The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 852

The conference hall is the place where the queen and other princes and ministers discuss state affairs. But in fact, this is an enlarged conference room.

In the center of the huge hall, there is a circular conference table. In addition to the queen, there are only three Archduke, three princes and six Marquis of the eagle kingdom.

The three great princes, second only to the queen, not only have strong financial resources, but also have the control of the army. In short, they control the military power of the eagle country and at least 30% of the wealth of the whole Eagle country.

Chu fan is rich, but he was rich overnight, but the wealth of the three great princes was bought by generations with blood and life. It is no exaggeration to say that they are rich and invincible.

Although the Queen\'s status is noble, the real power is almost in the hands of the three Archduke, and the Marquis\'s status under the Archduke depends on the Archduke\'s power. Therefore, almost all of the six Marquis are Archduke\'s people.

As for the three princes, they are all close relatives of the queen. One of them is her husband Lawrence, the other is her brother black, and the last Prince is Prince William who has just been canonized.

Although these three people are of noble status, they are all famous and powerless furnishings like the queen, but their identities are very sensitive and they are also the objects of the three great princes. Because, once the queen has an accident, these three are all qualified to be in power, while others have bad names and bad words.

Just like now, the queen was stabbed and dying, so she invited several Archduke and Marquis overnight. In addition to the Queen\'s serious injury, Prince Lawrence was also stained with blood, with only half of his broken sword in his hand, holding the queen in grief.

He really liked the queen. For her, he gave up too many things and was willing to help her manage state affairs wholeheartedly. He also secretly planned with the queen to take back the military power from the three Archduke, but before the plan was implemented, the queen

In addition, Prince Black was also seriously injured, especially in his lower abdomen. He was stabbed and almost cut open his stomach, but he just held on, killed several outlaws and saved the Queen\'s sister.

But at this time, the Queen\'s situation is very bad and she may die at any time.

"Your Majesty, what else do you want to order?" the eldest Archduke vernal came forward and said in a deep voice.

Anyone can see that the queen must be hopeless, and calling them all at this time must have something important to announce, and nine times out of ten it has something to do with the throne.

There is only one heir to the throne, that is Princess Evelyn, but Princess Evelyn is not here.

The queen half lay in Prince Lawrence\'s arms, reluctantly opened her eyes and said in a trembling voice, "after my death, let... Let Evelyn inherit the throne. However, Evelyn is too young and has to rely on the assistance of the three Archduke for many things."

"Don\'t worry, your majesty. Princess Evelyn is very intelligent. She must be a qualified queen after a few years of training. Just..." vernal hesitated and said, "Prince Lawrence and Prince Black, who is suitable to assist the government?"

The queen looked at Lawrence reluctantly and tried to touch his cheek, but she couldn\'t lift it up anyway. Lawrence\'s heart was like a knife. He held her hand and tears flowed down, but he didn\'t dare to cry.

"I\'m sorry!" the queen smiled and said reluctantly, "I\'m... Not a good wife. I\'ve wronged you."

"No, you are the best wife in the world. Marrying you is the greatest happiness of my life."

The queen closed her eyes, gasped, reluctantly opened her eyes again, and her eyes fell on black. Her eyes were complex, including pain, despair, helplessness and supplication.

Black took his sister\'s hand and cried, "sister, what else do you have to tell me? I promise you everything."

"Black, we are brothers and sisters, and Evelyn is your niece." the queen left a line of blood and tears in her eyes, and her breathing became more and more urgent. "Promise me to take good care of her and help her..."

"Sister, sister!"

"Her Majesty..."

Everyone cried in unison, as if the queen had gone to see God. Black, in particular, cried very sad, which made one very sad. But at this time, there was a scream at the door. Then, a guard at the door was kicked in and almost hit a marquis.

Bang bang!

Guards, like sandbags, flew in one after another. One of the sad guys just landed on the conference table and almost smashed the table. Just when everyone was stunned, two young people strode in from the door.


A marquis said angrily, "are you crazy? This is the Council hall, and you can come in? Get out."

The heartbroken Lawrence subconsciously raised his head. When he saw the Chinese, he suddenly felt a sense of deja vu. At this time, he heard the Marquis scold and found Laura next to him.

"Are you... Are you Chu fan?" Lawrence was overjoyed and hurriedly picked up her majesty and stumbled to Chu fan. Because she was too anxious, she stepped on the Queen\'s skirt and fell down holding the queen.

Chu fan raised her hand to catch the queen. Laura took the opportunity to hold Lawrence steady. Before he could speak, Laura first said, "don\'t worry. With Chu fan, the queen will be fine."

Chu fan rolled his eyes. You think too much of my brother. My brother can cure all diseases, but the key is to live. However, now the situation is urgent, and he has no time to talk nonsense. He quickly put the queen on the ground and checked it carefully. Although the queen has no breath and heartbeat, her body is still hot, indicating that she still has a glimmer of hope.

Just when he started to treat the queen, Prince Black was in a hurry. He suddenly pulled out his sword and shouted angrily: "dare to desecrate the Queen\'s body and kill him..."

"Who dares to move?" Laura took a step, protected Chu fan and the queen, and shouted, "black, you wolf hearted bastard, you don\'t even let your own sister go for power. Are you still human?"

Suddenly, the Archduke and Marquis looked at black in shock, but these people were crafty and would not intervene at this time. To put it bluntly, no matter who becomes the queen, it can\'t turn them. Besides, this kind of brotherhood is not rare among the royal family.

No matter who is in power, it is inseparable from the support of their three great princes. Moreover, this is equivalent to their family background, and it is inappropriate for anyone to intervene. However, Prince faund stood out in a strange way, saying, "Lara killed his royal highness, and now he killed the queen, and she came to kill them for me."

No one answered his cry. Archduke watt and Archduke Reginald, who were still standing next to him, quickly distanced themselves from him for fear that they would be unlucky to accompany him.

Four of the six marques naturally followed the footsteps of the two Archduke, and the two marques who had taken refuge in Archduke vernal did not hesitate to step back and hide away after looking at each other.

When Lawrence called out Chu fan, they guessed Chu fan\'s identity. Are you kidding? The famous murderer king is right in front of him, and dare to follow black to the black? Too long?

Vernal and black tied a rope, but they didn\'t. They didn\'t want to be buried with them.

Laura sneered: "Archduke vernal, it seems that you also participated in black\'s assassination of the queen? It\'s really brave. Aren\'t you afraid that your vernal family will be uprooted and remain infamous for thousands of years?"

Duke vernal\'s body trembled, his mouth murmured, and he couldn\'t say a word. Black was desperate to hang his sword. He couldn\'t understand why such a careful plan would fail? Moreover, it was defeated by a sudden Chinese.

Didn\'t he go to America? How did it appear in Eagle country? I didn\'t find his information on the flight. Is it true that he was cheated by the red umbrella company?


A long sigh attracted everyone\'s attention. At this time, they found that the queen didn\'t know when to wake up and stood up from the ground with the help of Chu fan. Although her snow-white dress was dyed red by blood, her complexion was ruddy, her breath was long, and there was no sign of injury.

Seeing her recovery, Lawrence wept with joy, suddenly threw away half of the broken sword in his hand and came forward to hold the queen. At this time, the queen was only his wife, the mother of his son and daughter in his eyes.

"Don\'t worry, I\'m fine." the queen patted Lawrence on the back and comforted.

Lawrence released his hand, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and sincerely saluted Chu fan: "thank you, general Chu fan."

"Cough, you should."

Chu fan still doesn\'t get used to it. He takes his daughter\'s daughter. In fact, he and the queen are his own cheap father-in-law and mother-in-law. How can he die? Isn\'t that what it should be.

"Black, is power really so important?" the queen looked at her brother sadly. He was ten years younger than the queen. It can be said that she brought him up with one hand. But she never thought that one day he would kill her in turn.

Up to now, Blake went out of his way and said loudly: "Who doesn\'t want to have the supreme right? Ask them, who doesn\'t want to have it? Sister, you work hard and have a headache for state affairs all day. Why do you still hold on to it? Simply give me the throne and I\'ll share your worries and solve your problems. Then you can travel around the world with your brother-in-law and go wherever you want..."