter-in-law. He has to happily send his daughter-in-law to Tang Shao\'s bed.

This is the God of wealth!

"How can we eat without wine?" Tang Ning waved his hand. "Tang Lin, go to the car and bring the good wine I brought. Today is my young master\'s wedding night. How can we do without wine?"

"OK!" Tang Lin quickly turned and ran out.

Lao Liu suddenly realized it, patted him on the face, smiled and said, "look at my memory, I forgot about it. Tang Shao, you drink. I\'ll let my daughter-in-law decorate the room, get two red candles, and let my old woman get a wedding dress for my new daughter-in-law. After eating and drinking, you can worship heaven and earth with her and enter the bridal chamber."

"Hahaha, OK, OK!" downing happily patted the head of household on the shoulder. "Lao Liu, when I get married and become the Lord, I promise you endless money."

"As long as Tang Shao is happy, it doesn\'t matter whether he has money or not." Lao Liu stretched out his hand and invited him, "Tang Shao, please take your seat. I\'ll arrange it now. You eat slowly first."

"Hurry up and ask your son and daughter-in-law to come and have a few drinks with me."

"Right now, right now." Lao Liu walked out happily.

Outside, Chu fan didn\'t hurry. When he finished smoking a cigarette, he saw that several people shuttling back and forth entered the house and didn\'t come out for a long time, so he slipped past quietly. At this time, it was late and the doors were locked. Who would have thought that someone would come in at this time?

Originally, the Liu family had a big wolf dog to guard the yard, but just because downing came, Lao Liu tied the big wolf dog into the pigsty. Unexpectedly, it was convenient for Chu fan.

The lights in the house are bright, and several people are drinking and drinking. Chu fan looks through the wall under the window and clearly sees several people in the house. It\'s really downing. The other is Tang Lin, who guards the mountain gate.

Who gives you courage, these bastards?

Chu fan has a flash in his mind. Is it related to Tang qin\'er? Otherwise, why don\'t you come early or late? Why don\'t you catch up with song Qinghe when Tang qiner finds Tang clan?

After thinking about it, Chu fan didn\'t disturb a few people to eat and drink. He turned and walked quickly to the West.

Lao Liu\'s house consists of four large rooms. The old couple live in the East and the young couple live in the West. They go through their own doors. However, the east side occupies an area of two and a half rooms, while the west side has only one and a half rooms.

This type of house is very common in rural areas. It not only gives the little couple private space, but also allows the family to live together. Although the little couple\'s house is a little small, because the kitchen is over the old couple, it is still very spacious.

Chu fan came to the door, gently opened the door and dodged into the house. At present, there is a spacious living room, sofa, color TV, computer, everything. It is facing the north wall of the door, and two doors are lined up. The west side is the bedroom and the east side is the bathroom. The decoration is not luxurious, but in the countryside, it is simply a palace.

When Chu fan came to the bedroom door and saw song Qinghe on the bed, she couldn\'t help but be happy. The Ni Zi was wearing a red suit and light makeup on her face. She was tied to the bed in a big font and was still in a coma.

Chu fan looked around, grabbed the pillow towel over Song Qinghe\'s head, and then a hungry tiger rushed to her. He was so heavy that song Qinghe gave a snort. He suddenly woke up and exclaimed, "Downing, you bastard, get away and don\'t touch me... I\'m Chu fan\'s woman. If you dare to touch me, Chu fan will kill you..."

"Shit, when did you become my woman?" Chu fan lifted the pillow towel on Song Qinghe\'s face, stared and asked, "you make it clear, otherwise, I\'ll turn around and go now."

Song Qinghe tearfully looked at Chu fan riding on him, feeling as if he was dreaming. Mingming fell into hell. Why did he come to heaven all at once? If I had known it was Chu fan, I would pretend I didn\'t know anything and let him control me.

"Cousin, my hand is numb. Can you untie the rope for me first?" Song Qinghe said in a trembling voice.

It\'s boring. I\'m still trying to tease her for a while.

Chu fan stooped down and quickly untied the rope on Song Qinghe\'s wrists, but just before her hands were liberated and Chu fan turned over and got out of bed, song Qinghe suddenly raised his hand and took him a big mouth, which stunned Chu fan.

Then song Qinghe suddenly hugged Chu fan\'s neck and kissed his big mouth.

It\'s special. It\'s a slap to a sweet jujube.

Chu fan wants to push song Qinghe away, but his hand touches a soft ball. He is not a hairy boy who doesn\'t understand anything. Knowing that this is a minefield, he quickly pulls his hand, but song Qinghe grabs his hand and presses it on his chest.

Crazy, this girl is completely crazy.

For a long time, song Qinghe was really out of breath and let Chu fan go. Jiao panted and asked, "how does it feel?"

"OK!" Chu fan answered casually, then slowed down, quickly pulled back his hand and quickly turned over and got out of bed.

What happened to my brother today? The concentration is also too poor. Is it because she is wearing happy clothes? Look at Song Qinghe, bare chested and flirting with spring. It can be seen that Chu fan almost became a bird beast. Don\'t turn your head quickly.

"You... Get dressed quickly and I\'ll take you home." Chu fan didn\'t speak quickly.

"Sobbing!" Song Qinghe suddenly covered his face and began to cry.

Chu fan was worried: "what are you crying about? I didn\'t do anything to you?"

"Sobbing..." Song Qinghe cried even more sadly.

"What do you want?" Chu fan asked impatiently.

Song Qinghe wiped his tears and looked wrongfully at Chu fan: "cousin, can you marry me like this?"

"Wipe, didn\'t you kiss me on your own initiative, or did you let me touch it on your own initiative?" Chu fan was a little anxious. It depends on my brother\'s rhythm.

Song Qinghe looked down and said, "I asked you to touch my clothes, but who asked you to untie my clothes? I\'m still a yellow flower girl. How can I meet people in the future?"

Chu fan really wants to die in front of her. You can kiss me. I can\'t see anyone if I touch you? But who knows you don\'t even wear underwear?

"Don\'t talk nonsense. What do you want?" Chu Fan said first before Song Qinghe opened his mouth. "Explain in advance that I can\'t marry you. You\'d better give me less ideas."

"Forget it." Song Qinghe looked gloomy, closed his skirt, pointed to the rope on his ankle and said, "help me untie the rope and take me home."

If I had said that earlier, wouldn\'t it be over?

Chu fan came forward and quickly helped her untie the rope on her feet, but just then, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside. Before Chu fan got up, song Qinghe suddenly hugged Chu fan and rolled over and covered her quilt