The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 858

Tony is really nice to don Feifei, but that\'s just because don Feifei can bring him great glory and benefits. If because of other things, Tang Feifei will firmly stand on his side, but the person he offends is Chu fan. He strongly opposes Tang Feifei and Chu fan in front of Chu fan.

Tang Feifei knows Chu fan very well. If he doesn\'t solve the problem quickly, Chu fan may turn around and leave. In front of her beloved man and career, she chose the former without hesitation.

Besides, when she became a star, she didn\'t want to make money, and she didn\'t want to be famous. She just liked it. But her words immediately stunned Tony.

"What are you talking about?" Tony said angrily to Tang Feifei, pointing to Chu fan with trembling fingers. "For this man, you want to get rid of me? Don\'t forget, you can have today, but it\'s all my credit. Can you have today without me?"

Tang Feifei frowned. She suddenly felt that Tony in front of her was like a stranger. Is this his true face? There is no denying that Tony has strong communication skills, but if Tang Feifei doesn\'t have some real skills, she can\'t be famous.

Moreover, Tony can help Tang Feifei by performing all kinds of performances and helping her make money, but is it not for himself? Tang Feifei is a cash cow. Everyone has the same popularity. Can it be controlled by a small agent?

However, Tony has been with her for a long time after all. Tang Feifei doesn\'t want to tear his face with him. He just said faintly, "Tony, you apologize to my boyfriend now. I\'ll take it as if nothing has happened. We\'ll still be good sisters in the future."

"Apologize? Hum!" Tony raised his head and sneered, "Feifei, are you wrong? If you and this smelly man apologize to me, we will still be good sisters, but you must break up with this smelly man, otherwise, I promise he can\'t leave Bismarck alive."

Chu fan is angry and happy. This dead demon is quite crazy.

"Paralyzed, dare you threaten me?" Chu fan loosened Tang Feifei, strode towards Tony and said fiercely, "I can\'t leave Bismarck city alive. Grass, I can\'t let you leave the opera house alive first."

Tony was so frightened that he turned pale and ran out screaming: "kill..."

"Forget it, don\'t pay attention to him." Tang Feifei took Chu fan and said apologetically, "in fact, I didn\'t want to perform in Bismarck city originally. It was Tony who insisted on me."

"I understand. Now that we\'re here, let\'s perform. When the performance is over tomorrow, we\'ll go home together." Chu fancai doesn\'t bother to talk to the dead demon. At that time, he might as well sleep comfortably with his wife.

"Let\'s go, let\'s find a place to eat, and then... Hey hey!" Chu fan showed a meaningful bad smile, slowly slipped her hand around Tang Feifei\'s waist and pinched her full and round hip.

Tang Feifei gave him a charming white look and broke away his hand: "wait for me, I\'ll change my clothes."

Chu fan waited for ten minutes, and Tang Feifei finally came out. She was wearing a beige woolen coat and a pair of boots, wrapped herself tightly.

"Let\'s go!" Tang Feifei came forward and took Chu fan\'s arm, leaned on him intimately and walked out happily. As for what rehearsal, go to hell. With a boyfriend around, what can be more important than accompanying him? It\'s a big deal. I\'m not going to the show.

But as soon as they came out of the backstage, they were stopped by several people.

Headed by a mature and steady man of about 30 years old, wearing a famous brand suit and looking good, he is a typical American. On his side, as like as two peas, four of them were standing in the ranks of the powerful guards. Two of them were black men about two meters tall. They were exactly the same.

The most surprising thing is that Tony, who ran out before, stood behind the man. When he saw Chu fan coming out, he immediately pointed to Chu fan and shouted, "it\'s him. I don\'t know what overpowering drug she gave Feifei. She\'s going to marry him. Master feld, you must save Feifei."

Chu fan is speechless. Feifei and I are in love, okay? Also, we are only in the stage of falling in love, not to the point of getting married. Besides, when did Feifei become your family?

"Miss Feifei, is what Tony said true?" feld didn\'t even look at Chufan, as if he didn\'t exist.

Don Feifei\'s face sank: "Mr. field, it\'s my right to marry anyone. No one has the right to interfere. Also, Tony is no longer my agent. Sorry, I\'m not feeling well. I\'m afraid I can\'t attend the performance. Sorry!"

Tony immediately said, "master feld, you see? It\'s all because of that smelly boy. When he comes, my Feifei doesn\'t even want me..."

"Shut up!"

Feldli gave a drink, which made Tony tremble. He covered his mouth wisely, but his eyes were resentful and stared at Chu fan. Now, he not only hates Chu fan, but also hates Tang Feifei.

Tang Feifei naturally saw this scene clearly and shook her head helplessly. It\'s really disappointing that Tony is such a person.

"Miss Feifei, you are now a contract actor of our company, and I have the right to restrict your personal behavior." feld smiled faintly. "If you breach the contract, you must pay the company a sky high liquidated damages. I think this money is enough for you to earn a lifetime without eating or drinking."

Tang Feifei was stunned: "when did I become a contracted actor in your company? Tony, what did you do?"

"Nothing, just help you choose an entertainment company." Tony took out a document from his bag, shook it in his hand and said proudly, "this document was signed by you before we came to the United States. But don\'t worry, master feld will try his best to package you, make you popular in the country and make you a world-class star."

"I did it for your own good."

Tang Feifei trembled with anger. She didn\'t have to look at her. She knew that she was sold by Tony and sold to feld, the little owner of Huanqiu film and television group.

No wonder Tony tried his best to persuade himself to perform in Bismarck and signed a donation document. Bullshit! He must have made a fake and used his trust in him to sign the contract.

"Tony, you... You are despicable and shameless!" Tang Feifei cried angrily. She was sad that she had been sold and more deceived by her trusted good sisters.

Is money really that important?

At this time, Tang Feifei suddenly remembered one thing, quickly wiped away her tears and asked fiercely, "Tony, did you also tamper with the money I donated to the mountains?"

"I... I didn\'t!" Tony was a little frightened in his eyes and didn\'t dare to look into Tang Feifei\'s eyes. Needless to say, he must have lied to Tang Feifei in this matter.

Tang Feifei was so dark that he almost fainted. I didn\'t expect that I had always trusted Youjia and had been cheating myself. How could I believe him?

"OK, it\'s worth recognizing a person\'s true face through this matter." Chu fan hugged Tang Feifei\'s shoulder, let her lean on her shoulder, smiled and comforted, "don\'t cry, I\'ll help you solve this little thing. Who makes us your husband? My husband is to solve problems for his wife. Hey!"

After listening to Chu fan\'s words, Tang Feifei felt a warm current pouring out of her heart, full of happiness. All grievances, sadness and panic disappeared without a trace.

She slowly closed her eyes and a sweet smile came out of the corner of her mouth. It\'s nice to have a feeling of being spoiled by my husband!

Chu fan took out a cigarette and lit one. He glanced lazily at feld, lit it with his finger holding the cigarette and said, "bring the contract. How much liquidated damages do you need? I\'ll compensate you."

"Who are you?" feld finally looked at Chu fan and snorted disdainfully, "compensate? Can you afford it?"

Tony got excited and said loudly, "if Feifei defaults, he should pay at least 30 billion US dollars. Now give the money to master feld and return the contract to you."

"Husband..." Tang Feifei looked at Chu fan nervously and wrongly, and wanted to stop talking.

Just determined the relationship and caused him so much trouble. Thirty billion dollars. I can\'t make so much money in my life. How can I lose it?

Chu fan smiled and scraped her little nose: "don\'t worry, I haven\'t paid attention to this little money."

With that, he took out the checkbook from his pocket, quickly signed a $30 billion check, and threw it away. Although it was only a thin piece of paper, it stabbed Tony\'s hand like a knife.

Tony stared at the scene in disbelief. He didn\'t feel the pain until the blood flowed out. He immediately hugged his wrist and screamed loudly. His nose was running and tears were streaming, but he was stunned and didn\'t dare to touch the check.

Feld\'s eyes became dignified. As soon as he waved his hand, the two strong black men immediately held Tony down, like catching a chick, so that he couldn\'t move at all. Then feld reached out and slowly pulled the check out of Tony\'s hand.

"Call to confirm." feld looked at the check and handed it to a bodyguard behind him.

The bodyguard quickly took out his mobile phone, dialed it according to the phone above, and soon came back, whispering, "the check is valid."

Chu fan took a deep breath of smoke and said faintly, "is the check OK? Can we return the contract to us?"

"Who the hell are you?" field asked in a deep voice.

"My name is Chufan. I\'m not as famous as Mr. feld."

Feld frowned slightly. The name Chu fan seems to have been heard somewhere? At this time, the face of a bodyguard behind him changed greatly. He quickly leaned over to his ear and whispered a word.

"What? The king of murder?" feld cried out in horror