The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 989

Although it is the end of winter, it is also a good time for flowers to blossom in this southern flower capital.

When the breeze blows, the fragrance overflows.

The site of Gu is in the garden square behind the experimental building.

First of all, the site is open. Second, the surrounding walls and yards are fenced to block out the crowd.

Yebeili and LinQin, as well as the two security guards, are the witnesses to the Gu.

The reason why they didn't demobilize the security guards was that, for fear that they might leak information, more people would come to see duiguu. Second, if there were any idle people near here, the two of them could maintain order and drive those people away.

At this time, yebeili and LinQin are sitting on the wooden benches in the garden. Two security guards are standing behind them. Four people carefully observe the two of them.

However, in the eyes of night north, Lin Feng seems to have no chance of winning.

Because from the beginning to now, Lin Feng has been leisurely smelling the flowers, as if nothing happened.

Lu Yun, however, had already set up the arrangement. With a big wave of his hand, he spread a golden cloth under his feet. From his pocket, he took out a small porcelain vase and put it in the middle of the cloth. The porcelain vase was reddish brown, and there was a piece of bright red cloth on the cover.

"Lin Feng, this road is your choice. When you start to treat Gu, I will never be merciful." Lu Yun was cruel.

"If anyone wants you to be merciful, just play it!" Lin Feng did not seem to put this pair of Gu in appreciation, he smelled huaguduo said.

"You're so good at pretending!"

Lu yunqi is so angry that he is very cruel in his heart. After a while, I will let you not survive or die!

"Are you ready? When you're ready, start! " Ye Beili said.

The two just signed the death exemption agreement, which is actually a modern version of life and death. Since they are both so tough, ye Beili also wants to see what kind of confidence Lin Feng has to compare with his favorite student Lu Yun.

Before the beginning of the night, the north of the night also added a sentence: "Lu Yun, point to the end!"

This meaning can't be more obvious. Let Lu Yun lower his hand a little, don't kill people.

"Yes Said Lu Yun.

But he didn't think so in his heart. So far, hum, it doesn't exist!

At this time, Lu Yun has set up his posture.

Lin Feng also stood still.

The distance between the two sides is about 10 meters, and everything is ready.

"Let's start --" yebeili said.

Lu Yun tied his horse steps, his hands were printed, and his eyes were staring at Lin Feng like hawks.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, is relaxed.

The two men were so deadlocked.

However, if you look closely, you will find that Lu Yun's lips are moving rapidly, as if in a certain language to communicate with their own insects.

At this time, the porcelain bottle under Lu Yun's feet was shaking restlessly, shaking more and more intense.

"PATA -"

when the porcelain bottle falls down, the lid automatically pops open, and the lid turns over by itself. The naked eye can see a mass of black insects, which are as dense as sesame seeds, quickly climb out of the bottle and hide in the grass on the ground.

Then, I heard a rustle of fame in the grass, rustling, people's scalp numb.

The two security guards had never seen such a scene before, and they were all in a panic. They did not expect that the general manager Lu, who they could see every day, had such hard work. They could not help but admire themselves.

Ye Beili and Lin Qin are well-informed. Although they are not very proficient in Gu technique, they have seen the scene of Gu many times, which is not surprising.

At this time, the wind, bursts of flowers with the wind, intoxicating.

However, Lin Feng was suddenly in pain.

Yebeili looked at it and thought, sure enough, Lin Feng seems to have been hit. He might have been bitten by the poisonous insects released by Lu Yun. Otherwise, he would have suffered a lot.

But yebeili didn't stop Lu Yun immediately. After all, she would come forward if her life was at stake.

But at this time, it is to see Lin Feng laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Lin Feng's tears almost burst into laughter.

Everyone was shocked.

What situation, Lin Feng just a burst of pain, now how to smile so happy?

But at this time, Lu Yun's mouth flashed a grim smile and burst into a voice:

"hum! Lin Feng, you've lost. You've been poisoned! "

"Well, lost?" The crowd shook their heads and sighed.

Is that too weak? Just one move and you're defeated?

Lu Yun said with a proud face: "what I just released was a bug bug. The one who was in the middle of it was either sad or laughing. In a word, he was moody."

However, he did not say that the people who are infected by this kind of poisonous insects are not only moody, but also will be insane and become insane after a few minutes. They are totally incurable.

Lu Yun's move is particularly cruel. If Lin Feng is crazy, others will not believe it any more.

In addition, most people will die by accident after being infected by a leprechaun. They will either run into the middle of the road and be hit by a car or jump directly from the upstairs. In a word, there is no longer any danger in their world. Death can happen at any time.But people didn't know that the Gu was so powerful, but at this time they understood. No wonder Lin Feng was suffering and laughing. It turned out that he was in this kind of unpredictable gu!

Sure enough, Lu Yun still has real skills. This Lin Feng is totally empty!

"General manager Lu is very good. He is really good!" Said the security guard behind him.

"Yes, we have learned a lot today. Mr. Lu is really a god man!" The two security guards almost lifted Lu Yun to the sky.

Ye Beili is also satisfied with looking at Lu Yun, as expected, did not see the wrong person.


At this time, Lin Qin sighed to himself, but her move was very hidden and was not noticed by anyone.

"Now that we've won or lost, this guy is a showman!" Lu Yun sneered and said to the two security guards, "take him out!"

"Wait!" At this time, Lin Feng waved his hand: "who said the victory or defeat has been divided? I'm just pretending, and you believe it? Are you too easy to cheat? "

"Lin Feng, are you still tough Lu yundao.

"Tough mouth? Hum Lin Feng's face suddenly became cold, and he yelled: "Lu Yun, I'm sorry to tell you that far from being poisoned, on the contrary, you've been poisoned!"


Everyone heard, surprised jaw almost fell down, Lin Feng is crazy?

Lu Yun was stunned and then burst out laughing: "ha ha ha, you really know how to joke! When I was dealing with you, I not only released insect insects, but also used drugs to form a protective net on the body surface, which was watertight and solid! Even if you send out the poison, I won't get it! "

When they heard this, they were shocked.

It's amazing that they can release two kinds of poisonous insects at the same time, one kind of attack and one kind of defense.

It seems that Lu Yun has made the use of witchcraft to perfection.

But Lin Feng was calm and said with a smile: "Lu Yun, your protective net is strict, but there are also flaws." , the fastest update of the webnovel!