The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 994

Yebeili bit her charming thin lip and said, "no, you can do everything for your brother. And when you are against Gu, Lu Yun kills you, but you never want to kill him. This is enough to show that you are full of benevolence and kindness in your heart, and there is a bottom line for love. Although you look absurd and uninhibited, your heart is delicate, and you have a sense of propriety. The person you recommend must not be wrong 。”

Lin Feng slanted his eyes and said with a smile: "Oh, thank you. It's very tiring to organize vocabulary for such praise. I don't know that I'm still such an excellent person!"

Ye Beili looked at Lin Feng with a smile. His eyes were like a torch: "you are modest. Maybe you are better than what I said!"

Because Lin Feng gave the night north from a feeling, a man hidden in the body of the infinite possible feeling.

"Oh, I'm sorry about what you said!" Lin Feng smiles.

He touched his forehead and said, "I should recommend someone to you based on your praise. I have a candidate. I don't know if she is willing to do so!"

"Well, is that your friend?" Ye Beili asked.

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and said, "I don't know if you've heard of yuwenji, the first demon girl in Miao Autonomous Region?"

"I heard of it!" Yebeili was a little surprised and continued: "I have met yuwenji once. She is straightforward and has a strong nature. She is especially fond of gambling. She has some affinity with me. Do you even know her?"

"I not only know her, but also my tenant," said Lin Feng

"Tenant?" Night north from a bit muddled.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "it doesn't matter. If you believe her, I can ask her if she has this idea. After all, this southern Yunnan is close to 100000 mountains, which is also her hometown! "

Ye Beili said: "that feeling is good, but Yu Wenji is also a powerful figure. Will she be willing to be under the gate of God crane gate?"

Lin Feng said, "I don't know. She's in Songjiang now. So, when I go back to Kyoto, I'll call him to Kyoto and meet you. I won't participate. What do you think?"

Night north from said: "that sentiment is good!"

If you can get yuwenjila under the door, the God crane gate will be more powerful.

And if yu Wenji can come to the God crane gate, it also marks that Lin Feng will have an indestructible friendship with the God crane gate.

Ye Beili said: "thank you, Lin Feng. If it wasn't for you, I really haven't seen through Lu Yun's trick. Thank you for recommending Yu Wenji to me! After you return to Beijing, you must come to the God crane gate often. We will be good friends in the future

Yebeili's definition of a good friend is extraordinary.

In particular, night north from the opposite sex friends!

In the capital, there seems to be no one else except Lin Qin, who is known by others!

Lin Feng said with a smile: "don't worry, I will often go to the God crane gate. After all, didn't you just say that Shen Hemen is mostly cold, gorgeous and lonely women? Hey, hey, it's just my appetite

Finish saying, still show a extremely obscene smile.

But this smile in the night north from the eyes does not seem to have much indecent, she just feel funny.

"Well, you are welcome to come. I don't know if you can see the women here?" Night north from smile road.

Lin Feng squinted and said with a smile, "if you don't have a look, how can I know? I'll definitely go there some other day. Please give me your pillars!"

"Is the pillar still available?" Night north from said: "far in the horizon, near in front of the ah!"

"You drink, impolite!" Lin Feng laughed.

Night north from suddenly feel that he seems to be a bit out of the way, a god crane door of the door master, even with her pull skin.

However, she felt very comfortable. She was always dignified in front of others, and had no gag experience with the opposite sex. Let alone talking to Lin Feng, she let go of all her airs and chat as much as she wanted. It was very comfortable.

In the seemingly absurd and uninhibited dialogue, the two ended the happy conversation.

After that, yebeili said that she would stay in the southern Yunnan branch for a while, and she had to sort out what Lu Yun had done over the years, one by one.

Lin Feng wants to go back to Kyoto as soon as possible, because there are other things waiting for him.

The next day, Lin Feng took Luyun with him and drove back to Kyoto.

He came to Lao Hu, and then he wanted to have a negotiation with the people from the relevant departments. In fact, he brought Lu Yun to plead guilty and get rid of the crime of his brothers' killing criminals.

But one thing that made Lin Feng very depressed was that people from the relevant departments would not contact him directly. Instead, he needed Lao Hu to take Lu Yun to negotiate.

After all, it was Lao Hu who was in charge, and they only knew the first contact person.

Lao Hu took Lu Yun to the place designated by the relevant departments to meet and record confessions.

Lin Feng stayed in Lao Hu's villa, waiting for his results.

After nearly a day, it was dark, and Lao Hu came back in his car.

Seeing that Lao Hu's face was flat, Lin Feng could not see whether he was happy or worried. He began to ask, "how is the matter done?"Lao Hu said with a tired look on his face: "it's done!"

Lin Feng was very happy and said, "when will my brothers be able to come back? Can I enter the country now?"

Lao Hu waved his hand and said, "don't worry. Listen to me slowly."

He went to the table, poured a cup of fresh tea, took a sip and said, "these birdmen don't mean what they say!"

Lin Feng frowned and felt that things were not ideal, but he did not speak, but looked at Lao Hu.

After the ban is lifted, Xiahua brothers can solve the problem

Lin Feng nodded and asked, "what about the conditions?"

Lin Feng knows that Laohu just scolded that group of birdmen are not in vain. It must be the people from the relevant departments who have put forward some harsh conditions. Otherwise, as soon as Lao Hu's character comes in, he will say that everything has been settled. Your brothers can come back soon. Lin Feng knows Lao Hu very well.

Lao Hu looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile, "you boy is really smart. You know that the other party is qualified, right? The other side's condition is, there is no way to let your whole Rubik's cube team all enter the country immediately. "

"Why?" Lin Feng asked.

"They said that the impact of the last incident was too great, involving international public opinion, which attracted the attention of the relevant departments. At the beginning, it was the order from the upper level that brought members of the Rubik's cube team into Xiahua's blacklist. The top leaders didn't look at whether you really killed people. They were more concerned about whether the members of the magic cube team were involved in international public opinion and whether they would cause trouble !” "So even if you bring back the murderer who killed the crime and prove that the Rubik's cube team is innocent, the top leaders still feel that it is necessary to restrict their entry into China. Otherwise, foreign countries will blackmail us with chicken feathers and arrows, so the top leaders mean that they do not recommend lifting the ban."

Lin Feng clenched his fist, his face appeared thick anger, but his mouth asked: "you tell me directly, what is the final result?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!