The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 988

After hearing that Lin Feng is the leader of the Rubik's cube team, Lu Yun is also quite surprised.

This man, who had not been looked down upon by him, was actually the leader of the top mercenary team in the world. Therefore, he immediately understood Lin Feng's intention.

It's no wonder that Lin Feng will go over the old story. It turns out that the team leader has come to redress the grievances of the team members.

However, he was not afraid of this, because he heard that there was no one in the magic cube team who knew Gu, so Lin Feng must not understand Gu, but he prepared a lot for it, and he almost cheated him.

Lu Yun took a deep breath and said with a smile: "Mr. Lin Feng, it's good. I didn't expect that you also know something about Gu Shu, but according to my observation, you should have done your homework temporarily?"

"Yes! I did my homework Lin Feng said without taboo.

As soon as this word comes out, the night north leaves in the eye but glides through a wipe not easy to detect the loss.

He thought that Lin Feng was proficient in witchcraft. It seemed that he only knew the surface.

At this time, Lu Yun grasped the handle and said, "you didn't know the magic art at first. You did your homework specially, and you came to plant and frame me up. This is really a great effort! However, it is also my honor to let the famous leader of the Rubik's cube mercenary team frame me up! "

Lu Yun's words take a retreat as an advance, and want to sit down on the matter that Lin Feng planted him!

Lin Feng said: "your words are not accurate enough. I'll help you correct them. I'm not here to frame you, I'm here to expose you!"

"Joke, a person who doesn't know how to use Gu to kill people, he is so arrogant that he can judge me how to kill people with Gu, ha ha!" Lu Yun sneered: "it's like a person who doesn't know medical skills. It's a truth to tell a doctor how to save him."

After that, he added angrily: "this is a great absurdity!"

People around him also felt that Lu Yun's words were reasonable.

Ye Beili shook his head and said with a smile, "Mr. Lin Feng, I will thoroughly investigate this matter. I hope you will not mention it again today."

Out of her good intentions, she gave Lin Feng a step down. What she said was very euphemistic. In fact, the subtext was that you should stop making trouble without reason.

"Headmaster, he framed me. Will you call the police to arrest him?" However, Lu Yun bit back.

"There's no need for such a fuss!" Night north from the light road.

Although Lin Feng's performance is very poor today, he is also the man of the day in Kyoto. He is said to be easy to "touch porcelain". Yebeili doesn't want to have any contact with this kind of person, and he doesn't want to have anything to do with him!

She thought about it, but suddenly turned to look at Lu Yun and solemnly said, "Lu Yun, you have to promise me that you have no two minds for God crane gate. You have never done anything Mr. Lin Feng said! Dare you? "

She wants to focus on training Lu Yun, and she wants to make sure that Lu Yun has no distractions.

Lu Yun simply nodded and said, "I have no two minds about the God crane gate and the master of the gate. Lin Feng's incident is a frame up against me. I promise you that!"

Looking at Lu Yun's determined appearance, yebeili nodded with satisfaction, and then said to Lin Feng, "Mr. Lin Feng, this is the end of the matter today. Please leave as soon as possible."

She made a real move.

Looking at Lu Yungang's insincere manner and the sinister smile at the corner of his mouth, Lin Feng also shook his head and laughed, thinking that this man is really cunning. It seems that he has to give him some color to see.

"It's not right for me to leave, beauty!" Lin Feng Road.

"Why not?" The north of the night asked.

"It's not right to conclude that I am slandering people with one side's words!" "What's more, I just said that I did my homework ahead of time, but I didn't say that I didn't know how to use witchcraft. On the contrary, I knew how to do it well."

"What do you know?" Lu Yun is entangled by Lin Feng. He can't help his anger, and he's rude.

He said to Ye Beili, "I'm sorry, master. I've lost my temper."

Then, he immediately gave Lin Feng a cold eye and said, "I Lu Yun has been learning Gu since I was a child, and now I have been more than 20 years. I am not a master of Gu art, but I am quite proficient in it. However, you are not as good as the people who refine Gu. What are you doing here

"What kind of person should be like Lin Feng asked.

"At least like me, I should take utensils with me all day long. If you encounter good poisonous materials, you will be included in them!" Lu Yun took out a finger sized bottle, like the kind of lavender, and showed it to Lin Feng.

Then, he took out a pot with the size of half a hand from his pocket and said, "people who raise poisonous insects will put their favorite poisonous insects by their side at any time. Because they need to support them from time to time, can you take out the poisonous insects you raise?"

Lu Yun's two movements are enough to prove his professionalism.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "I know Gu doesn't mean I want to raise Gu. I think it's troublesome!"

"Ha ha!" Lu Yun sneered: "you can't take out anything. How can you say you know Gu?"Lin Feng said, "why do you say I don't understand Gu?"

"You are a scoundrel, you are a rascal Lu Yun said angrily.

Then, his mouth droops, a flash of murder in his eyes, said: "Lin Feng, if you want to prove that you know Gu, dare you fight with me?"

"To Gu?"

When they heard this, they were shocked.

To Gu is an extremely cruel and ancient duel, which is a duel between Gu masters.

The game is usually conducted between two Gu masters. The audience will avoid being affected. However, the two masters should keep away from each other, stand still, and throw poison at each other in the space. Who can prevent the other's poison and let the other party be trapped in the first place is the winner.

Now this method is rarely used by people. The most important reason is that it is too cruel to Gu.

To Gu is like a gamble. Before dealing with Gu, you should first make a good bet, then sign the life and death situation, and then start playing Gu.

Let's not say how big the bet is. It's enough to suffer just after being poisoned.

Because when it comes to Gu, Gu masters will take out their most domineering Gu to compete with each other. Once they are poisoned, they will die.

If the winner refuses to defuse the demagogues for the loser, the loser's fate will be extremely tragic.

Or die on the spot, or spend the rest of your life in extreme pain!

It's a gamble on honor and life.

Lu Yungang was impatient with Lin Feng. Now he wants to solve Lin Feng's problems. First, he is safe. In terms of force, he may not be as good as Lin Feng in terms of force. However, he has a full grasp of killing Lin Feng. Second, he has a reasonable way to use the method of Gu.

Lu Yun looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile, "do you dare to Gu?"

"Can't you do it in such an extreme way?" Lin Feng spread both hands, pretending to be helpless.

However, a smile that ordinary people can't easily detect flashed across the corner of his mouth.

Lu Yun laughed: "ha ha, you dare not? You are a counsellor. Just now you said that you are proficient in witchcraft. You are all blowing

Then, he also showed off to yebeili: "master of the gate, I said this man is talking nonsense. He will stop cooking at the critical moment."

Night Beili is also a light smile, she had expected that Lin Feng did not dare to Gu.

"Lu Yun, OK, I'll leave a line in my life!" Night north from timely stop Lu Yun, let him not humiliate Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng said, "in fact, I'm afraid that I will kill you again with you. I'm thinking about whether it's good or not."

"What? You really can blow Lu yunqi wanted to laugh.

Lin Feng said: "come on, don't talk nonsense. Since you want to treat Gu so much, I will help you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!