The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 862

Although the broken army was recalled, the shock he brought still existed. The wolf headed bats who escaped the disaster were completely frightened and dared not provoke Chu fan again. They ran away with their tails in the blink of an eye.

Chu fan carried the dragon soul sword for ten minutes, and finally came to the end of the cave. He saw that there were caves on the whole wall, dense, like beehives magnified countless times.

Among them, one-third of the caves are hiding wolf headed bats, while the other two-thirds are empty. It is estimated that those who attacked Chu fan will never come back.

Since they were afraid of being beaten, Chu fan didn\'t bother to pay attention to them. He set his eyes on the huge cave in the center and the highest place. It was too conspicuous. Not only the cave was huge, but also a huge platform protruded from the stone wall. Moreover, the caves inhabited by Wolf headed bats seem to be formed around this big hole. Therefore, this hole must be extraordinary.

Just when Chu fan was ready to rush up and see what happened, an angry and childish scream came out of the cave. Then, a golden figure flew out of the cave and suspended on Chu fan\'s head.

What a beautiful bat. It has three pairs of wings. Moreover, its head is not a wolf or a mouse, but a powerful lion\'s head.

The lion is the king of all animals. Naturally, it is very powerful. The bat is covered with fine golden scales, three pairs of bat wings and a domineering lion\'s head. Needless to ask, this must be the alien born in the ten thousand bat cave - the bat king.

Unfortunately, it is still too small. It is only slightly larger than the vampire bats outside. It has a powerful appearance and has no strong strength. It seems that it is not confident enough.

What made Chu fan feel strange was that it didn\'t seem to see Chu fan. It stared at a pair of small blood red eyes and glared at the platform on the wall. Soon, he understood, because Meredith, the blood queen, walked slowly out of the cave, but her eyes fell on Chu fan.

"Hey, old Chu female, where did you get my wife?" Chu fan raised his head and said, "send my wife out quickly, otherwise, don\'t say I ruined your hole."

After living for so many years, is Meredith\'s self-restraint comparable to that of ordinary people? Chu fan is not angry about the title of old Chu - woman. Moreover, what he said is indeed true.

Therefore, Meredith just said faintly, "the big star is in this hole, and you now have two choices. One is to agree to my previous requirements and become a blood clan. I will try my best to help you become the king of blood clan."

Chu fan\'s eyes narrowed slightly and sneered, "what if I don\'t agree?"

"Then I have no choice but to let your little girlfriend bear the inheritance of this blood race." Meredith said faintly, "with her physique and strength, the probability of success is no more than 10%, and the whole process will bear unbearable pain."

"If you are willing to let her take risks and make her suffer, just refuse me. I don\'t mind waiting another hundred years."

Chu fan\'s dragon soul sword pointed at the bat king in the sky and sneered, "what if I kill it first?"


The little bat King seemed to understand Chu fan\'s words. He immediately turned his head, stared at Chu fan angrily and roared angrily at him. What makes Chu fan laugh is that the little guy\'s voice is more like a puppy. He\'s not only no deterrent, but also very cute.

Especially, I\'m a little reluctant to start the whole. However, for my big star wife, I can only grievance you.

But before Chu fan could start, his face suddenly changed, and he quickly set up the dragon soul sword and stood in front of him like a shield.


Three loud noises in a row, as if a heavy hammer had hit the dragon soul sword in front of Chu fan for three times in a row. It\'s too sudden. If it weren\'t for the warning of insight, my buddy would have been dishonored and disgraced today.

Until then, Chu fan began to pay attention to the little bat king. The little thing could even attack the sound wave, and the sound wave had no sign, which was impossible to prevent.

"Well, isn\'t it amazing?" Meredith smiled faintly. "This is the innate instinct of the little bat king. There are many unknown talents that you and I don\'t know. Once it grows up, its strength will surpass you and me."

"If you can inherit it at this time, you can inherit all its talents. In this world, no one is your opponent."

Meredith was a little excited and took a deep breath: "don\'t hesitate. As long as you become a blood clan, you are the Supreme God. Money, status and women are readily available."

"Really?" Chu fan seemed to be moved, and the dragon soul giant sword slowly hung down.

Meredith was more excited and nodded again and again: "of course it\'s true. I swear in the name of zulilis, the blood clan master, I will take you as king and let you command all blood clans and even rule the whole world."

"Ha ha, it sounds tempting." Chu fan smiled, suddenly his eyes were fierce, and a fierce sword cleaved down at the little bat king, "but I refuse!"

"Whoosh!" a golden sword light separated from the body and split the unprepared little bat king in half like lightning.

Meredith\'s face changed greatly, her five fingers opened, and her nails popped out like a spring knife. They were three centimeters long, sharp and sharp, like a dagger.

Her complexion was iron blue, and her purple pupils seemed to burn, sending out purplish red anger, but she was still trying to restrain herself, because she was not sure of winning. Otherwise, how could she accommodate Chu fan so much?


Chu fan was stunned, and his eyes fell on the little bat king in the air. It was split in two. Not only did it not die, but it didn\'t even shed a drop of blood. Unexpectedly, half of the two bodies grew up separately. One little bat king has now become two.

"Immortal body?"

Meredith couldn\'t believe it. She screamed as if she had caught her husband cheating. She didn\'t calm down before. At almost the same time, behind a huge stalagmite opposite Chu fan, there was a cry of surprise. Although it was not loud, it attracted the eyes of Chu fan and Meredith.

"Nikolay, you old man, what are you hiding? Come here quickly." Chu fan shouted.

Nikolay was helpless, so he had to show his body from behind the stalagmite and come here step by step. Seeing him getting closer and closer to Chu fan, his steps are getting faster and faster.

Suddenly, Meredith snapped and jumped down from the platform. The target was Nicholas.

"Nikolay, you want to die!"

At this moment, Nikolai suddenly ran up, came to the little bat king and said with a grim smile, "you want to stop me? It\'s too late. The little bat king, it\'s mine, and I will become the greatest king of blood clan."

Meredith stopped in mid air and glared at Nikolay angrily across the little bat King: "Nikolay, you dare to touch the little bat king, I\'ll let you die without a burial place."

"Up to now, do I still have a way back?" Nikolay\'s face twisted and said bitterly, "I am deeply in love with you and loyal, but how did you treat me? Take me as your slave and when did you treat me as an adult?"

"How many times have you had the chance to destroy the born blood bat species rather than fulfill me? Don\'t I have anything you like?"

Nikolay took a deep breath, his eyes fell on the two little bat kings, his eyes were crazy, and said excitedly, "as long as I get its inheritance, I can surpass you and become a new blood family king. But don\'t worry, when I become the blood family king, you will become my queen, and I won\'t treat you badly. Ha ha ha!"

"Dare you!" Meredith snapped angrily and rushed to Nikolay. Unfortunately, she was still a step late. Nikolay had opened his hands and quickly grabbed both little bat kings in his hands.

Although the little bat king has high talent, after all, he has just been born and his strength is still very weak. Naturally, he is not Nicolas\'s opponent. Don\'t forget, no matter how weak it is, it is still the king of blood bat.


The little bat king suddenly roared. The wolf headed bat, who had been hiding in the cave, rushed out with red eyes and rushed recklessly towards Nicholas and Meredith.

This time, the wolf headed bat was really desperate, fearless and completely suicidal. Moreover, countless blood sucking bats poured out, like locusts crossing the border, and rushed at them.

Seeing this scene, Chu fan was happy. They killed each other. My brother just went to save my big star wife. Feifei, I\'m coming.


Chu fan first stepped onto the platform and ran into the hole. The hole is not deep, about ten meters. At the deepest point, there is a stone platform half a meter high. Above it is a stone trough about half a meter in diameter, like a bowl, filled with scarlet liquid.

This is so special. It\'s all blood.

Whatever it is, it has nothing to do with my brother. Chu fan looked around and found a pit on the right. Tang Feifei lay down in the pit and couldn\'t wake up.

Chu fan came forward to pick up Tang Feifei and was ready to leave. Suddenly, he saw that the blood in the stone trough suddenly burst out bubbles, cooing, as if the water was boiling.

What\'s going on?

At the same time, Chu fan suddenly appeared two figures around him, startling him: "Wenwen? Light dance? Why are you here?"

"If you want to come to you, I\'ll take her..."

Before Song Wen finished her explanation, Bian Qingwu came to the stone trough with an arrow step, carefully stretched out his hands and touched something slightly larger than a goose egg from the blood pool.

Its shell is blood colored and very smooth. After it is taken out of the blood, the blood on it slides down and emits flashing red light, accompanied by a heartbeat.

Chu fan was surprised. Is this thing still alive?

"Light dance, put it down..."

Chu fan was about to stop, but Bian Qingwu suddenly bit his finger and pressed the bleeding finger on the blood egg