The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1000

Lin Junlong bit his teeth and said, "everyone be quiet!"

He stood up and said, "all of you are the most trusted people in the Lin family, so we will not treat you badly. Today, these four are my guests, so it doesn't mean anything to sit at a table with me. Don't listen to them two nonsense

Lin Junlong finished and glared at Lin Zhengkai and Lin Zhengqing. Then, he said to Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, don't care!"

After all, the actions of Lin Zhengkai and Lin Zhengqing deliberately put Lin Feng and others in an awkward situation.

Those servants who didn't know what was going on were originally happy to attend the party, eating meat and drinking happily. However, being provoked by them, they seemed to understand something, and they were totally indifferent to Lin Feng and others.

Lin Feng did not agree: "nothing, master Lin don't need to be angry, after all, young people sometimes do not understand, can understand!"

"Bullshit!" Lin Zhengkai was furious.

Today, he is well prepared.

You, Lin Feng, dare to let us act for you. This is your big mistake. You came here today and didn't intend to let you go back.

"Kay, don't be rude!" Lin Junlong was very angry.

How can the eldest son, who is obedient and obedient on weekdays, sing against himself today?

Even the second son was disobedient, and the rest were silent.

"What? Do you still want to rebel? " Lin Junlong said.

"I dare not!" Lin Zhengkai said: "Dad, you really wronged us when you said that you rebelled. I just want to ask you for the whole Lin family, how can Lin Feng become today's VIP and have fun with everyone? Even watching others perform for him? You know, even the servants of the Lin family are more noble than the wild boy from outside...


Lin Junlong threw his mouth on Lin Zhengkai's face: "shut up!"

"You hit me?" Lin Zhengkai looked at Lin Junlong in disbelief: "for him? Hit me? "

Lin Junlong did not expect that he was so excited. He took a deep breath and said, "am I still alive? My words, is it OK? Don't you listen to me? As a father, can I beat you? "

Lin Junlong's three company questions were rather imposing, but Lin Zhengkai did not immediately answer them.

However, Lin Hongxia said, "Dad, you are wrong today. What my elder brother said is right. Why did you hit him?"

This word, led to create a restless people's mood.

"Master, it's not easy for you, young master!"

"Master, don't be angry. The eldest young master is totally for the consideration of the Lin family."


the sound seems to be the language of dissuasion, but with the meaning of complaint, the army dragon of Chaolin swept in.

Lin Junlong's two eyes seemed to be about to spray fire. With endless anger, he yelled: "all be quiet for me!"

For a moment, the banquet hall was quiet again.

After all, Mr. Lin has been supporting the Lin family for so many years. They all see that the dignity is still there, and no one dares to make a mistake.

Lin took a deep breath, stroked his chest with one hand, and tried to keep himself calm.

After a few seconds, he said calmly: "today you can be on stage regardless of the identity of the performance, really let me very happy, very moved, but, the old man I am not confused."

He said earnestly: "today's last finale performance," the golden powder family ", I have a lot of feelings, this so-called golden powder family, is not our gold family?"

Listen to the old man said so, everyone looked at Lin Junlong thoughtfully.

Lin Junlong said: "we are like the Jin family in the script. The surface is covered with gold powder. It looks very luxurious. But in our bones, we are still ordinary people. We also have seven passions and six desires. We also cheat on each other, and we know that human nature is cold and warm."

"But we should not only be like this, but also have lofty thoughts and pure quality and morality. Otherwise, we will become dandies who only paint gold powder on their faces and pretend to be noble!"

"What the old man said Lin Feng can't help sighing.

Did not expect Lin Junlong to see things so profound and thorough, which is Lin Feng did not expect.

He couldn't help thinking, is it really his own basin to wash his face, let him wake up?

Lin Junlong continued: "in this golden powder family, everyone performed very well, and I enjoyed it very much. But when I seriously analyzed it and even the whole person entered the plot, I found that some things were not so simple."

Speaking of this, Lin Zhengkai and others were worried. Sure enough, the old man still guessed.

Lin Jun's face was dignified, and he said sadly, "I don't know how long the Lin family has been ill, but I think that the Lin family is ill because we are no longer United. We are beginning to loose, and we begin to fight with each other. In this way, one day, we will be broken one by one, and then the Lin family will die completely!""Therefore, before the disease of the Lin family has reached its terminal stage, I, as the leader of the Lin family, will stand up and treat the Lin family!" Lin Junlong said.

"Dad, what do you mean by that?" Lin Zhengkai knew why.

"What do I mean by that?" Lin Junlong said, "didn't everyone watch the play today? Do you want me to explain it to you? "

"Good, good!" Some people who don't know what to say.

Lin Junlong laughed and said, "do you really think I'm old and stupid? Over the years, I have been suffering from a heart disease. In order to cure this disease, I have spent a lot of energy. Of course, I have also got some results! "

He pointed to Lin Feng and said, "first of all, I want to tell you something! The young man sitting in front of us is named Lin Feng. He is the only blood line of my eldest son Lin Zhengtian. He is the third eldest grandson of our Lin family! "

As soon as the words came out, the people were in an uproar.

Many old people of the Lin family know that Lin Zhengkai was not the eldest young master at that time, but Lin Zheng was a genius. It was only when Lin Zhengtian was later expelled from his family by Lin Junlong and his name was removed from the family tree, Lin Zhengkai became the eldest young master.

It's been a long time since the incident happened. They almost forgot it. However, they didn't want to see Lin Zhengtian's son come back after more than 20 years.

"Master, didn't you drive Lin Zhengtian away? His son is not the eldest grandson of the Lin family Asked Li, the housekeeper.

"I'm confused. I'm confused." Lin Junlong said: "although I have not found the exact evidence, but I dare say that today's" golden powder family "is the projection of my Lin family. I must have wrongly blamed my eldest son at that time."

Speaking of this, Lin Junlong is sad from the heart, two lines of muddy tears fall from the corner of his eyes.

His sensible and obedient eldest son left the Lin family with humiliation on on his back, but was framed by a traitor. He was sorry for his eldest son Lin Zhengtian!

"Master, you have no evidence, how can you make a decision at one go?" Abacus Li asked again.

However, Lin Feng said, "do you need evidence? I've brought evidence today. Do you want to recognize me? "

With that, Lin Feng looks at Liu Hui. , the fastest update of the webnovel!