The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 854

After a circle, Chu fan didn\'t drink much wine, but the business card in his pocket could hardly be stuffed.

Everyone knows Chu fan\'s strength. It\'s certainly right to have a good relationship with him. Even if you can\'t get benefits, it will never be bad. Besides, how many people have died one after another in the United States and Afghanistan, which borders China? Although we all know that Chu fan did it, you can\'t grasp the handle of others. Not only do people die in vain, but they lose money and goods, but also lose their home.

Where to reason?

After getting rid of those flattering guys, Chu fan finally breathed a sigh of relief. I really don\'t understand why these people are still keen on this one by one. Are they hypocritical and interesting?

"Hungry? Have something to eat?" Laura came over at some time. Seeing that Chu fan had no objection, she turned and took Chu fan to the table and handed him a plate. As for what she wanted to eat, she picked it up at will, just like the buffet. However, the buffet is luxurious enough, including a foot long lobster, a king crab the size of a basketball, as well as all kinds of seafood and cakes.

Chu fan and his two daughters rolled the sheets in bed all day. They didn\'t eat breakfast and lunch. They were really hungry. Since no one bothered him, they just had a good time. The lobster is good. Chu fan directly reaches out to grab one and chews it.

Don\'t say, this big lobster is more delicious than domestic crayfish. It\'s too delicious.

On the other hand, Laura didn\'t think Chu fan looked ugly. Instead, she thought he was more frank and lovely. Moreover, she also knew that Chu fan was really hungry. She ordered the kitchen to prepare two steaks for Chu fan immediately, and then she began to peel off the shell of another lobster, dig out the shrimp meat inside and send it to Chu fan\'s mouth.

The relationship between them, let alone feeding Chu fan, was nothing even if it was mouth to mouth, but there were countless pairs of eyes staring at the scene. This scene made everyone find a signal.

This guy likes beautiful women!

All of a sudden, the celebrities at the banquet, either spontaneously or at the instigation of intentional people, came towards Chu fan with wine glasses. One by one, they either scratched their heads or smiled modestly. What\'s more, they bent down in front of Chu fan and threw their eyes. The beauty in front of Chu fan was even more generous to let Chu fan see enough.

"Don\'t eat!" Chu fan was so upset that he didn\'t even stop eating. Especially the big girl in front of me. What are you showing? The pair of balls are going to fall off. Also, I can smell your coquettish smell several meters away. Do you still want to seduce me? I\'m afraid of getting dirty - disease.

Just now, the maid sent the steak that had just gone out. Lara answered the dish and said to Chu fan, "I\'ll take you upstairs. Just now, your highness seems to have gone upstairs."

"Let\'s go!" Chu fan didn\'t look at the women, took up two glasses of wine and followed Laura upstairs. As for the resentful and angry eyes of those women behind him, he didn\'t bother to answer.

Laura opened the door and was about to go in. Suddenly she was stunned and hurriedly said, "I\'m sorry, I didn\'t know you were in a meeting..."

"Chu fan, you\'re just in time. Come in and sit down." the Queen\'s voice came from the room.

Chu fan was discovered by the queen before she showed up. There\'s no way. Laura has two plates in her hand, and she certainly won\'t send food to Evelyn or the queen. Guess with her heel, she must be followed by Chu fan.

After entering the door, Chu fan found out how bad he had come. In this guest room, there were not only her majesty, but also three Archduke, but Princess Evelyn didn\'t know where she had gone.

Chu fan strode in, greeted the three Archduke and sat down directly on the sofa. He sat down, and Laura had to bite the bullet, put the steak in front of him, and was ready to stand next to the queen.

But Chu fan patted his side and said irresistibly, "sit down and help me cut the steak. I can\'t cut it well."

Laura rolled her eyes at Chu fan. In this world, you won\'t?

Chu fan picked up the knife and fork and cut it a few times. He really didn\'t cut it off. When he was angry, Chu fan simply threw the knife and fork on the tea table, grabbed the steak and bit it. Well, it tastes really good and powerful.

"Laura, you go and help him cut the steak." the queen smiled and ordered. She didn\'t feel that Chu fan\'s behavior had disgraced her royal face. And Chu fan and Laura\'s affairs, she is also very clear, have served Chu fan to sleep, what is it to serve him to eat?

With the Queen\'s orders, Laura had to sit next to Chu fan, pick up a knife and fork, help him cut the steak into small pieces, and then feed him one by one. Occasionally, she had to feed him a drink. That was a considerate service.

Even the three great princes secretly envy this treatment. It\'s not that they haven\'t enjoyed it, but in front of the queen, who dares to be so presumptuous except Chu fan?

Why didn\'t he choke?

"How are you three thinking?" the queen said after a moment of silence. "I don\'t intend to pursue this incident, but the military power must be taken back. I promise that your status will remain unchanged and your family will prosper forever."

The three Archduke were silent. The queen speaks well, but she really wants to hand over her military power. Who knows if she will turn over? Once the queen controls the military power, it will add wings to the tiger. Who dares not obey the Queen\'s orders in the future?

If you don\'t pay

The three subconsciously glanced at Chu fan. The goods ate and drank heartlessly, as if they didn\'t hear their conversation at all. But the three Archduke knew that this was the devil who really ate people and didn\'t spit bones. If he was determined to help the queen, he wouldn\'t give up his military power, I\'m afraid he couldn\'t even go out of this door.

"Mother!" Evelyn suddenly pushed the door in. When she saw that Chu fan was also there, she quickly walked over happily, "so you\'re here. I\'m going to find you."

Chu fan stretched out his hand to her, took her and sat down beside her. He frowned and said, "Why are your hands so cold? Are they cold?"

"It\'s all right. I forgot to wear my coat when I went out just now." Evelyn put her hand to her mouth, breathed a sigh, gave Chu fan a sweet smile and said, "I\'m hungry, too."

"But the steak is cold."

"It\'s okay, I don\'t care."

Laura quickly handed over the plate with more than half of the cut steak on it. But before Evelyn could reach out, Chu fan took the plate first and said, "don\'t worry, I\'ll heat it up for you."

Heat up? Do you have to go to the kitchen yourself?

But in full view of the public, Chu fan snapped his fingers and suddenly drilled a cluster of dazzling flames from his fingers. It floated out of Chu fan\'s fingers like a naughty little life and revolved around the steak. The cooled steak suddenly made a Zillah sound, the heat rose, and the house was immediately filled with the smell of barbecue.

"Well, eat this time." Chu fan sent the steak as if it had just come out of the pot to Evelyn, and the cluster of flames rose slowly and suspended over the tea table, like a small sun, emitting a scorching temperature.

The queen was fine. She just felt a little hot, but the three Archduke were roasted, and their beards were almost scorched. One by one, they stood up from the sofa and hid far away. Then they felt better.

Seeing this scene, Chu fan seemed to find out what he had done. He quickly took back the flame and apologized: "I\'m sorry, didn\'t hurt the three Archduke?"

"No, no!" the three Archduke quickly waved his hands and sat down again.

It\'s special. It\'s a threat to us.

"How are you thinking, Archduke?" the queen asked at the right moment.

This time, vernal said decisively, "I agree!"

"I agree."


When they handed over their military power, the three great princes seemed to have unloaded a heavy burden, and immediately felt relaxed. It seemed that it was not so hot, and Chu fan looked at them with kindness.

The three smiled bitterly in their hearts. Just now, the guy\'s eyes were like eating people. It was so scary. In this case, who dares not to agree?

Now that things are done, Chu fan is full, says hello to several people, gets up and goes out with Evelyn and Laura. This time, instead of going back to the banquet hall, the three left directly through the back door.

"Husband, can\'t you stay with me for another day?" Evelyn reluctantly took Chu fan\'s hand. "It\'s not too late for you to leave one night and tomorrow morning."

Chu Fan said in a deep voice, "I really can\'t delay any longer. What happened last night must have something to do with the blood queen. I must figure out this account with her. Otherwise, she really thinks I\'m a bully."

Without waiting for Evelyn to speak again, Lara advised him, "Princess highness, let him go. Only if we solve the blood clan queen as soon as possible, our royal family will be completely safe."

Solve the blood queen? Chu fan smiled bitterly to himself. How can it be so simple? If the mysterious person who appears in China one day is the blood queen, even if Chu fan enters the realm, he dares to say that he can retreat all over, but he can\'t guarantee what he can do to the blood queen.

Without some strength, can you develop the red umbrella company so strong? Even the state wants her to support it. Belittling the blood queen is tantamount to seeking death.

Chu fan didn\'t say anything more. He stepped on the dragon soul sword, cut through the sky and galloped away.

Evelyn looked at the direction of Chu fan\'s departure and said sadly, "Laura, I seem to be... Really in love with him."

"Isn\'t that very good?" Laura pretended to easily take out her mobile phone, shook it and said with a smile, "I have a phone here to send you back to the big breasted girl. With her ability, it\'s not easy when you want to see Chu fan? Even if you go to China to sleep with him every night, it\'s not impossible."

When Evelyn was surprised, she grabbed her mobile phone: "why didn\'t I think of it? I\'ll call Song Wen and ask her to come over. I\'ll invite her to dinner and let her have fun in Eagle country for a few days..."

PS: I\'ve made up what I owe today. I won\'t easily promise in the future, but it will break out when it\'s time to break out. Please continue to pay attention!!