The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 998

"What do you want to do?" Liu Hui is nervous.

No wonder there is no one here. It turns out that Lin Zhengkai had expected Liu Hui to come, so he asked people to martial law in advance and wait for her to come.

"What do I want to do? Hum Lin Zhengkai went to Liu Hui and said, "I want to ask you what you want to do with Lin Feng today."

Liu Hui met Lin Zhengkai's eyes and said, "I don't want to do anything!"

Lin Fengkai ha ha ha smile: "pretend, you continue to install!"

"I don't want to talk about it any more. I've given you tens of millions of alimony, spiritual loss and so on, but you've come to my house! Why, can't wait to be my woman Lin Zhengkai said grimly, "do you deserve it? Are you qualified? "

"Shut up

"Pa --"

in a rage, Liu Hui slapped Lin Zhengkai in the face.

"You and him!"

Lin Zhengkai slowly turned his crooked head and grabbed Liu Hui's arm: "heaven has a way. You don't go. Hell has no door. You have to break in. Since you came to my Lin's house with evil intentions, don't blame me for sorry. Today, no matter what, I won't let you step out of here again!"

With that, he waved to the servant: "tie her up, plug her mouth, and throw her into the basement!"

"Lin Zhengkai, you are not as good as a pig or a dog!" Liu Hui's eyes were red with anger.

She turned and tried to run, but she was caught by the servant and put her hand behind her.

"Liu Hui, you shouldn't, you shouldn't be here!" Lin Zhengkai looked at Liu Hui coldly: "however, you have appeared, so I want you to disappear!"

"Lin Zhengkai, if Lin Feng and the old man find out I'm not here, they will come to me. You can't hide it from me!" Liu Hui said.

"Well, do you think the old man is idle?" Lin Zhengkai said: "the old man will not pay attention to you at all, and that Lin Feng, you can rest assured, I will go to deal with him immediately, I guess, he has no time to take care of you!"

"We are all the guests of the old man. Are you not afraid of his anger if you do this?" Liu Hui asked angrily.

"Well, the old man is the old man, I am me!" Lin Zhengkai said with a wry smile, "the old man is very old, so he can retire to the second line and have a rest at this juncture."

Liu Hui heard Lin Zhengkai's words clearly.

Today, he wanted to get rid of Lin Feng, and then let the old man give him the power of the Lin family and force him to abdicate.

"You are such a disobedient bastard, scum, beast..."

Liu Hui didn't understand how she fell in love with such a thing? Really is the liver fire is too strong, burning blind eyes!

"Ha ha ha ha!" Lin Zhengkai said grimly with a smile: "you are slandering me by saying so!"

"Yes, I abandoned you at that time, but now I have given you tens of millions of compensation, which is enough to make your life and your children have no worries about food and clothing! It's very kind of me to do this! "

"What's more, the old man is old, so he should take a rest. At his age, do you want him to continue to run the great cause of the Lin family? Why are you so cruel? "

"Oh, by the way, it's not your father. You don't have to worry about it!"

Lin Zhengkai said in the face of Liu Hui, and said that he was kind and filial.

It's a complete lie.


Liu Hui doesn't want to waste too much language to describe Lin Zhengkai. This person is not as good as a pig or a dog in her heart.

"Well, throw her to the basement for me. No one will give her food without my command!" Lin Zhengkai said, "go quickly, don't let others see it!"

"Yes The servant took Liu Hui to the basement, but he heard a voice and said, "is this your Lin family's way to treat guests?"


Lin Zhengkai only heard the sound but didn't see anyone!

"Are you going to throw all the guests into the basement?" A loud voice came closer and closer: "I'll see if your basement door is big enough."

Say, a tall more than two meters strong man, came out from the corner.

At first glance, the man was two and a half meters high. In the four meter high corridor, it was extremely congested.

His whole body exudes a terrible smell like hell devil. Every step on the floor, he makes a heavy dull sound, like a heavy hammer, beating on Lin Zhengkai's heart.

He naturally knew that this guy was brought by Lin Feng, but he didn't know the specific relationship with Lin Feng.

King Kong gets closer and closer. When he comes to Lin Zhengkai, Lin Zhengkai feels that this guy is full of a strong sense of power.

King Kong wears army green overalls in his lower part, which is very loose. He wears a black T-shirt on his upper body. Although the T-shirt is covered with a down vest, the down vest is open, and you can see the muscle edges and lines obviously protruding under the black T-shirt.This big guy looks more bluffing than a fitness coach.

However, no matter how strong he is, he is not as strong as he is in the face of ordinary people.

In his mind, there are some people who are not good at using.

"What are you doing here? It's my business, it's none of your business! " Lin Zhengkai said.

King Kong looked at Lin Zhengkai from top to bottom. His voice was thick and loud and said: "of course, your business has nothing to do with me, but she has something to do with me!"

King Kong pointed to Liu Hui: "my boss has long guessed your trick. He saw that you sent someone to move hands and feet in the tea. The tea you gave her was good for urination. After drinking, it was easy to go to the toilet. My boss saw it at once!"

"Your boss? Is Lin Feng your boss A little surprise flashed on Lin Zhengkai's face.

"Of course King Kong said, "all my skills are taught by my boss! Therefore, his words, to me, are the edict

"My boss asked me to protect Ms. Liu Hui's safety, so if anyone dares to disturb her to go to the bathroom, I won't agree!" King Kong looks down at Lin Zhengkai with a dignified look in his eyes.

"Well, another one who doesn't know how to live or die!" "Do you think you will be my opponent?" Lin said

"If it's your opponent, you'll know if it's your opponent." King Kong said calmly.

"What a conceited fellow Lin Zhengkai's face was angry: "now you are in my Lin family and dare to make a mistake. If I don't tell you to taste the power of our Lin family, I'm afraid you'll have to go to heaven!"

Lin Zhengkai said, pulling out his posture and accumulating his strength, he attacked King Kong.

However, Lin Zhengkai was very surprised that the big man was not as clumsy as he thought.

I saw that he punched him in the past, but he was caught by both hands of King Kong's wrist. He fell over his shoulder and threw him out.


Lin Zhengkai's body smashed an incandescent lamp at the top of the corridor. After several somersaults, he stood steadily on the ground with a cold smile: "it's not bad."

King Kong snorted coldly: "that's where. I just used the judo that my boss taught me just now. Next, I'll give you some ruthless!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!