The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 859

"You really killed Chufan, the murderer of the Johnson family?" feld\'s voice trembled.

It\'s hard for him not to believe that except the king of murder, who can take out 30 billion US dollars without blinking his eyes? Besides the king of murder, who else can pierce a person\'s hand with a thin piece of paper?

God, what the hell did I do? How could you provoke this devil? Even the most powerful Johnson family in the United States has been destroyed by him. If he wants revenge, his family may not be able to get through tonight.

Chu fan threw away his cigarette end and said positively, "you can\'t talk nonsense. The collapse of the Johnson family has nothing to do with me. On the contrary, Bowen of the Johnson family and I are good friends. In Dibai, their father and son had dinner and wine with me."

"Look at my broken mouth!" feld patted himself on the face, immediately stepped forward with a smile on his face and handed the check respectfully. "Mr. Chufan, I\'m really sorry. If I knew you were Miss Feifei\'s boyfriend, I wouldn\'t dare make an idea of her. You\'d better take the money back."

"That\'s no good. Since you signed the contract, you must pay the liquidated damages." Chu fan took out another cigarette and stared, "why, don\'t you think the money is less?"

Feld\'s forehead sweat came down and hurriedly said: "no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

"Take what you give, but you have to return the contract to us?"

"Oh, yes." feld suddenly woke up and immediately turned back to scold. "What are you doing? Bring the contract."

The bodyguard quickly took out a contract from the briefcase and handed it respectfully.

Chu fan took it over and gave it to Tang Feifei. Tang Feifei looked carefully this time, confirmed that it was correct, and nodded to Chu fan.

"Here\'s another one." feld immediately handed another contract to Chufan.

The contract originally belongs to Tang Feifei, but it has always been in Tony\'s hands. Now, both contracts have been taken back. Tang Feifei immediately tore the two contracts into pieces and threw them out.


Chu fan snapped his fingers, and the pieces of paper falling from the air suddenly burned up, like a meteor fire shower, which was spectacular. And this hand almost scared feld to pee and his legs trembled.

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree, and the name of the king of murder are all bought with practical life. Why would I mess with his woman? What should I do? What should I do?

Just when Firth was in a state of unconsciousness, Chu fan suddenly asked, "Feifei, how much do you donate?"

"Over the past few years, there have been more than 300 million."

Chu fan nodded, turned his head and said, "Mr. field, Tony is your friend. You\'re sure you can let him spit out the money, right?"

"No problem. I promise to let him spit out the money and give you a satisfactory answer." Fels said carefully. "Where does Mr. Chufan live? Shall I send you a car?"

"Don\'t bother. I\'ll find a hotel nearby. Feifei will perform tomorrow."

"Well, well, I promise to deliver the money early tomorrow morning. Go slowly, go slowly!" feld politely, even groveling to send Chu fan away. Feld was relieved until they went away.

At this time, Tony\'s crying voice came: "master feld, can I go to the hospital?"

"Do you still want to go to the hospital?" field\'s eyes crossed and said angrily, "you almost killed me, don\'t you know? Take him away and I\'ll cut you alive if I don\'t hand over 300 million."

"What? Three hundred million? Where can I get so much money?" Tony knelt on the ground and cried, "Feifei donated three hundred million, but I only deducted a part, a total of more than 200 million, but I\'ve squandered them. Master feld, I\'m loyal to you. You have to save me."

"It\'s really unlucky to take it away." feld waved his hand, took out a cigarette, took a few puffs, and his mood gradually calmed down. After thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone and quickly dialed dad.

I still have to listen to my father about this. Maybe he can have some remedies.

When he learned that his son had offended the murderer Wang Chufan and was still holding the murderer Wang\'s 30 billion check, old feld almost got angry. He scolded his son. If he was around, he would have to beat feld up.

"How did the Johnson family destroy? The cause was the contradiction caused by Bowen, who fell in love with the murderer\'s woman." old field angrily complained, "I warned you long ago to take warning from Bowen\'s deeds. Don\'t learn from him and bring death to yourself and the family. But why don\'t you listen?"

Feld is still wronged. Who knows that Tang Feifei is the woman of the murderer king? If I had known this relationship, I wouldn\'t have dared to make Tang Feifei\'s idea.

"Dad, something has happened. You should think of a way to remedy it." feld asked with a sad face.

After a long silence on the other end of the phone, old field\'s voice came: "wait for my news. I\'ll find a middleman to help make peace. Remember, don\'t make any more ideas about his woman, do you hear me?"

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll walk around when I see Chinese women in the future..."

In the hotel room, Tang Feifei pouted and protested, "I\'m hungry and want to eat fried rice. Otherwise, I won\'t play with you."

In her body, Chu fan regained his man\'s self-confidence. Naturally, he obeyed her. He quickly got out of bed to make a phone call and ordered some delicious food. In fact, don\'t mention Tang Feifei, Chu fan is also a little hungry. He originally said to go to dinner first and then go back to the hotel, but Tang Feifei first tasted it. He was more concerned about this kind of thing than eating, and just took Chu fan to the guest room. As a result, she couldn\'t bear it first, begged again and again, and did everything she could to help Chu fan release once.

Chu fan is so beautiful, lying in bed, smoking in his mouth and hugging Tang Feifei, not to mention how comfortable it is.

This is a woman. It\'s not like Evelyn and Laura. They are two female wolves. How fierce!

In fact, it\'s all psychological. Evelyn asked for it again and again on the plane because she knew she wanted to be separated from Chu fan. At that time, Chu fan was already sleepy. How could she stand her tossing?

But now it\'s different. He and Tang Feifei have countless gestures to unlock in the spacious guest room. Chu fan is naturally excited and can give full play to it. In contrast, Tang Feifei is much weaker and naturally becomes a little sheep.

If they were on the plane, they would be like Evelyn and would be separated from Chu fan forever. She promised that she would become a female wolf and even be more ferocious than Evelyn.

Before long, the guest room was knocked. Chu fan hurried out of bed, put on his bathrobe, opened the door, casually gave Xiao Fei to the waiter, pushed the dining car forward and directly to the bedside.

"Get up, sluggard, it\'s time to eat." Chu Fan said hello and quickly took away the covers on the dining car. The smell suddenly came to his nose, which greatly increased his appetite.

After the two had a full meal, Tang Feifei immediately regained her combat effectiveness and began to tease Chu fan. As a result, naturally, there was another expedition. Until the latter half of the night, they hugged each other and fell asleep.

Early in the morning, Feld ran to the door of Chu fan\'s guest room and waited. He didn\'t dare to knock. He was afraid of disturbing Chu fan\'s rest and missing the opportunity to remedy, so he had to wait outside.

It was several hours before noon and the door finally opened.

"Shit, scare me. Why are you here?" Chu fan was startled by feld standing at the door.

Feld hurriedly said, "I came early in the morning for fear of disturbing your rest, so... I\'ve been waiting outside."

"Just say, what are you doing?"

"Yes... That\'s right." feld quickly took out a contract and respectfully sent it to Chu fan. "This is 20% of the shares of Huanqiu film and television group. I hope you can accept it, Mr. Chu fan."

Chu Fan said curiously, "shares? For me?"

Feld hurriedly said, "if you think there are few shares, I can give you another 5%."

"No, I can\'t take the shares of your company without merit." Chu fan pushed the shares back without hesitation.

Feld said anxiously, "Mr. Chufan, don\'t rush to refuse first. Let me explain. Well, it\'s my fault to let Miss Feifei sign up for Huanqiu film and television. I shouldn\'t have taken the $30 billion. But Mr. Chufan, you insist on giving it, and I can only get it."

"After I went back last night, my father scolded me severely, but if I returned the money to you, you wouldn\'t want it. Therefore, my father and I decided without authorization and changed the money into the shares of Huanqiu film and television."

Feld said sincerely, "Mr. Chufan, please take this share, otherwise my father will kill me. Besides, I have no other meaning. I just want to make friends with you and make money together in the future. What do you think?"

"This..." Chu fan hesitated to look at Tang Feifei. Feld immediately understood it, stuffed the contract into Tang Feifei\'s hand and said with a smile: "it\'s OK for Miss Feifei to sign. In the future, Miss Feifei will be the second largest shareholder of Huanqiu film and television group."

"Me?" Tang Feifei was startled. He was a little star. How did he become a major shareholder all of a sudden?

"This... Is this appropriate?" Tang Feifei was a little nervous. There were more than 30 billion yuan. With so much money, what else could he play? Spending money alone would be enough for him to spend his whole life.

Chu fan was very satisfied and said with a smile, "since Mr. feld is so sincere, you can sign it. In the future, you can be personally responsible for public welfare undertakings."

As soon as he mentioned public welfare, Feld remembered and quickly took out a check and handed it over: "I almost forgot that this is Tony\'s three hundred million, and I added another seven hundred million. It can be regarded as making a little contribution to China\'s public welfare."

"Well, on behalf of thousands of suffering children and old people in China, thank you." Chu fan patted feld on the shoulder and said with a smile, "haven\'t you eaten yet? Let\'s have lunch together. It\'s my treat."