The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 997

Today is also in accordance with the previous agreement, Lin Zhengkai and others will give Lin Feng a play to see.

But before that, Lin Junlong added drama, and the Lin family also wanted to have a get-together, so Lin Feng was more like a guest who came to see the play.

When Lin Feng took Liu's mother and daughter and King Kong to the Lin family, the performance was about to begin.

Lin Feng naturally sat with Lin Junlong, and the servants came up to show them tea.

Today, the Lin family did not invite outsiders to attend. It was just a party held by their own family. The people brought by Lin Feng are the only outsiders.

Lin Junlong, however, is waiting to see this group of young people show their talents when it is a relaxing day. This is a thing worth looking forward to.

Lin Junlong's face was red. Seeing that Lin Feng had brought three guests, he asked enthusiastically, "who are these three? Lin Feng, don't you introduce me? "

"Oh, I almost forgot if you didn't mention it!" Lin Feng pointed to King Kong and said, "this is my brother. He is called King Kong."

Then, he swept the Liu family's mother and daughter out of the corner of his eye. Seeing that they were a little embarrassed and uneasy, he wrote with a smile: "these two are my neighbors. Today, they are lively and lively together."

"Oh, that feeling is good!" Lin Junlong even warmly shakes hands with King Kong and greets Liu's mother and daughter.

Because Lin Feng said that he would bring some distinguished guests today. Obviously, these three should be distinguished guests. However, Lin Feng did not indicate their identity. Lin Junlong could not ask more questions.

However, when he was watching Liu Hui, he felt familiar, but he could not remember where he had seen her.

Of course, Liu Hui didn't recognize her makeup on purpose.

Because there are too many old acquaintances of Liu Hui.

Some people worked in the Lin family, and they never left. The Lin family promised them that if they died, they would die.

Therefore, many of the people who worked with Liu Hui when she was young still stay in the Lin family.

Although many servant girls have become nannies, many small workers have become security guards, drivers and so on. Even the abacus Li, who used to be good at abacus, has now become the housekeeper of the Lin family.

Liu Hui didn't want these people to recognize her, so she covered herself with heavy makeup.

At this time, Lin Feng said, "master, when will this show begin? I can't wait

"Here we go With a big wave of his hand, Lin Junlong said to the stage built in the middle of the huge reception hall: "time is coming, get ready to start!"

Lin Feng and the old man laughed and talked about the performance, while the Liu family mother and daughter were restrained.

Liu Hui in particular, despite her careless personality, the Lin family has always been a shadow in her heart. When she comes back here, she has become a guest of honor. She is really not used to it. Moreover, she is always on guard against Lin Zhengkai's appearance, as if the person who has done something wrong is not Lin Zhengkai, but she.

If he doesn't breathe, he may be mistaken for a stone sculpture.

After a few performances, Lin Junlong was also very excited and exclaimed that his successors had a talent. The children of the Lin family were very talented.

It's just that during the whole process, the people of the Lin family don't like to see Lin Feng.

After all, everyone thought that the party was organized by the Lin family. They didn't expect that Lin Feng and Mr. Lin would sit on the throne.

Why are you, Lin Feng, sitting on the throne and watching us perform for you?

This is the most dissatisfied part of the Lin family.

The people of the Lin family have always been very proud of Lin Feng, a nameless airborne soldier. Especially after they knew that Lin Feng had also destroyed Lin Dong, the Lin family regarded Lin Feng as their enemy.

However, there are also some people who think that Lin Feng plays well.

After all, in such a large family, Lin Zhengkai is not the only one who wants to become the successor of the Lin family.

Therefore, some people seem comfortable when Lin Zhengkai's son is beaten, but they will never approve of Lin Feng because of this.

Lin Feng didn't think about it. He disdained to think about these messy things.

He looked at his watch. The time was just right. Next, the play was about to begin.

All the previous performances are over, followed by the final drama performance.

Lin Zhengkai came onto the stage and began their performance in a very reluctant manner.

The play they performed was given by Lin Feng, and it was called "golden powder family".

The play is about a family fight.

Of course, the main line of the story seems simple, but the characters in it have some tortuous experiences.

The fate of one of the protagonists is that he is a child picked up, humiliated in the noble family, and finally framed and driven out of the family.

There are not only such story lines, but also touching love stories.

The second son of the family had a love affair with a maid. They had a relationship. The maid was pregnant. After the master knew about it, he was furious and wanted to execute the maid severely.However, the second childe stood up and firmly opposed. He admitted that everything was his own fault. In order to defend his love and fight against the ancient system of the family, he did not hesitate to endure the most painful family law. Finally, he gave up his second childe's aura and was willing to live an ordinary life with the female servant.

The ending of the whole story is beautiful. The child who was picked up finally got the wrong and returned to the family.

And the second childe opened a small shop with his lover, gave birth to a lovely and beautiful daughter, and a family of three lived a happy life.

The whole story seems plain, but if you really understand the meaning of the story, you will feel numb.

Lin Junlong didn't care about the story at first. He just wanted to see how his children acted as an actor.

But when the story slowly reached its climax, when all the children united to frame up the picked up child, Lin Junlong's heart seemed to be touched by something.

The pregnant maid and the second childe were together for a long time. Seeing this behind the scenes, Liu Hui's eyes are full of tears, which may have been his most expected appearance.

After a play, the actors take a curtain call and everyone bows to the audience.

The servants and younger members of the Lin family have never been treated like this. On the stage, they are all backbone members of the neighboring family. They can see a performance of the key members of the neighboring family. They are very excited and applaud these actors.

However, Lin Junlong did not applaud. He looked dignified and seemed to be thinking about something.

After removing their makeup, Lin Zhengkai and others came to the hall. After the play was finished, they held a banquet and enjoyed themselves.

Before the banquet was almost ready, so under the guidance of the housekeeper, all the people entered the banquet hall.

While waiting for the party to begin, Liu Hui has to go to the bathroom.

Today, she has passed the addiction of being a wife. From a servant to a guest, she has fully felt the pleasure brought about by this change of status.

However, before walking a few steps, he saw a figure standing at the end of the corridor.

It's Lin Zhengkai.

He was watching Liu Hui walk towards him.

Liu Huiyi saw that it was Lin Zhengkai. Suddenly, she wanted to go to the toilet. She turned her head and went back.

But a servant came out and stopped Liu Hui's way.

"I'm under martial law. Where do you want to go?" Lin Zhengkai's voice was bleak, and he came to Liu Hui step by step. , the fastest update of the webnovel!