The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 857

Three boxes of mineral water almost blocked Chu fan\'s head and face. Besides, who cares about a theater busboy. In this way, he really got in without danger.

Backstage, Chu fan felt as if he had been to his daughter\'s country. He was stunned that he didn\'t see a man. Moreover, when these women changed their clothes, they didn\'t avoid others. They took them off so grandly that Chu fan blushed.

"Give me a bottle of water." a voice woke Chu fan up and quickly grabbed a bottle of water and sent it.

Since I\'m a water bearer, I\'m going to play to the end. Hey hey, speaking of acting skills, I\'m no worse than you.

That\'s a very young girl, the one who just danced ballet. She just took off her ballet clothes. It may be a hot relationship. She just stood there before she had time to change her clothes.

The beauty of the upper body is pasted with two almost transparent "stickers", and the lower body is just a t-shaped pants, which is extremely attractive. She obviously saw that Chu fan was a man, but she didn\'t feel embarrassed at all, and asked him to send water to him. It can be seen that these foreign women are really open.

"Miss, your water." Chu fan just glanced, looked away, unscrewed the water and handed it over.

The girl took the water, but didn\'t drink it in a hurry. She asked curiously, "are you a staff member of the theater? How come I\'ve never seen you?"

"Cough, well, I\'m here to help."

The girl suddenly realized and said with a smile, "I see. Are you a fan of someone? Let me guess, it should be... Tang Feifei, right?"

Chu fan half true and half false stared and said in surprise, "Oh God, how do you know? This beautiful lady, can you tell me where Miss Tang Feifei is? I just want to sign for her and take a picture."

"People are also stars, don\'t you want to take a picture with me?" the girl looked at Chu fan bitterly, which meant that Chu fan was abandoned all the time.

Chu fan was in a good mood. Did he look at it? Brother\'s charm can\'t be stopped. Even the stars have to rush to take pictures with their friends. Shoot it. Anyway, it\'s idle and doesn\'t cost money.

"Click!" Chu fan hugged the girl\'s shoulder, took out his mobile phone and took a selfie. Not to mention, the mobile phone presented by the queen has really high pixels and beauty function, which makes the girl bright eyes and teeth.

Chu fan is not inferior. He is handsome and has a strong self-confidence, which makes him smile. He has a unique temperament and charm.

"Sir, can we take a picture together?" another tall girl with cool temperament came over and took the initiative to take a picture with Chu fan.

And her dress is only a little more than the girl next to Chu fan. Only her close fitting underwear and white skin eclipsed the white bra.

Just take it. Who is Chu fan afraid of?

The girl came and naturally leaned against Chu fan\'s arms, took the initiative to pick up his hand, put it on her waist, and showed a sweet smile to the camera. With a click, a picture of a handsome man and beautiful woman was taken.

Chu fan looked at the photo happily and said that he hadn\'t found it before. He was still very photogenic. It\'s all right in the future. We\'ll make two movies, too.

Is this a fan? Where are fans taking photos without asking for autographs? Besides, which fan can afford the special mobile phone for eagle king\'s room? It\'s not something money can buy.

Others may not recognize this mobile phone, but what do these female stars do? That is the existence of living at the forefront of fashion. They have to read fashion magazines and fashion weekly almost every day. This mobile phone, which is more luxurious than luxury goods, can\'t escape their eyes.

After taking a picture, the girl confirmed that what Chu fan was holding was the Royal mobile phone symbolizing identity and status. God, is he a prince? But he is Chinese.

Anyway, this guy is definitely a big fish. He\'d rather kill the wrong one than miss it.

"Sir, this is my contact information. I have the opportunity to drink together." the girl was very intelligent. She didn\'t ask Chu fan\'s name or ask for his business card. Instead, she stuffed a note with a telephone number into Chu fan\'s pocket, kissed her hand on her mouth, left a deep look in her eyes, smiled and walked away.

The movement here startled the women backstage. They took the initiative to take a group photo with Chu fan. In less than half an hour, Chu fan didn\'t know how many photos he had taken, and the muscles on his face were stiff with laughter.

What made him smile most was that he was kissed by someone on his face, leaving a red lipstick. The clothes on his body were messy, and his trousers and belts were almost taken away.

This is not a woman. It is clearly a group of female wolves.

In order to get rid of these women, Chu fan was in a panic. Seeing that there was a door in front of him, he quickly pushed the door and drilled in.

Hoo, it\'s safe at last.

"Hey, who are you? Who let you in?" a familiar sissy came behind Chu fan.

Chu fan turned around and before meeting, there stood a man in colorful clothes, with his left hand on his waist and his right hand holding the orchid finger pointing at him, with a round stare... Er, it could also be a woman.

He is very delicate, with big eyes, long eyelashes, light makeup on his face, and a charming temperament. His figure is slim, his chest is not very conspicuous, but there is a little bulge. There should be a cup.

Chu fan really wants to have a good look with perspective eyes. Is he a man or a woman. But I still gave up the idea. If this is a male and female Erzai, I have to scare my brother?

"See what see, have never seen a man?" sissy is even more angry, and the delicate blue orchid fingers almost poke to Chu fan\'s nose, because Chu\'s smell of perfume is like a blue musk.

If she was a woman with perfume on her body, Chu would be happy to breathe deeply, but the smell of perfume came from a man. He almost did not vomit.

"Are you Tang Feifei\'s agent?" Chu fan snapped off his sissy hand and asked.

"Ouch!" the sissy cried out in pain, covered the back of her hand, took two steps back with some fear, and shouted fiercely, "so what? I warn you, Feifei has bodyguards around. If you dare to mess around... Ah, kill someone, help..."

Chu fan just raised his fist, scared the sissy into crying and howling, and ran into the inside.

What is it?

Chu fan snorted disdainfully and strode over. After a few steps, he was stopped by two powerful bodyguards. Moreover, without a word of nonsense, they fought with fists and showed no mercy.

"Pa Pa!" the two big mouths slapped the two bodyguards. Chu fan shouted, "dead girl, if you don\'t come out again, I\'ll kick your bodyguards back to China."

Whoosh, a girl with untidy clothes rushed out of the room. It was Tang Feifei.

"Chu fan? Why are you here?" Tang Feifei surprised and plunged into Chu fan\'s arms. "I\'m so happy to meet you here. Let\'s open a room?"

Chu fan pushed Tang Feifei away from her arms with a black thread, pointed to her clothes and asked with a black face, "what\'s the situation? Do you have to explain it to me?"

No wonder he suspected that anyone who saw his girlfriend\'s clothes untidy would think of some angry things. At this time, Tang Feifei woke up, giggled and said, "yes, what you think, I did... Well, play with you. People change clothes inside. When they hear your voice, they hurried out."

Originally, he wanted to tease Chu fan, but his face was frighteningly black. Tang Feifei immediately told the truth. Afraid of his anger, he stood on tiptoe like a flatterer, kissed him on the lips and whispered, "I miss you."

"Feifei, who is this rude guy?" the sissy appeared again at this time.

Chu fan\'s anger, which had just been extinguished, immediately flared up again. He angrily pointed to his sissy and asked Tang Feifei, "is this man and woman your agent? What\'s the matter? He dared to hang up on me. He dared to approach me when you changed your clothes..."

"No, don\'t be angry. Tony is very nice." Tang Feifei quickly stopped Chu fan for fear that he would destroy the sissy in his anger. He quickly stressed, "he is my best sister. Of course, he also wants to avoid when I change my clothes, but it happened suddenly just now..."

Chu fan is speechless. What kind of sisters are you looking for? Just find one like this. I really don\'t know what ecstasy he gave you.

"All right!" Chu fan waved impatiently, "tell him that if you dare to hang up on me again in the future, I\'ll send him to Thailand and help him completely transform it."

"Well, I know." Tang Feifei skillfully hugged Chu fan\'s arm and stared at the sissy, "what are you doing? This is my boyfriend. Don\'t apologize to him soon."

Tony shouted angrily, "Feifei, what are you talking about? You\'re a star. How can you fall in love and make a boyfriend? You let the man leave immediately and don\'t contact him in the future."

Tang Feifei\'s face suddenly became ugly, while Chu fan looked at him with great interest and took out a cigarette to light one, but he was thinking whether to farm him or feed him to fish.

"Tony, for the last time, he is my boyfriend. I can marry him and have children whenever he wants," said Tang Feifei coldly. "Compared with him, any performance and fame are worthless."

"Feifei, what ecstasy did he give you?" Tony flushed with anger and shouted, "you are a future world superstar. How can you ruin your future because of a man at this time?"

"As your agent, I must be responsible for your image and your future..."

Tang Feifei interrupted him impolitely: "from now on, you are not my agent."