The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 866

It was learned from Song Qinghe that Tang qiner was a bad comer this time. Moreover, her cultivation was extremely high. Even the old sect leader Tang Jue was no match. She was beaten and vomited blood and was bedridden.

Tang qiner gave Tang Zhong\'s son Tang Jinlong three days to return to Tangmen as soon as possible to pay off his father Tang Zhong\'s debts. For the Millennium foundation of Tangmen, Tangmen had no choice but to inform Tang Jinlong and let him come back.

The people of Tang clan gave up Tang Jinlong and wanted to exchange his death for the peace of the sect. For this, Tang Jinlong could risk his life for the sect, but song Qinghe\'s mother and daughter were unwilling. Why should Tang Jinlong bear the gratitude and resentment of the previous generation? Even if his father lost Tang qiner in those years, so what? People are gone. Do you have to kill them all?

In this way, song Qinghe thought of Chu fan and called Chu fan with Tang Jinlong on his back. Because Tang Jinlong is not only her godfather, but also Chu fan\'s uncle. Even for the rest of his aunt Chu Jingxian\'s life, Chu fan will certainly not sit idly by.

Hang up the phone, Chu Fan said helplessly, "Qingwu, I\'m afraid I can\'t take you home."

"It\'s all right. I can go back by myself. You can go there." Bian Qingwu reluctantly smiled. "If you have time, come to the small fishing village to see me. I\'ll make you a seafood dinner."

Chu fan rubbed her head and said with a smile, "don\'t worry. I\'ll go to the small fishing village to see you in three or five days at most. Call me if you have something!"


Bian Qingwu summoned up his courage, suddenly came forward and kissed Chu fan on his mouth. It was like being frightened. His figure \'poof\' turned into a blue smoke. The breeze blew and the smoke dissipated. What appeared in front of Chu fan was a big bird like golden bat. Its bat wings were spread out for one meter three or four. It was shocking that there were three pairs of bat wings, which were almost transparent.

A lion\'s head was very powerful. He roared at Chu fan, turned and galloped away.

The little girl is more and more presumptuous, but I like it. hey!

Chu fan licked his lips, as if the smell of Bian Qingwu still remained. Suddenly a phone call startled him. Seeing that it was Tang Feifei, Chu fan was immediately happy: "why, just separated, he missed me again?"

"Yes, I just miss you, no way?" Tang Feifei pretended to be fierce, but in fact, she narrowed her eyes with laughter.

Hearing Tang Feifei\'s voice, Chu fan was in a much better mood and said with a smile, "OK, who dares to say no. don\'t worry, I\'ll be back soon. You can stay in Sichuan Province and play more days."

"You\'re not here. It doesn\'t mean anything at all." Tang Feifei said with dismay, but then got excited again. "Why don\'t I go with you? It\'s like going to the seaside for vacation. Hey hey, sister Suyuan said, let me supervise you. I\'m afraid you\'ll be bullied by your little sister Qingwu. Cluck!"

Chu fan smiled bitterly to himself. Is there such a beast, man? Even if Qingwu is willing, I can\'t be so anxious.

"If you want to go to the seaside for vacation, I don\'t mind, but Qingwu has gone back, and I\'m going to Chongqing soon. If you want to be with me, how about I take you back to your hometown to meet your parents?"

Tang Feifei was startled: "see your parents? Is it too early? Does your family dislike me?"

"It\'s hard to say. If you\'re afraid..."

"Who\'s afraid?" Tang Feifei took out the courage of going to the execution ground and said loudly, "don\'t you just see your parents? I don\'t believe it. I\'m such a beautiful and lovely beauty. Will someone dislike me? Where are you now? I\'ll go to find you right away."

"Well, you\'d better wait at home. I\'ll go back to pick you up." Chu fan had no choice but to get on the bus again and drive in the direction of home.

Chongqing, Chu family.

"Godmother, Chu Fan said he would come right away. Don\'t worry. Godfather will be fine." Song Qinghe sat down next to Chu Jingxian and patted her hand.

Chu Jingxian\'s tears have not stopped since she learned that Tang Jinlong was in danger. Although she was infertile, Tang Jinlong and her feelings were the same for decades and never blushed. Now that a man has an accident and even his life is in danger, can Chu Jingxian not get angry in a hurry?

If Tang Yinhu and Tang Xiaodao hadn\'t arrived at Chu\'s house this morning, Chu Jingxian might still be in the dark.

Tang Yinhu also advised: "sister-in-law, please relax. As soon as Chu fan arrives, brother will definitely be fine."

Just then, Chu Yang strode down the stairs and asked in a deep voice, "what\'s the matter?"


Chu Jingxian burst into tears when she saw her old father. She choked and said, "Jinlong... He\'s back in Tangmen."

"He was originally from Tangmen. Why should he cry when he returned to Tangmen?" Chu Yang stared at his daughter and thought something big had happened.

Song Qinghe hurriedly said, "Grandpa, Tang qiner is back. He asked me to be my godfather. I heard that even Tang Jue was hurt by her."

"What?" Chu Yanggang sat down and stood up again in surprise. He didn\'t dare to believe, "the tangqin son you said is the one who wants to marry Jinlong\'s father?"

"That\'s right."

"It\'s troublesome." Chu Yang sat down slowly and frowned. "She hid for so many years. Now she suddenly came back and fought. It must be a bad comer. Did you call Chu fan? Only he can save Jinlong."

Song Qinghe nodded and said, "I called. Chu Fan said he would be there soon."

Chuyang was relieved: "then it\'s all right. Don\'t worry. With Chufan, Jinlong will be fine. Qinghe, take your godmother back to the room to have a rest. I\'ll wait for my grandson here."

Chu Yang likes Chu fan from the bottom of his heart. If possible, he really wants to see Chu fan and talk to him every day. Unfortunately, the smelly boy is too busy. He is busy with national affairs. Chuyang, a veteran, can\'t find a reason to let him go home.

This time, it was rare for Chu fan to come back. Chu Yang didn\'t go out for a walk. He prepared a pot of good tea and sat in the living room, chatting with Tang Yinhu and Tang Xiaodao first, drinking tea while waiting for Chu fan to arrive.

Song Qinghe sent ganniang upstairs and poured her a cup of hot milk with two sleeping pills. After drinking for a while, Chu Jingxian sleepily closed her eyes and fell asleep on the bed.

At this time, her phone suddenly rang, startling song Qinghe. Without even looking at the number, she hurried to answer: "you\'re here? I\'m... Who are you?"

"I can\'t hear my voice?" a man\'s low voice came over the phone. "If you want to save your Godfather Tang Jinlong, you\'d better come out right away. I\'ll wait for you at the gate of the Chu family. It\'s too late."

It\'s Downing. What happened to godfather?

Song Qinghe didn\'t dare to neglect. He quickly went downstairs and ran out in a hurry.

In the living room, Chu Yang shouted, but song Qinghe didn\'t seem to hear it. Tang Yinhu hurriedly said, "go after Xiaodao and see what happened?"

"Yes!" Tang Xiaodao immediately stood at attention and quickly chased out.

After this year\'s training, Tang Xiaodao seems to be a regular soldier. It\'s hard to see the shadow of a former killer. This vigorous and resolute manner makes Chu Yang nod again and again. It\'s a good seedling.

Song Qinghe ran to the gate and saw a car parked not far away. The window fell and a man wearing sunglasses hooked his fingers at her. Song Qinghe knew him. It was downing who had an engagement with her.

Since Chu fan helped her break her engagement last time, Downing hated song Qinghe and others. Today, he took the initiative to come to the door. Is he really so kind? Although song Qinghe has some doubts, can Tang Ning dare to mess around in the daytime?

Taking a deep breath, song Qinghe strode over and asked anxiously, "how\'s my godfather?"

"Just an hour ago, uncle Jinlong was beaten down the cliff by Tang qiner..."

"What?" Song Qinghe was so dark that he almost fainted.

Downing said anxiously, "this is not a sad time. Get in the car and I\'ll take you there. Maybe I can find uncle Jinlong\'s body."

When the door opened, a man jumped out of the car and helped song Qinghe on the bus. Song Qinghe was stunned. Her mind was blank. She didn\'t even know how to get on the car. She didn\'t calm down until she got on the car. She immediately said in a harsh voice: "if you lie, my godfather will be fine. Let me get off quickly."

"Get off? Ha ha, don\'t worry. I\'ll let you off when you get there. Ha ha!" downing laughed, quickly started the car and sped away.

Tang Xiaodao chased out and happened to see song Qinghe pushed into the car. The window slowly rose and blocked the driver\'s face. But it was just a glance. Tang Xiaodao also recognized the person. It was Tang Ning.

It\'s broken!

Tang Xiaodao chased for a few steps and stopped helplessly. No matter how fast he ran, he couldn\'t run faster than a four wheeled car, but he wrote down the license plate number, quickly returned to the Chu house and consulted Tang Yinhu about countermeasures.

At almost the same time, Chu fan and Tang Feifei took a taxi and stopped at Chu\'s door. Seeing Tang Xiaodao\'s back running back, Chu fan raises his hand to say hello. Tang Xiaodao has disappeared.

This guy was driven out by the wolf. Why did he run so fast?

Tang Feifei paid the fare, came to hold Chu fan\'s arm and said nervously, "this is your grandpa\'s house?"

"Yes, are you afraid?"

"Well, I\'m a little nervous." Tang Feifei quickly took out the mirror, looked at it, and asked, "do you think my hair is messy? Can I wear this dress? Will it not look solemn enough?"

Chu fan couldn\'t help laughing and said, "just go home and have a look. As for scaring you like this? Don\'t worry. As long as you go back, you just don\'t wear clothes... Cough, that won\'t work. Let\'s go. My grandfather is very kind and must like you."

"Wait a minute!" Tang Feifei pulled Chu fan again. "Do I want to buy something? It\'s impolite to come to the door empty handed for the first time."

"There\'s something urgent this time. Let\'s make up the gift when we\'re finished."

As they were talking, Tang Yinhu, Tang Xiaodao, Chu Yang and others hurried out