The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 993

After Lu Yun promised Lin Feng to go back to Kyoto with him, he asked Lin Feng to help him solve Gu.

Lin Feng sneered and said, "in fact, I don't have any poisonous drugs on my body. What you're in is just an allergic drug."

This medicine was actually made by him in the herbal medicine shop yesterday. It was made according to the ingredients mentioned by Yu Wenji. It has a very obvious effect.

Lin Feng continued: "this kind of medicine will only make your whole body swollen and red spots appear in a short period of time, which makes you itchy. However, it will not cause any harm to your life. Moreover, it will dissipate automatically after a few hours. It is because you think too much about the matter that you think it is poison medicine."


when people heard this, they couldn't help laughing.

For a long time, Lin Feng was just fooling around with allergy drugs.

"Heaven has a good life. I'm not as cruel as you are. I'm merciful to poison people's lives at will."

Lin Feng said that the wind is light, but Lu yunqi is half dead.

I didn't expect that he was played a trick by this boy, but I had no choice but to confess everything. Now he has promised to go back to Kyoto with Lin Feng. Even if he wants to repent, the God crane gate will not allow him.

After finishing this matter, Lin Feng plans to leave for Kyoto tomorrow.

On the same day, ye Beili also left Lin Feng to live in the park. In the evening, he chatted with Lin Feng alone for a while.

For Lu Yun's case, he first said he was sorry, and then talked about a lot about Gu Shu.

Night north from said, now inside the God crane door, Gu Shu is the weakest link.

Because after Lu Yun's father died, something happened, which led to a serious loss of Gu masters in shenhemen.

At that time, Lu Yun's father had a Gu teacher named qianfanlang. He was originally a vagrant Gu Shi, but because qianfanlang had a distant relationship with Lu Yun's father, he found Lu Yun's father.

Ye Beili doesn't like qianfanlang very much. She thinks that qianfanlang is a prodigal son. However, qianfanlang has a good relationship with Lu Yun's father. With Lu Yun's father's repeated recommendation, she joined shenhemen.

After Lu Yun's father died, qianfanlang exposed his nature. Most of the women in shenhemen were single. Qianfanlang was a real wretch. He harmed several female disciples of shenhemen by deceiving others. However, it was found by other poison masters that things had not been stopped. On the contrary, they were getting worse The performance is getting worse.

Seeing that qianfanlang was so romantic and unrestrained, other Gu masters imitated qianfanlang and trained some evil sects to lure female apprentices. For a time, they made shenhemen a mess.

Later, ye Beili became furious when he knew about it, and drove qianfanlang and those deviant Gu masters out of the Shenhe gate.

However, after they left, there was no suitable person to inherit the magic art of shenhemen, and only Lu Yun was left alone. Now Lu Yun was also dumbfounded and his army was destroyed.

Ye Beili is not particularly good at witchcraft, even if she took the "Chi you secret art" to her, she did not have so much mind to study.

So after seeing Lin Feng's views on Gu Shu, she felt that Lin Feng was a talent of witchcraft.

Therefore, the conversation tonight is actually that she wants to pull Lin Feng into the spirit of crane gate.

Although Lin Feng has made many enemies in Kyoto, she doesn't mind. She acts alone and does not associate with other sectarian forces.

Therefore, she felt that as long as she could give Lin Feng a pure land, Lin Feng might promise herself.

Ye Beili said: "Lin Feng, if you can join our God crane gate, I will give you the highest status and honor!"

She saw Lin Feng's potential and his amazing ability. She did not deny that this young man would certainly make a storm in the future, so he had to take advantage of this young man's rise to the top of the gate.

But to her surprise, Lin Feng did not want to think about it, and directly refused her.

Lin Feng said: "I am used to being free and I never like to join any organization. When I was the head of the mercenary regiment, I felt very tied up. Now that I'm retired, and you let me join your door, isn't it that you put me in a cage again? It's no fun! "

Ye Beili said: "it's not a cage. You can go in and out of the God crane gate freely. You don't have to abide by any rules of the God crane gate."

Then he added: "I will give you the position of one of the eight leaders of shenhemen. We have eight branches in southwest, northwest, Southeast, northeast, central region, snow desert and Kyoto respectively. The eight leaders are in charge of eight divisions, and are candidates for the leader of shenhemen!"

Her beautiful eyes twinkled with expectant eyes, looked at Lin Feng and said: "those who can achieve this position are all senior figures of the God crane gate, but you don't need it. I will give you such a position directly, which is enough to express my sincerity!"

Lin Feng said with a slight smile: "the master of the gate attaches so much importance to me, but I'm very moved. I have something important to do, so I can't join your God crane gate. In the future, it's the cheapest to drink and chat. If you talk about the introduction, you can't have time to accompany me again!"Joke, even if you let him Lin Feng be the head of the gate, he is not willing to say what to do to control.

He is now a man full of food, the whole family is not hungry, the heavenly king Lao Tzu also can't control, don't mention more hi PI!

Night north from the United States eyes a cold, silver teeth bite, a trace of anger in the face of a flash and.

Ask the people in Kyoto, who dare not give her this face?

Even so humble to invite this boy, the boy is still pulling up!

However, yebeili knew that she had no reason to be angry with Lin Feng. It was their freedom to add or not to join in. She had no right to interfere. She restrained her temper and said, "that's OK. We will still be friends in the future."

At this time, she thought of a way.

She said, "it's just that the southern Yunnan branch of shenhemen is no longer in charge, or do you have a suitable person to recommend? I look at your face and give him the same status as the eight leaders

"Is it so easy to give you the commanding position of the crane gate?" Lin Feng asked in surprise.

"Of course not!" At night, the north leaves the road.

"Then why do you casually give a commanding position?" Asked Lin Feng.

"Because I believe in you!" At night, the north leaves the road.

Lin Feng smile: "why do you believe me? We don't seem to have much in common! "

Ye Beili said: "I believe you, just rely on intuition!"

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, stood up and said softly, "Oh, woman's intuition is really a good thing. When she has no reason, she can use intuition as an excuse."

All of a sudden, he turned his head and looked to the north of the night and said, "what if the person I introduced is not as good as Lu Yun?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!