The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 992

"He framed my brothers in those years. I have to take him back to the relevant departments to admit his guilt!" Lin Feng said.

"You want to be beautiful. Even if I do it, I will never admit that I will never let your brothers come back!" Said Lu Yun.

He's dead hearted now. Anyway, he's been exposed. He's broken.

"Lu Yun, you are really a shameless thing. Thanks to me, I still defend for you. It turns out that you did that thing at that time. It's hateful. If you don't testify to Lin Feng today, I'll treat you with the strictest punishment of God crane gate, so that you know what's better than death!"

"Well, what am I afraid of now?" Lu Yun said, "just come on!"

"You..." night north from the gas want a punch to kill him.

Lin Feng but quickly stopped the night north from the way: "don't be angry, look at me!"

Said, he stepped forward, suddenly took out the mobile phone, said: "Lu Yun, as far as I know, you also quite many girlfriends, right?"

"What do you mean?" Lu Yun's heart is tight.

In recent years, he not only collected money secretly, but also became a famous "flower picking thief"!

With his handsome appearance, and more gold, as long as he wants, every night can change different girls, or that kind of model level.

Color is her greatest pleasure.

Even he thought that if Jiang Jun successfully accosted yebeili, he would let Jiang Jun go to get some overpowering drugs to confuse yebeili, and he would take the first shot.

And now Lin Feng asked, suddenly let his heart a tight, yes, after today, is not in the lingering flowers ah?

That kind of happy days of money and money, no more?

Xiao Li, Tian Tian, and the charming Lisa sister, the three of them haven't got it yet!

For a moment, Lu Yun was a little bit coy.

The reason why a man is fearless is that he has no thought in his heart. When he has an idea in his heart, what he wants to do and how he wants to live, he will be afraid of change and death.

Lin Feng's words aroused Lu Yun's thought. When he recalled the days that others had envied, he suddenly burst into fear.

Because, this kind of day is about to be lost.

At this time, Lin Feng took out his mobile phone again, opened the camera, aimed at Lu Yun, and let Lu Yun see himself in the mobile phone.

"Handsome Lu, look at you now, aren't you very handsome?" Lin Feng said: "you just keep this handsome look. I'll record it for you and send it to your women. Let them see your most handsome side, OK?"

Lu Yun looked at the screen of the mobile phone carefully. It didn't matter. When he saw it, he was scared out of his wits.

In the picture, his face is full of red spots of nail size, and some of them have become purple black, which is very frightening.

And some of the erythema also bulged up, as if wrapped in a pool of pus like, looks disgusting.

Lu Yun expected that he would be more ugly after he was poisoned by witchcraft. However, he didn't expect that it would be so disgusting that he felt like vomiting himself.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "OK, now we start to video. What do you want to say to your relatives and friends?"

After that, Lin Feng added: "Oh, by the way, this is not the last words of your life. Because you have been poisoned by my pollen bug, you will not die immediately. You will fester first, and begin to rot from your little Ding Ding, emmm ... I think ha, it will take at least two or three years for your whole body to rot completely. Now, if there is no solution to this kind of poison, you will suffer extreme pain in these two or three years. Don't blame me for not reminding you. Ha, it's all from you... "

" ah - "before Lin Feng finished, Lu Yun covered his ear and began to shout.

However, after a burst of hysterical shouting, Lu Yun suddenly looked dejected. He knelt down in front of Lin Feng and said, "please, please help me solve the Gu. I don't want to be like this. Please!"

"Are you not afraid to die? Then you can wait for death slowly Lin Feng teasingly said.

"I don't want to have no dignity. Please, please give me a solution!" Lu Yunyi knelt down in front of Lin Feng with his nose and tears, and cried: "I admit that I killed those people at the beginning. I admit that I admit that I all admit that I have killed those people. I will turn myself in. I just want not to die without dignity!"

"You can also choose to die with dignity." Lin Feng said: "hang up, throw into the river, jump off a building, crash and so on. You can choose whatever you want. You don't have to suffer any more. When the time comes, ask your family to find a dead man's makeup artist to make you look more handsome. When your women come to admire your appearance, you will not be heartbroken..."

"stop talking, I beg you!" Lu Yunyue was more and more afraid.

When he killed, he didn't think about when he would die. But Lin Feng's description, he imagined his body lying on the cold funeral platform, about to be sent into the raging fire. He was afraid, and the cold sweat instantly soaked his shirt.Looking at Lu Yun's advice, Lin Feng sneered and said, "I'll take you to the relevant departments to surrender. You're good. You won't be sentenced to death. After all, those prisoners have human lives on their hands. The evidence is conclusive. If you kill them, you will be able to eliminate evil by evil. I will guarantee that you will be shut down for ten or twenty years. If you have good performance, try to come out early How wonderful it is to live your life of extravagance and drunkenness

After hearing this, Lu Yun repeatedly nodded: "OK, I'll go with you, I'll go with you!"

This scene looks at the night north from a Leng a Leng.

Didn't you just throw away all the money? Don't you even fear death?

How was Lin Feng's several words, to the hard said into a counseling package?

For all kinds of "magic" of Lin Feng, yebeili is an insight.

No wonder he can play at the Lin family's party. The Lin family has no temper, and at the end of the day, he has to go to the Lin family to see a play. This guy is not an ordinary person!

At first, ye Beili was misled by Lin Feng's appearance, and once thought that Lin Feng had a brain problem.

In retrospect, Lin Feng had already set up a good game when everyone was unaware of it. Then it seemed absurd, but he took others to his bureau step by step, which made people even have no room to struggle.

Lu Yun is a good example.

Moreover, although this pair of Gu was proposed by Lu Yun, how do ye Beili feel that this is what Lin Feng wants?

Lin Feng's method is too clever!

And the night north from can through this matter, see Lin Feng's brilliant place, is also really amazing.

Many people don't even know that Lin Feng is foolishly lucky. Therefore, from this incident, we can see the shrewdness of yebeili.

At this time, Lin Qin's eyes radiated a strange light behind him. He seemed to see some hope in Lin Feng's body.

However, now the happiest should be Lin Feng.

What he promised his brothers to wash away their grievances has finally come true.

He took a deep breath and looked into the distance with deep eyes. He murmured in his heart: "brothers and sisters, you can finally go home. Next, you can accompany me to witness the birth of greatness." , the fastest update of the webnovel!