The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 865

"Do you want to recognize light dance as your daughter?" Chu fan was stunned and his eyes shifted from Meredith to Suyuan next to her.

Su Yuan was also very helpless. She walked over and whispered, "when she changed her clothes, she woke up with a light dance. Now she is taking a bath in the bathroom and will come down in a minute."

In particular, I wanted to hide it from Meredith, but I didn\'t expect that Bian Qingwu\'s inheritance of blood bat was exposed in the blink of an eye.

If people live, they will succeed in inheritance. However, Meredith wants to be Bian Qingwu\'s godmother. It\'s beautiful!

Meredith said in a deep voice, "well, I\'m serious. Besides, I promise to treat her as my own daughter and give her the best of everything..."

"No!" Chu fan refused decisively.

Meredith was in a hurry: "why? She is a blood clan. Only I can better teach her all kinds of knowledge about blood clan, and only I can make her grow up faster. If she likes, I can let her be the queen of blood clan and inherit the red umbrella..."


Chu fan interrupted her and said coldly, "you don\'t need to dance. She just wants to live a quiet life, so that her parents can eat and wear warm clothes, so that her brother can go to school well, get married and start a career when she grows up, and she doesn\'t have to worry about her family anymore."

Before Meredith could speak, Chu fan waved to her and stopped her from speaking: "I know exactly what you think in your heart. You can come to me for anything, but you\'d better not think of dancing, otherwise I will die with you at all costs."


Bian Qingwu\'s slightly trembling voice came from the entrance of the stairs. The next moment, her figure burst into smoke and disappeared. Then, she appeared in front of Chu fan and looked at him with tears. When Chu fan opened his arms, she finally couldn\'t help crying, plunged into his arms and cried loudly.

Just now, she heard what Chu Fan said and felt deeply. Chu fan is the one who knows her best. Moreover, Chu fan not only saved her twice, but now he is so desperate to protect her. She felt that even if she was allowed to die for Chu fan now, she would be willing and smile at the corners of her mouth.

It\'s enough to have a confidant in life! Although Chu fan was ten years older than her, she didn\'t think there was a generation gap between them. Originally, she still had a very vague definition in her heart, and now she finally recognized it. He is not his brother, but the one who will accompany him for the rest of his life.

"Brother, when I grow up, I will marry you." Bian Qingwu lay on Chu fan\'s shoulder and whispered in his ear, "whether you like it or not, I have to marry you!"

Chu fan is stupid. Why did he hit one in his hand? She\'s only twelve years old. She\'s booked? Is it too early?

"Cough!" Su Yuan coughed. Bian Qingwu immediately pushed Chu fan away like a frightened little rabbit and ran upstairs with a red face.

Suyuan shook her head helplessly and said, "in fact, I think it\'s a good thing."

Meredith was surprised and said, "Miss Su, do you think so? Great. You help me persuade Chu fan. I really want to be good for that little girl."

"Suyuan, don\'t you have a fever?" Chu fan frowned. "Qingwu has her own ideas. We\'d better not interfere too much."

"Don\'t worry. Listen to me."

Su Yuan said with a faint smile, "Chu fan, you want to live a relaxed and happy life, but it doesn\'t conflict with learning the secret skills of blood clan. Besides, isn\'t it good for a girl to have more self-protection?"

"Yes, Miss Su is right. Girls still have to learn some self-defense skills, otherwise it will be too late to learn again after a big loss." Meredith nodded and praised again and again.

Su Yuan glanced at Meredith and said with a smile, "I can decide for light dance and let her learn blood clan secrets from you. But I have two conditions. If you can\'t do it, treat me as if I didn\'t say anything."

"No, you talk first. What conditions?"

"First, light dance can\'t leave China. If you really want to be her first teacher, stay in China, or come often to teach her all kinds of blood clan secrets."

Meredith nodded: "that\'s no problem. I can come to China once a year and systematically teach her all kinds of blood clan knowledge and secret skills. I will never hide."

"Second, it\'s not necessary to recognize Qingwu as a daughter. After all, she\'s going to marry Chu fan as a wife in the future." Su Yuan said with a smile, "it doesn\'t matter if you recognize a daughter. We\'re all a little shorter. So, it\'s better to recognize her as a sister, which will save us embarrassment when we meet in the future."

Meredith hesitated for a while and nodded helplessly: "well, sister is sister. Can I go up and see her?"


In the next few days, Meredith stayed at Chu fan\'s house and carefully taught Bian Qingwu all kinds of knowledge. Bian Qingwu was really talented and learned very fast. Meredith also developed two talents and abilities brought to her by the three winged bat king, one is blinking and the other is sonic attack.

In a blink, Bian Qingwu inadvertently used it once before, but she couldn\'t use it later. Under the guidance of Meredith, she was able to use it freely and learned a set of strange footwork from Meredith. Within a radius of ten meters, it was very difficult for Chu fan to catch her. After all, she appeared and disappeared.

The sound wave attack is the same as that used by the little bat king in the ten thousand bat cave. The attack power is not very strong, but it is difficult to resist. Su Yuan tried. She put three ice shields in front of her. The front one was unharmed, but the back two were all broken.

Beat cattle across the mountain!

A week later, Meredith boarded the plane home and left. These days, Bian Qingwu is still very fond of this dry sister. No matter what purpose she has, at present, she does her best to teach Bian Qingwu all kinds of knowledge.

These days, Bian Qingwu lives at Chu fan\'s house very comfortably. In addition to studying every day, she also goes shopping with Su Yuan and Dou Yutong, goes shopping with her godmother Lin sue to the vegetable market, and occasionally cooks to show her hand. Even Lin Sue praises her for her good workmanship.

If she didn\'t miss her parents and brother, she really didn\'t want to leave here. She likes this family and everyone here. But she knows that she can\'t be with Chu fan now. Compared with Chu fan, her parents and brother need her care more.

So after Meredith left, she was going home.

"Godmother, I can\'t fit any more." Bian Qingwu said helplessly, looking at the big and small bags around him.

When she heard that Bian Qingwu was leaving, Lin su\'e bought her a lot of things and asked her to take them back to her parents and brother. Among them, she brought two bags of specialty products, as well as some clothes, cosmetics and other things, which were bought by Su Yuan and Dou Yutong and asked her to take them back to her parents.

Lin su\'e looked and found that there were a lot of things that hadn\'t been loaded. Chu fan came and waved quickly, "Xiao Fan, you\'re right here. Go and find a bigger bag."

"Godmother, when will people have to eat when you bring so many things?" Chu Fan said reluctantly, "I\'m ready for money. It\'s not better for people to buy what they lack at that time?"

Lin su\'e glared at him and said discontentedly, "can money be the same as gifts? Gifts represent the mind. Forget it, I don\'t need you. I\'ll find it myself... I remember, there\'s a canvas bag in my room?"

"Well, I\'d better go." Chu fan had no choice but to rummage through the boxes and cabinets. He found a big bag he hadn\'t used for a long time, stuffed it full, and then went out with several bags and threw it into the car.

Driving is just a way. After getting on the bus, Chu fan handed Bian Qingwu a plain ring and said, "put it on!"

"Ah!" Bian Qingwu was startled, and his face turned red. He said with a pinch, "brother, is it... Too early?"

"Little girl, what are you thinking?" Chu fan scraped her nose, grabbed her delicate hand and put the ring on her finger.

To Bian Qingwu\'s surprise, the original larger ring was shrunk by one circle after wearing it. It was neither loose nor tight. It was just right. On closer inspection, there was a small bat with six wings and lion heads on the ring, which was just like her hare bat Wang Yimo. She love this ring immediately.

Chu Fan said, "input the spiritual power."

"Oh!" Bian Qingwu agreed, closed her eyes and touched the ring. Soon, she stared in surprise and didn\'t dare to channel, "brother, this is..."

"It\'s the Najie I refined for you last night. With it, it\'s much more convenient to carry things in the future." Chu fan pointed to the big and small bags on the back seat. "Pack up all the things and I\'ll fly you over."

Bian Qingwu was very excited. He took several packages into the ring, took them out, and loaded and unloaded them back and forth several times. It felt like taking something out of his pocket. It was very convenient. However, this thing is safe and anti-theft. It\'s so tired that thieves can\'t steal a dime.

"Brother, thank you." Bian Qingwu suddenly looked over and kissed Chu fan on the face.

Chu fan looked at her helplessly and parked his car in a parking lot. When he was preparing to take her back to the small fishing village, he suddenly received a strange phone call.

"Wait a minute, I\'ll answer the phone." Chu fan leaned against the car, connected his cell phone and said, "Hello, this is Chu fan... Qinghe? Have you changed your phone number?"

On the phone, song Qinghe\'s voice was a little hurried: "cousin, come to Tangmen quickly. Something serious has happened."

"What\'s the big deal?" Chu fan frowned. "Besides, an accident in Tangmen has nothing to do with you and me. Why do you care so much?"

Song Qinghe smiled bitterly and said, "I don\'t want to take care of it, but my godfather is also in Tangmen."

"Uncle has returned to Tangmen? What have you done?"

Song Qinghe took a deep breath and said, "Tang qiner, the former first beauty of Tang clan, is back!"