The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 853

"Take him down." the queen rubbed her eyebrows tired and sat down in her chair.

It\'s normal for others to target her, because when she sits in this seat, she has to bear calculations and assassinations from all aspects. But she never thought that her brother wanted her to die for power.

It\'s so sad.

The next thing was much simpler. Chu fan was eyeing. The three Archduke and the Marquis were honest and sat in the conference hall all night. This night, all the people who colluded with black caught, died and fled. A turmoil was eliminated and settled.

Early in the morning, the tired queen arranged several Archduke and others to rest, and she also returned to the bedroom. As soon as I entered the door, I was tightly hugged by Evelyn, who was waiting anxiously. The mother and daughter hugged their heads and cried. Chu fan\'s nose was sour.


Chu fan coughed and said, "Evelyn, since it\'s all right, I\'ll go first..."

"No!" said Evelyn hurriedly. "You can\'t go."

Wipe, brother sold it to you? If you want to go, who can stop you?

"Mr. Chu fan!" before Chu fan could speak, the queen suddenly came over with a smile. "You\'ve been busy all night. It\'s time to have a rest. Evelyn, Laura, you take Mr. Chu fan to rest first. I\'ll invite him to dinner at noon."

"Your Majesty, don\'t you have to eat?"

"It\'s just a meal. It won\'t take you much time."

In front of the queen who raised her hands and feet with supreme air, Chu fanleng couldn\'t say no. after thinking about it, she just had a meal. What\'s to be afraid of? Is it hard for her to eat my brother?

Don\'t say, I haven\'t slept all night. I\'m really sleepy.

Chu Fan said goodbye to the queen and followed Evelyn to her bedroom.

"Chu fan, is there anything else to prepare?" Evelyn looked at him shyly and timidly, and put her hands on the ribbon around her waist, as if she would undress and sleep with him as long as he nodded.

Chu Fanlian hurriedly said, "no, no, you\'re busy. Go ahead. Don\'t worry about me... Well, I\'ll take a bath first."

If she can scare Chu fan like this, Evelyn can be proud of it. But Chu fan just entered the bathroom, took off his clothes and prepared to soak in the bathtub for a while. The door opened and Evelyn in Tulle came in. There was a neutral gear in it. The temptation to hide and show made Chu fan look straight.

Goo Doo!

Chu fan swallowed a mouthful of water and said in his heart, this is the rhythm of brother Jing - death. However, in the face of this peerless creature, death is worth it.

But before he waved and asked Evelyn to come and take a bath, the door opened again, and Laura, dressed in a Black Porn fun clothes, came in shyly and nervously. The two women stood side by side and put out an attractive pose, which almost dazzled Chu fan.

In terms of height, Laura is much higher than Evelyn, but it seems that Evelyn\'s little bird depends on people, so people can\'t help taking care of her carefully for fear that she will be hurt; But Laura is a King Kong Barbie, with wide shoulders and thick back, no better than Chu Fanxun. A woman like her also gives people a strong desire to conquer.

Evelyn\'s skin is white, tender and smooth; Laura\'s skin was tight and strong, full of strength. On Evelyn, Chu fan doesn\'t dare to drive at full speed for fear of hurting Evelyn, but here with Laura, Chu fan doesn\'t have so many scruples. Even if he has full horsepower, Laura can fight with him for several rounds.

Laura is not as beautiful as Evelyn, but her chest is surprisingly large. Unlike the strong muscles elsewhere in her body, her chest is still full and jade, but it is stronger than ordinary people. I don\'t know, I thought she had silicone glue inside. But Chu fan knows that this is absolutely original, such as fake replacement.

Although Evelyn is beautiful, there are some shortcomings in her chest. It is no exaggeration to say that Bian Qingwu, 12, has no smaller chest than her. However, her slender legs and round hips are enough to make up for the shortcomings of her chest.

Now, these two beauties with different styles come to the bathroom. What do you want to do?

From the bathroom to the living room, and from the living room to the bedroom, they tossed until noon. They finally stopped. They were too lazy to take a bath. They directly stuck in bed and fell asleep. As for the luncheon prepared by the queen, it also completely blew up and put a queen\'s pigeon.

It was not until evening that Chu fan got up from bed with a weak waist and legs. It\'s terrible. These two women are two dissatisfied female wolves. They are crazy and almost swallow their brothers.

It\'s scary!

Go while the two women are awake.

Chu fan took his clothes into the bathroom, prepared to take a shower, put on his clothes and left, but as soon as he turned on the shower, Laura came in. Seeing her, Chu fan trembled and complained secretly. This big breasted girl was the most fierce when she was high. She was simply not human.

"Don\'t be nervous, I just want to accompany you for a while." Laura walked over and wiped Chu fan tenderly. Fortunately, Chu fan turned his back to her, otherwise, he might have to blow the charge horn somewhere. At that time, he doesn\'t want to have to.

"Do you know the Queen\'s intention to leave you?" Laura whispered.

Chu fan was stunned, pondered for a moment and said, "I hope I can help her stabilize the throne?"

"You only guessed half right." Laura turned to Chu fan, applied the bath lotion evenly to him, and said, "your influence is too great. As long as you stay in the palace, the three Archduke will have to obey the Queen\'s wishes. As long as you can take the military power in the hands of the three Archduke, the Queen\'s position will be completely stable, and last night\'s events will not happen again."

Chu fan nodded repeatedly. Before, he didn\'t know enough about the royal family of the eagle Kingdom, but after listening to the discussion of the queen Bansu and others last night, Chu fan knew that the queen was far less powerful than he thought. In addition to the guards guarding the king\'s city, she had only round table knights in her hands.

Every year, she has to draw 80% of the tax to support the army. In short, she spends money to support others. The army is nominally assigned by her, but in fact, she can\'t mobilize any small soldiers without three Archduke nodding.

"Princess Evelyn, she will take over as Queen in the future." Laura looked at Chu fan and said, "Do you have the heart to see her work for state affairs all day? You don\'t know how arrogant the three big publics are. Usually, they don\'t even give the queen face. In the final analysis, they have such confidence because they have the power of war. Otherwise, the queen will be more relaxed, and many policies that benefit the country and the people can be successfully promoted."

Chu fan reluctantly said, "I really want to help her, but I can\'t let me kill all three Archduke?"

"I don\'t need you to do anything!" Evelyn pushed the door in and said excitedly. "As long as you can attend your mother\'s party and admit that you are my fiance, these things will be solved."

No... fiance? Shit, this is forcing my brother to make a statement.

But seeing Chu fan\'s stunned expression, Evelyn immediately bit her lips wrongly, her big eyes were watery, and she looked like she was crying. Suddenly, Chu fan\'s heart was soft, and she hurriedly said, "OK, I can\'t listen to you?"

"How nice of you, husband!" Evelyn immediately burst into tears and smiled. She hurried over and politely helped Chu fan wash it. But as she washed it, her eyes were full of spring

Until the maid knocks