The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 864

"Why should I help you?"

Meredith said faintly, "give me a reason to help you."

Chu fan really wants to strangle the old woman on the bed. When is it? You still talk to me about terms. You really treat yourself as an onion? I can\'t save Bian Qingwu without you?

"If you don\'t want to help," Chu fan waved, "please help yourself."

Su Yuan had no good face for Meredith and said coldly, "please!"

Meredith never thought that Chu fan would order to leave. Did he really ignore the little girl\'s life and death? Although Meredith wants to help Chu fan very much, she is also the blood queen no matter how she says, and she still has pride.

Since people don\'t use it, don\'t stick your hot face to your cold ass.

"Remember, if the God of the little bat king is destroyed, the girl will die. As for what to do, decide for yourself." Meredith got up and went out.

Without butcher Zhang, don\'t you even eat pork? Cut!

Chu fan didn\'t bother to talk to Meredith. He walked around the bed for two times and frowned: "Yutong, your Yuanshen is the strongest. Can you enter Qingwu and help her?"

Dou Yutong was a little embarrassed: "I can go in, but the ability of the soul eating spider emperor is to devour. I\'m afraid I can\'t control it and devour the yuan God of the little bat king, which will harm Qingwu."

Does brother have to go down in a low voice to beg Meredith\'s old woman?

Just when Chu fan was frowning, Xiao Longwu and Xiao Wuyao ran in hand in hand and directly came forward and hugged Chu fan\'s thigh: "Dad, when did you come back? I miss you so much."

"Dad wants you too." Chu fan patted the two little guys on the head and reluctantly smiled. "Go outside and play. Dad has something important to do here."

Xiaowuyao looked on the bed and said excitedly, "what a lovely little bat, brother, let\'s catch it as a pet?"

"OK, OK." Xiaolong dance nodded again and again. Before Chu fan could speak, the two little guys suddenly turned into a golden light and a red light. Through the ice, they got into Bian Qingwu\'s nostrils.

Chu fan was startled and rushed forward. He was about to ask the two little guys to come out quickly. Dou Yutong suddenly stopped him: "don\'t worry, take a look first."


The golden six winged bat King sprang out of Bian Qingwu\'s body and suspended on her head. Then, a golden dragon and a little fire phoenix flew out of Bian Qingwu\'s body.

To Chu fan\'s surprise, Bian Qingwu\'s yuan Shen also got out of his body and stood between the two sides. It seemed that he was still protecting the little bat king.

"Please, don\'t hurt it." Bian Qingwu begged bitterly. Look at that, he would cry.

But the two bear children didn\'t listen at all. With a dragon chant, Bruce Lee danced around Bian and came to the six winged bat king like lightning. The dragon tail shook it and beat it hard.

With a "pa", the six winged bat king was pulled out like a ball. Then, xiaofengyao came and opened his mouth to eject a hot pillar of fire, which made the six winged bat King scream again and again.

It barely rushed out of the burning range of the pillar of fire. It was patted on the head by the dragon tail and hit the ground heavily. Before it turned over, the little dragon dance had jumped down. The four Dragon claws pressed the little bat king, opened a big mouth and was about to bite down.

At this time, Bian Qingwu rushed up recklessly, jumped on the six winged bat king, hugged his neck and closed his eyes. It seems that he is using his own body to resist the heavy damage that the bat king will encounter.

At this scene, the little bat king was finally moved. He shed a tear in his eyes and took a deep look at Bian Qingwu. His body exploded and turned into a golden spot in the sky and integrated into Bian Qingwu.

The two bear children are confused. Why did they lose the little bat? I haven\'t had fun yet.

"You two, come back to me quickly." Chu Fanli drank. The two bear children calmed down and didn\'t dare to be willful any more. They hurried out and stood in front of the bed with their heads down like children who did something wrong.

"Come here!" Chu fan shouted.

The two bear children trembled and timidly walked over. Before Chu fan could speak, Bruce Lee hurriedly said, "Dad, it\'s all my fault. If you want to hit me, it\'s none of my sister\'s business."

"It\'s all my fault. I\'ll never play again." xiaowuyao wiped her tears and looked up with tears. "Dad, forgive me and my brother."

Chu fan hugged the two bear children and said with a smile, "you two little guys helped dad a lot today. Dad thanks you too late. BoBo!"

The two bear children were kissed and were stupid. What\'s the situation?

"Dad, you... You really don\'t blame us?"

"No wonder, but don\'t be so mischievous in the future. Do you hear me?" Chu fan immediately became severe again.

The two little guys just relaxed and immediately became nervous and nodded again and again. I can see that they are really a little afraid of Chu fan.

Chu fan doesn\'t want to be too strict with the two little guys, but they are too naughty. If they don\'t care how well they teach, they may cause much trouble in the future. Moreover, they are not ordinary people. Once they go astray, they will not only kill many people, but even themselves.

"Go play." Chu fan patted the two little guys on the head. The two bear children were relieved and ran out.

Chu fan turned his head and saw that the ice on the bed had disappeared. Bian Qingwu\'s face was pale and lay on the big bed dyed red by blood. He had not woke up yet.

However, her vital characteristics are obvious, her breathing is symmetrical, and she seems to be asleep. However, Chu fan carefully checked it. Leng didn\'t find the trace of the six winged bat king. Was its yuan God really absorbed by Bian Qingwu?

"Don\'t look at it. No matter what the situation is, Qingwu\'s life is saved." Dou Yutong breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "go out and have a rest first. I\'ll change the sheets for Qingwu."

"I\'ll help you." Tang Feifei immediately volunteered to help pick it up.

Chu fan didn\'t refuse and took Su Yuan out.

"Why haven\'t you left yet?" Chu fan came down from upstairs and saw Meredith sitting on the sofa drinking tea. Her legs are tight, but because of sitting, the whole hip side is almost exposed.

On her body, there is only Chu fan\'s coat.

Seeing Chu fan coming downstairs, Meredith stood up and said helplessly, "Chu fan, I know you are very dissatisfied with me, but even if I do it, it will play a limited role. Therefore, it\'s not that I don\'t want to help you, there\'s really nothing I can do..."

"OK, what\'s the use of saying this at this time?" Chu fan waved his hand and didn\'t have a good airway. "Why, do you want me to take you back?"

"It\'s not necessary to give it away, but I hope you can give me a suit of clothes." Meredith pointed to the two bear children playing the game console not far away. "Although I don\'t care very much, it\'s better to put on some clothes if there are children."

Without Chu fan\'s opening, Su Yuan said faintly, "come with me and I\'ll help you prepare your clothes."

"Thank you!" Meredith was very polite, nodded slightly to Chu fan, followed Su Yuan upstairs with elegant steps.

At this time, Song Wen came over with a large glass of fruit juice. Just about to have a drink, she suddenly remembered and hurriedly handed the fruit juice to Chu fan: "brother fan, you can also taste the fresh fruit juice I just squeezed out. It\'s very delicious."

Chu fan was really thirsty. He took a sip of it, but he immediately puffed it out and stared, "how much sugar did you put? It\'s too sweet."

"Isn\'t dessert good?" Song Wen tasted it and smacked her lips. "I think it\'s good to drink. Try some more..."

"Pull it down, I\'m afraid of urine sugar." Chu fan pushes away the juice handed by Song Wen, goes to the kitchen, takes a bottle of mineral water, and gulps it down in one breath.

At this time, he remembered and asked curiously, "Wenwen, how did you mix with Qingwu? Did you know each other before?"

"It\'s not!" Song Wen pouted and told the story in detail.

It turned out that when the blood bat alien was born, that is, the six winged bat king was born, every blood family would have a kind of telepathy. Even Bian Qingwu, who was far away in China, was no exception. It was like a call from the depths of her soul, which made her have a strong impulse to go to the United States to find the blood bat alien.

She couldn\'t get in touch with Chu fan, but she found Yanjing city. She waited outside the community where she once lived all day. It was almost midnight before she finally blocked Jiang Siyan who came back from work.

Then, through Jiang Siyan, she found Xia Yanran and was sent to Sichuan Province to be taken abroad by Su Yuan. As a result, it was delayed for two days, but on the eve of departure, Bian Qingwu suddenly became impatient and wanted to go right away. He couldn\'t wait for a moment.

Just then, Song Wen sneaked out and came to Sichuan Province to find Chu fan. Su Yuan handed Bian Qingwu to Song Wen and asked her to take Song Wen to find Chu fan. Song Wen can lock Chu fan\'s position through the body of the eight tailed scorpion dragon. Therefore, she takes Bian Qingwu and directly comes to Chu fan, just in front of the blood pool where the little bat king was born.

As for everything Bian Qingwu did, she was driven by her instinct. Song Wen was only responsible for leading the way and didn\'t know anything else.

Chu fan secretly lamented that Bian Qingwu was really lucky. She not only took the six winged bat King away from the blood queen and the blood prince, but also had a one thousandth chance of success.

Although this is directly related to Chu fan\'s help, if she hadn\'t arrived in time, the newborn bat king might have been killed by Chu fan.

If Meredith knows that Bian Qingwu has become the queen of blood, I don\'t know if she will go crazy? But one thing is certain that she will lose sleep and never want to sleep again.

Just thinking, Meredith changed her work clothes and came down from upstairs. It should have been Suyuan\'s clothes, but there was an exotic style on her. Especially the chest, really want to crack the clothes.

"Chu fan, I want to recognize that girl as my daughter. Please promise me." Meredith said solemnly.

PS: thanks for the red envelope reward support of "anonymous 4311779" and "lone wolf"!