The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 996

When everything is ready, Lin Feng lies on the bed.

Lin Feng fell asleep in the rat's clattering keyboard.

The next day, Lin Feng got up early and was ready to meet his two distinguished guests. The first one was his brother King Kong, whom he had not seen for a long time. He had not returned home for three years. Now he came back unfamiliar with his hometown. Lin Feng had to meet him at the Airport in Kyoto.

At the same time, there is another distinguished guest here today, but that person's trip will be a little later, which is inconsistent with King Kong's time.

About nine o'clock in the morning, King Kong's flight arrived.

Lin Feng and mice in the airport pick-up, see a group of people excitedly rushed out of the airport, in that group of people, Lin Feng at a glance at a tall man as tall as an iron tower.

The man was more than two meters tall, obviously much higher than the people around him. Moreover, he was a strong man. At the end of winter, he only wore a black half sleeve T-shirt and a down jacket. His two arms were very thick, which were as thick as the waist of the slender girl beside him. His skin was dark and his face was as angular as a knife cut.

Both from the face and body, it looks very powerful.

As a result, his whole person is out of tune with the masses nearby.

People next to him cast surprised eyes, even a natural sense of horror.

Such an iron tower general man, no matter who is in the face of him, are afraid of a little bit.

That man is no one else. It's King Kong, a member of the Rubik's cube team.

"Hi! Gorillas The mouse was shouting happily at the station!

King Kong looked at this side, saw Lin Feng and the mouse, and immediately laughed: "ha ha ha, boss, little mouse!"

Then he threw the luggage to the side, and ran towards this side step by step, so that the people next to him were scared to retreat and make way for King Kong, for fear that King Kong would knock them down.

Jinfeng King Kong is like a tiger. He strides over the fence of the airport in two steps. He comes to Lin Feng and the mouse in front of him. He holds him up with his left hand and right hand.

"Boss, I miss you! Little mouse, why are you still so thin? "

Lin Feng helplessly said with a smile: "King Kong, can we not be so noticeable, quickly take your luggage, go back and talk about it!"

"Good boss!" King Kong put down Lin Feng and the mouse.

He looked back and wanted to go over the fence to get his luggage. The security personnel timidly said to him, "sir... Please go through the pedestrian passage. The fence is not convenient to cross at will."

"Oh! All right King Kong is very polite. He is just too excited today.

He went around and picked up his luggage according to the direction of the security guard.

The security guard wiped the sweat on his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. The man was naturally intimidated. Even if he knew that he would not do anything to himself, he would have a natural sense of fear and pressure when facing him. He is really a natural crazy soldier!

"Boss, where are we going now? I haven't come back for many years. I'm not familiar with this place! " King Kong's voice was very rough. On his dark and strong face, a touch of excitement appeared: "it's better to be at home."

Lin Feng said, "well, you're in a better hurry today. Let's go to see a play with me first."

"Good!" King Kong immediately put on a solemn look, he can finally accept Lin Feng's face-to-face orders, so many years, he missed.

Lin Feng smiles and punches on King Kong's body: "don't make it like you are taking on the task."

Lin Feng then turned to the mouse and said, "the friends in the back will be received by you. I will go with King Kong first!"

"OK!" Said the mouse.

King Kong followed Lin Feng to the underground parking lot. Lin Feng took him to Cuiluan district and took Liu's mother and daughter to Lin's house.

About eleven o'clock in the morning, Lin Feng came to the Lin family.

Lin family also received Lin Feng in accordance with the previous agreement.

Today's weather is not bad, warm sun, after the winter solstice, it seems not so cold.

Lin Junlong warmly invited Lin Feng to sit inside.

The courtyard in Wangshan District of Kyoto is the main residence of the Lin family.

Many important family assemblies and some activities of the Lin family are held here.

A few days ago, Lin Feng had sent the script to Lin Zhengkai. Although Lin Zhengkai resisted in his heart, he still accepted the strong command of the master Zilin Junlong.

I can't help it. Although it seems very shameful to perform a drama, I promised to do it in front of so many people at the party. If I don't do it again, I'll break my promise.

Lin Junlong also wants to take advantage of this activity to have a good time with the younger generation of the Lin family.

After all, everyone is busy with their work, and the atmosphere is too dull. The whole Lin family is like a large group. Everyone performs his or her own duties. They are more like colleagues and friends working together. This kind of sign is very bad.Therefore, Lin Junlong has long wanted to arrange an activity for everyone to relax and have more emotional exchanges with each other, but he has not made time.

Lin Feng's proposal is just in line with his wishes. Let the main members of the Lin family work together to perform a drama, which not only enlivens the atmosphere of the Lin family, but also subtly narrows the distance between each other and the elder and younger generations.

Therefore, Lin Junlong defined the event as a gathering of the Lin family.

At the get-together, there are also a lot of natural programs. This drama played by Lin Zhengkai and others is the last finale. The younger generation and the housekeepers and nannies of the Lin family will also produce programs.

So, after knowing the news, the whole Lin family was a little surprised.

Is it a big day? So grand?

After inquiry, it turned out that Lin Feng made a proposal at the banquet of master Lin at that time, which created the party.

The rest of the Lin family are relatively unfamiliar with Lin Feng. They only know that Lin Zhengkai's son, Lin Dong, was beaten into the hospital by Lin Feng.

However, this meeting should hold a get-together again, regarding Lin Feng as a guest of honor. We don't know what kind of cards the old man and Lin Zhengkai played.

However, they do not pay attention to these, happy is good, there is an activity to play, the whole body relaxed.

But Lin Zhengkai was not so good. After he received the script, he was so angry that he almost exploded.

He felt that the script was the product of Lin Feng's ulterior motives.

However, he couldn't refuse and had to obey. So on the day he received the script, he went to discuss with Lin Zhengqing, Lin Zhengwu, Lin Zhengming, Lin Hongxia and Lin Hongyu.

Of course, they didn't discuss how to play the play. What they discussed was how to make Lin Feng come and go.

Moreover, it must be reasonable.

Therefore, this banquet seems to be a happy one, but each has its own thoughts.

Under a seemingly joyful banquet, it is a battle of wits and bravery. It depends on today whether the winner is the winner or not! , the fastest update of the webnovel!