The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 856

Meredith, the blood queen, is not a vampire. How is this possible?

In the face of Chu fan\'s doubt, Meredith just smiled faintly, took a shallow drink from the wine glass, and said: "the blood of the blood clan is cold, and it needs to constantly suck fresh blood to maintain the blood flow in the body. Therefore, there is the less elegant name of vampire."

"But in fact, our blood clan can also live in the hot sun and even marry and have children like normal people, but it needs a very harsh condition." Meredith paused for a moment and said solemnly, "that\'s the heart of blood bat."

"What is the heart of blood bat?" Chu fan asked curiously like a pupil.

Meredith said positively, "the blood bat is the holy beast of our blood clan. As long as the blood bat is immortal, our blood clan will always exist in the world. Every hundred years, a different species will be born in the blood bat group. If you are lucky, you can integrate with it and become like people."

"Chu fan, you are very lucky. A blood bat has just been born. I don\'t know what kind of abilities it has, but this is a very good opportunity." Meredith said, "as long as you become a blood bat, I can take you to wanbat cave. If you can get the favor of blood bat, you will get eternal life and powerful blood clan powers."

Chu fan was surprised: "so powerful?"

"Of course!" Meredith said proudly, "otherwise, how can I become the boss of the red umbrella company? I don\'t boast. Even the great elders guarded by the Pope and the gods dream of becoming a blood family and obtaining the inheritance of blood bats. Unfortunately, none of them has the honor without my consent."

Chu fan was more confused: "they rushed you not to, but why did they choose me?"

"The reason is very simple. You have no ambition," Meredith said. "Once you get the blood bat inheritance, you will automatically become the king of the blood family. The Pope gives his soul to the devil, and the elder guarding the gods gives his soul to the gods. They are too greedy. Once they get the power of the blood family, let alone my blood family, even the whole world will be destroyed by them."

Chu fan whispered to himself as if you were a great Savior. Your blood family is not a good thing.

"Then, you are not afraid of me. You gain the blood clan ability, and then kill you to be the king of the blood clan?" Chu fan asked playfully.

Meredith smiled: "if you succeed in inheriting the blood bat, I am willing to pass the blood clan throne to you, and I just want to be your queen."

"What?" Chu fan stood up and whispered, "you... You want to be a queen? Elder sister... No, grandma, you want to marry me?"

Are you kidding? You can be my grandparents and marry me? I

At the thought of sleeping in a bed and a quilt with an old woman of hundreds of years old, Chu fan had goose bumps all over and couldn\'t help shivering. It\'s horrible!

"Actually, I\'m not as old as you think," Meredith said, taking up his glass, shaking it a few times, and then drinking it down, "Of course, it must be much older than you, but I don\'t think age is a problem. Regardless of age, my appearance and body are the same as those of a 20-year-old woman, and even more perfect. Aren\'t you moved at all?"

It\'s false to say she\'s not moved, but Chu fan is hard to harden at the thought that she\'s the queen of the blood clan. At last, Chu fan shook his head: "I\'m sorry, I\'m not interested in becoming a blood clan. If there\'s nothing else, I think I should leave."

I\'m not only not interested in becoming a blood clan, the key is that I\'m not interested in you, the blood clan queen. I\'m about to get rid of that obstacle.

"It\'s rare to come. It\'s better to stay for two more days. Maybe you\'ll suddenly change your mind?" Meredith seemed to think of it and said, "Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you that your big star lover will perform in the opera house in Bismarck tomorrow afternoon. As far as I know, the people guarding the Holy See and the gods are eyeing her."

Big star... Lover... Who?

Chu fan frowned and thought for a moment, then suddenly opened his eyes and exclaimed, "you mean... Tang Feifei?"

"Seems so?"

"Shit, how could she come to Bismarck? It\'s nothing to ask for trouble." Chu fan angrily takes out his cell phone and calls Tang Feifei directly.

The phone rang for a long time and finally answered. Before Chu fan could speak, a dissatisfied sissy came out of the phone: "I told you how many times, don\'t call when we Feifei rehearsed. Remember, this is the last time, otherwise, you\'ll never want to see Feifei."

Doodle doodle

Chu fan looked at his cell phone foolishly. Damn it, who is this dead eunuch? Dare to hang up my phone? Dare to threaten me? It\'s really an old longevity who eats arsenic - he\'s impatient.

"If you don\'t think the castle is too cold, I\'ll ask someone to prepare a room for you immediately..."

Chu fan raised his hand and interrupted, "no, you can arrange someone to take me to the opera house."

"Becoming a blood clan..."

"Wait until I come back." Chu Fan said impatiently.

Meredith stopped talking and ordered to go down. Someone immediately sent Chu fan out of the castle, got in the car and rushed to the opera house.

Just after Chu fan left, Nikolai quietly appeared in the Queen\'s room, bowed his head respectfully and said, "Your Majesty, the blood bats in the ten thousand bat cave are restless. If you don\'t think of countermeasures, I\'m afraid there will be a big mess."

"Wait a minute, but tomorrow night at the latest. If not, we can only kill the newly born blood bat alien."

Nikolay\'s body shook and opened his mouth, but he didn\'t dare to say it. He bowed and retreated quietly.

Meredith uttered a faint, inaudible sigh as the door closed. If she had a choice, how could she take the initiative to find Chu fan? But now, the Pope and the guards of the gods have a hidden intention of joining hands. If one of them is not eliminated as soon as possible, their blood family will suffer next.

Of course, she can also find the best person among the blood clan members to enter the ten thousand bat cave and try her luck, but if she doesn\'t have strong strength, there is only a dead end.

Meredith can help and send people in safely. She may not be able to subdue the blood bat alien, so she can\'t intervene. The most important point is that the best blood family under her is Nicolas, but Meredith knows him very well. Nicolas is not a willing and ordinary guy. To put it bluntly, he is the same kind of person as the Pope.

Once he has the same strength as the blood queen, can Meredith control him? Maybe he will set up a strong opponent for himself, and even be bitten by Nikolay.

Meredith would never make such a low-level mistake.

Chu fan, you will agree

For nearly an hour, Chu fan finally returned to the city. When the car stopped in front of the opera house, Chu fan pushed open the door and jumped down.

"Please show me your invitation, sir."

At the gate of the opera house, Chu fan was stopped by a tall security guard, but where did Chu fan get any invitation?

Seeing that Chu fan couldn\'t take out the invitation, the security guard\'s face immediately cooled down and said impolitely, "I\'m sorry, I can\'t enter without the invitation."

Oh, shit. What are you looking for?

Chu fan was about to break in. At this time, a coquettish blonde came up, took out the invitation and shook it in front of the security guard. She glanced at Chu fan with disdain and hummed, "the opera house is not qualified for beggars like you."

what? Brother, you are so rich that you call me a beggar?

Chu fan is really speechless. How can there be such arrogant and powerful women everywhere? He was too lazy to kill her with money. His fingers bent and bounced secretly on the side of his legs. Just as the girl was about to enter the door, she suddenly screamed and fell to the ground.

Unfortunately, a gust of wind blew and lifted her skirt. The black t-shaped pants inside were immediately exposed, straightening the security guard\'s eyes.

"Asshole, don\'t you help me up?" the girl hurriedly pressed down her skirt, glared at the security guard and scolded.

The security guard also looks after people\'s food. This woman can\'t afford it at first sight. Where dare she neglect it? Besides, I saw her fat white buttocks just now. I\'m sorry if I don\'t help her.

But he didn\'t remember until he picked up the girl. What about the Chinese just now? When did you leave?

Go? How could Chu fan leave? If the girl hadn\'t come, he would have let the security guard lose two front teeth. But since he didn\'t have to do it, Chu fan didn\'t bother to pay attention to him. While he turned to help the girl, he passed by him like a ghost and came to the interior of the opera house.

Turning a corner and pushing open a gate, Chu fan appeared in front of a theater that could accommodate tens of thousands of people. Right in front of him was a big stage, on which many people were rehearsing. On the huge theater stand, there were only a few seats in front, and there were more than a dozen people, most of whom were directors, cameras and other theater staff.

Chu fan walked along the narrow corridor and glanced carefully, but he didn\'t find Tang Feifei. Was he deceived by Meredith\'s old maid? It\'s impossible. She\'s not full. It\'s impossible to joke about such a thing.

Where\'s Tang Feifei?

It happened that several girls who had just jumped the Little Swan stopped, wiped the sweat on their forehead and walked out from the side. Chu fan suddenly realized that Tang Feifei was not at the front desk, so he must be backstage.

However, so many people are watching. How can we get there?

Coincidentally, at this time, a man came behind Chu fan and said hurriedly, "give way, I can\'t hold it."

Chu fan turned around and was immediately happy. A girl was holding three boxes of mineral water. She was so tired that she was sweating. She looked at the mineral water and was about to fall.

"Give it to me and I\'ll send it to you." Chu fan took the mineral water and sent it to the people backstage.