The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 863


The blood egg suddenly burst into pieces, and a huge lion roared. Before Chu fan could see it clearly, he saw a golden light drill into Bian Qingwu\'s chest and disappear.

At the same time, the violent fighting outside suddenly stopped. Chu fan didn\'t think about it. He waved the dragon soul sword and fiercely chopped at the hole. At the same time, he whispered, "what are you doing? Take the light dance away."

"Oh, oh!" Song Wen suddenly woke up, quickly hugged Bian Qingwu who fainted, and disappeared as soon as she dodged.

At the mouth of the cave, Meredith and Nikolay were about to rush in, but they were forced back by a powerful sword. It took two seconds. When they rushed into the cave again, they saw that Chu fan had awakened Tang Feifei and was helping her up.

"Where\'s the bat king?" Meredith and Nikolay asked loudly at the same time.

Chu fan rolled his eyes and said, "who did you ask? You two have been fighting for it, and I haven\'t seen it? Get out of the way. I\'m going to take the star\'s wife home."

Meredith was fine, still slightly panting, but Nikolay was a little embarrassed. His clothes were about to be torn into cloth strips, his face was pale, and an old product was exposed, but he didn\'t feel it.

Maybe he doesn\'t care about anything.

"You\'re talking nonsense. The bat king must have been hidden by you." Nicholas cried out with red eyes and panting, "hand over the bat King quickly, or I\'ll kill your woman."

Chu fan looked hard and said in a cold voice, "are you threatening me? Believe it or not, I\'ll kill you old bat now?"

"How dare you?"

Nikolay also gave up. Today, he didn\'t hesitate to offend queen Meredith in order to get the little bat king. As long as he can get its inheritance, he can be proud and become a man as powerful as God.

But just now, when he and Meredith were fighting for the little bat king and resisting the crazy attack of wolf headed bat and blood bat, the two little bat kings in his hand suddenly disappeared. At almost the same time, the roar of the little bat king came out of the cave.

They rushed to the platform at the first time, but they were forced back by Chu fan\'s sword. When they came in again, there was nothing. They not only lost the figure of bat king, but even its breath.

There are Chu fan and Tang Feifei in the cave. Besides them, who else can hide the little bat king? The left and right are dead. It\'s better to fight together.

"I dare not?" Chu fan sneered, pointed at Nikolay with the dragon soul sword, and suddenly shouted, "Feifei, help me."

"Weak!" Tang Feifei scolded, and a crimson purple halo issued, which not only covered Nikolay, but also the queen Meredith. She felt that her strength was drained and almost wilted to the ground.

Nikolai stumbled and almost got stuck. At this moment, Chu fan\'s figure came by lightning, and a sword split Nikolai in two. Then, the hot sun was cremated into a fire dragon, which spewed out from Chu fan\'s mouth, and the whole cave became a sea of fire in an instant.

Meredith screamed and rushed out against the flames, but Nikolay was not so lucky. His body was split in half, exploded with a bang and turned into little bats in the sky. But before these bats fled, the cave was surrounded by a sea of fire.

Almost in an instant, all the bats were turned into ashes, and only one fell to the ground, turned into Nikolay, rolled violently on the ground, and gave a shrill scream.


Nikolay cried miserably, "let me go. I\'m wrong. Please let me go... I don\'t want to die... Ah..."

Chu fan and Tang Feifei stood in the sea of fire, but they were undamaged. They looked at Nikolay. The flame spewed out of his eyes and ears and struggled on the ground for a few seconds. Their flesh and blood were burned to ashes, and their bones were burned red. Then they flowed like mercury and evaporated slowly.

Old man, I\'ve wanted to kill you for a long time. Dare you challenge me? I bah!

Chu fan spat, hugged Tang Feifei\'s waist and strode out of the hole. Outside, those wolf headed bats were almost dead, and there were not many blood bats left. They fluttered their wings and fled in confusion.

In such a big cave, only Meredith, the blood queen, was left. She stood in the air with a silver bat on her head and a fox on her head. She looked cunning.

To Chu fan\'s eyes, Meredith\'s clothes were burned out. He stood naked in the air less than five meters away in front of Chu fan. He had no grass on his concave and convex body. He didn\'t know whether it was born or just burned out.

Chu fan felt that she should belong to the former. If she was burned up, her hair could not be spared.

Tut Tut, unexpectedly, she is still a top grade. Unfortunately, older.

"Your Majesty, are you waiting for me?" Chu Fan said lazily. "Don\'t be so polite. I\'ll just go back by myself."

"Hey, take off your clothes." Tang Feifei poked Chu fan, pouted and said.

Chu fan stared at her: "what are you doing?"

"Give it to her." Don Feifei gave Meredith a white look. "Such a big man, he doesn\'t even wear clothes... Do you still see?"

Wipe, she doesn\'t wear clothes and won\'t be seen? Do you want me to close my eyes?

There was no way. At least it was the queen and Chu fan burned all his clothes. Therefore, Chu fan was more or less guilty. He quickly took off his coat and threw it to Meredith. He untied his belt and asked, "do you want pants?"

Meredith was also impolite. She took Chu fan\'s coat and put it directly on her body. Although she was not much shorter than Chu fan, she was high on her legs. Chu fan\'s coat was worn on her like a small skirt, covering her ass.

The shape of her is even more attractive than not wearing it. Most of her chest is exposed from the collar. Pink grass berries are faintly visible. The hem is constantly exposed to the spring light with her movements. Chu fan can\'t help but be hard.

Special, this old place - woman is very provocative.

Since she didn\'t need pants, Chu fan simply tied them again. Although he still had a big underpants inside, they were covered by pants, which was better than the anger of a long gun.

Man, you care about face.

"Is everything all right? I can go if it\'s all right." Chu fan took Tang Feifei and fell from the air. While Tang Feifei didn\'t notice, he quickly glanced at Meredith.

How to maintain it? At such an old age, wood ears are still powder. Is it really the old place - female?

"Wait a minute!" Meredith shouted suddenly.

Chu fan turned back impatiently: "I said, I don\'t know anything."

"You really don\'t know?" Meredith raised his hand to stop before Chu fan spoke. "OK, I\'ll treat you as if you don\'t know, but I have a piece of advice. Do you want to hear it?"


Meredith walked slowly over and said faintly, "there is a great chance of failure in the inheritance of blood bat, and this time there is a six winged bat King rarely seen in a thousand years. The probability of success is lower, which should not exceed one in a thousand."

Shit, one in a thousand chance of success, isn\'t it almost impossible to succeed?

Chu fan was immediately startled and hurriedly said, "what will happen if the inheritance fails?"

"One corpse and two lives."

Wipe, it\'s not having a baby?

"To be specific, how can one corpse have two lives?"

Meredith said faintly, "now, inheritance should begin. Without me, the probability of success would be lower."

"Shit, didn\'t you say earlier?" Chu fan immediately took Tang Feifei, strode over, came to Meredith and grabbed her wrist. The next moment, a six pointed star pattern appeared under him, and behind him, a virtual shadow of a dragon and beast with eight scorpion tails appeared.

Meredith was surprised and her heart almost jumped out of her throat. She thought she knew Chu fan very well, but until now she found that her understanding of Chu fan was only superficial.

This guy, too many secrets. What\'s this?


Meredith felt dark in front of her eyes, as if she had been sucked away by a large vacuum cleaner. When she opened her eyes, she found herself in a strange environment. Moreover, the cold indoor made her shiver and subconsciously tighten her clothes.

This is Chu fan\'s home in Guangyuan City. Besides Song Wen and Bian Qingwu, there are Su Yuan and Dou Yutong in the room.

Chu fan\'s sudden appearance startled Song Wen in the house, but then Song Wen came forward and grabbed Chu fan\'s hand and dragged it to the bed.

"Brother fan, you came back just in time. Help Qingwu. She\'s dying."

Chu fan also saw Bian Qingwu lying on the bed. The white sheets were almost red with blood. Her face still maintained a painful expression and was frozen in ice.

Seeing Chu fan coming, Su Yuan quickly explained: "after Qingwu was brought back, her blood vessels burst all over her body. She still held her head in her hands and kept screaming. I really had no way to freeze her. But this method can\'t last for five minutes at most. Otherwise, it will permanently hurt Qingwu\'s body and even freeze her to death."

"Chu fan, there is a powerful yuan God in Qingwu. I can expel it, but Qingwu doesn\'t allow me to intervene. What should I do?" Dou Yutong asked anxiously.

She is an expert in playing with her soul. She has a hundred ways to peel off the bat King Yuanshen in Bian Qingwu\'s body, or even kill it. But Bian Qingwu tried his best to obstruct and even protect the original God of the bat king, so that Dou Yutong could not intervene.

Originally, Su Yuan frozen Bian Qingwu to ask Song Wen to bring Chu fan back as soon as possible, but unexpectedly, Chu fan came back first before Song Wen started.

"Don\'t worry, there will be a way." Chu fan came forward and checked carefully. Sure enough, there was a very powerful yuan God in Bian Qingwu\'s body, which was the six winged bat king.

The six winged bat King\'s Yuanshen is entangled with Bian Qingwu\'s Yuanshen. The six winged bat king wants to devour Bian Qingwu\'s Yuanshen, while Bian Qingwu tries his best to resist and absorb its Yuanshen power.

Unfortunately, Bian Qingwu is too weak. Without external help, she will soon be swallowed up by the six winged bat king. Even with external help, it is very difficult for her to absorb the power of the six winged bat king.

Chu fan took a deep breath, turned back and asked, "Meredith, it\'s up to you."