The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 999

"Good! Take out your killing moves, and I don't want to write with you again! " Lin Zhengkai said.

However, at this time, I heard a big drink: "when can I go to the toilet and ask you if it's ok? It's really reckless! "

Listen, it's Mr. Lin.

Lin Zhengkai scolded the servant for his bad luck. He winked at the servant. The man quickly let Liu Hui go.

At one end of the corridor, Lin Junlong and Lin Feng came over.

As they talked, they walked to the bathroom.

"Lin Feng, you gave me a washbasin last time, which made me sober up. I feel quite awake recently!" Lin Junlong said.

"Ha ha, if you like, I'll give you a bigger one later?" Lin Feng jokingly said.

"Or you give me a gold one, and I'll wash my hands, ha ha!" Lin Junlong laughed heartily. It seems that he had a good chat with Lin Feng.

At this time, he looked up and saw Lin Zhengkai and others in the corridor.

"Kay? What are you doing here? " Asked Lin Junlong.

"Oh, i... went to the bathroom... Ran into them and had a chat with them!" Lin Zhengkai said in a hurry.

"Oh Lin Junlong did not pay attention to it any more, but bowed his head and walked inside.

Lin Feng, however, with a different smile, said to Lin Zhengkai: "ouch, it's a coincidence. Do you want to come together for convenience?"

"Go to your toilet!" Lin Zhengkai said maliciously and angrily took his men away.

Liu Hui breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't expect that the Lin family was so dangerous to watch a party. She was almost put under house arrest by Lin Zhengkai.

Walking out of the corridor, his subordinates asked Lin Zhengkai, "young and old, what should they do if they tell the master about our kidnapping of the woman just now?"

Lin Zhengkai sneered: "let them go. I'm going to have a big fight today anyway. Anyway, the Lin family will be mine sooner or later. Today, I'll prove it to you first, so that some people will not get in the way."

"Young master, is it the master who is in the way?" Asked the man.

"Why do you have so many questions?" Lin Zhengkai said coldly.

"Sorry, I dare not!" The man lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

However, Lin Zhengkai secretly said: "in the past, it was because the old man's dignity and relationship were still there, but in recent years, I have almost arranged. Now half of the Lin family's industry is under my name, so the old man should have a rest."

After that, he asked his subordinates with pride: "tell me about the old man's age. Should I let him enjoy his old age

The man immediately replied, "that's right. You're really a filial son."

"Big filial son, ha ha ha! I am a filial son Lin Zhengkai laughed, and then suddenly there was no smile on his face. He said solemnly and coldly, "today, I'm going to take charge of the Lin family."


the banquet is about to start, and everyone is seated.

In this banquet hall, although they are all from the Lin family, they are also graded.

First of all, the backbone members of the Lin family sat at a table with their father:

Lin Zhengkai, Lin Zhengqing, Lin Zhengwu, Lin Zhengming, Lin Hongxia and Lin Hongyu.

These are the people of the Lin family who are carrying the banner.

Although Lin Zhengming and Lin Hongyu are not involved in the management of the family business for the time being, they are of the same generation and naturally superior.

And the other two tables are the third generation and younger generations of the Lin family.

Among them, Lin Dong is also included.

At this time, Lin Dong was still wrapped in bandages. The skin injury was much better, but the internal injury still needed recuperation.

Today, when he saw Lin Feng, he was afraid. Because of the incident in the bar before, he got out of his mind.

Dad was present, he was stunned that he was beaten and admitted to the hospital, which made him feel insecure until now.

Apart from fear, the rest is naturally anger.

When did he suffer such injustice and revenge, he could not but repay it.

But today, my father Lin Zhengkai told him in advance not to act rashly, because Lin Zhengkai has more important things to do.

So Lin Dong was honest in the corner and didn't quarrel with Lin Feng.

At this time, there are five tables in the banquet hall.

The two tables near the door were all hired by the Lin family.

They include cleaners, nannies, housekeepers and servants.

After all the food and wine are served, the door is closed and everyone is seated.

The Lin family has not held such a party for a long time, and it is particularly lively at this time.

Mr. Lin stood up to give a speech, and then let everyone enjoy eating and drinking and drinking.

We will no longer estimate, let go of eating and drinking.

However, on Lin Junlong's table, the atmosphere is somewhat strange.This table, in addition to the backbone of the Lin family, there are Lin Feng King Kong and Liu family mother and daughter.

Everyone was silent, with their own dishes.

Lin Junlong frowned, but opened his mouth first.

"Today's party, I am very happy, this is more lively than our previous Spring Festival, I saw the talent display of each of you, let me very happy ah!" Lin Junlong said, raised his glass and said, "so, master, I'd like to toast you. The future of the Lin family depends on you."

With that, Lin Junlong raised his glass and drank it down.

Lin Zhengkai and others also had a symbolic drink.

After drinking, Lin Zhengkai put down his glass and looked at his brothers and sisters. They made eye contact with each other. Lin Zhengkai nodded and suddenly said, "Dad, you just said that the future of the Lin family depends on us, but we don't include some people!"

Say, the eyes Piao Piao Piao Lin Feng and others.

Lin Junlong frowned: "you child, how can you still chew words?"

"Dad, it's not that I'm a bit of a pedant. I have to be precise. After all, there are outsiders at our table." Lin Zhengkai said.

"Presumptuous!" Lin Junlong suddenly made a big drink, and the banquet hall was so quiet that no one dared to speak.

"Dad, am I wrong?" "They are outsiders," Lin said! You invite these outsiders to this table to have dinner with you. You don't know how many people who have contributed their whole life to our Lin family have no chance to sit with you! Why don't you give this seat to our Lin family? To those who have contributed their youth to our Lin family

Lin Zhengkai finished and glanced at the two tables at the door.

Those two tables were hired by the Lin family. Many of them have stayed in the Lin family for more than ten years, and they have indeed paid a lot for the Lin family.

So, his words suddenly resonated.

"Big brother is right!" Lin Zhengqing stood up, holding his glass, and said to the two tables at the door: "brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, although we are in the employment relationship, today, we put this relationship down. You are our family members of the Lin family. Here, I would like to propose a toast to you!"

All of them stood up. Is this the second young master of the Lin family toasting? Rare!

In terms of intelligence quotient and strategy, they think that these two young masters, Lin Zhengqing, are indeed the leaders of the second generation of the Lin family. Lin Zhengkai has been in charge of the important affairs of the family just because he is old, but many admire him more.

The second young master usually acts in a low-key way, and he won't make such a high-profile toast. It's really rare.

All of them stood up and motioned to Lin Zhengqing, and then drank it down.

"Thank you, thank you. It's the Lin family who is ashamed of you!" he said

"What the second young master said, the Lin family is our home!" Someone said.

"Yes, life is the Lin family, death is the Lin family ghost!" With the atmosphere, I dare to say anything.

Looking at the group of servants vowing, Lin Zhengkai with a smile on his mouth said to Lin Junlong: "Dad, look, this is the person we should respect!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!