The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 855

According to the address given by Nikolay, Chu fan came to Bismarck city in the north of the United States. When he left the eagle Kingdom, it was more than 11 p.m. and it took him more than half an hour on the road. When he arrived in Bismarck City, it happened to be about 5:30 a.m. in the United States.

The time difference between the two places is five hours. Maybe it\'s not obvious if he takes a plane, but Chu fan\'s sword flying speed is much faster than that of the plane. Suddenly, he doesn\'t adapt from dark to day.

Wipe, brother, do you want to sleep or not?

"Mr. Chu fan!" outside the airport, Nikolay waved to Chu fan who came out, looking very enthusiastic.

The two agreed to meet outside the airport in Bismarck city. Otherwise, Chu fan will be discredited when he goes to this strange city. Where can he find Nikolay? I just don\'t know how long Nikolay has been waiting here.

Chu fan strode over and smiled awkwardly, "sorry to keep you waiting."

"It doesn\'t matter. The least valuable thing of our blood family is time." Nicholas opened the door himself and said with a smile, "get in the car. I\'ll take you to the hotel first."

"Why, the queen doesn\'t welcome me, or there isn\'t even a guest room at home?" Chu fan tries to push the door and get off, "then I\'d better go."

"Don\'t, you misunderstood." Nikolay was overwhelmed by Chu fan\'s reaction and hurriedly said, "Your Majesty doesn\'t welcome you, but... The ancient castle where the queen lives, I\'m afraid you don\'t adapt."

Chu Fan said, "I\'ve even lived in graves. What else is not suitable? Drive!"

Nikolay had no choice but to order the driver to drive. When the car started, he advised again: "Mr. Chu fan, you\'d better stay in a hotel. I promise I can book you the best hotel and meet your needs."

"Wipe, I\'m not afraid. Are you afraid of a hair?" Chu fan has no good airway. "Go and leave. If you don\'t go, turn around. Brother goes straight home."

"Well, when I didn\'t say anything," Nikolay turned his head bitterly.

It\'s good to meet such a stupid green head. I don\'t know a thing. What can you do with him?

The blood queen lived far away and drove for more than an hour before she came to a manor in the suburbs. There is only one castle like tall building in the whole manor. It seems that it has been built for many years. It is all made of large bluestones. The gap is covered with moss and looks full of desolate historical charm.

The windows of the whole castle are not only pitifully few, but also very small, and they are closed, giving people a dull sense of depression. People with little courage are afraid that if they only look at the appearance of the ancient castle, they will be afraid to enter the door.

Chu fan is an expert in art. He is brave and knows that the blood queen lives here. Naturally, he won\'t care about this. After getting out of the car, Chu fan looked at the castle and followed Nikolay in. On the way, the maids and male servants they met were very respectful and polite, but Chu fan found that they were all blood families like Nikolay.

Because their blood is cold and flows slowly.

This is so special. It\'s the nest of blood clan.

With a "squeak", the heavy wooden door was pushed open, and suddenly a cold wind blew on his face, which made Chu fan shiver. I thought to myself, this place is really evil - sex.

"Mr. Chufan, please sit down, and I\'ll invite her majesty." Nicholas politely invited Chufan to sit down on the sofa and ordered the maid to serve coffee, but he hurried upstairs.

In his spare time, Chu fan looks around. Not to mention, the blood queen has good taste. There are world-famous paintings hanging on the wall. Although Chu fan doesn\'t know the authenticity, he doesn\'t think it will be a fake in the name of the blood queen.

Before long, Nikolay came down from upstairs and said politely, "Mr. Chufan, your majesty, please go upstairs."

The shelf is big enough. The queen of Eagle didn\'t put such a big spectrum.

Chu fan felt sick in his heart, but he didn\'t say anything. He followed Nikolay upstairs. The stairs are still wooden. Stepping on them makes a dull sound. Chu fan doubts whether he will trample on the stairs if more people go upstairs together.

Fortunately, the stairs were strong, and there were not so many people in the castle. Chu fan followed Nikolay to the third floor and stopped in front of a heavy door.

Nikolay knocked on the door and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, Mr. Chufan is coming."

"Please come in!" a clear and pleasant voice, like a pearl falling on the plate, came from the room.

Nikolay opened the door and extended his hand to invite Chu fan in, but he didn\'t mean to go in at all. When Chu fan stepped in, he quickly closed the door, as if he was afraid of Chu fan running away.

Chu fan didn\'t care. All his attention was attracted by the woman standing with her back to him and holding a glass of red wine. Just a figure of his back made Chu fan\'s blood flow and breathing become urgent.

It\'s so tempting. This is definitely the most perfect woman in the world. Whether it\'s height, weight or body, it\'s just right. One point higher shows thin, one kilogram more shows fat, and another centimeter thicker waist will show her bloated figure.

Slender legs, under the cover of thin gauze, flicker, and between the legs, there is no gap, and must be tight. Chu fan secretly suspected that the queen would not be an old woman after living so long, would she? But it is reasonable to say that after becoming a woman, there must be a gap between her legs, never so tight.

The waist and hip are so perfect that they are almost like works of art without any defects. I don\'t know what she looks like. If she\'s too ordinary, she\'ll be blind.

Maybe, the blood queen knew what Chu fan was thinking. At this time, she slowly turned around and a middle sex beauty face with the most perfect gene in the West appeared in front of him.

Her eyes are flirtatious purple, her cheeks are thin, her nose is high, and her lips are slightly thick, giving people a very cold, proud and noble temperament. If it weren\'t for her long shawl hair and the looming peak in front of her chest, Chu fan really couldn\'t judge her gender.

If you hide her feminine characteristics and change into Chu fan\'s clothes, you will definitely be a peerless beautiful man all over the world. Of course, she is not as beautiful as Li Qingcheng and Su Yuan, but her temperament makes Chu fan have the impulse to kneel down and lick her feet.

This is definitely a real blood queen, such as fake change.

"Am I beautiful?" the blood clan queen asked faintly with a slight eyebrow.

Chu fan nodded subconsciously: "beautiful, but worse than my wife. Can I take the liberty to ask you a question?"


"How old are you? Are you a virgin?"

The blood queen was stunned. She must have never dreamed that Chu fan would ask such a question for the first time. However, she was only stunned for a short time and said with a faint smile, "it\'s impolite to ask a woman\'s age. As for whether I\'m a virgin... What do you think?"

"Ha ha ha!"

Chu fan laughed and naturally sat down on the sofa: "Your Majesty asked me to come, don\'t you want to discuss these with me? Or go straight to the subject, what\'s the identity of the man who attacked me?"

The queen gave him a blank look. Who first raised the topic? As if I\'d like to discuss this with you.

"You can call my name Meredith." the queen didn\'t sit down, looked down at Chu fan and said faintly, "as for the man who attacked you, it should be the snow goddess in the guard of the gods."

"The gods guard? The goddess of ice and snow?" Chu fan was stunned. "I didn\'t provoke them. Why did they come to attack me?"

"It\'s very simple. I arranged the people." Queen Meredith shook her glass with interest and asked, "you seem to have guessed. You\'re not surprised or angry. Why?"

"Benedictine Benedictine!"

There was a knock at the door. Then a maid pushed the door in, put a cup of mellow coffee in front of Chu fan, and obediently withdrew. She didn\'t look at Chu fan from beginning to end, let alone say a word.

Until she closed the door, Chu fan took a sip of coffee and said faintly, "you know the reason better than me, so you don\'t have to play riddles with me. Let\'s be frank, what do you want?"

Meredith arranged the goddess of ice and snow guarded by the gods to go to China and attack Chu fan... No, it should be to warn him and make him feel the crisis. At this time, he must be eager to know who the hidden person is. Then, Meredith\'s phone, he will rush there at the first time.

At the same time, Meredith designated a plan to attack the eagle royal family on the night when Chu fan might arrive in the United States. In this way, without Chu fan\'s assistance, the royal family of the eagle kingdom will easily change their masters, and Prince Blake is 100% a puppet she secretly supports.

However, Meredith never expected that Chu fan would come again and again with Evelyn on the plane. As a result, Chu fan didn\'t go to the United States in time, but stayed in the eagle country and slept with Evelyn.

Meredith didn\'t have to ask about the later things. The plan failed completely. But she is not angry. The gains and losses of one city and one pool have little impact on the outcome. As long as Chu fan can be removed, the queen of the eagle country can change at any time.

As for the people in the Yasukuni soul shrine in Japan, what\'s the big deal?

Until this time, Meredith really regarded Chu fan as an opponent. He walked across from him, sat down slowly, smiled and said, "you are a very interesting opponent and a young man with great potential. If you can really join my blood family, we must be the best partner."

"You let me join the blood clan?" Chu fan sneered. "Are you kidding? I\'m not a vampire? How can I join your blood clan? What\'s good for me?"

Meredith took a deep look at Chu fan and said faintly, "blood clan members are not necessarily vampires. For example, I..."