The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 860

"Mr. Chu, are these women on the stage interested?"

Firth and Chufan sit in the front row of the theater, just like a pair of good friends who have known each other for many years. They have a close relationship.

"Whatever you like, just open your mouth and I\'ll let her come to accompany you later." Fels said very forthright. It can also be seen that Firth is very influential in the entertainment industry. These people are little famous stars in the world, and they are even hotter at home.

If he dares to say such words, he must have this confidence. Otherwise, isn\'t he moving a stone and hitting himself in the foot? Unfortunately, Chu fan has no interest in these women.

"Forget it, I don\'t lack women." Chu fan yawned. He was not interested in these little swans, sopranos and dances. Unfortunately, Tang Feifei\'s program is behind, and Chu fan is about to fall asleep.

Firth quickly smiled: "that\'s why there is a lack of women around Mr. Chu. Like these mediocre fat and vulgar powders, they can\'t get into your eyes at all. I was rash."

"Firth, you don\'t have to. We are friends. Just call my name."

"Obedience is better than respect, brother Chu fan. I\'ll give you a toast."

They talked first and drank wine. Finally, Tang Feifei appeared.

Tang Feifei wore an elegant long skirt full of ancient Chinese characteristics. When she came on the stage, dozens of air holes on the edge of the stage spewed out gas at the same time, making the whole stage like a fairyland, with a hazy sense of mystery.

Tang Feifei is the fairy in the fairyland. Her long skirt floats in the wind and hires Tingting to come out of the background. In her arms, she held a Guqin and sat down on the platform rising from the center of the stage.

"Ding Ding Dong..."

The crisp and pleasant sound of the piano is as smooth as mountains and flowing water. When it is excited, it is like ten thousand horses galloping and golden iron horses, which makes the audience\'s hearts hang up. It seems that they have come to the ancient battlefield. There are cries of killing everywhere, which is soul stirring. Lyric time is like boudoir resentment music, which makes people\'s nose sour and can\'t help falling tears.

When a song ends, the aftersound still lingers over the theater for a long time. It was not until Tang Feifei got up from the stage and saluted the audience slightly that the audience calmed down and stood up one after another with warm applause.

It\'s wonderful. It\'s definitely the most wonderful piano sound in the world, but how did she do it?

Under the stage, only Chu fan secretly laughed. When she played the piano, she used the ability of the king of nightmares to send the dreamland to everyone\'s mind. It\'s strange that she wasn\'t immersive.

Of course, it is undeniable that Tang Feifei\'s piano skills are indeed of some standard. Otherwise, it will not make people intoxicated, almost lost and unable to extricate themselves.

"It\'s so touching." Firth cried, clapping and wiping tears, sobbing. "I\'ve never heard such a beautiful piano sound. It reminds me of my first love, sobbing!"

"As for it?" Chu fan lost his smile, took out two and handed them to him, and patted him on the shoulder. "You cry slowly, I\'ll go first."

Firth hurriedly said, "I\'ll see you off."

"No, no, we\'ll just take a taxi." Chufan stopped Firth and got up and went backstage.

There are many people backstage. Those who are ready to play are still making up and changing clothes backstage. Because Firth said hello in advance, as soon as Chu fan came in, the chief director immediately ran over and said with a smile: "Mr. Chu, are you looking for Miss Feifei?"

"Yes, where\'s Feifei?"

"She\'s changing clothes inside. Go and find her." the director politely sent Chu fan to the door, knocked on the door, smiled and turned away.

Normally, someone knocked at the door. Tang Feifei should come and open the door soon, but Chu fan waited for a long time, but there was no movement in it. He raised his hand and knocked again, but there was still no movement.

Chu fan subconsciously sweeps it with perspective eyes, suddenly looks dignified, kicks the door open and strides in. Where is Tang Feifei in a small room? On her dresser was a small wooden box.

Don\'t open it. Chu fan can see clearly that there is a little bat in the box. Don\'t ask, Tang Feifei was taken away by the blood queen Meredith. However, Chu fan checked it carefully. Sure enough, Meredith came to this room when Tang Feifei performed. When Tang Feifei stepped off the stage, she stopped and took it away as soon as she entered the door.

But what does she mean by leaving this little bat?

Chu fan was wondering when the phone suddenly rang. It was Nikolay. Chu fan answered immediately and angrily said, "what do you mean? Threaten me? Believe it or not, I\'ll tear down your queen\'s castle now?"

"It\'s just an ancient castle. If you tear it down, you\'ll tear it down." Nikolay said faintly, "but if you want to save Tang Feifei, you\'d better go to wanbat cave as soon as possible. If you\'re late, she may become the second blood queen."

"What? Meredith took Feifei to the ten thousand bat cave? Shit!" Chu fan almost dropped his cell phone. What the hell does this damn old maid want?

"Damn it, where is the ten thousand bat cave? Hurry and send me there."

"The little bat will take you to wanbat cave. Good luck." Nikolay said, hung up the phone directly, Chu fan called again and turned it off directly.

Paralyzed, when I find you, I have to find a hundred beggars to turn you over.

Chu fan cursed, grabbed the wooden box, strode to the window, lifted the cover, and the little bat curled up inside immediately flew out of the window. Chu fan followed, stepping on the golden sword, walked and stopped for ten minutes, and finally came to the mountain more than 100 kilometers away from Bismarck city.

This is a large cemetery built near the mountain. At this time, it is more than 10 p.m. the cemetery is dark and tombstones emit a pale shimmer under the faint starlight.

"Quack, quack, quack!"

A burst of owl\'s cry came. Even if Chu fan was brave, he couldn\'t help feeling a little creepy. This place is so scary.

Deep in the cemetery, in front of the tallest tombstone, the little bat suddenly disappeared. Chu fan strode over and saw that there were no words on the tombstone, but some strange symbols were engraved, like tadpoles. In addition, there is a six pointed star pattern on the base of the tombstone, but all this is plain and light, without any strange place.

Chu fan didn\'t bother to find it. He directly opened his perspective eyes. His eyes quickly passed through the tombstone, penetrated the ground and found a deep and wide step. On one side of the tombstone, there was a hole like a mouse hole through which the little bat got in.

But the little bat can get in. How can Chu fan get in? He\'s not a mouse? Just when he was ready to enlarge the hole with the dragon soul giant sword so that he could drill in, a big bat flew over and landed next to Chu fan and turned into Nicholas.

"Wait a minute!" Nikolay stopped Chufan and said, "Mr. Chufan, this tombstone has been preserved for more than a thousand years. You can\'t just destroy it."

"OK, then open this ten thousand bat cave." Chu fan, with a huge sword on his shoulder, stares at Nikolay maliciously. If he dares to chatter again, my brother must chop him with a sword.

"Opening the ten thousand bat cave is actually very simple. As long as you become a blood clan and use the blood clan energy, you can start the Dharma array and let the cave reveal." Nikolay smiled, "Mr. Chu fan, are you ready?"

Chu fan stared and scolded, "I\'m going to look at you. Aren\'t you a blood clan? Help me open the Dharma array and I\'ll go in. It\'s really special!"

Nikolai was a little embarrassed: "I can open the Dharma array, but... None of us can go in without the Queen\'s order, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?" Chu fan put the dragon soul giant sword across his neck, and Nikolay couldn\'t help but turn pale with threatening eyes.

"The queen will... Kill me," said Nikolay in a trembling voice.

Chu fan snorted coldly, "if you don\'t help me open the Dharma array, I\'ll kill you now. Choose for yourself."

"That... That\'s all right." Nikolay reluctantly compromised, put his hand on the tombstone and said with a bitter smile, "you have to say a good word for me when you see your majesty later."

"I know, hurry up." Chu fan urged impatiently.

Soon, a faint blood light was instilled into the tombstone from Nikolay\'s palm. In an instant, the tadpole symbol on the tombstone slowly lit up, and then the six pointed star pattern on the base of the tombstone, as if it had been infused with fresh blood, slowly emitting blood light.

For about ten seconds, the tombstone disappeared. What appeared in front of Chu fan was an inclined downward step. A cold wind blew out of the cave, which made Chu fan shiver.

"You, lead the way." Chu Fan said. Nikolay had no choice but to go down.

When he went down, Chu fan put out the fire of the scorching sun and suspended it on his head. It was illuminated like day within a radius of ten meters. He didn\'t feel so cold. The two walked about dozens of meters, and finally the steps came to the end. In front of them was a natural cave.

The diameter of the cave is about five meters. It extends straight ahead. I don\'t know where it leads. According to Chu fan\'s estimation, he should reach the mountainside, even the root of the mountain. However, it is said to be the ten thousand bat cave. Where are the bats?

When Chu fan was wondering, Nikolay, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped and whispered, "the front is the habitat of vampire bats. They will attack anyone except the queen."

"Are they afraid of fire?"


"Afraid of the sun?"


"Then why are you so wordy? Hurry up."

Nikolay was speechless for a while, and his feelings were in vain. This guy didn\'t know what fear was. But I have to say that Chu fan does have some strength. Just the fire of the hot sun he summoned can scare away the vampire bats.

The first pass of the ten thousand bat cave should be unobstructed.