The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 990

"Flaws?" Lu Yun does not understand to look at Lin Feng: "what flaw?"

"Since you want to know, I might as well tell you!" "Lin Feng said:" in fact, the blame is that you are too greedy, will be caught by me

Lu Yun did not understand what Lin Feng meant. He said, "what are you talking about?"

"I don't understand, do you? If you don't understand, I'll explain it to you in detail! " Lin Feng said: "a person has only one heart. When you are single-minded, you will be invincible. However, you Lu Yun is doing two things at the same time. You have to protect yourself and attack others at the same time. If you sweat, your body will sweat, which is equivalent to opening pores, and the sweat will flow to the body. The flaw of the protective cover will come out naturally."

As soon as this is said, it seems reasonable for us to think about it carefully.

If the protective cover is like a layer of clothes, but if you want to sweat, you have to wear the clothes. Since the sweat can pass through the clothes, the poisonous insects outside can also pass through the clothes. This principle is very simple.

After hearing this, Lu Yun's look of panic flashed by. Because what Lin Feng said was very fatal, he had forgotten this episode.

However, he quickly pretended to be calm and said: "no way. Even if I have a flaw, even if you have a bug in your hand, but you don't have the action of throwing poison, how can you throw it on me?"

This question also asked people's doubts. In addition to smelling flowers, Lin Feng just laughed and did nothing. How could he throw the Gu on Lu Yun?

But Lin Feng said with a smile: "you dare to call yourself a master. Do you really need to do it yourself? Do you know that the power of nature is the most powerful

Said, Lin Feng picked a flower casually, way: "what I use, is pollen gu!"

"Pollen bug?" People are puzzled. Are there any other poisonous insects?

"I will put the poisonous insect powder on the stamen, the wind blows the pollen to fly, you stand in the downwind, the pollen carries the poisonous insect powder, spreads to your body, along with your pore, drilled in! Gu Fen was given to me by a friend, and I always carry it on me! " Lin Feng said with a smile: "so why do I have to throw poison? Follow the trend and the wind will help me


Lu Yun's heart suddenly surprised, he did not expect, there is such a method.

"Lu Yun, if you are infected with my pollen bug, you will react quickly. First, your whole body will be covered with red spots. Then, you will be extremely itchy. You will crazily scratch yourself and watch yourself with your own eyes. You will slowly rot and die!" Lin Feng said solemnly.

"No way!"

Lu Yun was shaking violently all over the place. For so many years, he has never been defeated by Gu for countless times, but today he has been defeated quietly?

He didn't believe it. He didn't believe it.

"Impossible, impossible!" Lu Yun called out: "I can't be tricked. You lied to me, you must have lied to me..."

it is obvious that this has a great impact on his spirit.

People are also very surprised, especially Ye Beili. She thought that this game of Gu was to end with Lin Feng's fiasco. As a result, Lin Feng's performance surprised her.

At this time, Lu Gu Yun's spirit broke down.

He has always been a demagogue to others. How can he be poisoned by himself?

Especially this time, he is 100% sure to win the game, so he can kill Lin Feng and avoid future trouble.

By the way, you can also make a good performance in front of your own master.

However, things are completely contrary to his expectations, he not only did not surpass Lin Feng, on the contrary, he himself was first poisoned.

It's a shame, a great shame.

At the same time Lu Yun yelled, his face and arm, began to appear red spots, the naked eye can see slowly growing!

"Lu Yun, you killed more than 20 criminals for money. Although those people are heinous bastards, this incident has implicated my brothers in vain. For so many years, they can't go back to their homes, and they have become other Xiahua's spiteful sinners. My brother can't carry this black pot!" "So, as their team leader, I want to clean up the grievances of my team members, and I want you to pay for the injustice they have suffered in the past three years," Lin Feng said

As soon as the voice fell, the big red spots on Lu Yun's face were startling. The original pretty and handsome face looked like a monster at this time.

Lu Yun only felt a pang of itching all over his body. He kept scratching his body and scratched blood stains on his neck and face.

However, he still stubbornly yelled: "you don't want to be here, I haven't done such a thing!"

"Ah --"

after that, he yelled, itching all over his body, hoping to tear off the skin.

"Lin Feng, stop at that point, and get rid of the Gu for Lu Yun quickly!" Ye Beili said.

Lin Feng sneered, "he has a hard mouth and doesn't admit what happened in those years. I can't get rid of Gu!"

Ye Beili's face suddenly changed and said: "Lin Feng, Lu Yun is a member of my family. He lost to Gu today. He is not good at learning skills, but he can't be used as a means to coerce him. He is a capable general of our God crane gate. If you don't understand Gu again, I will be rude to you!"Night north from the voice of a fall, you can see that her body has wisps of white gas emerging on the body surface, like curling smoke, see very clearly.

Can show the strength of the form, this is absolutely the master of the master.

It's no wonder that the God crane gate can still persevere in the four main gates and still has two sons.

Lin Feng made a little judgment, then knew that the strength of this night's Beili was unfathomable.

At this time, Lin Qin saw that night Beili was going to be angry, but she stopped him and said, "master, please think twice!"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "yes, the master of the gate should think twice! I can understand that you are eager to protect the calf, but if you don't distinguish right from wrong, you should not protect such a creeping guy! "

"Lin Feng, you... Ah... Don't stigmatize me..." Lu Yun yelled, and then pleaded to yebeili: "Lord, help... Help me!"

Lin Feng sneered: "Lu Yun, do you think I slander you? Well, I'll call a witness

Then he took out the phone and made a call.

A few minutes later, a young man appeared.

This young man is no other than Jiang Jun, the young man who accosted him on the plane.

Lin Feng knew that Jiang Jun had another purpose on the plane, so he paid close attention to Jiang Jun's whereabouts.

When Jiang Jun came here to meet Lu Yun in the evening, he saw it clearly and recorded a video with his mobile phone.

Therefore, Lin Feng's coming this time is very well prepared.

Jiang Jun's appearance, let night north from a surprise.

But, suddenly, she seemed to understand something.

Jiang Jun saw that Lu Yun was covered with red spots and fell on the ground like a monster. He pointed to Lu Yun and said, "it's him, Lu Yun, who hired me to talk to miss ye in private. He knew that I was a good girl chaser, so he negotiated with me about the price and let me try my best to hook up with Miss ye and win her heart. Then he took advantage of his unexpected theft to steal a name called" night girl " The thing with the crane token

Jiang Jun said these are next, he is most angry is the following words: "but, I failed to chat up, he kicked me away like a dog, not even pay me a cent, but also threatened me, this man is really better than a pig and dog, and cooperate with him, I am blind!"

This words finish saying, night north leaves completely startled. , the fastest update of the webnovel!